Context Clues

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The worker's hands were as callous as sandpaper. Callous means: a. rough b. dirty c. hard

a. rough

The original Pilgrims called themselves the "Saints" and referred to others who joined with them for the voyage as the "Strangers." Original means: a. one of a kind b. first c. humorous

b. first

No matter where you go, the Internet is following you. Almost every portable device is being made with an Internet connection. The Internet is truly ubiquitous. Ubiquitous means: a. it is fuzzy and will bite you b. it is everywhere c. it costs too much money

b. it is everywhere

The air was as pungent as a rotten egg. Pungent means: a. sweet b. sour c. salty

b. sour

Removing seeds from cotton plants was a slow job until Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin. What is a cotton gin? a. a drink b. a book c. a machine

c. a machine

Kyle just stared. His face was as vacant as a new sheet of paper. Vacant means: a. smiling b. angry c. blank

c. blank

Christmas is a time when Dad reverts to his childhood. I really think he looks forward to Santa's visit more than any other member of the family. Mom says that he'll always be a child during this season. Revert means: a. peeks at presents b. drinks too much egg nog c. goes back to being what he was

c. goes back to being what he was

Wherever he goes, the esteemed Dr. Sanchez is applauded for his life saving research. Esteemed means: a. very old b. unable to chew gum c. greatly admired

c. greatly admired

Kara brushed her hair until it gleamed like a new penny. Gleam means: a. curled b. got wet c. shine

C. Shine

Carol bolted up the stairs like a scared rabbit when she heard the thunder. Bolted means: a. hurried b. crawled c. climbed

a. hurried

The United States has a vast amount of newly discovered clean geothermal (natural heat from the Earth's crust) energy. Tapping into this energy source could provide at least 10 times the energy that can be obtained from the nation's known coal reserves. Vast means: a. a large amount b. not enough c. dangerous

a. a large amount

I believe that if you lower taxes so that people can keep more of the money they earn, it will be an incentive for them to work harder. Incentive means: a. a reason to do something b. a small amount of money c. a tax

a. a reason to do something

The beautiful magnolia blossoms gave off a fragrance like honey. Fragrance means: a. a sweet smell b. a sticky feel c. bees in them

a. a sweet smell

Fortunately, the explosion diverted the asteroid from a course that would have sent it hurdling into our planet. Divert means: a. change the direction of b. look for really high waves c. jump into a dry river

a. change the direction of

Some people are sure that the new health care law will mean better care for everyone. Others argue that the law will mean less care and longer waiting lines for those who need to see doctors. It's a controversy that will not go away soon. Controversy means: a. have strong disagreements over b. blow their noses into c. eat with sweet candy

a. have strong disagreements over

Your cousin claimed to be late because the doors of his house were frozen shut. Even though I have my doubts, his explanation is plausible. It got really cold last night. I'll just have to take his word for it. Plausible means: a. you should never believe it b. it's hard to understand because it makes no sense c. it's believable enough to possibly be true

c. it's believable enough to possibly be true

As the summer sun sent scattered rays through the maple and oak leaves overhead, the young deer stood frozen, making it almost impossible for the hikers to see her. Frozen means: a. very cold b. visible c. not moving

c. not moving

Some people are always bashing the president just like others bashed the one before him. Wouldn't you think that everyone could find something to praise him for, at least once in a while? Bashing means: a. hitting hard with a heavy tool b. going to too many expensive parties c. speaking or writing harshly about

c. speaking or writing harshly about

Most of America's Founding Fathers did not believe in women's suffrage. Only men could vote in the United states until 1920. Suffrage means: a. an early flag b. skirts that did not cover ankles c. the right to vote

c. the right to vote

Speaking rudely to the judges was rash behavior. You really hurt your chances of winning! Rash means: a. an itchy skin condition b. trying to hide or disguise a piece of cheese c. with little thought or consideration

c. with little thought or consideration

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