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capital-gains taxes

Definition: (1989-1992) George H.W. Bush's number one recommendation was to lower capital-gains taxes. Congress voted against it; the President's number one domestic policy recommendation. Significance: A President that has a Congress of opposing party tends to be almost helpless in domestic policy.

the transformation of George W. Bush

Definition: 9/11 changed the press and the public's perception of Bush. He had been transformed into an intelligent and inspiring leader (Was compared to Lincoln, Moses, etc.) Significance:

Formation of the Reagan Coalition

o Evangelicals invited the three candidates to speak at an evangelical conference only Reagan accepted Tax-exempt organizations cannot endorse political candidates Reagan: "I know that you cannot endorse me, but I want you to know that I endorse you." ***formation of the Reagan coalition between the economic conservatives and social conservatives

The News Media

They perform the task of what scholars call "framing" o To frame a story puts it in context o To put it in context affects how people interpret it • Politicians try to influence the media to frame stories in certain ways o So people will interpret as favorable to them, their party or their ideology

Campaign Finance

Lots of people would like to reform it bc it gives too much influence over American politics There are various suggestions Ex: Germany--the state actually finances the parties and campaigns. *That seems unlikely in the US bc of the constitution and what SCOTUS says. It will be virtually impossible to stop giving people money

Federal Control Act of 1918

"an Act of the United States Congress that extended the Espionage Act of 1917 to cover a broader range of offenses, notably speech and the expression of opinion that cast the government or the war effort in a negative light or interfered with the sale of government bonds."


*president weak in domestic policy making compared to other heads of state in other democracies *president is very strong in foreign policy *During a war, presidential power expands unpredictably


2016 campaign was the first presidential campaign on record in which both major party candidates were seen __________________ (60%) by the public --> so far unique among presidential campaigns

Did presidential power expand during the War on Terror?

9/11 Congress passes joint resolution gives president authority to protect the U.S. from terrorist in theory gives president almost unlimited power

Trump 2016 Election

Before Trump you could tell where the R candidate would stand o Trump's cross cutting issues immigration and anti-free trade o Businesses always wants open immigration b/c it forces down wages * Trump forming new coalition different from Reagan's Disqualifying characteristics • Authoritarian personality • No concern for the rule of law • Has contempt for the informal rules of democracy • Tax plan would inc. gov. revenue not so • None of this has had any effect on his supporters

35 minutes versus 125 minutes

Definition: "CBS, ABC, NBC main networks devoted 35 minutes total over entire campaign to policy issues, Devoted 125 minutes to Clinton email scandal" Significance: shows how easy it is for the media to focus on scandal because it is easier to understand

National Popular Vote Interstate Compact

Definition: Law that California passed in 2011 o California created a compact that would be joined voluntarily, nine other states have joined California o They would award all their electoral votes to the national popular vote winner o The compact would kick in once states have garnered 270 electoral votes *all states signed on have been Democratic states Significance: shows how unless reforms receive support from both parties they are not going to work

The Constitutional position of the president

Definition: President and Foreign Policy--> President runs the State Department (department runs American foreign policy), Also sends and receives ambassadors, Constitution says that the president negotiates treaties (treaty once negotiated has to be ratified by two-thirds of the Senate), President made commander-in-chief of the armed forces (Congress given authority to declare war, Congress still has the power of the purse, control of the $, taxing and spending) President and Domestic Policy --> Pendleton Act (process to hire and fire non-military federal employees taken away from the president) State of the Union (used to outline president's domestic policy proposal, shapes the agenda of what we argue about, It is an influence, not a power), Veto, He appoints federal judges (especially SCOTUS, however he can't remove them) Significance: Shows how president is weak in domestic policy and strong in foreign policy

Korematsu v. United States (1944)

Definition: Sued in 1942 against FDR's EO he is an American citizen Lawyers argued no one had constitutional right to remove Korematsu from home 14th Amendment o Supreme Court upheld president's power to place Japanese immigrants and Americans in internment camps o Court said in essence that they would not second guess what a president thinks he needs to do during wartime *In the 1980s Congress voted on an official policy and appropriated money to survivors, Anyone who had been in camps got about $20,000 Significance: This case illustrates that during a war, Presidential power expand unpredictably. In the past, so far as to strip American citizens of there Civil Rights.

Good Democratic Election

Definition: The election is clean, results are not fraudulent Some satisfying number of people have voted Candidates debate the issues honestly and clearly Trying to avoid demagoguery -Did the media report the debate fairly and thoroughly? -The people do their part, the people pay attention to the debate -The government that comes into power gives the people what they voted for Example of Rules being violated: -Election of LBJ --> he ran as the peace candidate "I am not going to send your boys to kill and die in Vietnam" --> so he was voted for --> but a year and half later he put American troops into Vietnam 1988 2004 Good elections where rules are followed: 1980 2008

FECA (1974)

Definition: Was a response to the scandals of the Nixon administration • Regulated money given in federal elections • Required the public disclosure of contributions --> if you give money to a candidate you have to hire a treasurer and a lawyer and the treasurer much file reports with the FEC (where the money came from and where it goes) • Limited hard money contributions (hard money --> $ given directly to candidates) limit of a $1,000 per candidate Significance: led to the rich giving a great amount of their money to unregulated organizations such as PAC, example of an unanticipated consequence, did not stop rich people from giving huge amounts of money to candidates

Opening to China (1970-1979)

Definition: o Communist took over the mainland of China in 1949 around 1950 president "unrecognized" it (Truman?) President under the constitution has the power to recognize the legitimacy of foreign countries The U.S. recognizes the Republic of China (Taiwan) • To the U.S. the People's Republic of China does not exist This policy was enormously popular in Congress o In 1969 Nixon becomes president, reputation as anti-communist The two great communist super powers are China and Russia Nixon and national security advisor want to pry the countries apart even further Nixon announces he's going to make a state visit to Romania • Communist satellite of the Soviet Union • The Chinese have a long history of subtle diplomacy they get the message Nixon is trying to send o U.S. and Chinese have relation w/ the French o Ask the French to ask America if they were sending message to China (remember at this time Chinese and U.S. no relations) World Ping Pong Tournament in Beijing • U.S. invited Nixon and Kissinger invited to Beijing relations open up between U.S. and China Nixon normalizes relationship between United States and China o Leads to envoys between the U.S. and the People's Republic of China o Carter eventually recognizes People's Republic of China (1979) No longer recognizes Republic of China (Taiwan) Significance: If it were up to Congress we would not have recognized the People's Republic of China It's because the president is given the constitutional authority to recognize and un-recognize countries with no restraints from Congress • This is why we have the opening to China

Deep Water Horizon

Definition: o In April 2010 there was an explosion on a rig in the Gulf of Mexico o 11 people killed o 50,000 barrels of oil spilled a day o *could be interpreted as a national emergency o On May 1 Obama issued EO Decreed that there should be a moratorium on new drilling in the gulf at depths greater than 500 feet, Did not say permeant moratorium temporary until they could figure out what happened Polls showed the public supported the moratorium o Workers filed lawsuit against Obama's EO o In June a federal judge voided Obama's order Judge said the EO was unreasonable b/c just b/c there had been an accident on one rig there was not enough evidence to postpone more drilling Significance: illustrates the conflict of power between the presidency and the judiciary

How will when we know when the War on Terror is over?

Definition: o Knew when WWII was over, countries surrendered, but hard to determine in this situation o The point is you have to have something you can look at to say the war is over and we can change our policies, possibility the War on Terror will continue to go on for many years and the 4th Amendment will continue to be in danger Significance: Illustrates that it's hard for President's to give up power. They don't want to give it up so we may never know when the war is over.

Arizona Independent Redistricting Commission (A.I.R.C.) (2000 - 2016)

Definition: "An Arizona referendum passed in 2000 that established a 5 member citizens commission in charge or drawing district lines. The members included 2 Republicans, 2 Democrats, and 1 Independent that serves as the chair. The commission draws its lines to increase competition within districts. Although Arizona Republicans filed a suit to have the commission disbanded, the AIRC was upheld by the Arizona Supreme Court in 2005, and by the US Supreme Court in 2016." Significance: "This proposal illustrates a suggested reform to redistricting that actually works. The districts that were redrawn were effectively more competitive than they had been before."

Cuban Missile Crisis (1962)

Definition: o Middle of the Cold War o Soviet Union versus the U.S. o Communist revolution in Cuba in 1959, Cuba communist client state of the Soviet Union o Kennedy believes he reached an understanding with the SU, that SU will not put any offensive weaponry in Cuba o In 1962 the CIA discovers the SU has IRBM (Intermediate range ballistic missiles) has headed for Cuba and that they are building launch sites in the Cuban mountain Kennedy keeps information quiet doesn't tell the media or Congress • For 14 days caucuses with advisors they chew over various possible responses Kennedy decides to blockade Cuba o In international law a blockade is an act of war Kennedy and everybody in his administration careful not to use the word "blockade" they use the word quarantine inhibiting SU ships headed for Cuba Possibility of nuclear war Closest the world ever came to nuclear war o After a while SU leader decides not worth nuclear war, ships sail back to SU o Kennedy becomes enormously popular Significance: THE CONSTITUTION SAYS THAT CONGRESS DECLARES WAR (IN THIS INSTANCE IT'S "NULL AND VOID") PRESIDENT KENNEDY TOOK THE COUNTRY TO THE BRINK OF NUCLEAR WAR W/O INFORMING CONGRESS OR ASKING FOR A DECLARATION Almost all members of Congress found out about quarantine by watching it on television

USA Patriot Act (2001-2015)

Definition: o Passed in the Senate 98 to 1 o In the House fewer than 60 no votes o What did the act do? authorize roving wire-tap warrant (look @ 4th Amendment) o In other words, the Patriot Act repealed the 4th Amendment unconstitutionally o In 2006, 2011 reauthorized o 2015 the USA Freedom Act Says NSA can't collect electronic communications, now phone companies have to do it and give it to the NSA Significance: This act illustrates that during a war, Presidential power expand unpredictably. In the past, so far as to strip American citizens of there 14 Amendment rights

Iran Contra Affair (1985-86)

Definition: o President Reagan has several foreign policy problems o Problem #1 there's communist revolution in Nicaragua The Reagan administration is financing anti- communist guerillas to over throw communist in Nicaragua Democrats in Congress do not like this (remember 1984 African Drought bill $21 million spent for guerillas in Nicaragua log roll Dems made with Reagan administration, Congress said no more $ given to Contras after this ) • Boland Amendment law that says you may not give any more American money to the contras o Problem #2 Islamic Revolution in Iran in 1979 Iranians deeply anti-American, trying to create Anti-American revolutions around the Middle East At the same time war going on between Iraq and Iran • Now Saddam Hussein in Iraq buddy of America at this moment feeding satellites on Iranian troop movements and giving them to Iraq (all secret at the moment) (Problem #3) Islamic militants who are close to Iran in Lebanon have taken 8 American hostages • Reagan would like to figure out a way to persuade militants to free American hostages o Reagan gets national security people together says to them find a way to fund contras (remember illegal at this time b/c of Boland Amendment), but don't tell him how National security advisor goes to Colonel Oliver North ask him to figure out a way to fund the contras, but not to tell him how North goes to the Pentagon keeps its surface to air missiles and he takes them and he sells them to the Iranians to shoot down Iraqi war planes (BUT WAIT U.S. IS FOR IRAQ) North gives profits to the contras North hopes to become friends to the Iranians by doing this so he can use influence over them so their clients in Lebanon can free American hostages doesn't work o Story broke in 1986 Broke in Lebanon European papers picked it up then American papers Significance: The president was able to conduct a large illegal covert operation for a year and a half and when it was exposed, he got away scot-free *How come nothing happened to him? He said he didn't know anything happened

Killing bin Laden

Definition: • Killed in raid in 2011 • Enormous number of leaks from the Obama administration, CIA, military, etc • Two weeks after the raid the CIA released an internal memo to its employees to stop leaking information about the raid to the media --> within 24 hours that memo had been leaked to the media Significance: proves how leaks cannot be stopped

Unitary executive theory (2002-2009)

Definition: -The Constitution gives the president unlimited power to defend the country -The president is not constrained by Congress or the Supreme Court or anything else Significance: "This theory illustrate how President's always try to expand the scope of their own power while in office - often in times of war."

McGovern-Fraser Commission

Definition: A commission formed in response to the 1968 Democratic convention and demands for reform by minority groups and others who sought better representation. Significance: example of reform used to solve issues in the nomination process, "making nomination process a more democratic and open process"

Edward Snowden

Definition: Computer professional, working for the CIA o NSA information came across his desk and he was appalled that the NSA was holding a secret spying operation o Snowden downloaded 1.7 million documents and disclosed some of them a little at a time to reporters beginning in May 2013 (at first no one knew who Snowden was) and kept leaking for more than a year o Fled the country when he was identified o Now he is in Russia Significance: Brings up the question, are leaks good or bad for democracy?

Senate Rules Committee

Definition: "A proposed reform to Congress where the creation of an agenda controlling committee is established in the upper house. Perhaps the President would appoint its chair and members." Significance: "This proposal illustrates a possible control for incoherent and irresponsible policy. It would limit Senate gamesmanship."

PatriotCo. Reform (1999)

Definition: "A reform introduced by Bruce Ackerman (Yale Scholar) in an attempt to dilute private contributions. His plan entailed giving registered voters $50 dollar vouchers they could then give to the candidate of their choice. Candidates would turn in vouchers and receive real money for campaigns." Significance: "This proposal illustrates a suggested reform to campaign contributions."

Central Elections Committee

Definition: "A reform passed in 1969, forbidding television or radio broadcasts consisting of "propaganda" within a month before an election. Sets up a committee, chaired by a justice of the Israeli Supreme Court to decide what is and is not propaganda. Can order that a particular speech not be broadcast." Significance: "This proposal illustrates a suggested reform to combat demagoguery and restore the dialogue of democracy."

high crimes and misdemeanors

Definition: "A stipulation for which a president may be impeached, meaning crimes against democracy and self-government."

Robert Bork

Definition: (1987) The most conservative judge ever. Reagan wanted to appoint him to the supreme court and it was the first time there was a national campaign against an appointment. Significance: Since then, there have been more campaigns, for and against, appointments. This is the equivalent of a congressional/presidential campaign for the judiciary, was a notable failure in domestic policy for Reagan *even in such a presidential activity such as Supreme Court nominees the president CANNOT ignore the wishes of Congress, especially if Congress is led by the opposition party

Reagan Coalition

Definition: A coalition supporting Ronald Reagan that included the traditional core of Republican Party voters, middle-class suburbanites and migrants to the Sunbelt states, blue-collar Catholics, and a large contingent of southern whites, an electorally key group of former Democrats that had been gradually moving toward the Republican Party since 1964. o Before 1980 the R party just appealed to economic conservatives Less business regulation Lower taxes on wealthy people Conflict in business and labor, wanted businesses to win o Before 1980 fundamentalist, social conservatives weren't a part of any coalition People who want to outlaw abortion Religion and education Conservative on race issues Pro-guns Anti-gay rights Significance:

Political Equality

Definition: A concept by Robert Dahl that states that "every member must have an equal and effective opportunity to vote, and all votes must be counted as equal." Significance: This concept illustrates a central standard required of democratic government. Therefore, as argued by Edwards, any current or proposed mechanism for selecting the president must be evaluated against it.

Civil Service Reform Act

Definition: A law which passed during the Carter administration that reformed the civil service of the United States federal government, partly in response to the Watergate scandal. The Act abolished the U.S. Civil Service Commission and distributed its functions primarily among 3 new agencies. Significance: This act of Carter, illustrates that fact that Presidents always try to expand the scope of his own power while in office.


Definition: A political system headed by a dictator that calls for extreme nationalism and racism and has no tolerance for opposition Significance: Trump's display of fascist qualities have had little effect on his supporters Disqualifying characteristics • Authoritarian personality • No concern for the rule of law • Has contempt for the informal rules of democracy

Executive Order #12291

Definition: A presidential rule of order enacted by Reagan that formalized the regulatory review process for the White House Office of Management. Was later repealed by Clinton's Executive order 12866 that created a new structure within the office that was more pro-regulation. Significance: This act of Regan and the subsequent acts of Clinton and Obama pertaining to the same office, illustrate that fact that Presidents always try to expand the scope of his own power while in office.

Liberated Time

Definition: A proposed media reform where commercial broadcasters would only be allowed to air their programs for 18 hours of the day, the remaining 6 hours of they day (liberated time) would be dedicated to public service, specifically children's programs and news. These 6 hours of liberated time would be subsidizes by the broadcasters themselves. Significance: This proposal illustrates a suggested reform for the media that may never be enacted due to the low ratings the public access programs

Break-up the Big Media Corporations

Definition: A proposed reform where anti-trust laws would be applied to the few large remaining media companies to make them divest themselves into their various outlets. - e.g. Disney would divest ABC into it's own corporation. Significance: This proposal illustrates a suggested reform for the media.

Clean Election Laws

Definition: A reform that caps spending for most state and local offices. In 2000, an Arizona referendum enacted a "clean elections" law where spending was capped at $75,000 of publicly funded money. In 2011, the Supreme Court decided that outside groups could spend as much money as they wanted to support a candidate and it would affect the candidates spending limit. Significance: This law illustrates a reform to campaign contributions that has actually worked. Because of this law, Arizona elections have increased in competition and candidates are not required to spend as much time fundraising.

Presidential agency

Definition: A term that refers to the "sweeping freedom of action" a President has in war time. A president can capitalize on conflict circumstances to frame national war goals and define military strategy on his own terms. Significance: This term illustrates an argument by Polsky that posits presidential agency in a war doesn't last long. It expands quickly at first but then dissipates just a quickly.

Status of Force Agreement

Definition: Agreement between a host country and a foreign nation stationing military forces in that country an agreement between a host country and a foreign nation stationing military forces in that country. They deal primarily with criminal jurisdiction for troops stationed in another country, and tend to defer jurisdiction of trials to the host. The US has SOFAs with over 90 countries. Iraq did not renew their SOFA with the US, forcing the US to withdraw. Significance:

Executive Agreement

Definition: Agreement between the president and a foreign head of state, the agreement has the force of law but IT DOES NOT have to be ratified by the Senate because it's an executive agreement and NOT A TREATY Significance: shows how president is strong in foreign policy


Definition: An attempt to deceive the audience that does not actually include an empirically untrue state or empirically refutable statement Significance: The vast majority of deceptive statements in politics is sophistries, not lies (Iraq War result of two sophistries)

ANWR (2003, 2006)

Definition: Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Illegal to drill for or produce oil in a wildlife refuge, Oil companies started campaign to get Congress to open up ANWR to oil production because of $9 billion oil (Prudhoe Bay) Bush extremely popular b/c of the rally around the flag effect • Rs have majorities in the House and Senate • Bush selling this as part of the double war effort BUT in 2003 2/3 or Americans identified as environmentalist • Launch of public opinion campaign • A lot of environmentalist live in Northern Republican states Several Northern Republican senators voted against it and it fails Significance: even when president is popular b/c of the rally around the flag effect, even when his party has control of both Houses, even though he has the backing of a powerful industry, he can still fail

First Amendment

Definition: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, **or of the press**; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. Significance: This protection of the 1st Amendment along with the power of the 14th Amendment illustrate how the press has become the symbolic "4th Branch" of government, practically untouchable and very powerful.

How is the executive different from a legislator?

Definition: Executive can see policy for a number of years the same, Congress is constantly changing, President has more duration, The president has secrecy, no legislator can keep a secret (In foreign affairs, you must be able to keep a secret) Significance: Executive one mind, Congress many minds, Executive has only one will

"energy in the executive"

Definition: First requirement of a president --> Energy of the executive is "leading character in the definition of a good government" Significance: displays how essential it is to have a strong, vigorous government to protect against foreign attacks (e.g. "strength in foreign affairs")

Direct Election

Definition: George C. Edwards III argues that we choose the President through direct election, that is, using the popular vote not the electoral college system to pick our chief executives. Significance: This concept illustrates a proposed reform the electoral college, and the American electoral process overall.

Electoral College

Definition: In 1887, founders said the wisest people from each state would congregate and choose the chief executive. it is possible to win a majority of the electoral college with only 45 percent of the popular vote, The institution actually used to elect the president, based on the number of Representatives and Senators. Candidates can be elected without winning the popular vote. When campaigns plan their strategy, their goal is to win the electoral vote, smaller states have advantage Significance: Presidential candidates' strategy is based on how to put together enough states in order to get 270 electoral votes, not the popular vote.

"Policy trials" (2012)

Definition: It's a process where the emphasis is on the president making his case against equally informed critics who would in the same amount of time argue against his case And after this particular debate was over there would be a certain amount of time the people would be allowed to form an opinion and the people would be allowed to form an opinion for or against president's case *The president would have to make an appeal and persuade the public that this was a good idea--If the president wins, what he wins is a popular brand of public support *Rebuttal t seems to be the party balance would probably decide the outcome President very often argues that time is short, reaction must be swift, And this process of getting ready to have a debate, would take a month or more By the time war might be lost before it even starts That would certainly be the president's argument Making the president wait perhaps losing the war that should be fought fast which might be better than what we have now where there a bunch of undeclared war Significance: This proposal illustrates a suggested reform for the Presidency that actually would benefit the President. If the trial is found in his favor he would have increase support form Congress and presumably the public in his plans. If the trial decision went against the President's wishes he's off the hook and doesn't have to worry about taking action that would upset Congress of the American people.

Second Constitution

Definition: Jeffery Tulis argues that the "2nd constitution" references the informal interpretation Woodrow Wilson had and most presidents have followed to today. This 2nd constitution puts a premium on active and continuous presidential leadership of popular opinion. This is in contrast to the concept of the formal "original constitution." Significance: This concept is a greater part of an argument by Tulis that illustrates how many frustrations of the modern presidency can be traced to the president's ambiguous constitutional station, a vantage point of conflicting elements.

Original Constitution

Definition: Jeffery Tulis argues that the "original constitution" is the formal version the Framers invented in 1787 which has remained mostly until altered to today. This is in contrast to the concept of the informal "2nd constitution." Significance: This concept is a greater part of an argument by Tulis that illustrates how many frustrations of the modern presidency can be traced to the president's ambiguous constitutional station, a vantage point of conflicting elements.

Liberal Bias

Definition: Means that the broadcast media or the print media basically imply liberals are virtuous in telling the truth and conservatives are mean spirited liars o The main evidence that conservatives offer in regards to liberal bias is that ever since the 1980s there have been surveys taken of various elites and the results of the surveys show that most reporters consider themselves liberal *Argument: reporters are liberals and therefore the stories they write have a liberal bias Significance: "This suspicion of a media bias illustrates the fact the media isn't really biased according to ideology but just generally "anti-politics." Media people have decided that all politicians are crooks and liars. This attitude, permeates their reporting. Especially an incumbent bias and an anti-front runner bias."

"Commander-in-chief" clause

Definition: President is commander in chief of the armed force, But Article 1 however says Congress declares war Significance: The president has made war dozens of times by placing troops in areas of possible war even though Congress has officially declared war 4 times

Six-year Presidency

Definition: Proposed by Jimmy Carter, this reform would establish a one term six-year presidency that can't be followed by self-succession. The argument for this reform is that President's are so busy trying to please the masses in order to be re-elected, they can't pursue meaningful change. Significance: This proposal illustrates a suggested reform to the Presidency that would be undemocratic and could only be enacted through a constitutional amendment. This reform may not be successful because it would either create a series of lame duck presidents or a series of near authoritarian leaders who are beholden to no one.

Presidential Dilemma

Definition: Public holds presidents held accountable for a lot of things, but most time they don't have the power Significance: "This illustrates a paradox b/c the public holds POTUS accountable for the state of the country, especially the state of the economy, despite the fact that he has little control over either."

16 percent

Definition: Since 1933, the president has been very successful with Congress about ___ __________ of the time in domestic policy Significance: shows how the president is rarely successful in domestic policy

U.S. v. Belmont (1937)

Definition: The Supreme Court upheld the authority of the president to make an executive agreement • Who decides what's a treaty that has to be ratified and what's an executive agreement that does not have to be ratified? THE PRESIDENT • Sometimes presidents do not think they can get away solely only with executive agreements o Ex: Jimmy Carter --> Panama Canal o 96 percent of the time presidents have gotten away with an executive agreement over a treaty Significance: Executive agreements enhance presidential freedom in foreign policy

Harlot's Prerogative

Definition: The press has power w/o responsibility Significance: The press, unlike politicians, cannot be voted out of office or impeached --> not subject to the same political forces of politicians --> free to investigate, ridicule, but do not have to answer for their actions except in a larger market place


Definition: Trump's career built on spectacle, enabled him to connect with working class audiences (Ex: his rallies) Significance: Trump administration fixated on spectacle, shows how focus on spectacle can lead to little focus on substance, running on spectacle

Fake News

Definition: a political communication that is a lie or a sophistry masquerading as a legitimate journalism Significance: Prior to the internet journalists served as gatekeepers and were easily able to filter out the untruth o Now journalists have less power as gate keepers o People are now easily able to give their own standard of truth The arrival of internet communication, has increased deceptive communication sophistries and lies o The purpose of a deception is always a manipulation *Donald Trump and Fake News --> When he uses the phrase it means he doesn't like some news stories or news institutions


Definition: a story about the moral failing of politicians, whether sexual, financial or any other kind Significance: Easily gets the attention of the media --> Reporters can understand them and the audience can understand it

Head of Government

Definition: actually, makes the decisions of public policy , Person who makes the backroom deals, Essentially, person who makes the "sausages" (sausages and laws), Always taking sides in the things that DIVIDE us, Weak in domestic policy, Strong in foreign policy Significance: In the United States, we are very one of the few countries that combine head of state and head of government into one office and that has caused trouble for our entire history Ex: Jimmy Carter --> 1979 hostage situation--> Ted Kennedy --> Carter would use surrogates to say Kennedy was committing treason b/c he was going against president in a time of crisis

The Bear

Definition: an ad ran by the Reagan campaign in 1984. Was almost entirely fear-mongering, depicting the Soviets as "bears" and that Reagan is the only one able to confront it, but does not actually give anything of substance. Significance: This advertisement illustrates a lack of content in elections. Strong campaigns usually don't have contentless images or videos.

Cross-cutting issues

Definition: an issue that appeals to a large fraction of one or both major parities whose members are unsatisfied with the way that their party has handled that issue Significance: These issues make it difficult to characterize candidates based on their party


Definition: an unauthorized bit of information given off the record by a government official to a reporter • Why do people want to leak info? o They are in favor of a certain policy or b/c they are against the policy o Make themselves look like a hero and someone else look like a villain o Or believe things should be of public knowledge Significance: The concept of leaks illustrates how releasing "classified" information can be both good and bad for democracy. They can expose government misconduct but can also be damaging to national security.

Sound Bites

Definition: brief quotation in a news story, getting shorter and shorter as time goes on, average time used to be 42 seconds, now 8 seconds Significance: Forces candidates to create short slogans, candidates forced to be superficial in their public statements, Tendency of the news media to touch the surface of things and not talk about things that are particularly important (in context of presidential campaigns)

dialogue of democracy

Definition: candidates and citizens discuss and argue about how to solve national problems, An arena in which we have a national argument of potential public policies before an election." Significance: "This concept illustrates the democratic ideal for an election. This is what we want an electoral campaign to achieve."

uneducated white male gun owners in strategic states

Definition: how Donald Trump won in 2016 Significance: Trump was able to appeal to groups who saw themselves as under attack

Function of the Press

Definition: must be free to provide the people with a variety of ideas, especially the ideas that the people in power don't like *press is only institution protected by the Constitution Significance: It is the people's participation that makes for a democratic government people's participation means there needs to be choices among authentic alternatives, a successful press is need for a successful-running democracy *"The function of the press illustrates an inherent conflict in every Democratic country, where the press wants to put out useful information but at the same time make a profit."

Guantanamo Bay

Definition: naval base/prison in Cuba where Bush administration took suspected terrorists from Iraq and Afghanistan. for the left, it became a crusade to close Guantanamo, Obama campaigns for the Presidency and in favor of closing Guantanamo. Democratic members of Congress "forbid" any administration from brining detainees to U.S. and so Guantanamo is still open. Significance: This illustrates their imperative; prior to primaries, he would never have been asked by political machine bosses to close it, but had to pledge that to voters in order to win the nomination.

Democratic Coalition

Definition: o Base in the 1930s --> but changed in the 1960s and evolved further o Economic liberals More regulation of business Higher taxes on rich people In conflicts with business and labor they tend to take labor's side o Social liberals Pro-civil rights Pro-choice Gun regulation o Environmentalist tend to be a part of the Democratic coalition Significance:

Head of State

Definition: person who symbolizes the country, o symbolizes the things that UNITE us, A focus of patriotism Significance: In the United States, we are very one of the few countries that combine head of state and head of government into one office and that has caused trouble for our entire history Ex: Head of State --> emperor (Japan), queen (UK); Head of government--> prime minister (Warren Harding's death --> didn't do much as president, but country heavily mourned death bc of the office he held and what it symbolized)

Executive Order

Definition: president issues a command under an existing law and therefore it does not have to be approved by Congress Significance: Overtime the president has acquired more authority, Presidents have used this power in order to expand their domestic power

Post-truth presidency

Definition: president's supporters don't care if the president lies Significance:


Definition: something that is factually untrue, and something that a person knows is untrue when said, but it is said to deliberately deceive the audience Significance: utilized to deceive the public

Bully Pulpit

Definition: term used by FDR said what mass media was turning the presidency into, president becoming the national preacher, presidents use it to persuade the public to support his domestic policy initiatives, hoping support in the public will translate to support in Congress Significance: This term illustrates that POTUS is a media superstar and he tries to compensate for his weakness by using his position to influence public opinion.


Definition: the act of creating phony fake and emotional issues that tap into negative emotions (i.e some candidates who are running in opposition of sharia law being imposed on Texas) and attempt to whip up hate and resentment between groups to profit from it. Significance: the more demagoguery the worse the campaign

Horse-race coverage

Definition: the tendency of the media to report on an election campaign as if it were a horse race, i.e., who is ahead, who is behind, who is gaining ground (like a sporting event) Significance: 42 percent of 2016 coverage was horse race coverage 17 percent controversies 10 percent policy stands 31 percent other *public not able to know what the real issues are or candidate's policy stances, "Illustrates superficiality in action."


Definition: what the news media pursues, When there's a controversy you let both sides have their say, And you don't take sides to who is right and who is wrong Significance: • Over the last 10 years some journalists have become unsatisfied with the concept of "balance" • Bottom line: politicians and especially the president can manipulate truth, partly because of the values of journalism • There's a problem with being even handed one may give falsehood equal hand with truth

"rally 'round the flag" effect

Definition: when the country is attacked Americans become super patriotic and rush to the psychological defense of their country (Ex: Pearl Harbor, 9/11) Significance: In Oct. of 2001 his approval rating went up to 95 percent - the highest ever recorded --> Why? Americans rallying around the Head of State

Signing Statement

Definition: written statement made by a president when he signs a bill, saying that some parts of this bill may be unconstitutional and therefore the president may disregard them (* George Bush issued more singing statements more than any others, more than a 100) *don't have to be made public Significance: example of the unitary executive theory at work, gives president power to determine what rules he wants to obey and which ones he does not

Zivotofsky v. Kerry (2015)

Defintion: Background --> o The government of Israel claimed for a long time that Jerusalem was its capital no other country recognized this, they recognized Tel Aviv as capital o However, in 2002 Congress passed a law law stated that anyone born in Jerusalem as an Israeli citizen could have dual citizenship (U.S. and Israel) and could have Jerusalem as capital of Israel in passport George Bush signed with signing statement said that part of bill was unconstitutional because he had the power as a president to decide what was the legitimate capitol of another country Case--> Was born in Jerusalem and had it as the capital in his passport argued Jerusalem was capital according to 2002 law Took president to the Supreme Court Supreme Court said Congress does not have the constitutional authority to tell the president what's the capital of another country Significance: President given more power in foreign policy

War Powers Act (1972)

Defintion: The attempt of Congress, with a Democratic majority, to arrest the power to make war from the president • What does the act say? o Anytime a president sends troops to a foreign country under conditions of conflict He has to notify Congress BEFORE he does it He has to withdraw those troops w/in 90 days unless Congress votes to support it • All presidents have said the War Powers Act is unconstitutional and they will not abide by it presidents have ignored it • SCOTUS has never decided on the constitutionality of the War Powers Act Significance: War Powers Act is a complete failure, it has had no effect on presidential behavior

Front-loaded campaign

Defintion: the practice of moving presidential primary elections to the early part of the campaign, to maximize the impact of certain states or regions on the nomination Significance: "severely truncated the campaign season, requiring candidates to raise more money sooner and making it more difficult for lesser-known candidates to gain momentum by doing well in early primaries and caucuses"

Imperial Presidency

Defintion: A description of how dominant the president has become in foreign policy since WWII Significance: This term Illustrates that during a war, the President's power expands to the point where he is essentially becomes a dictator.

Superior Council of the Audiovisual

Defintion: French institution created in 1989 whose role is to regulate the various electronic media in France, such as radio and television. Significance: a suggested reform for the media

Health care Reform (1993-1994)

Defintion: One of Clinton's campaign promises in the 1992 campaign was to reform American health care, there was a lot of objective evidence that American health care needed to be reformed, In public opinion polls --> Americans reported that they were unhappy with their healthcare (everyone hated their insurance company), Clinton had Democratic majorities in both the House and the Senate, looked like his health care plan would sail through, and yet it failed Why did his plan fail? • Clinton was dishonest about the economics (said it would cost much lower than what a lot of economists were saying) • the plan would take a lot of business away from insurance companies they started a public campaign to persuade the public to turn against the Clinton plan o television spots (1993 Harry and Louise) • talk radio Rush Limbaugh attacked health care plan heavily o his audience in 1993 was 20 million people every day • Clinton put Hillary in charge of selling the plan and people don't generally like her *Obama learned to include insurance companies in coalition when forming the ACA Significance: even if the president's party has a majority in Congress, even if there are objective facts that something needs to be, even if the public generally supports the idea AT FIRST, incompetent presidential handling can still make a domestic policy issue fail

Landing troops (1965, 1980, 1983, 1989, 1994)

Defintion: Presidents (of both parties) have made war numerous times in various parts of the world without informing Congress or asking permission of Congress or asking for a declaration of war o 1965 LBJ Dominican Republic, w/o letting Congress know o 1980 Jimmy Carter Organized rescue mission remember hostages in Lebanon • Troops were supposed to go in and rescue hostages and come back, turned out to be fiasco didn't go well Carter organized rescue mission (troops going into dangerous situation) without a declaration of war and without informing Congress o 1983 communist revolution in Grenada island (Cuba) President Reagan authorized Marines to invade Grenada, defeat communist troops and liberate island Reagan did own his own, under authority as Commander-in-Chief w/o informing Congress (informed Pentagon) o 1989 remember gave back Panama to the Panamanians in 1979, by 1989 Panama had been taken over by dictator Dictator big time drug dealer, whole country made Panama a base for drug dealing President HW Bush sent Marines, Navy and Army to Panama Capture dictator who spent the rest of his life in Miami prison, restored democracy in Panama HW Bush did this under his role as CIC did not inform Congress o 1994 Haiti had been taken over an organized crime faction Clinton gave several warnings to faction, they did not listen Clinton ordered an invasion of Haiti and the troops where in the transport planes with the engines warming up when faction said they were giving up Didn't actually invade Haiti in 1994, but there's no doubt we would have Clinton did not ask for declaration of war or inform Congress about what he was going to do Significance: Whenever president has done this someone brings up the War Powers Act, Presidents' spokespeople essentially say War Powers Act unconstitutional has not leverage over them


Defintion: what the president creates to receive to achieve support from the public, consuming concern of for management of presidential appearance Ex: Obama versus Romney (fighting good guy over rich guy), Bush in the aftermath of 9/11 Significance: illustrates the president's concern of public image


Reasons for Impeachment o Treason: giving aid and comfort to the enemy in time of war (definition according to the Constitution) o Bribery o Other high crimes and misdemeanors How it happens -House of Rep. indicts --> only requires a simple majority of the House -President is tried by the Senate, chief justice of SCOTUS presides over the trial --> 2/3 vote needed to impeach


__________________ is an administrative definition, not a legal definition o Does not mean information is protected by law o There are exceptions to the definition Illegal to leak the names of CIA agents to journalists • In 1970s a couple of CIA agents wrote books names mentioned, some were murdered • In 1928 Congress passed a law making it illegal Espionage Act Illegal to release the specks of military systems Illegal to make public military troop movements

Commander in Chief Clause

definition: clause in Art 2: president is commander in chief of the armed forces; presidents have used that clause to get the country into dozens of wars, however, however article 1 --> says Congress can declare war significance: the Presidential power in foreign policy has evolved to the point that Presidents can make war without a declaration of war from congress, president may be powerful in foreign policy but is still weak in domestic policy

Spin doctors

definition: those who influence the media to frame the stories a certain way; all politicians are spin doctors significance: the media fails to fulfill its obligation to advance the dialogue of democracy by framing stories a certain way as opposed to simply presenting information

Periods of Presidential Domestic Affairs Success

o FDR (1933-37) National mood Great Depression, public needed the government's help Democrats in both Houses FDR was a wonderful radio performer ("Fireside Chats") o LBJ (1965-66) National mood: JFK murder, civil rights Democrats in both Houses Johnson was a personal persuader o Ronald Reagan (1981-82) National mood: stagflation "Boll Weevil" majorities both the House and Senate had Democratic majorities, but in both the House and Senate there was a large contingent of Southern Democrats Reagan was a wonderful TV o Bush (2000-01) National mood: 9/11 Rs in both houses Personal o Obama (2009-10) National mood: Great Recession Democrats in both houses Combination of being personable, good on TV

What is good or bad about leaks?

o GOOD Corruption can be exposed Ex: 2010 two federal employees wrote an op-ed in how they warned superior prior to 9/11 about the suspicious behavior of some Arab immigrants, they were ignored, authors argued if there had been some leak it could have prevented 9/11 attacks o BAD Ex: Cuban Missile Crisis 1964 Saturday Evening Post, argument by conservative, told story about crisis and made Adlai Stevenson the wimp who wanted to surrender to the Soviet Union, was embarrassing to Stevenson (exposed as the dove) a lot of people think about in the LBJ administration a lot of people don't want to be portrayed like Stevenson during the time of the Vietnam War Ex: May 2012 AP released a story that the US had foiled a bomb plot from Islamic extremist in Yemen, compromised informant CIA had among Yemen extremist

Problems with the Press

o Presses tend to be business, meaning they are owned by rich capitalists and tend to reflect the viewpoint of right capitalists (The profit motive has an effect on newspapers, on television, anyone who's trying to make money putting out information) o Conservative and liberal newspapers depend on the areas they serve o Does not function as the ideal press in a democracy would function

Clinton email controversy

o State Department --> supposed to use the state department server but it is antiquated and open to hacking o Clinton had professionals set up her own server in her home in New York (Her personal email server was NEVER hacked)


o To win an election a president has to hold its base, add a majority of independents in the middle CAN'T JUST WIN ON YOUR BASE Need the base and majority of the _________________ o People don't always vote based on coalition Some are only one issue voters Personality of the candidate

Clinton 2016 Election

o Tried to attract a wide coalition did good in terms of the winning the popular vote o Free Trade --> always tried to step away from the subject, even though she was historically for it

old v. new style or running for the nomination

o old - candidates who wanted to be nominated would appeal to local party leaders o new - candidates are chosen in primary elections (after 1972). a large majority to delegates to presidential primaries are chosen by voters (the nomination process of the presidential candidates are now dominated by amateurs instead of professionals)

unanticipated consequence

when you make a reform and the reform has its own problems that you do not like Ex: FECA --> The Federal Elections Campaign Act (1974)

Problems with American Politics

• Unrepresentativeness in Congress • Gridlock in irresponsibility in Congress • Influence of wealthy special interests • Superficiality of the press

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