Compar CJ Exam 3

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Which of the following is NOT true in regards to reparations for victims by the ICC?

In 2008, the Trust fund expended $2.5 million on projects in Sudan alone for victims' physical rehabilitation and psychological support WHICH ARE: - Reparations can be paid through the Trust Fund for Victims -Reparation proceedings occur after the person prosecuted has been declared guilty -The Court establishes principles for granting reparations including restitution, compensation and rehabilitation

Which stage of the money laundering process attempts to disguise the source and ownership of funds by undertaking multiple financial transactions?


Which of the three groups established at the Diplomatic Conference in Rome wanted a strong court with automatic jurisdiction, an independent prosecutor, and a broad definition of war crimes?

Like-Minded States

Which of the three groups established at the Diplomatic Conference in Rome was led by Canada and Australia?

Like-Minded States

Which of the three groups established at the Diplomatic Conference in Rome wanted jurisdiction over aggression, drug trafficking, and terrorism?

Members of the Non-Aligned Movement

Which of the following terms best describes the movement of small amounts of cash through different channels?


What is considered to be the third largest enterprise after the oil trade and foreign exchange?

Money laundering

Which of the following terms best describes the offering of financial services to non-residents with lax regulatory regimes where companies can be formed rapidly and shares held anonymously?

Offshore financial centers

Which category of transnational crime includes the smuggling of products, especially tobacco, alcohol and meat?


Which of the following was considered to be a "forward looking approach to the fight against organized crime"?

Organized Crime Threat Assessment

Which of the following is NOT one of the three steps in the prosecution deciding whether or not to conduct a preliminary examination of a conflict?

Oversight WHICH ARE: -Jurisdiction -Admissibility -Interests of justice

Which of the following is not one of the three stages of the money laundering process?


Which of the three groups established at the Diplomatic Conference in Rome was opposed to automatic jurisdiction and wanted no jurisdiction over the use of nuclear weapons?

Permanent Members of the UN Security Council

Which type of cybercrime deceives internet users into disclosing personal information in response to an unsolicited request for assistance, usually sent by email?

Phishing attacks

Which stage of the money laundering process includes the depositing of illegally earned money into the financial system in cash, buying high value retail goods, or smuggling cash out of the country?


Which category of transnational crime includes terrorist activity, circumventing UN sanctions or genocide?


Which category of transnational crime includes major theft, fraud, kidnapping, and piracy?


Which country does NOT currently have an ICC investigation in progress?

South Africa WHICH DO? -Uganda -Kenya -Libya

Which of the following is NOT true in regards to the 2014 report on trading in endangered species?

South Africa is the largest market for both licit and illicit ivory

What region of the world has suffered the most in the modern era from gun violence?

Sub-Saharan Africa

Which model of trafficking moves large numbers of persons at a low cost per person, particularly along the U.S-Mexico border?

Supermarket model

Which of the following was NOT a factor that fostered the development of transnational crime?

The Red Scare

Which of the following terms best describes the breaking down of large transactions into smaller ones to avoid detection?


What are some of the ICC's primary funding sources?

-Contributions from State parties -he United Nations -Voluntary contributions from individuals (ALL THE ABOVE)

According to the Palermo Protocol, which of the following are included in the definition of exploitation?

-Forced labor -Removal of organs (B & C)

Oversight of the Prosecutor can come from which sources?

-International Criminal Court -UN Security Council -State parties (ALL OF THE ABOVE)

Which factors contribute to cybercrime as transnational crime?

-Rapid communication - Capacity to encrypt messages -Absence of personal contact (All of the above)

Which of the following tactics were utilized by militias in the Democratic Republic of the Congo?

-Sexual violence -Child soldiers -Ethnic cleansing (ALL OF THE ABOVE)

Which of the following terms best describes serious violations of customary law or of treaties perpetuated against armed forces or civilians?

War crimes

Which of the following non-governmental organizations were present at the Diplomatic Conference in Rome?

-American Bar Association -Amnesty International -Human Rights Watch (ALL OF THE ABOVE)

What is true in regards to State cooperation and policing within the ICC?

-Article 86 mandates States to cooperate with the Court -The ICC does not possess any policing functions (A & C)

Which of the following were reasons for the UN Security Council's establishment of the ICTY and ICTR?

-The break-up of the Soviet Union -A rise on nationalism -A rise on ethnic tensions (ALL OF THE ABOVE)

What is considered to be a "push factor" for the continuation of human trafficking?

-The feminization of poverty - Socio-economic destitution -Internal conflict (ALL OF THE ABOVE)

What are some of the rights granted to victims by the ICC?

-They can participate in most pre-trial proceedings -They can participate with remarks, written submissions, and presentation of evidence -They can appeal orders awarding reparation to victims (ALL OF THE ABOVE)

What do religious and feminist abolitionists believe in regards to women's trafficking?

-They see prostitution as a form of patriarchal oppression that victimizes women -They oppose prostitution regardless of whether a woman consented (A & C)

According to the UNODC, how many people become victims of identity theft each year?

1.5 million

How many units of light weapons and small arms are produced around the world every year?

8 million

According to the Dept. of State's 2005 Trafficking in Persons (TIP) report, what percent of trafficked persons are women?


Which term best describes the prosecution's process of giving attention to the complementarity principle?


Which country contains the world's largest opium poppy cultivation?


What was the primary transportation utilized by the Medellin cartel to transport drugs?


Which of the following authorizes the U.S. president to use all means necessary and appropriate to bring about the release from captivity of U.S. or Allied personnel detained on behalf of the ICC?

American Service members' Protection Act

Which model of trafficking advocates for the seizing of persons living on the margins of society including young runaways, street people, the homeless, and girls from malls and bars?

American pimp model

Which of the following commits states to send a U.S. national requested by the ICC back to the U.S. instead of surrendering him/her to the ICC?

Article 98 Immunity Bilateral Agreements

In the Americas, which drug is considered to be most prominent?


Which country was accused by the ICC of hosting the Sudanese president twice after the conflict in Darfur?


Which country currently produces about 80% of the world's supply of cocaine?


Which category of transnational crime includes tax evasion, social security fraud, and violation of intellectual property rights?


Which type of cybercrime involves gaining unauthorized access to a computer system intending to commit another crime such as destroying information held in that computer?


Which of the following terms criminalizes the planning, preparation, initiation or execution of aggression in a conflict?

Crime of aggression

Which of the following will become an operate part of the ICC jurisdiction starting in 2017?

Crime of aggression

Which of the following terms best describes a government policy or systematic strategy of inflicting serious attacks on human dignity or a grave humiliation or degradation?

Crimes against humanity

What is considered to be a "pull" factor for the continuation of human trafficking?

Demands for low-cost skilled and unskilled labor

Which of the following is NOT one of the three ways a situation can come before the ICC according to Article 13?

Evidence of conflict being submitted to the ICC by affected individual victims WHICH ARE: -Referral to the Prosecutor by a State party for investigation to find reasonable basis to proceed -Referral by the Security Council - Prosecutor initiatives investigation on his/her own authority and then proceeds upon Chamber's authorization

A Prosecutor is able to obtain an arrest warrant without approval from the pre-trial Chamber.


Arms brokers are representative of the sellers and buyers in arms trafficking transactions.


Drug trafficking is the world's third largest enterprise after the oil trade and foreign exchange


Like-minded States are in support of the death penalty


Phishing attacks include gaining unauthorized access to a computer system intending to commit another crime such as destroying information held in the computer.


The ICC has the ability to seize evidence and make arrests.


The U.S. has not invested any money into efforts to counter drug trafficking in South America.


The U.S. voted 'no' on the resolution before the Security Council to refer the Darfur situation to the ICC.


Which type of cybercrime involves the piracy of software and violations of copyright?


Which of the following is NOT one of the 19 categories of transnational crime?


Which of the following terms best describes the intention to destroy, wholly or partly, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group by committing acts such as killing, harming, inflicting destructive conditions on, or preventing births?


Which of the following terms best describes the informal money transfer system that operates domestically and internationally which does not rely on banks?


Which of the following was NOT a method used by Pablo Escobar and the Medellin cartel discussed by the text to transport cocaine?

Hollowing out candles and filling them with drugs WHICH WERE: -Filling refrigerators and TVs with 40 kilos of drugs and shipping them as regular freight -Mixing drugs with dried fish from Peru - Blending cocaine into plastic, metal and liquid products, and then reconstituting it

Which stage of the money laundering process includes the merging of illegal cash into the legitimate economy?


Which term best describes the prosecution's assessment of whether there are substantial reasons to conduct an investigation according to the international community's interests?

Interests of justice

Which of the following countries does NOT possess nuclear weapons?

Iran WHICH DO? -China -France -Israel

Which term best describes the prosecution's determination of territory and what type of crime is occurring?


Which model of trafficking is comprised of post Soviet organized crime networks that usually take girls from orphanages and children's homes to sell them?

Natural resource model

Which of the following authorizes the loss of Economic Support Funds to all countries, including many U.S. allies that have ratified the ICC treaty?

Nethercutt Amendment

Which U.S. president declared a "war on drugs"?


Which of the following is NOT true in regards to prosecution within the ICC?

No interaction is allowed between the States and Council to prepare prosecution materials WHICH ARE: -Article 53 permits the prosecutor to decline to prosecute after the preliminary investigation - Article 42 allows the Prosecutor to act independently as a separate organ of the Court -It is common for prosecutors to issue guidelines about how the prosecution function will be exercised

Which of the following is NOT one of the three groups of States established at the Diplomatic Conference in Rome in 1998?

Non-Permanent Members of the UN Security Council WHICH ARE: -Like-Minded States -Permanent Members of the UN Security Council -Members of the Non-Aligned Movement

Upon the election of which president did the U.S.'s attitude towards the ICC soften?


Which of the following counties have ratified, but have not signed the ICC treaty?

Russia The U.S. (A & B)

Which of the following created the International Narcotics Control Board in 1961?

Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs

Which of the following is NOT true in regards to the conflict in Darfur and its interaction with the ICC?

The UN Security Council refused to refer the Darfur situation to the ICC WHICH ARE: -In 2004, U.S. Congress passed a resolution declaring the crisis to be genocide -The Minister of State for Humanitarian Affairs was charged with 20 counts of crimes against humanity and 28 counts of war crimes -The African Union declared that member States are not obligated to honor arrest warrants

Which of the following is a main criticism of the ICC's efficacy?

The duration of trials is too lengthy

Which of the following is NOT one of the four stages that led to the creation of the International Criminal Court (ICC)?

The establishment of the Versailles Treaty after WWI WHICH ARE: -The Nuremberg and Tokyo Tribunals established after WWII -The creation of ad hoc tribunals for the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda -The drafting of the Statute of the ICC from 1994-1998

Which model of trafficking comprises Balkan crime groups who traffic almost exclusively in women and then located them in Western European brothels?

Violent entrepreneur model

Which of the following is NOT a critique of the concept of transnational crime?

The trend does not apply to all regions of the world WHICH ARE: -The key notion of ethnically-based criminal activities -Absence of significant empirical research -Corrupt political officials provide a protective umbrella

Which type of cybercrime involves extortion and cyberstalking?

Threatening communications

Which model of trafficking is used by the Chinese largely for labor exploitation through rigidly controlling forms of debt bondage?

Trade and development model

Which of the following countries is NOT known for harboring offshore financial centers?

Trinidad and Tobago WHICH ARE: -Aruba -Barbados -Cayman Islands

About 60% of heroin seized in the U.S. originates in Colombia.


International criminal law is a hybrid branch of law between International and State.


Russia holds the largest stocks of weapons-usable fissile materials.


The ICC is intended to complement national criminal law, not to supplant national jurisdiction over international crimes.


The Swiss Bank is now required to disclose cross border account holder information to the U.S. government.


The U.S. prefers to protect human rights through democracy rather than creating international enforcement instruments


The events of 9/11 gave huge urgency to the international suppression of the financing of terrorism


There are currently two investigations being facilitated in the Central African Republic by the ICC.


There are no timelines or time limits for the conduct of preliminary examinations.


There is no explicit reference to amnesties or truth commissions in ICC Statute.


Trading in endangered species is in the region of $5 billion annually.


Types of narco-terrorism can include kidnapping, extortion, and assassination


Which of the following was NOT one of the U.S.'s responses to the ICC's growing power in the international community?

UN Declaration of Basic Principles of Justice for Victims of Crime and Abuse of Power WHICH ARE: -American Service members' Protection Act -Nethercutt Amendment -Article 98 Immunity Bilateral Agreements

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