corrections final chapters 13-14

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A meta-analysis that summarized evidence on psychological interventions and long-term reduction in youth antisocial behavior found that a. peer interventions appear to be appropriate with younger populations but less useful for intervening with older youths. b. non-minority youths experienced greater benefits from parent group interventions than the ethnic minority youths. c. boys benefited most from interventions involving their families. d. All the above are true. e. None of the above is true.

a. peer interventions appear to be appropriate with younger populations but less useful for intervening with older youths.

age-crime curve

Refers to the tendency for offending to rise during adolescence, peak around age 18, and then drop thereafter.

deliquency offenses

act that would normally be criminal had it been done by an adult

Offender treatment that incorporates anger management and interpersonal problem solving has a greater impact on reducing recidivism than treatments that include victim impact and behavioral modification. True False


The cost of incarceration varies widely according to an area's cost of living and the security level of the prison. True False


association of state correctional administrators (ASCA)

a national organization for state department of corrections directors that seeks to educate top administrators on broad correctional issues and influence correctional policy

gotcha game

a style of offender supervision where the officer is less interested in helping the offender succeed and is more interested in tacking failures and acting on rule violations; as a result, the officer has a high turnover of cases

performance based measures system

a web based national database that allows correctional administrators to analyze their own institutional environment and compare it to other states using standardized measures

Research suggests that the most successful treatment programs for juvenile offenders emphasize which of the following issues? a. Family interactions. b. Peer relationships. c. Mental health. d. Substance abuse.

a. Family interactions.

Which of the following statements most accurately reflects the age-crime curve? a. Juvenile crime rises through adolescence, peaks at around 18, and drops thereafter. b. Juvenile crime rises in early adolescence, peaks at around 15, and drops thereafter. c. Juvenile crime rises in late adolescence, peaks at around 21, and drops thereafter. d. Juvenile crime rises in preadolescence, peaks at around 13, and drops thereafter.

a. Juvenile crime rises through adolescence, peaks at around 18, and drops thereafter.

Which correctional goal is accomplished when victims and others have a feeling that the offender has received his or her just deserts? a. Retribution. b. Enforcement. c. Restoration. d. Rehabilitation.

a. Retribution

What did the Supreme Court decide in In re Winship regarding juveniles who are brought up on charges in juvenile court proceedings? a. The standard of proof in criminal court was applicable to juveniles in juvenile court. b. The standard of proof in juvenile court is a matter of state discretion. c. The standard of proof in civil court was applicable to juveniles in juvenile court. d. The standard of proof in juvenile court is a matter of judicial discretion.

a. The standard of proof in criminal court was applicable to juveniles in juvenile court.

When determined to have committed an act that would otherwise be a crime, rather than being found guilty of a crime, juveniles are a. adjudicated delinquent. b. guilty of a delinquent act. c. petitioned as neglected. d. found to be persons in need of supervision (PINS).

a. adjudicated delinquent.

How does selection bias impact minority youth in the juvenile justice system? a. Minority youth engage in risky behaviors at a later age than their white counterparts do. b. Actions or histories of minority youth are scrutinized more closely than that of white youth. c. Minority youth engage in risky behaviors at an earlier age than do their white counterparts. d. Actions or histories of minority youth are scrutinized less closely than that of white youth.

b. Actions or histories of minority youth are scrutinized more closely than that of white youth.

Which correctional goal is accomplished when an offender causes no further harm while under supervision? a. Retribution. b. Community protection/public safety. c. Restoration. d. Enforcement.

b. Community protection/public safety.

Which treatment type has both a family-based and a community-based aspect? a. Functional Family Therapy. b. Multi-systemic Therapy. c. Scared Straight programs. d. Blended sentencing.

b. Multi-systemic Therapy.

Which of the following factors represents the most significant risk factor relating to early onset of delinquency in females? a. Societal factors. b. Poor academic performance. c. Substance abuse. d. Teen pregnancy.

b. Poor academic performance.

According to the figure in Chapter 14 showing what works and what doesn't, which of the following is an example of what does NOT work? a. Reentry programs from prison. b. Scared Straight programs. c. Therapeutic communities. d. Residential community facilities.

b. Scared Straight programs

What name is given to the use of smaller correctional programs housed in small sites (rather than large congregate care facilities) where the emphasis is on rehabilitation in small groups, constant therapeutic intervention, and minimal force? a. Restorative Hospice. b. Therapeutic Prototype. c. Missouri Model. d. Reformatory Model.

c. Missouri Model.

According to the performance-based measuring system, which of the following measures relates to the correctional performance standard of offender recidivism? a. Positive drug tests. b. Inmate-on-inmate assaults and victims. c. Number of crime-free days. d. Facility escapes.

c. Number of crime-free days.

Which of the following allows correctional administrators to use the same database platform to collect, store, and analyze date for their institution? a. Common-themed initiatives system. b. Smart on Crime platform. c. Performance-based measures system. d. State Correctional Administrators justice initiative.

c. Performance-based measures system.

Which of the following terms describes a focus on appropriate responses to the harm suffered by the victim or by the communities and reducing expensive incarceration responses? a. Deliberate enforcement scheme. b. Economically viable crime procedures. c. Rational crime control policy. d. Disconnected crime tactics.

c. Rational crime control policy.

Which of the following factors is likely to contribute to an unsuccessful community supervision outcome for an offender? a. Stable employment. b. Living with spouse and/or children. c. Under age 30. d. Completion of treatment program.

c. Under age 30

Which of the following is NOT among the three most beneficial programs compared to their costs? a. educational programs. b. Long-term drug treatment. c. Work release. d. Prison industry.

c. Work release.

Minority youths ages 10-17 account for about one-fourth of the U.S. juvenile population but comprise ________ of the juvenile arrests for violent crimes. a. 10% b. nearly all c. half d. one-third

c. half

Misbehavior that is considered wrong because society does not consider the juvenile old enough for such activity is called a a. delinquency offense. b. non-petitioned offense. c. status offense. d. CHINS offense.

c. status offense.

Justice Reinvestment Initiative

A data-driven approach to encourage states to reduce correctional spending and reinvest savings in strategies designed to prevent crime. States and localities collect and analyze data on factors related to prison population growth and costs, implement changes to increase efficiencies, and measure both the fiscal and public safety impacts of those changes.

A key recommendation of the "Smart on Crime" initiative is for steps toward centralization that would provide one agenda across all federal districts so that the U.S. Attorney General can provide a national strategy for addressing crime across those districts. True False


As a result of the U.S. Supreme Court case McKeiver v. Pennsylvania, juveniles have a constitutional right to a trial by jury in juvenile court. True False


Costs associated with supervision of offenders in the community compared to simply watching them in prison actually make probation more expensive than incarceration. True False


Research on teen courts is scant and vary widely in their methodology and type, but one consistent and verified finding is that sometimes offenders who go to teen court actually have worse outcomes than comparison groups. True False


Since they are more likely to be rehabilitated, evidence-based practices suggest that treatment interventions for low-risk offenders should last longer and be more structured than are the programs for higher-risk offenders. True False


When considering recidivism reduction, the type and duration of treatment is less important than the probation supervision itself. True False


status offense

Misbehavior that is considered wrong only because society does not consider the juvenile old enough for such activity.

nonpetitioned case

The informal response to a juvenile court case.

Every state allows or requires juveniles to be tried as adults in criminal court under certain circumstances. True False


In some states, juveniles have the right to a trial by jury. True False


informal probation

Upon the voluntary agreement of child and parents, the juvenile agrees to submit to certain probation conditions without being formally charged or adjudicated as delinquent.

Which of the following policies represents a shift toward rationality in corrections policy? a. The development of "one size fits all" solutions. b. The incorporation of front-end crime prevention programs. c. The transfer of additional resources toward institutional corrections. d. The enforcement of strict distinctions between victim rights and offender rights.

b. The incorporation of front-end crime prevention programs.

Which of the following best defines the concept of parens patriae? a. The state must defer to a child's parents when that child misbehaves. b. The state is the ultimate parent of all minors and therefore has final responsibility for its younger citizens. c. The state must hold parents responsible for the misbehavior of their children. d. The state must protect its citizens from misbehaving young people.

b. The state is the ultimate parent of all minors and therefore has final responsibility for its younger citizens.

preponderance of evidence

burden of proof that requires evidence supporting a charge to have greater weight or be more convincing than the evidence offered in opposition to it

Which the following expectations for the corrections system is LESS important today than in the recent past? a. Retribution through fair and just punishment. b. Staff/inmate safety. c. Cost-efficient practices. d. Use of evidence-based techniques.

c. Cost-efficient practices.

Which of the following is NOT one of the recommended changes from the "Smart on Crime" initiative? a. Federal offenders not posing a threat to public safety should be eligible for alternatives to incarceration such as diversion, drug court, and other community-based efforts. b. Increase the eligibility for inmates seeking compassionate release because of a terminal illness or because of a dire medical need. c. Develop a single national strategy for identifying crime problems and needs across all federal districts. d. Reduce federal prison sentence lengths for drug offenders who had no ties to gangs or large-scale criminal organizations.

c. Develop a single national strategy for identifying crime problems and needs across all federal districts.

This transfer model, which is also known as prosecutorial discretion or concurrent jurisdiction, gives prosecutors the authority to file certain juvenile cases in either juvenile or adult court. a. Statutory exclusion. b. Prosecutorial abdication. c. Direct file. d. Judicial waiver.

c. Direct file.

Which of the following is NOT identified as an essential element of programming for adolescent girls? a. Staying in a physically and emotionally safe space. b. Opportunities to develop relationships of trust and interdependence with other women present in their lives. c. Frequent opportunities to interact with adolescent boys in order to learn essential social skills. d. Education about women's health and female development.

c. Frequent opportunities to interact with adolescent boys in order to learn essential social skills.

Which correctional goal is accomplished when an offender successfully completes community service and restitution? a. Deterrence. b. Community protection. c. Enforcement. d. Restoration.

d. Restoration.

What percentage of a corrections budget pays for staff salaries, wages, and benefits? a. 49 percent. b. 13 percent. c. 27 percent. d. 65 percent.

d. 65 percent.

The transfer of a juvenile to adult criminal court can occur as the result of a. in some states the criminal courts actually have original jurisdiction for certain crimes committed by juveniles. b. prosecutor decides to try the juvenile as an adult. c. juvenile court judge waives jurisdiction in the matter. d. All of the above are possible, depending on the state. e. None of the above. Juveniles cannot be transferred to adult criminal court.

d. All of the above are possible, depending on the state.

Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment can be effectively used in which of the following settings? a. Prison. b. Outpatient community programs. c. Residential community programs. d. All of the above. e. None of the above.

d. All of the above.

Successful residential treatment programs for juveniles are those that do which of the following? a. Support mental health issues rather than focusing on punishment. b. Provide aggression replacement training such as anger control. c. Focus on specific skills such as behavior management or family counseling. d. All of the above. e. None of the above.

d. All of the above.

Initially the juvenile court provided no due process protections for juveniles. Why? a. The Bill of Rights specifically excludes juveniles from due process protections. b. Juveniles could not be punished. c. Due process protections were given to the juvenile's parents. d. Court proceedings were not adversarial.

d. Court proceedings were not adversarial.

Which of the following projects represents an example of a Justice Reinvestment project? a. Opening additional prisons. b. Improving conviction rates for reoffenders. c. Increasing prison beds. d. Diverting people from the prison system.

d. Diverting people from the prison system.

According to the figure in Chapter 14 showing what works and what doesn't, which of the following is an example of what works? a. Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE). b. Discipline-oriented boot camps. c. Long-term community supervision (more than five years). d. Drug courts.

d. Drug courts.

Which of the following prisoner-related costs is most expensive? a. Transportation. b. Food. c. Programming. d. Health care.

d. Health care.

Handling serious offenses by juveniles in criminal court rather than juvenile court was based on the assumption that punitive adult criminal sanctions will have a deterrent effect on juvenile offenders. Which of the following best describes the research findings regarding this practice? a. Empirical evidence suggests that juvenile transfer laws have a significant general deterrent effect but no specific deterrent effect. b. Empirical evidence suggests that juvenile transfer laws have a significant specific deterrent effect but no general deterrent effect. c. Research finding show higher recidivism rates among juveniles convicted for status offenses in criminal court when compared with similar offenders tried in juvenile court. d. Research finding show higher recidivism rates among juveniles convicted for violent offenses in criminal court when compared with similar offenders tried in juvenile court.

d. Research finding show higher recidivism rates among juveniles convicted for violent offenses in criminal court when compared with similar offenders tried in juvenile court.

Which of the following is NOT a reason for a juvenile to be brought to juvenile court? a. Situations wherein the juvenile has been involved in activities that would be criminal if done by an adult. b. Situations wherein the juvenile has been involved in activities that adults consider to be inappropriate or undesirable behavior for a juvenile. c. Situations wherein a child or juvenile has been neglected, abused, exploited, or mistreated. d. Situations wherein a person who is now an adult is believed to have committed a serious delinquent offense when he or she was a juvenile.

d. Situations wherein a person who is now an adult is believed to have committed a serious delinquent offense when he or she was a juvenile.

Purpose or mission statements of correctional institutions vary widely, but one philosophy that is first and foremost around the country is that the corrections system a. punishes society's law breakers. b. has an obligation to tax payers to keep costs as low as possible. c. must keep its employees safe. d. fulfills a public safety function.

d. fulfills a public safety function.

When a case is taken to an adjudicatory hearing where a juvenile court judge determines (based on evidence and witnesses) whether the juvenile will be found delinquent, the case is said to be a. non-petitioned and probationary. b. handled informally. c. discretionary but without bias. d. handled formally through a petition.

d. handled formally through a petition.

Most correctly, blended sentencing allows the court to a. suspend adult sanctions inflicted on a minor. b. impose adult sanctions on a minor. c. impose juvenile sanctions on a minor. d. impose either juvenile or adult sanctions, or a combination of these sanctions, on a minor.

d. impose either juvenile or adult sanctions, or a combination of these sanctions, on a minor.

criminal blended sentencing

in cases where a juvenile is tried as a n adult, the criminal court judge can impose juvenile sentences that would ordinarily be available only to juvenile court

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