CPH Review

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A customer's potted ivy stopped growing and is deteriorating. They purchased the plant from your garden center two years ago. You have determined the customer has adequately watered and fertilized the plant. Your garden center employee tells the customer to repot the plant. Why is this good advice? a. The plant has become rootbound b. Mites are frequently a problem with containerized plants and new growing media will eliminate the problem c. Fertilizer remains in the growing media containers for a long time d. Static cling is a problem with Styrofoam beads in growing media


A garden center customer claims that their plants do not seem to be growing well and that some leaves are purplish. The customer suggests a nutrient deficiency. You best recommendation would be: a. Add a complete fertilizer high in phosphorus b. Have the plants' foliage and soil-tested c. Incorporate a high-quality compost around the plants d. Add hydrated lime to release more essential nutrients


A garden center customer claims that their plants don't seem to be growing well and that some leaves are purplish. The customer asks how to fix a nutrient deficiency. Your best recommendation would be: a. Add a complete fertilizer high in Phosphorus b. Have the plants' foliage and soil tested c. Incorporate a high-quality compost around the plants d. Add hydrated lime to release more essential nutrients


An active compost with a pungent odor is an indication that the compost is not getting enough... a. Oxygen b. Water c. Carbon d. Nitrogen


Customers wish to beautify their home office with a collection of easy to maintain inexpensive plants. They purchase several varieties of cacti and ceramic containers into which the plants will be transplanted. They seek your advice on potting mix. You recommend they supplement the current available potting mixes. Which soil amendments are most appropriate for their plant and container selections? a. Perlite to yield a looser media b. Peat moss to help the soil retain moisture c. Fertilizer or compost to increase nutrients to roots d. Shredded fir bark that is more drought to yield a root system that is more drought


Groundcovers are used most frequently in areas where minimal maintenance is important. An example of this practice is? a. The planting of vines on a steep, rocky hillside to limit maintenance b. The planting of turf grass c. The planting of groundcovers in an area where water collects, and the soil does not dry out d. The planting of groundcover in an annual bed to reduce the growth of weeds.


Heavy soils are best improved by adding: a. Organic matter b. Fertilizer c. Sand d. Mulch


On average, the proper spacing of herbaceous annuals can be determined by: a. The planting label b. The standard spacing is 18 inches c. The size of the planting bed d. The same width as the expected height of the plant


On what factors should good landscape design be based? a. Form and/or function b. Symmetry and/or rhythm focal point and/or balance c. Focal point and/or balance d. Theme and/or style


Organic matter comes from decaying plants and animals as well as animals as well as animal excretions, but also includes: a. Living organisms b. Essential nutrients c. Some carbon-based materials d. Soluble salts


Overapplication of which plant nutrient is likely to increase sucking insect problems? a. Nitrogen b. Potassium c. Phosphorus d. Calcium


The major strengths of a good salesperson are: a. They are knowledgeable about plants, tie-in products, store policies, and recent industry developments b. They know how to direct customers to buy more than they need c. They know how to direct customers to the self-service displays to save them shopping time


The weed control method should be used when all other means of weed control are impractical a. Herbicides b. Hoeing c. Mulching d. Mowing


Turf is best established and maintained on ground that is: a. Level, firm, and fertile b. Sloped, loose, and fertile c. Leve, loose, and fertile d. Sloped, firm, and fertile


Water removed from cells during freezing and reabsorbed back into cells during thawing without the loss of any metabolic activity or injury is called: a. Extracellular ice formation b. Intracellular ice formation c. Supercooling d. Desiccation injury


What are the most common indoor plant problems? a. Aphids, Whiteflies, Mites b. Ants, Fungus gnats, sooty mold c. Mealy bugs, Powdery mildew, and rust d. Leaf gall, root rot, Whitefly


What influences the rate of water flow in an irrigation system? a. Water drag across the inside surface of a hose or pipe b. Quality of water in the aquifer c. Size of the garden to be irrigated d. The water-soluble nutrients delivered by the irrigation system


What is the best way to control diseases in a vegetable garden? a. Use preventative measures such as crop rotation b. Treat with chemicals since insects emerge c. Spray with chemicals when the garden is planted d. Plant flowers to attract the insects away from the vegetable garden


Which herbicide must be applied before weed seeds germinate? a. Pre-emergent b. Post-emergent c. Soil sterilant d. Emulsion


Which of the following is important when selecting a site for growing in ground nursery stock? a. Well drained soil b. Access to a major highway c. The direction of the prevailing wind d. The pH level of the soil


Which of the following landscape features traditionally requires the most frequent irrigation? a. Lawns b. Vegetable gardens c. Trees d. Flower seeds


Why should indoor plants be potted in containers with holes at the bottom? a. To permit excess water drain b. To allow water absorption by the roots on an as needed basis c. To allow aeration of the soil from both the bottom and the top d. To facilitate removal of the plant from the container when a plant eventually requires replanting


Compost is ready when: a. The pile is dark brown b. The components are unrecognizable, and the temperature of the compost and the air are similar c. The pile has an earthy, non-offensive odor and releases small amounts of steam when turned d. The components have reduced to ½ inch, and they feel slightly moist


For a class project, students were asked to select a tree that a prudent landscape professional might use for reforestation in Central Maryland. One student proposes Callery Pear. Which of the following statements best describes the impact of using this tree for reforestation? a. Callery Pear is intolerant of heat; and thus, they are unlikely to survive in Central Maryland. b. Callery Pears are invasive non-native trees and should NOT be used for reforestation. c. Callery Pears, being non-native trees, are more prone to pests found in Maryland, and thus will require greater pest management d. Callery Pears are strong majestic trees that grow quickly


Horticulture oils may be applied at any time of the year except when the temperature is: a. Below 0° b. Below 32° c. Above 75° d. Above 100°


Most indoor plants are tropical. What practice should be followed for these plants during the heating season? a. Increase available light to the plants b. Set pots in a shallow container of water on a layer of gravel kept wet c. Increase available heat


Soil is made up of organic matter, inorganic matter, air, water, and... a. Broken down rock b. Microorganisms c. Decaying plants d. Minerals


The period of acclimation for a plant to adjust to indoor conditions may range in length, but it's usually: a. Several hours to several days b. Several weeks to several months c. Several days to several weeks d. Several months to one year


What amendment should comprise ½ to 2/3 of the potting medium for containerized plants? a. Perlite b. Peat moss c. Sand d. Expanded shale


What are the planting methods used to establish a new lawn? a. Cuttings, separation, division, and grafting b. Seeding, sodding, separation, and sprigging c. Plugging, cuttings, division, and grafting


What characteristic is common to perennials and biennials? a. They both need cold temperatures to flower b. They both live for more than 1 growing season c. They both produce seeds every year d. They are both bulbs


What fertilizer formulations are best suited to address issues in the nutrient management regulations of the Maryland Department of Agriculture? a. Balanced fertilizers b. Slow-release fertilizer c. Low nitrogen fertilizers d. Granulated fertilizers


What irrigation problem could result from overwatering at the end of a container bed? a. Diverse growth rates b. Leaching of nutrients c. A rootbound container d. Friction loss


What is a major factor that makes non-native plants invasive? a. They bring diversity to the landscape b. The have few biological controls in their new habitat c. They are too often planted by horticulturists d. They grow aggressively in their native habitat


What is the best diameter for a root ball when root pruning a tree/shrub with a stem diameter 3 inches? a. 48 inches b. 30 inches c. 24 inches d. 15 inches


What is the best method for watering plants? a. Apply many frequent light waterings b. Add sufficient water to soak the medium to a depth of the root zone c. Add two inches of water per week during warm months d. Apply one-part hygroscopic water to 2 parts capillary water


What is the least amount of water required in a vegetable garden for optimal growth? a. ½ inch per week b. 1 inch per week c. 2 inches per week d. 3 inches per week


What is the major reason weeds are considered to be undesirable in the landscape? a. They are not a pretty as other plants b. They compete with other plants for water c. They do not grow as well as other plants d. They need specific growing requirements


What is the major reason weeds are considered to be undesirable in the landscape? a. They are not as pretty as other plants b. They compete with other plants for water c. They don't grow as well as other plants d. They need specific growing requirements


What is the primary benefit to purchasing newly developed vegetable varieties? a. They are smaller in size, thus using less space in the garden b. They often are more resistant to disease c. They will germinate at a faster rate d. They will produce more, but smaller fruits


What would be the most likely result of root pruning plants grown in the ground? a. Increased shoot growth b. A compact root system c. Production of large flowers d. Stronger stems


When mowing a lawn, the rule of thumb is to remove how much of the leaf blade? a. One-quarter b. One-third c. One-half d. Two-thirds


Which of the following are common causes of plant disease on interior plants? a. Low temperature and artificial light b. Low light and too frequent watering c. Aphids and scales d. Mealybugs and ladybugs


Which of the following best describes effective nursery displays? a. Presenting diverse themes b. Changing the displays frequently c. Displaying unadvertised merchandise d. Displaying seasonal merchandise


Which of the following methods is known to transmit bacterial and viral disease? a. Chewing b. Piercing-sucking c. Grinding d. Tearing


Which two environmental factors have the greatest impact on energy conservation? a. Wind and soil b. Sun and wind c. Temperature and soil d. Humidity and temperature


Which type of herbaceous ornamental plant is used for quick growth and early color in a garden setting? a. Semi-hardwood plant, biennial b. Non-woody plant, annual They die to the ground c. Non-woody plant, foliage d. Non-woody plant, perennial


Which types of plants are more likely to be injured by intracellular ice formation? a. Deciduous trees b. Herbaceous plants c. Hardy shrubs d. Container grown plants


You have an outdoor succulent, and it has become long and spindly. You suspect it needs more sun. What else in combination would be suggested? a. Submerge the plant in warm water with dish detergent b. Pinch back the plant c. Add clay to increase soil density d. Use artificial light to supplement natural light


You have just identified an accumulation of soluble salts and root desiccation in a customer's container plant. What is the probable cause? a. Poor watering b. Improper fertilization c. A rootbound container d. Infestation of root knot nematode


Your customer's potted plant has brown, crisp petals. What could be causing this condition? a. Lack of primary nutrients b. The plant is rootbound c. Soluble Salts d. Lack of a porous container


A customer hands you a plant with parallel leaf veins. The plant is: a. Angiosperm b. Dicotyledonous c. Monocotyledonous d. Pinnately compound


A customer in the garden department of a chain store explain that they want to start composting their yard and household waste, but the compost starter inoculant is not available. You tell them not to worry because... a. They can use a variety of bacterial septic treatment as the inoculant b. They can use several containers of yogurt containing active culture as the inoculant c. They can use any good garden soil as the inoculant d. They don't really need compost starter unless their organic material has been cooked.


A protective measure for in-ground ornamentals is the use of pine bark, compost, fir bark or pine needle mulch. What is the recommended depth to which the mulch should be applied? a. 7"- 8" b. 5"- 6" c. 1"- 2" d. 3"- 4"


A protective measure for in-ground ornamentals is the use of pine bark, compost, fir bark, mulch. What is the recommended thickness to which the mulch should be applied? a. 7"- 8" b. 5"- 6" c. 1"- 2" d. 3"- 4"


Herbaceous plants are classified by the way in which they complete their life cycle. What are the classifications? a. Soft-wood, semi-hardwood and hardwood b. Summer annuals and winter annuals c. Annual, biennials and perennials d. Deciduous and evergreen


The primary reason soil pH is important is because pH affects: a. Certain soil-borne diseases b. Microbial activity c. The availability of nutrients d. Seed germination rates


To avoid winter damage, when should one fertilize hardy ornamental plants? a. Summer b. Winter c. Spring d. Fall


Using a knife to cut a root ball that is surrounded by a mass of roots prevents the formation of: a. Too many feeder roots b. Root rot c. Girdling roots d. Tap roots


What is the number one cause of death for plants growing in containers? a. Insufficient growth space b. Improper fertilization c. Improper watering d. Wrong growing medium


When establishing a lawn, which fertilizer element is important in producing a stringer root and faster top growth of grass seedlings? a. Nitrogen b. Potassium c. Phosphorus d. Calcium


When selecting plants for landscaping, what is the most important reason for limiting the number of plant species? a. To limit competition for water among plants b. To limit likelihood of multiple pest infestations c. To ensure unity in the design composition d. To allow plant species greater access to the soil's nutrients


When transporting a tree or shrub in an open vehicle, one should: a. Tie the smaller limbs together to limit their movement b. Water the roots every 1-2 hours c. Keep the plant covered at all times d. Strip the limbs of excess foliage


Which growing medium formulation should you select for long term use for containerized plants? a. Equal parts peat moss, vermiculite, and compost b. Equal parts peat moss, perlite, and sterile topsoil c. Large amounts of milled pine bark and/or sterilized soil and peat moss plus perlite, ground Styrofoam, or sand d. Equal parts peat moss, perlite, and milled pine bark


Which is NOT a characteristic of invasive plants? a. Compete effectively for water, light, space, and nutrients b. Modify the populations of rare species c. Enhance biodiversity d. Affect human health and well-being


Which of the following identifies the first three steps in the design process? a. Client interview, site survey, preliminary design b. Client interview, preliminary design, and master plan c. Client interview, base sheet preparation, and site study d. Site study, client interview, and preliminary design


Which of the following is a likely consequence of allowing the honeydew-like sticky substance produced by sucking insects to remain? a. Shiny yellowish patches enhanced by sun damage b. Yellowing and dropping of the leaves at various levels of the plant c. Black coating on leaves caused by sooty mold d. Webbing in the axis of larger leaves and small branches


Which of the following is true regarding nursery inspection tickets? a. Nursery inspection certificates are issued only to nurseries that purchase all the stock they sell b. Nurseries with multiple sales location only need a single nursery inspection ticket c. Nursery inspection certificates are issued to persons engaged in the production, sale, exchange and/or distribution of nursery stock


Which of the following should you consider when selecting the type of tree to be used for screening purposes? a. Fall foliage color b. Nutrient requirements c. Growth habit d. Type of root system


Which pest will produce living young instead of laying eggs, enabling it to build large populations quickly? a. Mite b. Mealybug c. Aphid d. Fungus gnat


Which type of grass must be planted by vegetative means because its seed does not produce plants that are true to type? a. Tall Fescue b. Kentucky Bluegrass c. Zoysia d. Perennial ryegrass


Before fumigation, spraying, dusting, or fogging plants in an effort to treat insect problems, always remember to: a. Call the extension office b. Cover surrounding plants that are not pest infected c. Wear disposable rubber gloves d. Read the pesticide label


On which side of a house should broadleaf evergreens such as rhododendrons, azaleas, camellia, and holly be planted to protect them? a. South or west b. North or west c. South or east d. North or east


One of the most valuable and yet inexpensive sources of information for the customer is: a. Radio broadcasts b. Info commercials c. The manufacturer's sales resources materials and recommendations d. Personal interaction with sales representatives


Rapid freezing and formation office crystals within the cells is called: a. Extracellular ice formation b. Supercooling c. Desiccation injury d. Intracellular ice formation


Since 1999, agricultural producers of a certain size have had to file a nutrient management plan with the Maryland Department of Agriculture. The purpose of nutrient management is: a. To encourage the use of more naturally occurring nutrient sources to reduce the use of commercial fertilizers b. To monitor the purchase of fertilizers as part of environmental and/or agro-terrorist programs c. To provide the MDA with information regarding possible sources in cases of nutrient related pollution d. To provide adequate but not excessive amounts of nutrients


To ensure that you will provide a good landscape design, you should first: a. Prepare a functional/bubble diagram b. Symmetry and/or rhythm c. Focal point and/or balance d. Conduct a client interview


What is the best choice of plant material to use to create a microclimate within a landscape? a. Groundcovers b. Bedding annuals c. Herbaceous perennials d. Trees


What is the best time to control weeds in a garden? a. When the weeds are well established b. When the soil is dry c. When weeds are damp d. When the weeds are quite small


What is the best way to greet a customer? a. "Hey, do you need help?" b. "What are you looking for?" c. "What do you need?" d. "Hello, how can I help you?"


What is the first step in watering your plants with well water? a. Determine the individual moisture requirements for each plant b. Purchase a water breaker, wand, and hose c. Lay out the stake and soaker hose around each plant d. pH test the water


What is the first step one should take in preparing an area for a vegetable garden? a. Till the area to break up the soil b. Incorporate manure into the soil c. Add a general-purpose fertilizer to the soil d. Test the soil to determine nutrient and pH levels


What two plant care practices need to occur more frequently with hanging baskets than with larger containers on the ground? a. Pruning and deadheading b. Soil testing and disbudding c. Watering and sanitizing d. Watering and fertilizing


When is knowledge of common plant names more useful than the scientific names? a. When ordering from suppliers b. When explaining certain characteristics c. When dealing with people outside the USDA zone d. When working with beginning gardeners


When purchasing prepackaged grass seed, one should avoid seed that contains which of the following: a. Mixed varieties of grasses b. Inert materials c. Mixed species of grasses d. Noxious weed seed


Where should the Point of Purchase displays be located? a. The left front of the store b. The front of the store near the entrance c. Next to the checkout counter for the last-minute buyers d. At the "Hot Spots" in the store


Which growing requirements differ between plants grown in containers and those in landscape? a. Light, temperature, and humidity b. Fertilizer, light, and climate c. Temperature, watering, and hardiness zone d. Fertilizer, watering, growing media


Which growing requirements differ between plants grown in containers in the landscape? a. Light, temperature, and humidity b. Fertilizer, light, and climate c. Temperature, watering, and hardiness zone d. Fertilizing, watering, and growing media


Which is the proper way to write the scientific name of a plant? a. Gerbera jamesonii b. Jamesonii Gerbera c. Gerbera jamesonii d. Gerbera jamesonii


Which label must appear on a pesticide that identifies the maximum potential hazard to the applicator's health? a. Warning b. Caution c. Note d. Danger


Which of the following is an example of energy conservation within a landscape? a. Plant large growing deciduous trees on the northern side of the houses to provide protection from the northerly winter winds b. Plant large evergreen tress on the south and southwest sides of the house to provide shade from the winter sun c. Plant tall coniferous trees on the eastern and southern sides of the house to shield the house from morning sun d. Plant trees and shrubs to act as wind tunnels to channel southwesterly summer breezes through the outdoor living are and the home


Why do interior plants require less fertilizer than outdoor plants? a. Indoor plants are less of a problem; therefore, demand for nutrients is lower b. The nutrients of indoor plants are not leached away by heavy rains c. Indoor temperatures typically fluctuate less than outdoor temperatures, subjecting the plant to less change d. They grow slower and their demand for nutrients is lower.


What is the consequence of saving and planting your own vegetable seeds? a. The seeds are likely to produce higher quality plants with more desirable traits b. The germination rate will be higher c. The resulting plants are likely to revert to some undesirable genetic traits such as reduced yield or vigor. d. The plants will germinate faster

(d) .

A client comes to your garden center seeking advice because their rhododendrons appear diseased. The newest leaves have turned yellow. a. Iron b. Manganese c. Boron d. Chromium


In accordance with Maryland seed law, how long may seed be marketed after being tested? a. 9 months b. 18 months c. 24 months d. 6 months


What is the first step in selecting the best method of weed control? a. Identification b. Eradication c. Prevention d. Resistance


What is the most effective and longest lasting source of organic matter? a. Compost b. Grass clippings c. Manure d. Straw


What is the most important maintenance step for avoiding disease and pest infestations? a. Sanitation b. Identification c. Application of pesticides d. Aeration of soil


What pre-preparation actions should be completed when transplanting vegetables into the garden? a. Pour water into the planting hole b. Put fertilizer in the hole c. Remove the plant from the container and break apart the roots d. Set the plant in the hole leaving the root ball slightly exposed


Where should items that customers typically purchase on impulse be placed. a. On or near the checkout counter b. In a special display area c. At the rear of the store d. At the entrance of the store


Which environmental factor has the greatest influence on water loss from plants a. Weather b. Soil Drainage c. Competition for adjacent plants d. Leaf surface area


How should one properly water the lawn? a. Irrigate soil to depth of 4-6 inches b. Apply light application of water c. Water only the driest areas d. Water during the middle of the day

(a) I

Under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA), which license is required to apply these chemicals to your own property? a. Private applicators b. Commercial applicators c. Farming applicators d. Industry applicators

(a) P

A customer brings a leaf from their infested hibiscus plant to your garden center for analysis. You immediately notice a sticky substance on the upper surface. On closer inspection, you see white shed skin and soft round louse-like insects. With which pest is this plant likely infested? a. Lace bugs b. Aphids c. Scale d. Mealybugs


A customer tells you that they planted Impatiens in full sun next to the driveway. The plants are faithfully watered every evening. The customer is concerned about the health of the plants. They look great in the morning but terrible in the late afternoon. Which explanation below most likely identifies the cause of the problem? a. Nightly watering may have promoted growth of spider mites which cause flowers to wilt b. These shade loving plants are planted in full sun next to a hot surface c. Chemicals from the asphalt which are toxic to Impatiens are leaching into the ground and are being absorbed by the roots d. Nightly watering contributes to soil erosion and loss of essential nutrients


Based on the optimum growth needs of vegetable plants, which soil pH range is recommended? a. 7.0-7.3 b. 6.3-6.5 c. 5.7-6.0 d. 5.0-5.5


Before spraying, dusting, fumigating for insects: a. Call Extension office b. Read the pesticide label c. Cover surrounding plants d. Check equipment filters


Cold acclimation generally follows a two-stage pattern. Which of the following would stimulate the pattern? a. Short days with high temperatures b. Short days with low temperatures c. Long days with low temperatures d. Long days with high temperatures


When planting a plant, how much larger than the root ball should the diameter of the hole be? a. 10-20% larger b. 25-50% larger c. 60-75% larger d. 80-100% larger


Which fertilizer would you select for slow-release application? a. Urea b. Urea form c. Ammonium nitrate d. Ammonium sulfate


Which of the 16 elements considered essential for plant growth are primary nutrients? a. Nitrogen, Potassium, Calcium b. Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium c. Nitrogen, Potassium, Magnesium d. Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Calcium


Which of the following lawn management strategies are likely to promote lawn disease? a. Under fertilization, overwatering b. Overfertilization, overwatering c. Under fertilization, underwatering d. Overfertilization, underwatering


A process whereby plant fluids do not freeze is known as: a. Extracellular ice formation b. Intracellular c. Supercooling d. Desiccation injury


Customers wish to beautify their home office with a collection of easy to maintain inexpensive plants. They purchase several small ceramic containers into which the plants will be transplanted. They seek your advice on potting this. You recommend they supplement the commercially available potting mixes. Which soil amendments are most appropriate for their plant and container selection? a. Perlite to yield looser media b. Peat moss to help the soil retain moisture c. Fertilizer or compost to increase nutrients to roots d. Shredded fir bark to yield a root system that is more drought tolerant


What is not a common cultural weed control method? a. Mulching b. Tilling c. Spraying d. Pulling


What is the likely impact of mowing too much leaf blade? a. An increase in stem formation b. Increase in photosynthesis c. Reduction of food manufacturing d. Development of a stronger root system


A properly functioning compost pile should be how many degrees? a. 110 F b. 120 F c. 130 F d. 140 F


Anything organic can be composted unless it has been: a. Pasteurized or heat treated b. Dyed c. Printed with a petroleum-based ink d. Polymerized


By law, nursery tags must have this information on them: a. Scientific name, plant care, spacing b. Scientific name, common name, price c. Common name, spacing, price d. Scientific name, height/caliper, price


How do sedges differ from grasses? a. They have parallel veins b. They have a fibrous root system c. They have leaf blades that are several times longer than they are wide d. They have triangular stems


If a shade loving plant is moved into full sunlight, what plant process would be adversely affected immediately? a. Respiration b. Flower formation c. Seed production d. Photosynthesis


Which factors are most likely to influence nutrient availability and impact growth? a. Fertilizer and temperature b. Soil movement and solubility c. Soil amendment and fertilizer analysis d. Water quality and pH


Which of the following is the most overlooked asset of any company? a. Public relations b. Capital investments c. Rental equipment d. Staff


Which of the following plants has a flower that has both male and female parts? a. Tulip b. Holly c. Cucumber d. Pine


Which of these insects have the potential to cause lawn damage and should be controlled immediately? a. Aphids b. Lace wings c. Leaf miners d. Japanese beetles


Which species of grass is best suited as cool season turf, well adapted to good soil in full sun, has medium texture foliage, and spreads by underground rhizomes? a. Fine fescue b. Bermuda grass c. Turf type fine fescue d. Kentucky Bluegrass


This element is important in the production of chlorophyll. a) Potassium b) Magnesium c) Oxygen d) Nitrogen


Water Alkalinity measures the waters ability to stabilize or buffer a) nutrients b) acidity c) excess evaporation d) microbes


What is the most important maintenance step for avoiding disease and pest infestation? a) Identification b) Sanitation c) Applications of pesticides d) Aeration of the soil


What are annuals? a) Light feeders b) Lights drinkers c) Heavy feeders d) Heavy drinkers


You must always call this agency before doing work that involves digging of any kind. a) Bureau of Land Management 800-242 1873 b) Department of Natural Resources 211 c) Miss Utility 811 d) City Hall 411


Which of these has the smallest particle size? a) silt b) sand c) loam d) clay


Landowners benefit from conservation landscaping because it looks good and saves them money. True or false?


To maximize solar energy for heating homes during the winter months, landscapes should be designed to allow the house to receive full sun all day. Thus, it is important not to shade the southeastern, southern and southwestern sides of homes in order to maximize the effects of the sun's rays in winter. True or false?


Most trees, gardens, and lawns need appox, how much water per week during active growth. a) 1 inch b) 10 inches c) 3 inches d) 1 foot


This is the principle element in the development of cell walls. a) Calcium b) Potassium c) Hydrogen d) Phosphorus


What can improve the water holding capacity of sandy soils? a) organic matter b) clay c) loam d) pebbles


What three non mineral elements do plants use? a) Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen b) Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium c) Argon, oxygen, Hydrogen d) Calcium, Phosphorus, Hydrogen


When is the best time to water your lawn? a) Early morning b) Early evening c) Midday d) Dusk


BMP stands for a) Best Management Plan b) Best Management Practices c) Big Magnificent Plants d) Begin Managing Plants


Composting is an ______________ process requiring a constant supply of Oxygen a) Oxygenizing b) Aerobic c) Anaerobic d) Facultative


The PSI of traveling water will change based on elevation +/- (1) for every a) 5 .1 feet b) 2.31 feet c) 6.2 feet d) 4.31 feet


The goal of nutrient management is to a) Grow super plants b) Provide adequate nutrients to meet the needs of the plants. c) Overfeed the plants so they look nice d) Follow the directions on the package.


The ideal soil is a) 80% minerals, 2% organic materials, and the rest is made up of pore space. b) 50% minerals, 2% organic materials, and the rest pore space c) 25% clay, 25% sand, 25% silt,25% pore space d) 50% organic materials, 50% pore space


The stage where plant cannot recover from loss of water a) Turgid Point b) Permanent Wilting Point c) Point of Field Capacity d) PAW


A compost pile Carbon to Nitrogen Ratio is suggested to be 30/1. However currently it is 10/1. What could you do? a) Add vegetable plant debris b) Add some eggshells c) Add some dry leaves or prunings d) Add fresh grass clippings


Commercial composting is done by laying out compostables in long rows called a) Compost Columns b) Feedstock Rows c) Windrows d) Humus Line


How deep should the mulch be around plants? a) no more than one inch b) no less than one inch c) no more than two inches d) no less than four inches


How deep should you plant bulbs? a) half way leaving part exposed b) depth should equal the width of the bulb c) 2 to 3 times the width of the bulb d) There is no set rule of how to plant bulbs


Leaves are responsible for all but the following... a) Transpiration b) Photosynthesis c) Balancing the plant d) Producing sugars and carbohydrates


Plant containers can build up soluble salts. How can you prevent this a) Fertilize at lower amounts yet more often b) Only fertilize plants when they are turgid c) Allow at each irrigation small amount to leach out bottom d) When leaves begin to curl stop fertilizing


The layer of tissues between the xylem and the phloem is called the... a) Cell wall b) Mucus Menbrane c) Cambium d) Stamen


These all can be composted except a) Egg Shells b) Farm Animal manure c) Cat Menure d) Vegetable Scraps


When is the best time to re-pot a plant? a) Any time is a good time. b) When the plant is dormant.(November through March) c) When the plant is actively growing (April through October) d) When you find a prettier pot.


Which is NOT a primary function of the roots? a) Absorption of nutrients and water b) Anchorage of the plant c) Protein production d) Food storage


The runoff of this nutrient is of greatest concern in Maryland. a) Nitrogen b) Carbon c) Potassium d) Phosphorus


Well established trees should be fertilized every a) 6 months- year b) year to year and a half c) two to four years d) three to five years


What percent moisture of the compost pile is suggested? a) 10-20 b) 20-30 c) 30-40 d) 40-50


20 % of our impressions are made by sight. True or false?


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