Contextual Analysis

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What are the main components of a test script

(1) Preliminary Interview Questions (2) Specific Instructions (3) Description of the user

What is the structure of the "flow" model?

- Circles (people, or groups by role) - Boxes (artifacts) - Arrows (flow) - Red Lightning bolts (breakdown) - (A) = (assumptions)

What do you put into the social model about a particular product?

- Context of use - Feelings about the product (proud, embarrassed) - Influences: why purchase one product (instead of) another

What are the factors that influence the social model.

-Formal and informal policies -Values of a company or a team -Work domain constraints -People's emotions about what they do

Why use graphical models... more specifically, why use graphics at all?

- Graphical Models display the entire picture at one time - Reveals patterns - Forces summarization, conciseness - Multiple models provide different perspectives

What are affinity diagrams useful for?

- Important for teams situations, and environments where there are many ideas

What attributes do you gain from using diagrams following a contextual inquiry?

- Integrate - Summarize - Point back to the data - Help inspire and guide design - Provide shared focus - Provide an intermediate deliverable outside design team

Describe a transcript, and the way it is used.

A summary/Generalization of what the user "did and said". You don't always have to provide an actual quote, you can instead generalize information that sums up what happened. Each point on the transcript is denoted by a "TIMECODE" or "LINENUMBER"

How are "breakdowns" used, with respect to models?

Breakdowns articulate problems that may interfere with normal operation. Breakdowns are often shown with a red thunderbolt

Describe the 3 main models used within this course.

Flow Model Social Model Artifact Model +Physical Model

Describe the Flow Model

Communication and coordination necessary to perform a task. -Workflow -Who talks to whom, who gives what to whom?

When is one of the most important things to consider when asking a user a question?

Consider NOT revealing any hints to the user when asking questions

Describe the Social Model

Constraints on work due to policy, culture, or values

What is the main goal behind creating a model?

Deducing intent

What are the benefits of using the physical model?

Depend only on what is available, reduce motion, improve flow of artifacts

What are the benefits of using the flow model?

Eliminate flows, roles, redundant data entry

What are the benefits of suing the artifact model

Guide requirements, metaphors, remove screen problems

What are general questions that the flow model attempts to address?

How do job responsibilities get assigned to people. How do those people get help How do new tasks get assigned and subsequently carried out Where did each artifact come from, and where does it go? Creates a birds eye view of organizational structure.

What are the benefits of using the social cultural model?

Increased communication, reinforced positive values

What must you do in all models?

Label everything that you place on a model. Always make sure that you have the line-number in the transcript. (Don't make assumptions, only show what is there in the data)

What does the artifact model consist of?

Model = drawing, photograph, or copy of real artifact

How does the flow model handle Web?

NOT a flow chart based upon the pages visited, rather, how information and commands flow among the site(s)

What is one able to achieve by providing the user with specific instructions.

One is able to articulate exactly what it is that they want the user to do, with respect to a given system. One is also able to ensure that these instructions are consistent among all of the individuals that take the test script.

What is one able to find out, by asking preliminary interview questions?

One is able to identify the user's context via preliminary questions.

What is the structure of the social model?

Ovals for influencers Arrows for direction of influence Red lightning bolts for breakdowns (no need to repeat previously shown problems)

What is a designer attempting to convey with a "brief description" of the user?

Provide high level information about the user without giving away too much detail as to remove their anonymity

How are affinity diagrams made

They are made directly from your transcripts. A hierarchy of transcripts labeled together based on their relative affinities.

Describe Hartson&Pyla's Task Structure Models

Replacement for sequence model. Used for tasks that needed to be supported by the system.

What particular model presents the interviewer?

The interview is never present in any model.

What does the social model work to articulate?

The social model articulates the way people feel, their opinions. It explains "why" people do things. Their reasoning behind their actions.

Describe the Physical Model

The way the physical environment affects tasks.

What is one improvement that the Task Structure brought, over the sequence structure?

Unlike the sequence model, the task models try to capture all requirements, not just the ones in the data.

Describe the Artifact Model

What people create modify, and use as part of tasks. Reveal traces of peoples work practices

What do you do with all of the data that you collect during a contextual inquiry?

You use graphical models to represent that data. "Opinions are cheap, but insights are priceless"

What should your model attempt to achieve?

generalization over all interviewees

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