Computer Networks Chapter 2 Review Questions

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R25. List at least four different applications that are naturally suitable for P2P architectures. (Hint: File distribution and instant messaging are two.)

* a) File Distribution * b) Instant Messaging * c) Video Streaming * d) Distributed Computing

R4. For a P2P file-sharing application, do you agree with the statement, "There is no notion of client and server sides of a communication session"? Why or why not?

1. No. In a P2P file-sharing application, the peer that is receiving a file is typically the client and the peer that is sending the file is typically the server.

R7. Referring to Figure 2.4, we see that none of the applications listed in Figure 2.4 requires both no data loss and timing. Can you conceive of an application that requires no data loss and that is also highly time-sensitive?

1. One such example is remote word processing, for example, with Google docs. However, because Google docs runs over the Internet (using TCP), timing guarantees are not provided.

R5. What information is used by a process running on one host to identify a process running on another host?

1. The IP address of the destination host and the port number of the socket in the destination process.

R1. List five nonproprietary Internet applications and the application-layer protocols that they use.

1. The Web: HTTP; file transfer: FTP; remote login: Telnet; e-mail: SMTP; BitTorrent file sharing: BitTorrent protocol

R3. For a communication session between a pair of processes, which process is the client and which is the server?

1. The process which initiates the communication is the client; the process that waits to be contacted is the server.

R13. Describe how Web caching can reduce the delay in receiving a requested object. Will Web caching reduce the delay for all objects requested by a user or for only some of the objects? Why?

1. Web caching can bring the desired content "closer" to the user, possibly to the same LAN to which the user's host is connected. Web caching can reduce the delay for all objects, even objects that are not cached, since caching reduces the traffic on links.

R12. Consider an e-commerce site that wants to keep a purchase record for each of its customers. Describe how this can be done with cookies.

1. When the user first visits the site, the server creates a unique identification number, creates an entry in its back-end database, and returns this identification number as a cookie number. This cookie number is stored on the user's host and is managed by the browser. During each subsequent visit (and purchase), the browser sends the cookie number back to the site. Thus the site knows when this user (more precisely, this browser) is visiting the site.

R6. Suppose you wanted to do a transaction from a remote client to a server as fast as possible. Would you use UDP or TCP? Why?

1. You would use UDP. With UDP, the transaction can be completed in one roundtrip time (RTT) - the client sends the transaction request into a UDP socket, and the server sends the reply back to the client's UDP socket. With TCP, a minimum of two RTTs are needed - one to set-up the TCP connection, and another for the client to send the request, and for the server to send back the reply.

R8. List the four broad classes of services that a transport protocol can provide. For each of the service classes, indicate if either UDP or TCP (or both) pro- vides such a service.

1. a) Reliable data transfer TCP provides a reliable byte-stream between client and server but UDP does not. b) A guarantee that a certain value for throughput will be maintained Neither c) A guarantee that data will be delivered within a specified amount of time Neither d) Confidentiality (via encryption) Neither

R15. Why is it said that FTP sends control information "out-of-band"?

15.FTP uses two parallel TCP connections, one connection for sending control information (such as a request to transfer a file) and another connection for actually transferring the file. Because the control information is not sent over the same connection that the file is sent over, FTP sends control information out of band.

R16. Suppose Alice, with a Web-based e-mail account (such as Hotmail or gmail), sends a message to Bob, who accesses his mail from his mail server using POP3. Discuss how the message gets from Alice's host to Bob's host. Be sure to list the series of application-layer protocols that are used to move the mes- sage between the two hosts.

16. The message is first sent from Alice's host to her mail server over HTTP. Alice's mail server then sends the message to Bob's mail server over SMTP. Bob then transfers the message from his mail server to his host over POP3.

R18. From a user's perspective, what is the difference between the download-and- delete mode and the download-and-keep mode in POP3?

18. With download and delete, after a user retrieves its messages from a POP server, the messages are deleted. This poses a problem for the nomadic user, who may want to access the messages from many different machines (office PC, home PC, etc.). In the download and keep configuration, messages are not deleted after the user retrieves the messages. This can also be inconvenient, as each time the user retrieves the stored messages from a new machine, all of non-deleted messages will be transferred to the new machine (including very old messages).

R19. Is it possible for an organization's Web server and mail server to have exactly the same alias for a hostname (for example, What would be the type for the RR that contains the hostname of the mail server?

19. Yes an organization's mail server and Web server can have the same alias for a host name. The MX record is used to map the mail server's host name to its IP address.

R10. What is meant by a handshaking protocol?

2. A protocol uses handshaking if the two communicating entities first exchange control packets before sending data to each other. SMTP uses handshaking at the application layer whereas HTTP does not.

R2. What is the difference between network architecture and application architecture?

2. Network architecture refers to the organization of the communication process into layers (e.g., the five-layer Internet architecture). Application architecture, on the other hand, is designed by an application developer and dictates the broad structure of the application (e.g., client-server or P2P).

R9. Recall that TCP can be enhanced with SSL to provide process-to-process security services, including encryption. Does SSL operate at the transport layer or the application layer? If the application developer wants TCP to be enhanced with SSL, what does the developer have to do?

2. SSL operates at the application layer. The SSL socket takes unencrypted data from the application layer, encrypts it and then passes it to the TCP socket. If the application developer wants TCP to be enhanced with SSL, she has to include the SSL code in the application.

R11. WhydoHTTP,FTP,SMTP,andPOP3runontopofTCPratherthanonUDP?

2. The applications associated with those protocols require that all application data be received in the correct order and without gaps. TCP provides this service whereas UDP does not.

R20. Look over your received emails, and examine the header of a message sent from a user with an .edu email address. Is it possible to determine from the header the IP address of the host from which the message was sent? Do the same for a message sent from a gmail account.

20. You should be able to see the sender's IP address for a user with an .edu email address. But you will not be able to see the sender's IP address if the user uses a gmail account.

R21. In BitTorrent, suppose Alice provides chunks to Bob throughout a 30-second interval. Will Bob necessarily return the favor and provide chunks to Alice in this same interval? Why or why not?

21. It is not necessary that Bob will also provide chunks to Alice. Alice has to be in the top 4 neighbors of Bob for Bob to send out chunks to her; this might not occur even if Alice provides chunks to Bob throughout a 30-second interval.

R22. Consider a new peer Alice that joins BitTorrent without possessing any chunks. Without any chunks, she cannot become a top-four uploader for any of the other peers, since she has nothing to upload. How then will Alice get her first chunk?

22. Recall that in BitTorrent, a peer picks a random peer and optimistically unchokes the peer for a short period of time. Therefore, Alice will eventually be optimistically unchoked by one of her neighbors, during which time she will receive chunks from that neighbor.

R23. What is an overlay network? Does it include routers? What are the edges in the overlay network?

23. The overlay network in a P2P file sharing system consists of the nodes participating in the file sharing system and the logical links between the nodes. There is a logical link (an "edge" in graph theory terms) from node A to node B if there is a semi- permanent TCP connection between A and B. An overlay network does not include routers.

R24. Consider a DHT with a mesh overlay topology (that is, every peer tracks all peers in the system). What are the advantages and disadvantages of such a design? What are the advantages and disadvantages of a circular DHT (with no shortcuts)?

24. Mesh DHT: The advantage is in order to a route a message to the peer (with ID) that is closest to the key, only one hop is required; the disadvantage is that each peer must track all other peers in the DHT. Circular DHT: the advantage is that each peer needs to track only a few other peers; the disadvantage is that O(N) hops are needed to route a message to the peer that is closest to the key.

R26. InSection2.7,theUDPserverdescribedneededonlyonesocket,whereasthe TCP server needed two sockets. Why? If the TCP server were to support n simultaneous connections, each from a different client host, how many sockets would the TCP server need?

26. With the UDP server, there is no welcoming socket, and all data from different clients enters the server through this one socket. With the TCP server, there is a welcoming socket, and each time a client initiates a connection to the server, a new socket is created. Thus, to support n simultaneous connections, the server would need n+1 sockets.

R27. For the client-server application over TCP described in Section 2.7, why must the server program be executed before the client program? For the client- server application over UDP, why may the client program be executed before the server program?

27. For the TCP application, as soon as the client is executed, it attempts to initiate a TCP connection with the server. If the TCP server is not running, then the client will fail to make a connection. For the UDP application, the client does not initiate connections (or attempt to communicate with the UDP server) immediately upon execution

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