Comprehensive Federal Government Final Exam Review

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Rodney's lawyer believed that his trial court made a mistake about a question of law pertaining to his case. Because this sometimes happens, the American legal system allows


What does a candidate need to win the presidency?

A majority of electoral votes

Which term does the text use to describe the differences in political attitudes among men and women?

Gender gap

18.) Which english policy, continued by the states, dicated the married women had no rights independent of their husbands?


9.) Which Supreme Court case held that African Americans could NOT sue in federal court because they were not american citizens?

Dred scott v. sandford

Which federal agency oversees the regulation of electronic media?

Federal Communications Commission

Which of the following show the impact of the use of advanced technology on political campaigns? Check all that apply.

-The changing technologies modern American political campaigns have access to have an impact on both the type of candidate likely to run as well as the type of candidate likely to win campaigns for elective office in the United States. -The use of advanced technology has changed candidate strategies.

Where does the government maintain official records of all executive branch rules, regulations, and orders?

Federal Register

What plan favored by President Richard Nixon gave the states the greatest amount of leeway in spending money from the national government?

General revenue-sharing

Which voting requirements are outlined in the U.S. Constitution?

Voting rights are not outlined in the U.S. Constitution.

Which department or agency is responsible for promoting road safety by trying to limit drunk driving?

National Highway Transportation Safety Administration

Which amendment extended voting rights to African American males?


Which amendment prohibited slavery throughout the nation?


24.) Under which amendment do undocumented immigrants gain equal protection under the law?


21.) In what year did women gain the right to vote?


Which amendment set the voting age at 18?


What are the constitutional qualifications to serve in the U.S. Senate?

30 years old, 9 years U.S. residency

Around what age does voter turnout peak in the United States?


The only way to stop a filibuster is by invoking cloture, a motion to end debate that requires a supermajority. How many senators constitute a supermajority?


The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, were a defining event that caused Americans to change their views on national security and express a willingness to give up some personal freedom to reduce the threat of terrorism. This is an example of

A generational effect.

What is required for Congress to override the president's veto? a. A two-thirds majority in each chamber b. A unanimous vote in the Senate c. A simple majority in the House d. A one-half vote in each chamber

A two-thirds majority in each chamber

Which three major networks aired evening news broadcasts in the early 1960s?


If your parents are Democrats, what is the likelihood that you will also identify yourself as a Democrat?

About 67 percent

Which political figure understood that democratic government must be responsive to the will of the people and once claimed, "Our government rests on public opinion"?

Abraham Lincoln

Many people believe that political parties are essential to democracy because they:

Present the public's views to government

Which statement accurately identifies party identification of Latinos and African Americans?

African Americans are more likely to be Democrats than Republicans, and both parties compete for Latino support.

Which of the following options is a barrier to serving in Congress?


In the mid-1990s, virtually every form of media—TV news, magazines, newspapers, radio—covered O.J. Simpson's murder trial, a criminal court case involving the former football player and the suspicious deaths of his ex-wife and her friend. The O.J. trial captivated the nation for years. What is this effect called when the news covers an item so frequently that the audience begins to see the issue as immensely important?

Agenda setting

What type of briefs may interest groups submit as a "friend of the court"?

Amicus curiae

Which factor poses the biggest threat to the television evening news?

An aging audience

20.) State in which people do as they please without regard to others is?


Who was the first president to have impeachment charges brought against him?

Andrew Johnson

What polling technique enabled George Gallup to predict correctly the outcome of the 1936 election?

Random sample

The voting-age population measure has been in error because it has not considered increases in the number of immigrants and convicted felons who are ineligible to vote. What new measure corrects for these trends?

Voting-eligible population

Which form of political participation continues to rise dramatically, especially in the last decade?

Communicating directly with members of Congress

About half the states require that one be registered how many days in advance of an election?

Between 26 and 30 days.

Individuals who opposed the ratification of the proposed Constitution became known as a. Democrats. b. Republicans. c. Federalists. d. Antifederalists.


In 2010, which state passed a law allowing police officers to inquire about immigration status when individuals were stopped for another police inquiry?


Which term describes individuals or interest groups who have an interest in a lawsuit but are not themselves direct parties to the suit?

amicus curiae

Where does the U.S. Constitution outline the powers of Congress?

Article I

Most congressional powers are listed in which section of the Constitution?

Article I, Section 8

Which section of the Constitution gave the president the power of appointment and helped lay the foundations of the modern bureaucracy?

Article II

Congress can hold the bureaucracy accountable through which two powers that allow it to evaluate federal agencies and withhold funds if there are dissatisfactions?

Authorization and appropriation

After Hwan picks up the phone, a computerized voice on the other end asks, "Regardless of how you are registered to vote, do you tend to think of yourself more as (1) a Republican, (2) a Democrat, or (3) an Independent voter?" Hwan answers the question by pressing #2 on his keypad. In which type of poll is Hwan participating?


How do freshman congress members typically choose their committee assignments?

Based upon the needs of their district or state

17.) Which U.S. president signed the "Don't ask, Don't tell" legislation?

Bill clinton

Which plan did President Reagan favor for giving money to the states?

Block grants

Boing Boing, Techcrunch, Talking Points Memo, and Engadget: what do we call these forms of media that provide forums for commentary, video postings, and general conversation, and allow average citizens to express their opinions to a wider audience?


Who uncovered the Watergate scandal?

Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein

Which historical protest involved the dumping of tea in opposition to the British government-backed monopoly?

Boston Tea Party

Which is an important source of political socialization for young people?

Both of these (mass & social media)

15.) Which supreme court case led to the end of separate but equal doctrine?

Brown v. Board of Education

Which Supreme Court decision that upheld limits on donations to congressional campaigns resulted in the expansion of political action committee (PACs)?

Buckley v. Valeo

Prior to the Seventeenth Amendment in 1913, how were senators elected?

By selection from members of state legislatures

Who are the president's key advisers responsible for carrying out federal policies for areas under their jurisdictions?


Which state has the most electoral votes?


In which case did the Supreme Court rule that blanket primaries were unconstitutional?

California Democratic Party v. Jones

Established in 1974, the Frank Lloyd Wright Trust "engages the public in educational and aesthetic experiences to foster an appreciation of architecture, design, and the legacy of Frank Lloyd Wright." Because it is a 501(c)(3) organization with tax-exempt status, the Frank Lloyd Wright Trust is forbidden from

Campaigning for a candidate or party.

Which countries actively participate in the North American Free Trade Agreement?

Canada, Mexico, and the United States

Who controls the flow of staff and paperwork, focuses the president's attention on key issues, monitors the coherence of presidential policies across cabinet departments, serves as a referee for disagreements among senior staff members, and forms bridges between the president and Congress?

Chief of staff

In 2009, the Denver Police forced their way into the Martinez family home without a warrant. Four family members were arrested. The police officers mistakenly believed they were the drug dealers who used to live at the residence and lied to cover up their mistake. The Martinez family filed a lawsuit against the Denver Police Department. What type of case does this represent?

Civil Suit

23.) ------ are based on the expectation of equality under the law

Civil rights

Which Supreme Court justice's ethics were questioned following sexual harassment accusations during the nomination process?

Clarence Thomas

What type of primary is restricted to voters affiliated with a particular party?


During which war did nations align themselves either with democracy or communism?

Cold War

Nearly three-fourths of which group of people vote in elections?


During the moments following the 9/11 terrorist attacks, President George W. Bush instructed his vice president to force any suspicious planes in U.S. airspace to land immediately. If the pilots did not comply, Bush ordered the planes to be shot down. Which role of the presidency is Bush fulfilling?

Commander in chief

15.) What test does the Supreme Court commonly use to determine whether a particular limitation of a constitutional right is acceptable?

Compelling interest test

In which type of voting system (like Australia's) are citizens required by law to vote?

Compulsory voting

What powers belong to both the federal and state governments?


In which system of government does ultimate authority rest with regional governments (e.g., state governments) and hardly any power is granted to the national government?


This temporary committee is established with members from both houses to reconcile differences in legislation passed by both chambers.


Which of the following has the power to check presidential power?


While the president is the commander in chief of the military, who has the power to declare war?


Who exercises power of the purse to keep the bureaucracy accountable and responsive?


22.) What did the supreme court decide in the Civil Rights Cases (1883)?

Congress did not have the authority to ban private discrimination

In a modern democracy, which document sets forth basic rules and procedures for how the people of a country shall be governed? a. Constitution b. Warrant c. Writ d. Decree


What determines the presidential order of succession?


Which program was meant to help children who entered the country illegally with their parents gain citizenship if they met certain requirements?


Janice is voting in a primary but does not announce an affiliation with either party. She is given ballots with each party's list of candidates; she chooses which ballot to use and is restricted to voting for only one party's nominees. In which type of primary is Janice participating?


Which party established itself as the party for civil rights for African Americans in the 1960s?


What are the names of the two major parties in the United States today?

Democrats and Republics

The Department of Justice, the Department of State, and which other department share jurisdiction over immigration policy?

Department of Homeland Security

Who is responsible for formulating foreign policy using nonmilitary methods?

Department of State

21.) If a jury acquits a defendant, the------- clause prevents this individual from be tried twice for the same offense.

Double jeopardy

Which Supreme Court case ruled that black Americans could not be citizens?

Dred Scott v. Sandford

Which Supreme Court case ruled that the federal government had no authority to regulate slavery in the territories?

Dred Scott v. Sandford

Which president appointed the first chief of staff?

Dwight D. Eisenhower

In 2012, the Washington Post reported that a Georgia congressman secured $6.3 million in taxpayer money to replenish a beach close to his vacation home. Similarly, a Michigan representative secured $486,000 to build a bike lane near her home. While the ethics behind these actions are questionable, they are legal. What type of funding projects are these congresspeople using?


In which model do citizens consider the costs and benefits of voting—i.e., when the benefits exceed the costs, they turn out to vote?


Which term refers to the extent to which people believe their actions affect the course of government?


Which first lady showed her support for civil rights by arranging for the first African American opera singer to perform on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial?

Eleanor Roosevelt

Which office was created to implement the 1970 Clean Air Act?

Environment Protection Agency (EPA)

Which federal organization issues regulations and creates policy like reducing waste and chemical risks, protecting U.S. water supplies, and limiting emissions from coal-fired plants?

Environmental Protection Agency

5.) In the 1950s and the 1960s, the Supreme Court actively applies the---- clause in order to fight public discrimination?

Equal protection Clause

10.) The ---- allowed the supreme court to prohibit limited types of private discrimination?

Equal protection clause

23.) During World War I, Congress passed the ------ Act, which made it a crime to obstruct military recruiting.

Espionage Act

13.) Which clause prevents Congress from recognizing one church as the nation's official church?

Establishment clause

What law makes an act illegal after the fact?

Ex post facto

12.) According to ---------, illegally seized evidence may NOT be used in trial.

Exclusionary rule

How do presidents broaden their powers?

Executive Orders

Which of the following is a power of the president?

Executive Orders

The federal bureaucracy is a collection of departments, agencies, boards, and commissions that carry out the responsibilities of the federal government for which group?

Executive branch

Which type of poll is conducted as voters are leaving the voting booth?


What is the primary purpose of the Affordable Care Act (aka. Obamacare)?

Extend health insurance coverage to uninsured Americans

The ad mentions Johnson's opponent, Barry Goldwater, by name.


The advertisement encourages people to vote a Democratic straight ticket.


What is the name for the small, divisive groups James Madison feared would divide the young nation?


What policy encourages the exchange of goods between countries with the requirement that working conditions and wages be comparable between the two countries?

Fair trade

An individual must be at least thirty years old to serve in the U.S. House of Representatives.


At the time of the Constitutional Convention, the Constitution gave Congress the authority to veto state laws. a. True b. False


Hard to measure and predict, efficacy is the aggregate of individual attitudes or beliefs about certain issues or officials, and it is the foundation of any democracy.


Overall, Jews tend to be the most politically conservative religious group.


Rules regarding congressional eligibility include quotas to create a legislative body representative of the people.


Selective exposure is the process whereby people secure information from sources that agree with them, reinforcing their beliefs.


The mass media help ensure government accountability and responsiveness by performing three important tasks: informing, investigating, and modifying the news.


Which of the following is an agent of political socialization?


As of 2018, a number of states have legalized marijuana for medicinal or recreational use. Which system allows for this variation?


What did the Framers who favored ratification of the Constitution call themselves?


19.) Which amendment guarantees that the government will provide just compensation for private property that it takes?


In the summer of 2017, Connecticut senator Christopher S. Murphy took control of the Senate floor for 15 hours in an attempt to force the majority leader, Senator Mitch McConnell, to allow votes on Democrats' amendments to an annual bill that sought to tighten U.S. gun laws. In what tactic is Murphy engaging?


Which amendment governs freedom of press?


What describes government use of taxing and spending as a method of intervening in the economy?

Fiscal policy

How many times in history has an individual NOT gained the popular vote and still become president?


Which U.S.-government funded organization, established in 1961, sends individuals on educational and cultural missions around the globe?

Peace Corps

What does the First Amendment state Americans have the right to do?

Peaceably assemble

When the George W. Bush administration waged war in Afghanistan, the media emphasized the issue of fighting terrorism and presented war in a favorable light. This is an example of


The press concealed the health of which president, thereby preserving his public image?

Franklin Delano Roosevelt

"Fireside chats" were most associated with which president?

Franklin Roosevelt

The president's tenure was limited to two terms following which president's election to a fourth term?

Franklin Roosevelt

Which president's program, known as the New Deal, was designed to address problems associated with the Great Depression?

Franklin Roosevelt

Whose New Deal and Great Society programs expanded federal authority?

Franklin Roosevelt's; Lyndon Johnson's

If a group lobbies for public goods or collective benefits that are so widespread that members and nonmembers alike receive them, incentives to join the group disappear. What is this collective action dilemma called?

Free rider problem

In 1966, which act established a procedure by which ordinary citizens could directly request nonclassified reports from the federal government for a nominal fee?

Freedom of Information

11.) The stonewall riots were an important part of---- movement?

Gay rights

What have preliminary studies of twins suggested about the formation of political attitudes?

Genetics may play a role in the formation of political attitudes.

7.) Prisoners of war must be treated in accordance with the What?, an international treaty that protects prisoners of war?

Geneva Conventions

Who is the only president to receive an approval rating higher than 90 percent?

George W. Bush

In 1991, a redistricting in North Carolina was designed to create a district with African Americans in the majority. Later, federal courts ruled that the state had to revise those district lines so that the congressional district was more compact. What is this politicization of drawing district boundaries called?


The commerce clause is at the heart of which major Supreme Court case?

Gibbons v. Ogden

Which piece of legislation was passed to reform the civil service by requiring that government jobs be filled based on qualifications rather than political connections?

Pendleton Act

Which act was created in response to the mistrust of the federal government that grew out of the Vietnam War and the Watergate scandal?

Government in the Sunshine

Lyndon Johnson's federal social welfare programs became known as the

Great Society.

6.) which Supreme Court case established the right to privacy?

Griswold v. Connecticut

Signed into law by President Chester A. Arthur in 1883, the first reform that helped slowly change the federal bureaucracy from a corrupt, partisan insider organization to a neutral, policy-based organization is known as the

Pendleton Act.

From roughly 2008 to 2018, a Connecticut court was overwhelmed with more than 7,000 petitions from prisoners who wanted to be brought before a judge to determine if their imprisonment was lawful. What are these petitions called? a. Necessary and proper clauses b. Habeas corpus c. Separation of powers d. Ex post facto

Habeas corpus

Which case blocked the Bush administration from denying habeas corpus privileges to an enemy combatant who was a U.S. citizen?

Hamdi v. Rumsfeld

How did Alexander Hamilton's and Thomas Jefferson's preferred governments differ?

Hamilton favored nation-centered government, and Jefferson favored state-centered.

14.) Speech that attacks or demeans a group rather than a particular individual is called?

Hate speech

2.) States are generally free to pass laws that restrict practices as long as such laws

Have valid secular (nonreligious) purpose

After the Court struck down several pieces of Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal legislation, how did he strike back?

He proposed a Court-packing plan that would have allowed him to appoint a new justice for every justice over age 70 who failed to resign

What program provides low-income individuals with a subsidy for food that is funded through general taxation?

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program

The terrorist attacks of 9/11 prompted the creation of which department?

Homeland Security

Born and raised in Alaska and still a proud resident of the state, Lenore cannot wait until her 25th birthday so she can run for a two-year term in Congress. Which chamber of Congress does Lenore want to join? a. Executive council b. Legislature c. House of Representatives d. Senate

House of Representatives

Where do bills concerning raising revenue originate?

House of Representatives

Which political body is subject to redistricting, or the redrawing of the boundaries of congressional districts in a state to make them approximately equal in population size?

House of Representatives

The U.S. Constitution dictates that majorities of both ____________ must agree on all bills before they are forwarded to the president.

Houses of congress

The organization explains its purpose as "Over the past 20 years, [our members] have...worked together to play a leading role in ending the war in Iraq, passing landmark legislation such as healthcare reform, and advancing the cause of economic fairness." What type of interest group is

Ideological interest group

Under what circumstances can Congress simply overturn a court's decision?

If the court's decision is based on the meaning of a statute

Party machines of the late nineteenth century were fueled by what group of individuals?


18.) An individual has an expectation of privacy in which area?

In one's home

Individuals who currently hold the contested office but who run again are called what?


As of 2014, young people are most likely to identify which political group?


Which description best depicts whistleblowers?

Individuals who report mismanagement, corruption, or illegal activity within their agencies

An interest group forms in order to tackle the environmental issue of fracking. The leaders decide to use social media sites and e-mail to ensure their members register and to provide updates on developments and legislation. What interest group activity does this represent?


What lobbying strategy keeps policy requests narrowly tailored to the group's needs and tries to influence legislators directly?

Inside strategy

In which model of voting is the voting process shaped by the rules of the system, political party behavior, the ways candidates run their campaigns, and the context of the election?


A group of citizens with common interests who try to influence public policy to benefit its members is called a(n)

Interest group.

Which major controversy marred the presidency of Ronald Reagan?

Iran-Contra scandal

What theory suggests that leaders in any organization eventually behave in their own self-interest?

Iron law of oligarchy

Coined by Hugh Heclo, which term describes the fluid and open relationship between interest groups and government?

Issue networks

What was the purpose of Thomas Paine's Common Sense, the most widely distributed pamphlet of its time? a. It called for independence from Britain. b. It established the first set of colonial charters. c. It called for a three-branch system of government. d. It called for reconciliation with Britain.

It called for independence from Britain.

How does the average rate of voter turnout in the U.S. compare to that of other democracies?

It is lower

What is the primary disadvantage to the hierarchical decision-making process that exists within the federal bureaucracy?

It can present an obstacle to speedy decision making.

Since the 1990s, what has happened to newspaper readership?

It has declined for both younger and older age groups.

Which of the following is true of the cost of a four-year public college since the 1980's?

It has increased over this time

How has party polarization in Congress changed from the 1970s to present?

It has increased steadily over this period.

Which statement describes spending on presidential elections from 2000 to 2016?

It has risen sharply.

AARP is a powerful political interest group that also maintains a lucrative business providing health and life insurance to its members. What does AARP's strategy suggest about an interest group's ability to secure financial stability?

It is worthwhile for an interest group to create a not-for-profit business.

Which problem is most specific to Internet polling?

It may be biased against older and poor Americans who are less likely to have Internet access.

What was the Supreme Court's ruling in McCutcheon et al. v. Federal Election Commission?

It removed limits on the amount of money one individual could contribute to all federal elections.

To assess their educational skills, potential voters in 1960s Alabama were required to answer questions like these: Whose duty is it to keep Congress informed of the state of the union? In which document or writing is the "Bill of Rights" found? How many states were required to approve the original Constitution in order for it to be in effect? In what type of assessment are these potential votes participating?

Literacy tests

Which president started his own newspaper to get his message out regarding issues of the day?

James K. Polk

19.) The first woman to serve in the U.S House of Representatives was?

Jeannette Rankin

Franco believes that equality and citizen participation are important political values. He believes that the more people are allowed to vote, the better the government can respond to people's interests. Franco believes in which model of voting?

Jeffersonian model

Although Barack Obama won reelection in 2012 by a margin of 51 to 47 percent, due to a Republican majority in the House, the country experienced

Little bipartisanship and divided government.

Since the 1980s, the makeup company Mary Kay Inc. has been committed to ending domestic violence against women. In 2005, six sales directors drove to Washington D.C. to persuade Congress to renew the Violence Against Women Act. What democratic and legitimate form of petitioning did the Mary Kay employees perform?


Which U.S. president acted as a defense lawyer for British soldiers charged with murder before the Revolution?

John Adams

Who participated in the first televised presidential debate?

John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon

Both members of the House of Representatives and the Senate serve on this type of committee involving policy exploration within a narrow jurisdiction.


25.)Which U.S. senator indiscriminately accused certain American citizens of being "card- carrying" Communists?

Joseph McCarthy

What process gives federal courts the power to declare actions of Congress, the president, or state officials unconstitutional and therefore void?

Judicial review

Which Supreme Court case established judicial review whereby laws could be declared unconstitutional?

Marbury v. Madison

Which of the following is a power of Congress?


8.) Which Supreme Court case protected homosexual relationships?

Lawrence v. Texas

22.) Which test does the Supreme Court use to determine whether laws violate the establishment clause?

Lemon test

25.Which supreme court case struck down miscegenation, or interracial marriage?

Loving v. virginia

Which landmark Supreme Court case gave rise to judicial review, which is the authority of the Court to strike down any law passed by Congress when the Court believes the law violates the Constitution? a. Gibbons v. Ogden b. Marbury v. Madison c. Roe v. Wade d. Plessy v. Ferguson

Marbury v. Madison

1.) The publishing of false and damaging statements about a person is referred to as?


Most governors have the power to veto certain parts of a bill. What is this called?

Line-item veto

According to the map, which statement correctly explains how House seats were reapportioned as a result of the 2010 U.S. Census?

Many of the states gaining seats through reapportionment following the 2010 U.S. Census were located in the southern part of the United States, while the states losing seats were primarily located in the northern part of the country.

Which Supreme Court case resolved the debate over the national authority to establish a bank?

McCulloch v. Maryland

Which theory asserts that, in a two-party race, if voters select candidates on the basis of ideology and everyone participates equally, the party closer to the middle will win?

Median voter

What are elections called that occur in between the four-year presidential election cycles?


Which generation's youth, who tend to be more socially liberal, are described as more likely to be optimistic, practical, and identify as political independents?


Which model for interpreting public opinion asserts that the news media does not have a lot of influence on the public's thinking about politics?

Minimal effects

24.) Which 1966 Supreme Court decision protected the rights of individuals in custody and mandated that police inform them of their rights?

Miranda v. Arizona

Who was the first female Speaker of the House?

Nancy Pelosi

Which assessment of the 1960 debate between Richard Nixon and John F. Kennedy is considered correct?

Most television watchers thought Kennedy won, and most radio listeners thought Nixon won.

Which Supreme Court case limited the government's ability to suppress a news story?

Near v. Minnesota

Which two U.S. states can split their electoral votes, as opposed to winner-take-all?

Nebraska and Maine

Why did the founders create the presidency to be led by a single person

Need for quick decisions

Countering the Virginia Plan, which proposal for new government strengthened the Articles by providing Congress with the authority to regulate commerce and to directly tax imports and paper items? a. Rhode Island Plan b. New Jersey Plan c. Connecticut Compromise d. Florida Plan

New Jersey Plan

In which Supreme Court case did the court require proof of actual malice in order to convict of libel?

New York Times v. Sullivan

In the 1870s, Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony founded the National Woman Suffrage Association and created and produced a weekly publication called The Revolution that centered on women's rights. In 1872, Anthony voted illegally in the presidential election. For which amendment did Stanton and Anthony help pave the way? a. Nineteenth b. First c. Twenty-Fifth d. Fifth


Pursuant to the War Powers Act, how many days may the president send troops into military conflict without an official declaration of war or authorization from Congress?

No more than 90

Fabio, a 44-year-old, was born in Italy but immigrated to the United States with his parents when he was only 4 years old. He has been living here most of his life and does have U.S. citizenship. Can he attain the office of U.S. president?

No, he is not a natural-born citizen.

Which office has final authority over the federal budget?

Office of Management and Budget

The Civil Service Reform Act of 1978 led to the creation of which agency?

Office of Personnel Management

What is the Federal Register?

Official record of government regulations

Which interest group is unaffiliated with government and works hard to preserve its neutrality so it can operate in as many parts of the world as possible?

Nongovernmental organization

Which of the following best describes the message of this video?

Not voting for President Johnson will lead to nuclear war.

In 1970, what was created to discourage the development of nuclear weapons technology?

Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty

In the case of the U.S., the party in government is made up of the

Number of Democrats and Republicans in Congress.

Which of the following statements are accurate regarding congressional apportionment? Check all that apply.

On average, a member of the U.S. House currently represents 710,000 residents. Shifts in population may result in a gain, loss, or maintenance in the number of representatives allocated to a particular state.

The internal structure that guides how a party operates at the federal, state, and local levels is called the party


n June 2018, the White House announced that the president exonerated the prison sentence of two Oregon cattle ranchers who started fires that damaged federal lands. What power is the president using?


Which concept concerns the psychological attachment an individual has towards her political party?

Party identification

In the early days of government, civil service jobs were given to those who pledged their loyalty to the president. What was this early system called?


Which system awards government programs and benefits based on political loyalty to a party?


The November presidential election is coming up and the current president is running for re-election. Elise is a concerned citizen who believes that the current president is spending too much time working toward reelection and not enough time governing. This change in the president's focus demonstrates the concept of the

Permanent campaign.

Which newspaper, headed by Benjamin Franklin and often considered the foundation for modern American news coverage, included sensationalist stories?

Philadelphia Gazette

In what type of society do battles over public policy by varied interest groups produce a consensus that serves the public's common interest?


In 1952, Oregon was the first state to issue comprehensive legislation concerning air pollution. From then on, other states began implementing similar legislations. This example demonstrates what process?

Policy diffusion

Which term refers to a judge's decision to adhere to the previous decisions of other judges?


In what election do voters choose candidates who will run on the party label in a general election?


7.) When the government treats people equally but permits individuals or businesses to discriminate, it is allowing?

Private discrimination

What type of interest group is created in response to an opening or opportunity for social, political, or economic changes?


11.) Generally, warrants that allow searches and seizures must be backed by?

Probable Cause

What were the layer of federal employees President Eisenhower appointed to oversee civil service employees?

Schedule C appointees

Speaking to the U.S. Senate in 1850, Daniel Webster proclaims, "Peaceable secession! Sir, your eyes and mine are never destined to see that miracle. There can be no such thing as a peaceable secession. Peaceable secession is an utter impossibility." Which political action is Webster opposing here?

Wanting to withdraw from a nation-state

The first step in the policy process, where there is recognition that something might warrant government action, is known as what?

Problem identification

14.) When police use race as a factor to determine who to investigate for a particular crime, it is called?


Teddy Roosevelt ran for president under which third party label?


An electoral system that assigns party delegates according to vote share in a presidential primary election or that assigns seats in the legislature according to vote share in a general election is known what?

Proportional representation

One U.S. president read daily newspaper clippings, another held public meetings at the White House, and still another rode his horse into the countryside to talk to the people. Each of these presidents is attempting to influence

Public opinion.

What set of laws regulates political and social life in order to meet a need or accomplish a goal?

Public policy

What type of interest group forms in response to a perceived threat?


Working-class people who support the Republican party because they believe in a conservative social agenda and a decreased role for government welfare-based programs are known as

Reagan Democrats.

While waiting for the commuter train, a woman with a clipboard and pen approaches you. She asks you to sign a petition that would potentially remove a candidate from office before his term expires. You listen to her argument and then sign the list. In what procedure are you participating?


Immediately after the Civil War, freed slaves struggle to blend into society, this era was known as?


Which voting requirement poses a challenge to college students more than some others?

Registration requirements.

Which is a way that schools teach patriotism?

Requiring recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance.

Which is an example of schools engaging in implicit political socialization?

Requiring that students follow school rules.

Senator Jim DeMint, a Republican from South Carolina, resigned from office in 2013 to become the head of a conservative think tank called the Heritage Foundation. This demonstrates the concept of a(n)

Revolving door.

Whose Court is friendlier toward businesses than any Court preceding it, for example, declaring corporations have the same First Amendment speech rights as citizens?


5.) Which Supreme Court case established a national right to abortion?

Roe v. Wade

Which Republican president attracted significant support from working-class, ethnic, northern voters, and southern white voters?

Ronald Reagan

Which scandal led to the resignation of Richard Nixon?


16.) What is an example of symbolic speech?

Saluting the flag,burning the flag, burning a draft card

Who was the first woman appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court?

Sandra Day O'Connor

Who is ultimately responsible for the policy decisions that come out of a federal department?


Members of one house of Congress and one or both parties are included on this temporary committee, which exists for the purpose of addressing a specific issue.


One way interest groups attract and keep members is by providing benefits exclusive to members, such as discounted travel or monthly magazines. This is otherwise known as

Selective benefits.

Mariella was a Democrat when she was young, but as she got older and began making more money, she became a Republican because she believed Republicans have pursued tax policies that protect individual wealth. In this case, Mariella is choosing a political ideology based upon


To which collective body does unanimous consent apply?


Which group is comprised of experienced personnel the president assigns to senior management positions throughout the federal bureaucracy?

Senior Executive Service

Which amendment allowed for the direct election of U.S. senators?


Which amendment granted the American people the right to elect senators directly? a. Fourth b. Seventeenth c. First d. Twenty-First


What is one role of political parties in the United States today?

Shaping public policy

The president directs all war efforts and military conflict under the title

commander in chief.

Stephanie is running for a seat on the House of Representatives. She beats her opponents in the election but does not get 50 percent or more of the votes. In a single-member plurality system, what does this mean?

She wins because only a plurality of votes is needed.

U.S. senators serve a staggered term of

Six years.

What are the terms of office in the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives, respectively?

Six; two

Which issue ignited the formation of the Republican Party?


Which Supreme Court case outlawed the practice of the white primary?

Smith v. Allwright

Facebook is an example of a(n)

Social networking site.

Antonia lives in a predominately Polish suburb of Toledo, Ohio. She and her two brothers attend public school, and her parents work at GM's car manufacturing plant. Antonia's cousin Dominik, who is also Polish, lives in a diverse neighborhood in downtown Boston. He and his sister attend a private school, and his same-sex parents are renowned surgeons in their fields. Although their ancestry is the same, Antonia and Dominik will likely have vastly different ideas about family, community, and politics because of their


20.) Which standard of review does the Supreme Court use for discrimination cases based on race?

Strict scrutiny

Ironically, which state elected Joseph Rainey, the first African American member of the House of Representatives?

South Carolina

Which is the top leadership position in the House of Representatives?

Speaker of the House

While seniority is a factor, party leaders like the__________ and __________ play a significant role in determining committee membership and who becomes a committee chair.

Speaker of the house, majority leader

Members of one or both parties from either the Senate or the House of Representatives are included on this type of committee that performs a specialized function.


There are twenty of these permanent legislative panels in the House of Representatives and sixteen in the Senate in which members of both parties consider bills and other issues.


Which type of congressional committee is permanent and reports to the full chamber?


Which level of government has the most power in a confederation?


What were the first three departments created by Congress in 1789?

State, Treasury, and War

What groups can raise and give an unlimited amount of money to political candidates?

Super PACs

Which members of a party will definitely be invited to a national convention because they are instrumental in turning out party voters in the general election?


Which clause makes the Constitution more powerful than state law?

Supremacy clause

Which women's suffrage advocate was arrested after her attempt to vote in 1872?

Susan B. Anthony

Several Midwest states—Ohio, Pennsylvania, Iowa, Wisconsin, and Michigan—are not considered strictly pro-Republican (like Tennessee) or pro-Democrat (like Massachusetts). What are these states, which are usually of vital interest to presidential candidates, called?


The ad claims that "we must love each other, or we must die."


The girl in the advertisement's voice changes to a countdown before an explosion.


What authority given to Congress has been the most instrumental in expanding its power relative to the other branches of government?

Taxation and appropriation

Voting rights were extended to African Americans in response to which event.

The Civil War.

Which statement accurately describes the aim of the Constitution and the states in regard to elections?

The Constitution is silent on the rules about voting in elections, leaving such choices to states.

16.) Which terrorist group was formed in 1866 to restore white supremacy in the U.S


In which plan for selecting state judges does a board of experts recommend candidates to the governor, who then selects judges from the list?

The Missouri Plan

What is the main purpose of Dashboard?

The Obama campaign created Dashboard to connect supporters in an online field office to help register, sway, and turn out voters on Election Day, in order to help President Obama win reelection.

When the majority in Congress is from a different party than the president, there is a(n) a. divided government. b. nonpartisan debate. c. political breakdown. d. unified government.

divided government

Voting rights were extended to those 18-20 years old in response to which event?

The Vietnam War.

2.) Which piece of legislation requires that public and private businesses make " reasonable accommodation" for individuals with disabilities?

The americans with disabilities ACT

What determines the amount of Social Security retired workers receive?

The amount of time they worked while paying into the program

Which of the following powers is granted to governors in all fifty states?

The authority to veto laws subject to override by the state legislatures

In which economic system are key industries privately owned


However, the process of deciding whether to consider legislation in the first place is determined largely in _________________

The committee system

Each branch has some power over the other two. This system is known as

checks and balances

A group formed to advance the financial status of its members is called a(n)

economic interest group.

This is the idea that citizens get involved in the political process because they want to be part of volunteer organizations that make up the civil society that enables communities to flourish

civic interest

In the United States, educational opportunity is linked to

economic opportunity

Which phrase best defines political trust?

The extent to which people believe the government acts in their best interests

The fact that a same-sex marriage performed in Massachusetts is valid in any other state is based on what constitutional clause?

The full faith and credit clause

Which provision, specifying Congress' taxation powers, particularly alarmed Antifederalists? a. The advice and consent clause b. The general welfare clause c. The commerce clause d. The full faith and credit clause

The general welfare clause

Which was a result of the Pentagon Papers Supreme Court decision?

The government had not met and would have needed to meet an extraordinary burden of proof for prior restraint.

Which statement describes the relationship between income and voting?

The higher one's income, the more likely one is to vote.

Which of the following is most likely a gateway to democracy

efforts to increase turnout in elections

The period before the primaries during which candidates attempt to capture party support and media coverage is called

The invisible primary.

Which clause requires that states treat people from other states equally to their own residents?

The privileges and immunities clause

During which event does the party name their presidential and vice presidential candidates and lay out the party's plan for government?

The national convention

10.) In Barron v. Baltimore, the Supreme court decided that the Bill of Rights applied to?

The national government only

What authority or role does the president have regarding the judicial system?

The nomination of judges in the federal judicial system, including supreme court justices

The number of electoral votes a state receives corresponds to what?

The number of senators and members of the House of Representatives for the state

What was wrong with the 1936 Literary Digest poll conducted during the presidential campaign?

The poll's sampling was biased.

Who nominates the board of governors that leads the Federal Reserve System?

The president

What best describes the Electoral College in the United States? a. The president is elected directly by a popular vote of the people in each of the 50 states. b. The president is elected by electors, selected by each state, representing the votes of their state. c. The president is elected by electors chosen by members of Congress. d. The president is elected by electors who are randomly selected to ensure equal representation.

The president is elected by electors, selected by each state, representing the votes of their state.

What usually happens to total seats in the House of Representatives at the midterm elections?

The president's party usually loses seats.

What is it called when a popular president running for reelection brings additional party candidates into office?

The presidential coattails effect

Which statement accurately reflects judicial restraint, activism, and ideology?

The vast majority of judges are restrained toward laws that they agree with ideologically but are willing to overturn laws that they are distant from ideologically

13.) Which piece of legislation first limited, then was later amended to ban literacy tests for voting?

The voting rights act

What happens after the Senate Judiciary Committee approves a nomination for Supreme Court justice?

The senate votes on it

According to journalist David Broder, what is the main factor that contributes to bias in the media?

The speed with which journalists must act

Which statement is true of voting rights in 1787? a. All states allowed free blacks to vote but varied when it came to women and men without property. b. The states differed as to whether women and free blacks could vote. c. All states allowed women the right to vote, but free blacks could not vote. d. Women, men without property, and free blacks were forbidden to vote in all states.

The states differed as to whether women and free blacks could vote.

In December 2013, with President Barack Obama's popularity sagging and a struggling economy, many quality Democratic candidates decided not to run in the 2014 elections. This demonstrates

The strategic politician hypothesis.

17.) What did the Supreme Court decided in 2008 about an individual's right to own a gun?

There is an individual right to possess a gun, at least for self- defense in one's home.

How do college graduates differ in their perspective about immigration reform when compared with those who have a high school education or less?

They are more in favor of allowing illegal immigrants to become citizens.

Why was the Department of the Interior established?

To regulate the sale of federal lands and the management of Indian affairs

In the earliest presidential elections, how did electors vote for president and vice president?

They cast ballots for their top two choices; the winner became president, and the second-place finisher became vice president.

What is one criticism of political parties?

They do not prioritize the interests of those who do not bring money, numbers, or resources.

Why do candidates who are elected from third parties like Ross Perot and Ralph Nader have little influence in legislatures?

They have no party organization to join in the legislature.

How did the Framers feel about the public's capacity to be politically informed and make good choices?

They were concerned about the public's ability to make good political decisions.

Known as the Civil War Amendments, which three amendments addressed issues related to former slaves, due process rights, and voting rights? a. Ninth, Tenth, and Eleventh b. Tenth, Eleventh, and Twelfth c. Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth d. First, Second, and Third

Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth

Who wrote "Democracy in America" as a study of American institutions and culture?


Who was the first African American Supreme Court justice?

Thurgood Marshall

12.) Who was the first african american on the Supreme Court?

Thurgood marshall

Why did the Framers establish Congress as a bicameral institution?

To allow each chamber to check each other's power

The National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) considers itself the voice for radio and TV broadcasters across the United States. Specifically, it "advances the interests of our members in federal government, industry and public affairs; improves the quality and profitability of broadcasting; encourages content and technology innovation; and spotlights the important and unique ways stations serve their communities." What type of interest group is the NAB?

Trade association

Liberals tend to be Democrats, and conservatives tend to be Republicans.


Referendum and initiative are forms of direct democracy used by the states. T/F


Senators must have been U.S. citizens for at least nine years before election to Congress.


The Supreme Court ruled that if a campaign advertisement could be reasonably viewed as issue-based, it was protected under the guarantee of free speech


The popularity of Americans who listen to the radio has remained unchanged in the past decade as a medium of communication.


The reason delegates to the 1787 Constitutional Convention moved to a federalist system is they recognized the system of government established by the Articles of Confederation was failing. T/F


The system of separation of powers divides power within the federal government among the three branches of government. a. True b. False


To be eligible for service in Congress, candidates must live in the state that they seek to represent.


Today, political participation is much more widespread than in 1787. a. True b. False


In recent years, what has been the most common nonvoting form of political participation in the United States?

Trying to influence others' votes

Which amendment set the eligibility requirements for vice president?


How many terms do members of the House of Representatives serve?


What percentage of votes is necessary for Congress (both chambers) to override a presidential veto?


What is the most common form of political participation in the U.S.?


What economic interest group aims to protect workers through safer working conditions and better wages?


What nation is the largest shareholder in the World Bank?

United States

Which Supreme Court case argued that Congress could not use the Fourteenth Amendment's due process clause to give them authority over individuals, only states?

United States v. Cruikshank

Which case indicated that the president's power of executive privilege is not absolute?

United States v. Nixon

Why has Oregon recently had such a high rate of voting (i.e., 70 percent in 2008 and 68 percent in 2016)?

Voting by mail

Noncontroversial issues that are not likely to differ between candidates—such as "keeping America safe" and "providing good education for children"—are called

Valence issues.

Since the 1960s, competitiveness in congressional elections has been declining. This trend is referred to as

Vanishing marginals.

Who can break a tie vote in the Senate?

Vice president

Which plan for new government proposed a strong central government with a national executive and a national judiciary, both chosen by the legislature? a. Maine Plan b. Florida Plan c. Virginia Plan d. New Jersey Plan

Virginia Plan

Controversial and divisive topics like gun control, abortion, and race that are often used in campaigns to break up an opponent's coalitions are referred to as

Wedge issues.

3.) Opponents of the individual right to keep and bear arms view what? As limiting this right to those in organized militias?

Well regulated Militia clause

In the 1960s, members of underrepresented groups like women and black Americans objected to the Democratic Party's use of the unit rule to nominate presidents—which stated that whoever won the majority of primary or state nominating convention votes won the entire state's delegates. What's another name for the this rule?


In recent sessions, how do the House and Senate compare demographically to the U.S. population?

Women and ethnic minorities make up smaller percentages in the House and Senate than their percentages in the overall U.S. population

The League of Nations is a provision of a treaty that ended which war?

World War I

In January of 2016, 34-year-old Brian Russell, a self-employed investment banker from Florida, decided to run for president of the United States. Is Russell old enough to take office as president? a. Yes, anyone over the age of 30 can run for president. b. Yes, anyone over the age of 21 can run for president. c. No, Russell must be at least age 40 to run for president. d. Yes, if Russell turns age 35 before January 2017.

Yes, if Russell turns age 35 before January 2017.

In which case did the Supreme Court rule that the president could not seize domestic property when the U.S. was at war abroad?

Youngstown Sheet and Tube Co. v. Sawyer

In July 2017, President Trump nominated Judge Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court. This judicial nomination required the approval by two-thirds of the Senate in a Congressional power known as

advice and consent

The National Voter Registration Act requires states to

allow voters to register when they apply for or renew their driver's licenses

The Constitution establishes the judicial branch of government in which article?

article 3

The Senate Judiciary Committee may ask whether the senators of the president's party of a nominee's home state approve of a nominee to the Supreme Court by sending them a

blue slip

An opinion that agrees with the majority opinion but has a separate rationale for doing so is called what?


Individuals whose views fall on the right end of the political ideology scale are called


In 2016, voters gave the Republican party control of the White House and Congress. Now, voters have high expectations and will hold the Republican party accountable for policy outcomes in the next election. This demonstrates the concept of

the responsible party.

Which branch of government is charged with executing the law?

executive branch

The Framers wanted to make sure the president followed the intent of Congress, but they gave him wide discretion in how he carried out the laws. In Article II, Section 3, they gave him the power to "take Care that the Laws be

faithfully executed."

The Constitution divides power between the national government and the states' government. This arrangement is known as


Members of Congress may send mail to their constituents free of charge. This is called


A trend in which older voters who die are replaced in the electorate by less reliable young voters is known as

generational replacement

Redrawing district boundaries so most voters in a district favor one party is called


A specially empaneled group that decides whether the government has enough evidence to charge a suspect with a crime is called what?

grand jury

Jake, a freshman in college, gets most of his news online from sources such as the Huffington Post and Daily Kos while his grandfather Joe reads a print version of the Wall Street Journal from cover to cover. Some would argue that because he's reading a traditional printed newspaper, Joe is exposed to more

hard news.

The way members of Congress portray themselves to constituents is known as

home style

The first stage in the public policy process is

identifying the problem

Congress may remove judges and executive officials from office via


All of the following are true of the rule of law principle EXCEPT

it only affects certain people

Direct democracy was not used in Colonial America due to what reason?

it was impractical in a large country

Which branch of government is charged with interpreting the law?


The Antifederalists who opposed the Constitution were perhaps most concerned that the document a. gave Congress too much power. b. did not establish a judicial branch. c. gave the president too little power. d. lacked a bill of rights.

lacked a bill of rights.

Because a president in his second term cannot seek reelection, he is commonly referred to as a(n)

lame duck.

Government seeks public policy that

maximizes benefits and minimizes costs.

The minority party has a leadership structure that includes a _____________ and whips.

minority leader

Most Americans do not see themselves as either conservative or liberal, but somewhere in the middle are known as


John Locke considered life, liberty, and property to be

natural rights

The Tea Party Movement and the Black Lives Matter Movement have which of the following in common?

self-interest opportunity

Who is responsible for confirming Supreme Court nominees?


A long-term shift in voter allegiance from one party to the other is called a

party realignment.

In 2016, two California men were charged with involuntary manslaughter after a fire at their dilapidated warehouse killed 36 people. In court, the defendants asked for prison sentences of six and nine years. The judge turned down the defendants, claiming they did not accept "full responsibility and remorse" for the fire. What arrangement are the California defendants (and their attorneys) attempting?

plea bargain

4.) Which case established the separate-but-equal doctrine?

plessy v. ferguson

The president may wait for Congress to go out of session and simply not sign a bill. This decision is called a(n)

pocket veto.

Federal employees who have connections to politically powerful people, who have participated in other presidential administrations, and/or who carry out the president's political and partisan agenda are called

political appointees.

President Trump signed more executive orders than any other recent president in his first 100 days in office. Some notable ones were to reverse the Affordable Care Act and ban admission to the U.S. for a range of immigrants and refugees. These instructions do not require congressional approval. This exemplifies the power of the president to issue

presidential directives.

Leroy grew up in a household with parents who voted in every election, national and local. Now as an adult, Leroy votes similarly, and when people ask him about his loyalty to the process, he simply tells them, "It is my duty to vote." Which model of voting does Leroy exemplify?


Clean air and water are considered

public goods

When state legislatures redraw district lines to try to keep districts equal in terms of population, it is called a. gerrymandering. b. microtargeting. c. redistricting. d. pork-barreling.


This text focuses on two basic themes:

responsiveness and equality

Which rule is used to decide if the Supreme Court will grant a review?

rule of four

As a student, taking political action in favor of government issued financial aid is based on


When a president signs a bill into law, he can issue written remarks that reflect his interpretation of the law that are not required or authorized by the Constitution. These remarks are called

signing statements.

Which political movement began with protests against the nearly $800 billion stimulus package, which Congress passed in 2009 in the hopes of ending the financial crisis that began in 2008?

tea party

Because he came across well on television, Ronald Reagan is referred to as

the "Great Communicator."

The series of articles written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay to support the ratification of the Constitution are known as

the Federalist Papers.

One very important check the president has on the authority of the legislature is the a. authority of censure. b. authority to impeach legislators. c. veto. d. presidential filibuster.


To a request a review of a case by the U.S. Supreme Court, what must be filed?

writ of certiorari

Which amendment declares "powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people"?


8.) What amendment ended slavery?


In the 1967 case Loving v. Virginia, the Supreme Court declared that under the Constitution "the freedom to marry, or not marry, a person of another race resides with the individual, and cannot be infringed by the State." Which amendment is violated when a state like Virginia denies people the freedom to marry on the basis of racial classifications?


4.) The federal government first attempted to regulate gun ownership with?

1934 National Firearms Act

What are the constitutional qualifications to serve in the U.S. House of Representatives?

25 years old, 7 years U.S. residency

What is the minimum age for a House of Representatives member and a U.S senator, respectively?

25; 30

The Department of Homeland Security was created to purportedly remedy the lack of coordination among the nation's national security and disaster relief agencies. The new department consolidated several key units that had been operating independently and created new intelligence offices that would try to serve as bridges between the FBI and the CIA. Which component of a bureaucracy was this change meant to fix?


A pregnant woman whose family income falls below the U.S. federal poverty level needs an ultrasound and other forms of prenatal care. To which program can she turn?


Which program provides health insurance for people over the age of 65 and the disabled?


9.) All published materials thought to be obscene must put through what test?

Miller Test

"The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is the principal Federal agency responsible for programs concerned with the Nation's housing needs, fair housing opportunities, and improvement and development of the Nation's communities...It takes steps to encourage a strong private sector housing industry that can produce affordable housing; and to stimulate private sector initiatives, public/private sector partnerships, and public entrepreneurship." What is this formal summary that agencies like HUD offer to the general public called?


3.) President Kennedy had to send 25,000 federal troops to ensure the enrollment of James Meredith at the University of?


Which level of government has the most power in a unitary system?


Which term refers to the general patterns of voters' party identification and their behavior on Election Day?

Party in the electorate

Which is an example of schools engaging in explicit political socialization?

Requiring that civics and government be taught.

6.) Who refused to give up his or her seat on the bus for a white person?

Rosa parks

"The United States in Congress assembled shall also have the sole and exclusive right and power of regulating the alloy and value of coin struck by their own authority [...and] regulating the trade and managing all affairs with the Indians." Which document, unanimously adopted by the Continental Congress in 1781, is quoted here? a. The Magna Carta b. The Articles of Confederation c. The Declaration of Independence d. The Constitution

The Articles of Confederation

Prior to the American Revolution, how were British views on political participation and representation different from those of the American colonists? a. The British believed in greater participation but wanted to limit representation. b. The British believed in greater participation and representation. c. The British had a more limited view of participation and representation. d. The British had a more limited view of participation but believed in greater representation.

The British had a more limited view of participation and representation.

Why did Benjamin Franklin assemble the First Continental Congress in Philadelphia in 1774? a. To draft the Articles of Confederation b. To draft the U.S. Constitution c. To send a list of grievances to King George III d. To reconcile differences with King George III

To send a list of grievances to King George III

Laws that regulate the American economy, social issues, and political participation are all examples of

a public policy

The Framers referred to a representative democracy as

a republic

When Supreme Court justices disagree with a result reached by the majority, what can they write to explain why they believe the Court's decision was in error?

dissenting opinion

Which branch of government is charged with making laws?


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