Course Point Newborn questions

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the nurse is helping the mother of a 5 month old boy understand the importance of developmentally appropriate play. which one of the toys best meets the needs of this child? a. a yellow rubber duck for the bath b. a push-pull toy c. pots and pans from the kitchen cupboard d. brightly colored stacking toys

ans: a

the nurse is making a home visit and observes the 7 month old pulling the family dog's ears and hair. which parenting skill does the nurse determine is most effective? a. the parents tell the child no with a stern voice and pulls the child's hand away from the dog b. the parent spanks the child while taking the child into another room away from the dog c. the parent allows the child to continue pulling the dog and states that if the dog bites her she will learn d. the parent places the child in time-out and explains the reason for the time out

ans: a

the nurse is preparing a list of abilities of 10 month olds to use in teaching a parenting group. which ability should appear at this age? a. cruises around furniture b. uses two or three words with meaning c. feeds self w spoon (but spills) d. sits from a standing position

ans: a

The nurse is assessing a 1 year old at the well child annual visit and notes the child is meeting the growth parameter. After nothing the birth weight was 8 pounds (3.6kg) and the length was 20 inches (50.8cm) long, which measurements reflecting height/weight would the nurse expect to document for this visit? a. 16 lb and 26 inches b. 20 lb and 28 inches c. 24 lb and 30 inches d. 28 lb and 32 inches

ans: 24 lb and 30 inches the weight triples and they grow 50% of their original length so 20 divided by 2 is 10, 20+10=30

The nurse is providing anticipatory guidance for a mother regarding the respiratory development of her 4 week old daughter. Which action is accurate? a. explaining to the mother the risks of infection is high due to lack of antibodies b. advising the mother that the infant's usual respiratory rate should slow to about 20 breaths per minute by the age of 6 months c. telling the mother that abdominal breathing disappears by 9 months of age d. informing the mother that the respiratory system reaches maturity similar to the adult's by 12 months of age.

ans: a

The nurse is providing anticipatory guidance to the parent of a 2-month-old infant in relation to growth and development. Which statement from the parent demonstrates proper understanding? A) "I can expect my infant to be able to raise the head up when on the stomach within the next month." B) "I can expect my infant to become clingy around strangers within the next month." C) "I can expect my infant to be able to hold a rattle within the next month." D) "I can expect my infant to laugh out loud within the next month."

ans: a

An infant has been brought to the clinic or a well-child check. The infant is 12 months of age. The child's birth weight was 6 pounds, 7 ounces. What is the anticipated weight for the child at this visit? A) 18 pounds. B) 19 pounds, 5 ounces. C) 20 pounds. D) 21 pounds, 9 ounces.

ans: b

when preforming neurological reflexes on the infant, which primitive reflex will be present longest? a. moro b. babinski c. rooting d. step

ans: b

a 9 month old has been brought to the clinic for a well child visit. the mother reports her son was born 6 weeks premature. during the data collection, the child's mother reports her son seems to be a few months behind what she recalls from her older children. what is the best response by the nurse? a. we will need to check this out since any delays related to prematurity should be resolved by the time the child is 6 months old b. all children mature and develop at different rates so its unwise to compare them in this way c. delays are normal when a child is premature d. you should talk with the doctor about getting your son tested

ans: c

a nurse is educating the client being discharged with her newborn baby. what is the highest priority item that must be included in the teaching plan? a. lock all cabinets that contain cleaning supplies b. keep all pots and pans in lower cabinets c. give warm bottles of formula to the baby d. restrain the baby in a car seat

ans: d

what is the correct amount of wet diapers a mature infant should produce each day? a. an infant should have 1 to 2 wet diapers/day b. an infant should have 3 to 5 wet diapers/day c. an infant should have 6-8 wet diapers/day d. an infant should have 9-10 wet diapers/day

ans: c

The parents of an eight month old boy voice concern to the nurse that their child is not developing motor skills as he should. What question would be appropriate for the nurse to ask in determining if their fears are warranted? A) "Does he move a toy back and forth from one hand to the other when you give it to him?" B) "Does he place toys into a box or container and take them out?" C) "Is he able to drink with a cup by himself?" D) "Is he able to hold a pencil and scribble on paper?"

ans: a

a parent asks the nurse what symptoms to expect with normal teething in the infant. how should the nurse respond? a. the infant's gumline will be tender b. the infant will not play or eat for 2 days c. the infant will be constipated for 2 days d. the infant's temperature may go as high as 102 f

ans: a

a staff nurse is talking about piaget's theory with a nursing student. infants are in the sensorimotor stage of cognitive development during which object permanence is mastered, an example of an infant displaying this ability is? a. looking for a toy in her crib at the last place she saw it b. shaking a rattle to enjoy the sound c. pushing a spoon from her high chair tray to the floor d. smiling at herself in the mirror

ans: a

which milestone would the nurse expect an infant to accomplish by 8 months of age? a. sit w/o support b. creeping on all fours c. pulling self to a standing position d. being able to sit from a standing position

ans: a

A new mother reports that she is exhausted and that the little sleep she gets is determined by her baby. Which suggestion should the nurse prioritize to help the mother establish healthy sleeping patterns in her infant? A) Put the baby to bed at various times of the evening. B) Let the baby cry during the night and she will eventually fall back to sleep. C) Use the crib for sleeping only, not for play activities. D) Wake the baby form afternoon naps after 1 hour to ensure she is sleeping by nighttime.

ans: c

After the nurse provides education to new parents about appropriate sleeping habits for infants, which statement by a parent would indicate to the nurse that teaching needs to reoccur? a. I will place my infant on the back to sleep every night b. I have a crib in my room so that I can breastfeed my baby c. my husband gave the baby a special bear that I will place in the crib d. by keeping the room at a neutral temp, I do not have to use blankets

ans: c

An infant is breastfed. When assessing the stools, which findings would be typical? a. harder stools than those of bottle-fed infant b. fewer stools than bottle-fed infant c. less constipation than bottle-fed infant d. a strong odor

ans: c

which activity will the nurse encourage new parents to complete in order to assist their infant in accomplishing Erikson's developmental tasks for the first year of life? a. praise the infant when a new milestone is reached b. respond promptly when the infant cries c. read age-appropriate books to the infant daily d. appropriately enunciate words when speaking to the infant

ans: b

a teen mom asks the discharge nurse if it is okay to sleep in bed with her baby. she says her mom always did it with her siblings and it seemed okay. how should the nurse respond? a. the baby can sleep in your room in an infant crib but not in an adult bed b. sure you can do whatever you want, it is your baby c. sure you can, but make sure you use a soft mattress for support d. bed sharing is okay just make sure the infant is between 2 people

ans: a

the student nurse is reviewing the records of a pediatric client. which statement about the client's progress indicates the need for further instruction? a. maturation refers to the child's increase in body size b. development refers to the increase in skills the child demonstrates as they grow and age c. increases in body size are referred to as growth d. both growth and development are influenced by heredity

ans: a

A postpartum nurse observes new mothers are they put their newborns in the bassinet to sleep. Which actions by the new mother require further instruction from the nurse? Select all the apply. a. A mother places her newborn on its side after falling asleep b. a mother states all of her children like sleeping on their abdomen and this newborn likes it too c. a mother places the baby comforter her grandmother made over the newborn's body d. a mother tells her husband to be sure to place the newborn on his back when putting the baby in the bassinet e. a mother states her baby looks too warm so she is moving the bassinet in front of the air conditioner to cool him off

ans: a, b, c, e

the nurse is providing a nutrition workshop for the parents of infants. the nurse understands that further instruction is required when hearing which comments from the parents? select all that apply a. food is so expensive. i cant afford for my child to leave any food on the plate b. i have tried at least ten times with green vegetables and i cant get my son to like them c. i try to eat healthy in front of my daughter so she will hopfully pick up good eating habits d. i let my child eat whatever he wants right now so we don't argue about food. hopefully he will like healthy foods when he grows up e. i plan on encouraging my son to cook with me when he is old enough so that he will enjoy a variety of foods and learn how to cook

ans: a, b, d

The parent of a 3-month-old infant is concerned because the infant does not yet sit by oneself. Which statement best reflects average sitting ability? a. most infants sit steadily at 3 months so this infant is slightly delayed b. most infants do not sit steadily until 8 months, this infant is normal c. sitting ability and the age of the first tooth eruption are correlated d. most infants sit steadily by 4 months, this infant is normal

ans: b

During the first visit to the pediatrician's practice the nurse is performing an admission interview and assessment of a 4-week-old infant. The mother states, "I am sure my baby girl knows my smell because she is much more settled in my arms rather than my mother's arms when she is upset." What is an appropriate response by the nurse? a. babies really can't tell the difference between people at that age b. maybe she just knows your voice better than your mother's c. you may be right since infants can sense their mother's smell as early as 7 days old d. I'm not sure a 4 week old infant can tell their mother from another woman's smell

ans: c

The best way for an infant's parent to help the child complete the developmental task for the first year is to: A) Expose the infant to many caregivers to help the infant learn variability. B) Talk to the infant at a special time each day. C) Respond to the infant consistently. D) Keep the infant stimulated with many toys.

ans: c

a mother asks the nurse where the microwave is so that she can warm up the breast mild to feed her baby. what is the best response by the nurse? a. make sure you test the milk on your wrist before feeding b. you should warm the milk under warm water instead c. breast milk can be given cold so there is no need to heat it d. you should only give fresh breast milk to an infant

ans: b

a newborn requires skin care that includes bathing. besides hygiene, what is another reason for bathing the newborn? a. bathing can prevent infection b. bathing is a time for bonding with the parents c. bathing is a great time to apply lotion d. bathing helps moisten the skin

ans: b

the infant weighs 7 lb 4 oz at birth. if the infant is following a normal pattern of growth, what would be the expected weight at the age of 12 months? a. 14 lb 8 oz b. 21 lb 12 oz c, 25 lb d. 28 lb 4 oz

ans: b

the mother of a 1 month old infant voices concern about her baby's respirations. she states they are rapid and irregular. which information should the nurse provide. a. the normal respiratory rate for an infant at this age is between 20 and 30 breaths per minute b. the respiratory of a 1 month old infant is normally irregular and periodically pause c. an infant at this age should have regular respirations d. the irregularity of the infant's respirations are concerning, i will notify the physician

ans: b

the nurse is education the mother of a newborn about feeding practices. the nurse correctly advises the mother that a. the best feeding schedule offers food every 4-6 hours b. most newborns need to eat about 4 times a day c. the newborn's stomach can hold between 0.5-1 oz d. demand schedule feeding is associated with increased difficulty getting the baby to sleep through the night

ans: c

the nurse is providing client education to the parent about bathing the infant, what would be important to instruct the parent? a. infants need a daily bath b. soap lubricates and oils an infant's skin c. bath time provides opportunity for play d. never use soap on an infant's hair

ans: c

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