Composition Final Exam

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Coordinating Conjunction

"And, but, or, nor, so, for," or "yet" are used to join two elements in a way that gives equal weight to each one.

Subordinate Clauses

A clause that begins with a subordinating word, and therefore cannot stand alone as a sentences.

Main Clause

A clause, containing a subject and a verb, that can stand alone as a sentence.

Expositary Essay

A genre of writing which tends to explain, illustrate, clarify, or explicate something in a way that it becomes clear for readers. Therefore, it could be an investigation, evaluation, or even argumentation about an idea for clarification.


A genre that argues for a solution to a problem or suggests some action.


A genre that tells a story for the purpose of making a point.

Process Analysis

A kind of analysis that closely examines the steps of a process.


A means for communicating, for example - in print, with speech, or online.


A person or text that is cited as support for a writers arguement.

Signal Phrase

A phrase used to attribute quoted, paraphrased, or summarized to a source, as in, "she said" or "he claimed."


A report is a document that presents information in an organized format for a specific audience and purpose.

Cumulative Sentences

A sentence that begins with a main idea expressed in a main clause, and then adds details in phrases and dependent clauses that follow the main clause.

Periodic Sentences

A sentence that delays the main idea, expressed in a main clause, until after details in phrases and subordinate clauses.

Mixed Construction

A sentence that starts out with one structure and ends up with another one; Although bears can be deadly is not a good reason to avoid camping altogether.


A series of sketches used in planning a film or video essay to map out the sequence of camera shots, movement and action.

Stasis Theory

A simple system for identifying the crux of an arguement - what's at stake - by asking; what are the facts, how can the issue by defined, how much does the issue matter, and what actions should be taken as a result.

Complex Sentence

A single main clause plus one or more dependent clauses. It expresses more than one idea, with one of the ideas being more important than the others.

Simple Sentences

A single main clause, which contains at least a subject and verb. The main clause must stand alone. It expresses one idea.


A statement that asserts a belief or claim. In an arguement, it needs to be stated in or clearly implied and requires support with reasons and other reasons and other kind of evidence. It also has to be something that other can logically have a different perspective on.


A statement that asserts a belief or position. In an arguement, it needs in a thesis or clearly implied, and requires support by reasons and evidence.


A statement that identifies the topic and main point of a peice of writing, giving readers an idea of what the text will cover.


A strategy for comparison by explaining something unfamiliar in terms of something that is more familiar.


A support for a claim or position.

Narrative Essay

A type of essay that has a single motif, or a central point, around which the whole narrative revolves. All incidents, happenings, and characters revolve around a single motif presented in the narrative.


A way of classifying things. They have well established features that help guide writers, but they are flexible and change over time and can be adapted.


A way of conveying a message.

Code Meshing

A way of weaving together languages and dialects.

Transition Word

A word or phrase that helps to connect sentences and paragraphs to guide readers through a text.

Subordinating Words

A word or phrase, such as "because, in order that," and "while" that introduces a subordinate clause.


A word such as frequently, often, generally, sometimes, or rarely that indicates the strength of a claim.


A word, phrase, or clause that gives additional information but that is not necessary for understanding the basic meaning of a sentence.


A word, phrase, or clause with information that is necessary for understanding the meaning of a sentence.


A writers or speakers attitude toward the audience and subject.

Consider the following sentence: "According to a 2011 study by the Pew Research Center a large majority of Americans think that higher education is not affordable and not worth the money but a large majority of students about 86 percent report that getting an education has been a good decision for their future." Which of the following choices shows correct comma usage in the sentence?

According to a 2011 study by the Pew Research Center, a large majority of Americans think that higher education is not affordable and not worth the money, but a large majority of students, about 86 percent, report that getting an education has been a good decision for their future.


Acronym representing sections of scientific reports conveying information: introduction, methods, results, and discussion.

Which of the following sentences shows correct subject-verb agreement?

All of the rice in the buckets was going bad

Either-or Arguements

Also called false dilemmas, argue that only two alternatives are possible in a situation that actually is more complex.


An authors attitude toward the subject. Stance is conveyed through tone and word choice.

Arguementative Essay

An essay that uses evidence and facts to support the claim it's making. Its purpose is to persuade the reader to agree with the argument being made. A good argumentative essay will use facts and evidence to support the argument, rather than just the author's thoughts and opinions.

Ad Hominem

Arguements that make personal attacks on those who support an opposing position rather than address the position itself.

Which of the following choices is one of the five modes, as defined by Cynthia Selfe, that writers can use to communicate a message?


Compound-complex sentence related to CHS

Because somphore class at CHS studied hard in this year, the class average was an A and so everyone happy.

Simple sentence related to CHS

CHS is located in Arkansas.

Compound sentence related to CHS

CHS students only have a few days of school left, than it will be summer break for 2.5 monthes.

What is the difference between cumulative sentences and periodic sentences? Why might you choose on versus the other?

CUMULATIVE SENTENCES start with a main clause and then add on to it, "accumulating" details. PERIODIC SENTENCES start with a series of phrases or subordinate clauses, saving the main clause for last. Cumulative sentences can be especially useful in describing a place or event, operating almost like a camera panning across a room or landscape. While perodic sentences are sometimes fairly long, and witholding the main point until the end is a way of building emphasis. It can also create suspense or build up to a suprise or inspirational ending.

Faulty Analogies

Comparisons that do not hold up in some way crucial to the arguement at hand.

Describe complementary colors. How might they work on a presentation?

Complementary colors are located opposite of each other on the color wheel, they look brighter when place d next to each other but can sometimes clash and look jarring. Using cool and warm colors can create a feeling of movement and energy. You can also use color to guide readers.

What are dialects?

Dialects are varieties of a language spoken in different geographic regions or by different social classes or ethnic groups.

What is the difference between dialects and registers?

Dialects are varieties of language that are spoken by people in a particular region, social class, or ethnic group while registers are varieties of language associated not with particular people but with a particular activity or occupation.

What can you do to improve the delivery of your presentation so that it will be more engaging and memorable for your audience?

Doing all of these things will make your presentation more engaging for your audience

Hasty Generalizations

Draw sweeping conclusions on the basis of too little evidence.

According to Nancy Duarte, what is the common shared structure of the best speeches?

Each speech begins by describing "what is"—and then goes on to suggest what it could (or should) be. That's in the introduction. Then in the middle of the speech, the presenter moves back and forth between discussing that status quo and what it could or should be. And in most cases, the conclusion vividly evokes what could be and calls for action.

When you have a message to communicate, the style choices that are the most appropriate to your message are not dependent on the genre and medium you are using to convey your message. T/F


Which of the following is the BEST thing to do to make the content of your presentation easy for your audience to understand and follow?

Focus on just one main idea and illustrate it in different ways throughout the presentation

What did Coke do in 1913 to sell its product? What did they do in 2014? What do both adds have in common? How do these answers relate to design?

In 1913, Coke was relatively new, and its ads relied on words to introduce it to an audience that was not yet familiar with the drink, telling them it had "character" and was "delicious," "refreshing," and "thirst-quenching." The ad shown here was designed so that these words would pop and be easy to read. In 2014, Coca-Cola knew the world would be watching the World Cup, and this ad launched a special celebration of the event: mini bottles featuring designs inspired by the flags of World Cup host nations past, present, and future. The message: Coca-Cola is global, reaching potential customers all over the world. One thing the two ads have in common, though, is the logo. Whether it's in black ink on white paper or red and white pixels on a screen, the Coca-Cola logo was designed to be instantly recognizable. you need to design your documents to be user-friendly: easy to access, to navigate, to read—and to remember.


In argument, the data you present to support your reasons. It should be sufficient and relevant.

In the simplest terms, what is an "appropriate" writing style?

It is one in which your words and the way you arrange them suits your topic, your purpose, and your audience


It means you will need to present some type of argument, or claim, about what you are analyzing. They usually concentrate on how the piece was written - for example how certain themes present themselves in a story.

Setting up a Straw Man

It misrepresents an opposing arguement, characterizing it as more extreme or otherwise different than it actually is, in order to attack it more easily.

Begging the Question

It tries to support an arguement by simply restating it in another language, so that the reasoning goes around in circles. Ex: "We need to reduce the national debt because the goverment owes to much money."

Primary colors and effect

Red, blue, and yellow. They create an effect of simplicity and directness.

The more ___ and ___ colors you use, the more sophisticated the design.

Secondary and tertiary

Common Ground

Shared values. Writers do this with the audience by acknowledging others view points, seeking areas of compromises, and using languages that includes, rather than excludes, those they aim to reach.

What types of fonts look better on longer pieces of writing? What tends to be easier on presentations?

Some readers find serif fonts like Times New Roman and Bodoni easier to read in longer pieces of writing. Sans serif fonts like Ariel and Futura, on the other hand, tends to be easier to read in slide presentations.

When you are producing a written or multimodal text, how can you determine if the style choices you make are appropriate?

Style choices are appropriate if they are right for your topic and your rhetorical situation.

Rhetorical Situation

The circumstances that affect your writing or other communication.

Edited Academic English

The conventions of spelling, grammar, and puncuation expected in academic discourse, which tends to be more formal.


The correspondence between a subject and a verb in person and number, or between a pronoun and its antecedent.

Why does solid sentence structure matter?

The perception of your competence hangs on it: readers don't trust writers who write sloppy sentences. Even if a poorly structured sentence can be understood, your readers have to work a little harder to get there, and they may not want to put forth the effort. Your job is to make it easy for readers, to keep them reading smoothly all the way to the end.

Code Switching

The practice of switching from one language or dialect to another.

Consider the following sentence: "The graph shows the change in the total population of South Dakota between the years of 1800 and 1950, but they do not show how the population shifted from region to region." What kind of pronoun error does this sentence contain?

The pronoun does not agree with its antecedent in number.

Catholic High Thesis and Claim

Thesis: Catholic High School is the best high school in Arkansas because of its tradition, focus on academics, and its opurtunity it provides its students for success. Claim: Catholic High School is better than all other highschools in Arkansas.

College Sports Thesis and Claim

Thesis: College athletes deserve to get paid because they work very hard, and can take as much time as an actual job and because college coaches get huge salaries. Claim: College athletes should be paid.

Professional Sports Thesis and Claim

Thesis: Professional sports athletes should not be as elevated in society because, they are unrealistic role models for children and are not contributing to society. Claim: Proffessional sports athletes should not be as elevated in society.

Colleges Thesis and Claim

Thesis: Public colleges should be free because, it would allow students to focus on education, rather than on the financial burden that can come, also because it would erase the burden of student loan debt. Claim: Public college should be free.

Education Thesis and Claim

Thesis: School is very important for children as it, gives them more oppurtunities later in life, can be a place to make friends, and is important to learning certain basic skills Claim: School is very important for children.

Video Games Thesis and Claim

Thesis: Video games are almost always bad for children as they can, make violence seem normal and okay, and make children more agressive. Claim: Video games are bad for children.

What are Multimodal texts?

They are texts that draw on more than words, bringing in still or moving images, sound, and so on.

Slippery slope arguements

This contends if a certain event occurs, then it will set in motion a chain of events that will disaster.


Those to whom the text is directed, the people who read, listen to, or view the text.

How does white differ from Westerners and Chinese?

To Westerners, white symbolizes innocence and youth, but to the Chinese, white is traditionally associated with death.

You should be very careful choosing colors as part of your design because colors can evoke powerful emotions for your audience and can carry different meanings for different cultures.


Compound Sentence

Two or more main clauses joined by a comma and a coordinating conjunction or by a semicolon. It expresses more than one idea, with the ideas being of equal importance.

Comma Splice.

Two or more main clauses joined with only a comma: I came, I saw, I conquered.

Compound-Complex Sentence

Two or more main clauses plus one or more plus one or more dependent clauses. More than one idea of equal importance and at least one idea of less importance.


Using another persons words, syntax, and or ideas, without giving appropriate credit and documentation. It is a serious breach of ethics.


Varieties of language that are spoken by people in a particular region, social class, or ethnic group.

Complex sentence related to CHS

When exams are over, it'll be summer break.

Passive Voice

When the subject of a sentence is acted on by the verb: A gift was given to Oliver.

Active Voice

When the subject of a sentence performs the action: He sent a gift.

What should you make sure to do when including visuals in an academic assignment?

You should label the visuals according to your citation style. You should introduce the visuals by talking about how they pertain to your project. You should include source information for each visual you use.

Bandwagon Appeal

You simply urge the audience to go along with the crowd.

Which of the following should be your main goal when including direct quotations from people who speak a distinctive language, dialect, or register in your academic writing?

Your main goal when quoting people should be to represent them accurately and respectfully by allowing them to speak for themselves as much as possible.

What is a multimodal text?

a text that uses more than one mode of communication to convey a message

Which of the following types of multimodal text involves collaborating with other writers on a website in which readers can BEST participate in editing, linking, and creating new content?

a wiki

Ethical Appeals

aka Ethos. They invoke the credibility and good character of whoever is making the arguement.

Logical Appeals

aka Logos. It has long been reguarded as the most important of all the appeals, following Aristotles definitions of humans as rational animals. It appeals to logic.

Emotional Appeals

aka Pathos. They stir feelings and invoke values that the audience is assumed to hold.

What is the MOST important reason to consider the design of things that you write?

appropriate design choices can help you achieve your purpose with your target audience

If you are structuring your presentation by making a claim, and then immediately following that claim with evidence to support it, what kind of presentation structure are you using?


Why do people tend to change the way they use language as they move from one activity or social group to a different one?

because the rhetorical situation changes

Consider this sentence: "Some of the poets of his time hated Shakespeare because he wrote in 'low' language, using common, colloquial expressions: the words of regular, everyday people instead of educated people." Where is the main idea in this sentence, and, therefore, what kind of sentence is it?

beginning of the sentence; cumulative

Which of the following is the MOST important reason to write a good closing sentence?

can help your writing make a lasting impact on your readers or spur your readers to action

Consider the following sentence: "Men and women often have difficulty communicating about emotionally charged topics, there are many strategies that couples can learn in order to deal with these difficulties." What error does this sentence contain?

comma splice

Which of the following is one of the four basic sentence structures discussed in this chapter?

complex sentence

Consider this sentence: "Ocean acidification is not just a problem for marine life, but it is a problem for humans as well." This sentence is a

compound sentence

Which of the following choices MOST directly contains an example of a dialect?

edited academic English

Which of the following design elements can BEST help your audience navigate your text and find specific information?


What single kind of visual can include written text, photos, graphs, diagrams, colors, and other kinds of deign elements, all at the same time?


Red invokes

intense energy and emotions

Which of the following is the BEST reason to spend time editing your writing for sentence-level errors?

sentence-level errors can make your ideas difficult to understand and damage your credibility

Blue invokes

spaciousness and tranquilty

Which of the following types of evidence is MOST persuasive in a spoken presentation, helping you illustrate your main idea and making your presentation easy to follow and remember?


You are writing a paper about the effects of ocean acidification on ocean ecology, and you write: "It is horrible that humanity is destroying the oceans and killing many millions of ocean organisms, and we must grow up immediately and take responsibility for our actions because we are killing ourselves along with our oceans." Which stance does the style of this sentence MOST directly communicate?

strong and adamant

Faulty Causality

the mistaken assumption that because one event follows another, the first event caused the second. This is also called post hoc, ergo propter hoc.

Which of the following is the BEST reason to use the appropriate language, dialect, or register, or to employ strategies such as translation or illustration, in your writing?

to make sure that your message is accessible to your audience

You are watching an animated video on the internet about the pros and cons of playing video games. In the video, an entertaining cartoon character explains the information to the audience using jokes and antics. Which modes of communication is the video using to communicate its message?

visual, audio, linguistic, spatial, and gestural

Yellow invokes

warmth and optimism

Which of the following tools can you use to convey style in your writing?

word choice and sentence structure

Which of the following things should you consider as you think about which style choices will help you create an effective text?

your attitude toward your topic how formal you want to be the kind of tone you want to convey

If you are thinking ahead about where the presentation will take place and what kind of equipment you will need to complete your presentation, what part of the rhetorical situation are you MOST directly considering?

your context

When you have something to communicate, which of the following is MOST important to consider as you decide which modes of communication would be the best ones to use?

your rhetorical situation

Which of the following should be your MOST important consideration when you are deciding the best sentences to write?

your rhetorical situation

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