Corrections Test 1

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A sentence to confinement in a city or county facility that could be under minimum, medium, or maximum security supervision is a prison sentence.


All three-strikes laws authorize, or in some cases mandate, longer periods of incarceration for drug sales and escape.


By the late 20th century the disproportionately high presence of African Americans in the Nations prisons had been significantly reduced in the prison population of African-Americans was essentially the same as it was in the general population


Crime policies in the United States appear to be more punitive than in other Western countries because the United States relies more on rational decision making.


Evidence-based practices research confirms that negative sanctions are more effective than positive


If an offender on diversion supervision does not comply with the court-stipulated conditions, he or she is sentenced but there is no formal record of conviction.


In several studies, white offenders have been found more likely than black offenders to view prison over community-based sanctions as the more severe sanction.


Jeremy Bentham who was in 18th century philosopher argued that a moral people deserved punishment that was equally depraved even if the punishment did not benefit the general welfare


Laws that were enacted to ensure that actual time served would be closer to that given in the original sentence are called habitual offender statutes.


Men but not women were transported from England to the British colonies in Australia


Mitigating circumstances refer to situations that require a tougher sentence.


Most research suggests that the more punitive states tend also to have lower rates of poverty, fewer persons who are African-American, and more generous welfare payments for impoverished persons.


Old merchant enable ships that were converted into floating presents were called Chunks


One of the primary punishment philosophies retribution is the one that most clearly considers the harm done to the victim when deciding and appropriate punishment for the offender


One reason state prison populations continue to increase is that research consistently shows that longer sentences have significant deterrent value and help reduce recidivism.


Since chemical castration effectively controls feeling of anger and hatred as well as preventing erections it is appropriate to use for all six offender's


The Hebrew legal system is also referred to as the Roman law


The academic side of evidence-based practice refers to the specific application of the most effective techniques.


The concept of just deserts requires the offenders punishment to be as harsh as the law allows


The medical approach argued that society's response to the criminals should be guided by physicians and should rely on medication


The pretrial release decision is made prior to arrest so that defendants who qualify can be released and supervised in the community before their first court date.


The reformatory movement was notable for it's equal treatment of both white and black women offenders since race played no role in who was placed in the reformatories rather than custodial prisons


The war on drugs has had a pronounced effect on the federal prison system, and greatly reduced the number of incarcerated women.


Weak or inadequate evidence is not a good reason for dismissing a case during initial screening since evidence is unimportant until trial.


When sentencing convicted offenders, judges must use just one sentence type.


because the likelihood of success is increased, a basic principle of evidence-based practice is that treatment interventions should be focused on low risk clients


Which of the following was not a feature of the penitentiary act of 1779

Fees for basic services such as food can be charged to persons arrested for Felonies but not a persons arrested for misdemeanors

Under which of the following does responsibility for a prisoner's release from confinement lie with correction officials (e.g., parole board) rather than with the sentencing judge?

Indeterminate sentencing.

Which of the following is NOT one of the main decisions points for prosecutors?

Deciding whether to arrest a suspect.

Under which of the following does the judge impose a flat sentence for a specific amount of time?

Determinate sentencing.

Which punishment philosophy relies on the course options that people are rational calculating individuals using free will to achieve pleasure and avoid pain


One criticism of restorative justice is that it can promote _____ by perpetuating existing social inequities


This concept is expressed when society treats similar crimes and similar criminals alike


under which incarceration of rehabilitation is Criminality considered similar to an illness that can be diagnosed and treated

Rehabilitation as individualized treatment

Which statement is least true of Elmira reformatory

Used determinate sentencing strategies

Which program helps inmates understand the victimization facts in the plight of victims rights and greatly improves their sensitivity levels

Victim impact classes

In comparing the merits of the Pennsylvania and Auburn models proponents of the auburn system claimed it

Was cheaper to construct and run

A system of Royal courts that had a primary interest in settling disputes of landholders was established in England by

William the conqueror

Which of the following did the new women's reformatories of the late 19th century different from those of men

Women's reformatory's were built in a cottage plan with the women living in small individual units cottages

The use of factors is a strategy that allows judges to increase sentences because of special conditions.


Preadjudication diversion

allows the defendant to be supervised in the community before pleading guilty.

The more effective treatment interventions are those that

are focused on either males or females specifically.

Intensive treatment for lower-risk offenders

can actually increase the likelihood of recidivism.

Which of the key requirements for an effective deterrent system is problematic because it is reasonably achieved only if citizens are willing to be consistently monitored


Rudolph has pled guilty to criminal trespass and assault. Judge Tran sentences Rudolph to serve 2 years on the trespass charge and 5 years on the assault charge. However, Rudolph is allowed to serve both sentences at the same time and will be released in 5 years. In this case, Judge Tran has used

concurrent sentencing.

Time off a prison sentence given automatically when inmates serve their sentence without problems is called

conditional good time.

Repeated and cumulative media exposure is thought to contribute to insecurity and fear of crime according to

cultivation theory.

One example of sentencing disparity is the representation of minorities in prison.


Good time credit received as the result of behvior or program participation is often called

earned good time

One reason that deterrent effectively discourages and prevents criminal behavior is that humans have similar understandings of what is severe and what is mild punishment


Selective incapacitation favors brought a use of imprisonment as a way to achieve large gains in crime prevention by locking away even minor offenders


Specific deterrence occurs when punishment is applied to an offender with the goal of discouraging others who hear about the punishment from committing a crime


The iron law of imprisonment states that imprisonment if the preferred punishment for all violent offenders


How long does the average criminal trial last?

less than a week.

Requiring a prison sentence, rather than some form of community corrections, for particular crimes and some offenders is called sentencing.


Deterrence is the act of discouraging future criminal acts by both the

offender and others in the population

what do you offender deserves is to retribution as what the victim deserves is to


Prison programs in the late 20th century were more likely to emphasize

Restorative justice procedures

Because this punishment philosophy does not require punishment to achieve some goal or objective it is very difficult to argue with one of its proponents that the philosophy doesn't work


Retribution to be distinguished from revenge in each of the following ways except

Retribution is a form of individual retaliation for a wrong done

decision making when determining sentence and sentencing conditions. Evidence-based sentencing involves the use of research to improve the quality of judicial


Under which type of incapacitation with the policy be to reserve imprisonment for only those offenders needing to be locked away for societies protection


Generally speaking with ____ incapacitation people are sentenced to prison based on their personal characteristics whereas under ____ Incapacitation people are sentenced to prison based on characteristics of their crime


The observation that essentially all prisoners return to live in free society is called

The iron law of imprisonment

Calling punishment a natural response to a wrongful act best describes

The norm of reciprocity

According to a 2012 public opinion survey American voters believe

Too many people are in prison

The first completely independent and physically separate prison for women in the United States what is the Indiana reformatory institution for women and girls


The majority of U.S. states use a primarily determinate sentencing system.


The police enforce the law, keep social order, and preserve public safety for their particular jurisdiction.


Trends in state sentencing are clearly toward less reliance on prison and a movement away from mandatory minimum sentencing, but at the federal level there is just as clearly a decision to continue pursuing mandatory minimum sentences-especially for all types of federal drug offenders.


Western states that were able to develop stable prison systems in the 19th century likely did so because they kept open the channels of influence from states in the east


When a correctional program has two or more independent and rigorous group and the control group, the programs is said to "work" and is studies showing a significant difference between the treatment judged effective.


When the townsfolk expelled Jane from the village she was banished but when Joe was it to a remote location to be used as a labor he was transported


With presumptive sentencing guidelines, possible sentences are suggested but judges are not required to follow those suggestions.


sentencing guarantees that offenders receiving a prison sentence will serve at least 85% of that sentence.


Nigel walkers example of how retributionist perceive Proportionality is illustrated using

Two ladders intersected by a rod

Judge Johnson is required by his state to refer to a matrix then issue a sentence that falls within a range of months for an offender with particular characteristics who has been convicted of a particular crime category: Judge Johnson is following

presumptive sentencing guidelines.

Crime policy in the United States are more punitive than crime policies in other Western countries for each of the following reasons EXCEPT

U.S. judges and prosecutors are career civil servants who receive special training.

A presentence investigation report (PSI Report) is primarily used today for (blank) purposes, but also can aid in the supervision of probation offenders.


To be considered of high quality, a program should

show significant differences between treatment and control groups.

Compared with other countries, the United States incarceration rate is

significantly higher than that for most other countries.

When considering how staff members such as probation officers or community corrections counselors relate to offenders

the quality of the interaction is more important than the quantity.

One of the ways we have tried to reduce sentence disparities is through

the use of sentencing guidelines.

A timeline in the chapter shows that over a five-decade period, state and federal sentencing has moved from to

truth-in sentencing / issue-based sentencing

According to a recent study of state good time provisions, there is considerable variation in the amount of good time available to prisoners, but the norm seems to be

10 to 20 days per month

Public opinion surveys indicate that respondents believe that _____ percent of the current prison population could be released from prison and not pose a threat to overall Public safety


The first state prison in the sense of a facility housing only convicted offenders not those simply accused of crime from all over the state was

Castle island Boston

What is an 18th century Italian criminologist to believe that punishment should be used only for good

Cesare Baccaria

The Minnesota sentencing guidelines uses these two major factors in the calculation of a sentence.

Crime severity and criminal history.

Hanging a horse thief to ensure he doesn't steal any other horses experiences this philosophy

Specific deterrence

Prisons in the agriculture south made use of a ____ that provided labor to plantation owners and other farmers who needed help with crops

Lease system

Which of the following is an example of incapacitation through technology

All of the above are examples of incapacitation through technology

The declining US crime rate from 2007 through 2014 can be attributed to

All of the above played some role in the decline in crime rate

According to evidence-based practices research, sentencing to which of the following programs should be avoided since they don't reduce-or may even increase-recidivism?

All the above are programs to which sentencing should be avoided.

Which program type depends on correctional resources available in the community to assist the offender in seeking help and abiding by certain conditions?

Community corrections.

Hanging a horse thief to discourage others from stealing horses express is this philosophy

General deterrence

Progressive reformers argued that antisocial behavior occurs less because of free will and more as a result of


according to the chapter 4 table on the types of punishment ____ Is a form of probation that requires closer supervision of the offender under increased rules and regulations

Intensive supervision probation

Based on a meta-analysis of public opinion research for garden criminal justice reform we can conclude that the public

Is more likely today to favor rehabilitation treatment and support efforts then to support harsh sentencing policies

Two themes important in the development of imprisonment as punishment were

Isolation and labor

Which of the following is least true of the Pennsylvania system

It improved a prisoners physical moral and mental health

Which of the following is least true of the auburn system

It often resulted in the mental breakdown of prisoners due to the constant solitary confinement

According to a figure in the text book various categories of offenders in Oklahoma Indiana and Kentucky consider which of the following sentences to be the most severe


This person is often considered the greatest prison reformer of modern time

John Howard

The primary goal of the restorative justice philosophy is to

Make the victim and community whole again

The steps of examination diagnosis and treatment exemplify the

Medical model

Which version of good time is provided in a few states (California, for example) for exceptional acts


By the end of this time In England punishment had become less cruel and moved toward exhibitory punishment such as stocks and pillories

Middle ages

These circumstances refer to an event or condition that makes an offense less serious than it might otherwise be and may result in a sentence lower than suggested in the guidelines.


What goal was to be achieved by separating prisoners from each other

Penitents would be encouraged and cross-contamination of evil ideas prevented

A ____ Investigation report is an informational source on which judges base their sentencing decision for adult felony Offenses


In comparing the merits of the Pennsylvania and Auburn models proponents of the Pennsylvania system claimed it

Provided more opportunity for meditation and repentance

Prisons developed differently in the south and north. Which of the following is not considered a cause of the differences

There was a preference in the south to have justice dispensed at the state rather than local level

A criminal is more likely to be deterred by seeing a police officer with handcuffs and a radio then through the passage of a new law increasing penalties


Although females also commit sex offenders treatment responses for them rely on psychological rather than technological measures


By 2010, three-strikes laws were being viewed less as the best way to get violent offenders off the streets and more as an unfair and costly sanction without clearly shown benefits.


Earned good time is usually given automatically (by state statute) either at the time the inmate enters prison or after monthly reviews.


General incapacitation may avoid the problem of racially and ethnically biased sentencing by imposing prison Sentences based on what the offender did rather than who the offender is


Good time provisions not only encourage good behavior by inmates, but also serve as a population management tool that helps control prison admissions and releases.


Indeterminate sentencing is most appropriate with the rehabilitative punishment philosophy.


Information about harm or losses suffered by the victim is one type of information included in a presentence investigation report (PSI).


Is reformers Progressives differed from those in earlier decades by being professional experts rather than amateur volunteers


London's Bridewell house provided an especially good example of the ideas that prisoners should be required to work hard at disagreeable tasks


Mandatory sentencing provisions were passed in many states as a response to the discretion judges had in imposing a non-prison sentence.


Rehabilitation as a punishment philosophy has progressed through several stages but the current version focus is less on offender treatment and more on offender reentry into the community


Research on punishment ranking indicates that compared with persons having no prison experience, those persons with experience serving prison time view a jail term as less severe than a longer sentence of community supervision.


Results from evidence-based practices tell us that the more offenders feel they have been treated fairly, the more likely they will be to obey the law in the future.


Retribution is a formal penal sanction whereas revenge is an informal sanction


Silence under the auburn system was in force through lockstep marching and downcast eyes


Since 2011, prison populations in the United States have increased dramatically after having consistently declined for 40 years.


The approach taken to women offenders in the late 20th century argued that since women present low risk to public safety they should receive greater consideration for community based sentences that do men


The classic example of the law of retaliation is reflected in the principle of lex talionis


The code of Hammurabi provided the basis for criminal and civil law


The continuum of sanctions concept refers to the idea that sentencing is complex and involves trying to meet more than one sentencing goal.


The decline in the prison admissions has been driven in part by a realization that taxpayers can get a better return on their public safety dollars by investing in diversion programs then in increased reliance on Prisons


The declining crime rate in the United States can be attributed in part to the increased use of search anti-crime technologies as Car theft prevention devices


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