Consumer Behavior Final

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T/F: All of the brands thought of as potential solutions are known as the consideration set

False. All of the brands thought of as potential solutions are known as the AWARENESS set

Financial cost, time cost, and effort cost are examples of ________.

Actual, economic, social, and physical risk (Examples of economic risk)

Which of the following is TRUE regarding Internet shopping?

Annual growth in the number of internet users, AND most future growth will come from existing buyers; Annual growth in the number of Internet users is low, with increases in the amount of online spending coming from existing shoppers buying more

Which of the following factors influences the expected benefits and perceived costs of search?

Consumer, market, product, and situation characteristics so "all of the above" Buyers appear to weigh the benefits of search against the costs they incur.

The process of consumers acquiring product through mail, telephone, or computer orders is referred to as ________.

In-home shopping; These sources represent an important and growing percentage of total retail sales

Which of the following is NOT a research finding regarding the Internet as an information source?

Roughly 30 percent of American adults use a search engine to research a product/service before buying it online; A majority of adult consumers in the U.S. search for information on the Internet prior to a purchase.

Describe the nature of situational influence on consumer behavior, and briefly discuss the four broad categories or types of situations

Situational influence is all those factors particular to a time or place that do not follow from a knowledge of the stable attributes of the consumer and the stimulus that have an effect on the current behavior. Temporary characteristics influence buying behavior. Consumer behavior occurs in 4 types of situations: 1) communications situation- where the receive info 2) purchase situation- when purchase is made 3) usage situation- when appropriate to use 4) disposition situation- consumers dispose of products or packaging before or after product use

T/F: Brand image and store image are similar concepts.


T/F: Physical conditions of store atmosphere include layout, equipment, colors, furnishings, and space.

True. A store's atmosphere affects the shopper's mood/emotions and willingness to visit and linger.

The emotional response that owning or using the product or outlet provides is known as

affective performance; Affective performance may arise from the instrumental or symbolic performance or from the product itself.

Which of the following is NOT a key situational dimension or characteristic that influences consumer behavior?

alternative evaluation

Thelma and Louise look forward to Saturday morning when they can drive to their local diner and have breakfast. They laugh at people who spend their weekends at the mall shopping. To which shopping orientation do Thelma and Louise belong?

apathetic shoppers; Apathetic Shoppers have no particular shopping motive.

The situation in which consumers receive information has an impact on their behavior and is referred to as the ________ situation.

communications; Whether one is alone or in a group, in a good mood or bad, in a hurry or not—all influence the degree to which one sees and listens to marketing communications.

Which of the following is NOT a type of consumer decision making discussed in your text?

complex decision making. Nominal, limited, and extended decision making are types of decision processes.

Which marketing strategy is appropriate if the brand is not part of consumers' evoked sets?

disrupt strategy; If the brand is not part of consumers' evoked sets, the marketer must disrupt the existing decision pattern.

Which approach to problem recognition examines emotions associated with certain problems?

emotion research; Emotion research examines emotions associated with certain problems

Which type of consumer decision making involves the evaluation of many attributes and alternatives and employs complex decision rules?

extended decision making; Extended decision making involves the evaluation of many attributes and alternatives and employs complex decision rules

Factors such as timely delivery, order accuracy, billing accuracy, and merchandise quality are part of which dimension in online satisfaction and dissatisfaction?

fulfillment and reliability; Fulfillment and reliability are important drivers of satisfaction with online retailers.

Campbell's soup used several advertising campaigns that stressed the benefits of soup in general. For example, one tagline used was "Soup is good food," and another was "Never underestimate the power of soup." Which type of problem recognition was Campbell's attempting to stimulate?

generic problem recognition; Generic problem recognition involves a discrepancy that a variety of brands within a product category can reduce.

Which problem recognition involves a discrepancy that a variety of brands within a product category can reduce?

generic problem recognition; Generic problem recognition involves a discrepancy that a variety of brands within a product category can reduce.

Elaine is considering the purchase of a computer and is aware that Toshiba and HP are brands in this product category. However, she is basically indifferent toward them. These two brands represent Elaine's ________.

inert set; These brands might be acceptable by consumers if their favorite alternative is not available.


is the process managers use to manipulate the physical retail environment to create specific mood responses in shoppers.

Wendy was in Walmart and noticed a display with baking items collected together and a little pad with recipes to tear off. She looked at the recipe and decided that this would make a nice dessert for Thanksgiving, so she purchased the products that were conveniently located on the display. Which type of decision making did Wendy undertake?

limited decision making; For limited decision making, external search can play a moderate role, particularly when the consumer is aware of several possible alternative solutions.

Which type of decision making process in effect involves no decision per se?

nominal decision making

Friends, family, and others are examples of which source of information?

personal sources; Personal sources of information available to consumers are friends, family, and others.

Any source of products or services for consumers is referred to as a _____.

retail outlet; This has moved well beyond physical stores and catalogs to include the Internet, interactive TV ads, and mobile shopping apps

Giving out candy to children on Halloween, giving chocolate and roses to sweethearts on Valentine's Day, and wearing green and drinking green beer on St. Patrick's Day are all examples of ________.

ritual situations; are of major importance to marketers because they often involve prescribed consumption behaviors

When perceptions of product performance match expectations that are at or above the minimum performance level, ________ generally results.

satisfaction; Satisfaction reduces the level of decision making the next time the problem is recognized

Jessica and her friends are 16 years old like to shop at Aeropostale, which is a clothing store targeted to teens and young adults. They like to go in that store because there are usually some pretty cute guys working and shopping there. Even though there are some parents shopping with their teens, the other customers are usually teens like themselves. The other individuals present in this store represent the

social surroundings; are the other individuals present in the particular situation

Effective quality control and distribution and package inserts that assure the consumer of the wisdom of their purchase are attempts at ________.

suppressing problem recognition; Marketers do not want their current customers to recognize problems with their brands

Which dimension of product performance relates to aesthetic or image-enhancement performance?

symbolic; Symbolic refers to aesthetic or image-enhancement performance, such as styling.

Purchases made in a retail outlet that are different from those the consumer planned to make prior to entering that retail outlet are called ________.

unplanned purchases; Consumers often purchase brands different from or in addition to those planned

Customer complaints communicated directly to the company and no one else are important because

-neutralize negative WOM -enable problems to be solve -enable dissatisfied customers to be more satisfied -they can alert the firm to problems all of the above; When a consumer is dissatisfied, the most favorable consequence is for the person to communicate this to the firm and no one else.

T/F Marketers do not attempt to change or create consumption patterns associated with rituals.

False. Marketers attempt to change or create consumption patterns associated with rituals

One aspect of purchasing from QVC, one of the cable shopping channels on television, is that the "offer" will expire within a certain amount of time, creating a sense of urgency among consumers. Teresa watches this channel frequently and admits that this aspect of the situation does influence her decision to buy something. Which characteristic of the situation is influencing Teresa and others' behavior?

Temporal perspective; are situational characteristics that deal with the effect of time on consumer behavior.

Consumers conducting a generic search in an Internet search engine use which type of terms?

general product-related terms; Generic search is done in product-related terms that do not include any specific retailers

What are the two dimensions of performance for products?

instrumental and symbolic; Instrumental relates to the physical functioning of the product; symbolic relates to aesthetic or image-enhancement performance.

Which type of consumer decision making includes the evaluation of only a few attributes, simple decision rules, and few alternatives?

limited decision making; Limited decision making includes the evaluation of only a few attributes, simple decision rules, and few alternatives.

A firm that introduces a new line of non-fat snack food due to increasing consumer concern with health is ________.

reacting to problem recognition; Marketers attempt to help consumers solve problems after they arise.

Which online shopping segment found by Experian is younger, heavily female, and sees shopping as fun?

status strivers; Status Strivers like to browse and shop to keep up with trends.

Mark is developing the marketing strategy for his business, which is a retail store. He knows that situation characteristics will interact with his marketing activity. Which of the following is a situation characteristic he needs to consider?

task definition

For which product are consumers more willing to travel longer distances to shop for?

wedding dress; Major high-involvement purchases such as automobiles or specialty items such as wedding dresses generate greater willingness to travel.

What is the first decision a dissatisfied customer will make?

whether or not to take any external action; The first decision to be made is whether or not to take action.

Even if a dissatisfied consumer takes no external action, which of the following is likely?

will have a less favorable attitude toward the store or brand; If a dissatisfied consumer decides to take no external action, she will have a less favorable attitude toward the store or brand.

Grant is the marketing manager for a consumer package goods manufacturer. He realizes that consumers use nominal decision making when purchasing his products. Explain how the marketing strategies and tactics he should use would differ if his company's brand is in the consumers' evoked set compared to when it is not.

The two marketing strategies appropriate for consumers using nominal decision making are maintenance and disrupt strategy. Maintenance is appropriate if the brand is purchased habitually by the target market and the marketers strategy is to maintain that behavior. This requires consistent attention to product quality, distribution and reinforcement advertising strategy. If the brand is not part of the evoked set, the marketers first task is to disrupt the existing decision patterns. This can be difficult. Low-involvement learning over time could generate a positive product position for the marketers brand, but this alone would not be likely to shift behavior. In the long run, a major product improvement accompanied by attention-attracting advertising could shift the target market into a more extensive form of decision making. In the short run, attention-attracting advertising aimed specifically at breaking habitual decision making can be successful.

T/F: Variety-seeking behavior is a challenge to marketers because it means the consumers switch brands for reasons beyond a company's control.

True. Consumers are more likely to become bored on sensory attributes such as taste

T/F: The five primary sources of information available to consumers are memory, personal sources, independent sources, marketing sources, and experiential sources.

True. Each of these sources has an offline, online, and mobile component.

T/F: For many products and services, there are wide variations in profitability across customers.

True; Retaining some customers is more profitable than others.

When orange juice manufacturers attempted to expand the various times of day when consumers would see orange juice as an appropriate beverage to consume, they were trying to influence which situation?

Usage; Marketers need to understand the usage situations for which their products are, or may become, appropriate.

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