Contemporary Issues

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Vice President, Al Gore

The first time DiCaprio heard about global warming, who told him that it was the most important issue of our time?

Primary Source

The origin of information is an original account of happenings that was written or made by the person who had experienced them

Major heat waves will make some countries unlivable Agriculture collapsing in countries near the equator

What are some things that will happen if the world becomes 4 degrees warmer?

Switching from beef to an alternative

What is one fairly easy thing you can change in your diet to help the environment?


What percentages of households in India do not have access to electricity?

Dodo Bird Moa Passenger Pigeon

When DiCaprio went to the natural history museum, he studies the extinct animals. List 3.

1. 20% of the population 2. 40% of the means of livelihood 3. Major roads and bridges are destroyed and impassable 4. Widespread destruction 5. Epidemics

When is an Event a disaster

The sea levels will rise

When water is no longer stored in ice, what will happen to sea levels?

Mordor from Lord of the Rings

While riding in the helicopter, to what does DiCaprio compare the oil mining landscape?

1. Increased in population 2. Climate change 3. Increased Vulnerability due to *Demographic changes *Increased concentration of assets *Environmental degradation *Poverty *Rapid urbanization and unplanned development

Why are Disaster Impacts Increasing


_________ will became the world's first fossil fuel free nation.

Earthquake Flooding Landslide Trash slide Super typhoon Road cut


34 citizens of India

Electricity consumed by one American at home is equivalent to _______________


Elon Musk says that without a tax on _________ the world will not switch to sustainable energy.

1. Overfishing 2. Coastal infrastructure development 3. Deforestation 4. Pollution

Environmental Problems in the Philippines

Diaries Political Cartoons Photos Documents Drawings

Give 5 examples of Primary Sources

Books Biographies Articles Editorials Survey Results

Give 5 examples of Secondary Sources

Natural or Human - induced

Hazard could be

Over half a century

How long have scientists know about the problem of global warming?

One billion people

How many people depend on fish for their daily source of protein?

Make Disaster Risk Reduction a Priority Know the risk and take action Build understanding and awareness Reduce Risk Be prepared and Ready to act

Hyogo Framework for action

important and valuable to society clear effect or influence a society or the population in general happening at the present time being talked about by various groups in society

In order to be considered a contemporary issue, it must be:

coal, oil, natural gas

Most of our economy is based on fossil fuels

Rick Scott Donald Trump James Inhofe Ted Cruz

Name a politician who denies the impact of climate change?

Climate Change

Pope Francis has called upon the world to accept the science of _________ _________


Prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared with another, usually in a way considered to be unfair

palm oil

Rainforests are being destroyed in order to plant trees to make ____ ____ one of the cheapest in the world, which makes companies huge profits.

R = Hazard x Vulnerability/Capacity

Risk Formula

Ban Ki-Moon

Secretary general of United Nations, from South Korea

Identifying Primary and Secondary Source Distinguishing Fact from opinion Identifying Bias Forming Inferences, Generalizations, and Conclusions

Skills needed in the study of Contemporary Issues

Paris, France

The UN climate conference of 2015 took place in what city?

rain forests

"Like oceans, _______________ absorb carbon from our atmosphere... until we clear them and light them on fire"

Water vapor Carbon dioxide Methane Nitrous Oxide

A number of greenhouse gases occur naturally in the Earth's atmosphere

Secondary Sources

Are information or interpretations based on the primary origin or other secondary source and prepared or written by persons who are not involved in the narrated events

Emergency Plan Monitoring and Evaluation Early Warning Systems Survival Kits

CBDRRM includes

Community - Based Disaster Risk Reduction and Management

CBDRRM meaning

wind - solar

China is prioritizing ________ & _________ over coal

Greenland is going away

if climate stays at this temperature that its been for the last decade, ____________________


involves a mental process where one connects information to make a summary

Natural disaster

is a consequence when a natural hazard affects humans and/or the built environment


is a dangerous phenomenon, substance, human activity or condition that may cause loss of life, injury, or other health impacts, property damage


is the characteristics and circumstances of a community, system or asset that make it susceptible to the damaging effects of a hazard

Man-Made or Human Induced Disaster

man-made disasters are the consequence of technological or human hazards

Contemporary Issue

refers to an event, idea, opinion, topic, or problem that is relevant and in public discourse in our community, our nation, or the world at present


refers to subjects, themes or problems that affect the society because they are talked about, and causes and bases for people's disagreement and debates

Center for Research in the Epidemiology of a Disaster(CRED)

the Philippines was the most disaster - prone country in the world for the past century

air conditioning

the artic is like the ______________ for the northern hemisphere

Contemporary world

the period from the 20th century up to present

Contemporary History

the time between the 20th century and the present

-18 degrees Celsius or about 0 Fahrenheit

with no greenhouse gases at all Earth would be about ________________________________


• long term • Wide area • Seasonal changes • Measured over long spans of time


• short term • Limited area • can change rapidly • Difficult to predict


a statement that describes relationship among information or data after careful study, observation, and analysis of important evidence or body of knowledge


a thought-out theory or an educated guess about something


aims to create a resilient community which are able to reduce their vulnerabilities and exposure

Republic Act No. 10121 - PDRRM ACT of 2010

an act strengthening the Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction


an actual event, experience, or observation that really occurred and is supported by evidence or data


an idea, supposition, impression, or conjecture

Bottom - up approach

are solutions coming from the minorities like the local government or even from the local community

Top Down approach

are solutions coming from the top which is composed of the government or those in authorities


belonging to or occurring in the present; living or occurring at the same time

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