CPT 101 Final Exam

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A preformatted document that you can use as a starting point and then change to suit your needs.

cover letter

a document that you send with your resume to provide additional information about your skills and experience


a file with a predefined document structure and defined settings, such as fonts, margins, and available styles


a horizontal group of cells


a miniature image

creative commas

a nonprofit organization that enables use of images.


a portion of a worksheet window bounded by and separated from other portions by vertical or horizontal bars.


a prewritten formula that looks at one or more values, performs an operation, and then returns a value.

dot leader

a series of dots that display between columns of a list


a set of unified design elements that provides a look for your presentation by applying colors, fonts, and effects.


a single media file such as art, sound, animation, or a movie

fill handle

a small square in the lower right corner of a selected cell

Median function

a statistical function that describes a group of data; it finds the middle value that has as many values above it in the group as are below it.


a vertical group of cells in a worksheet

summary sheet

a worksheet where totals from other worksheets are displayed and summarized.

Average function

adds a group of values, and then divides the result by the number of values in the group.

Right alignment

aligned at the right margin with an uneven left margin


an arrangement of information organized into rows and columns

Slide transitions

are the motion effects that occur in Slide Show view when you move from one slide to the next during a presentation

One-click Row/Column Insertion

button on the left edge or top of a table can be used to easily and quickly insert a row or column in a table.

Center alignment

centered between the left and right margins

freeze panes

command enables you to select one or more rows or columns and then freeze or lock them into place

leader character

creates a solid, dotted, or dashed line that fills the space to the left of a tab character and draws the reader's eyes across the page from one item to the next.

Smart guides

dashed lines that display on your slide when you are moving an object to assist you with alignment

row heading

designated by a unique number

Slide pane

displays a larger image of the active slide

Reading View

displays a presentation in a manner similar to a slide show but the taskbar, title bar, and status bar remain available in the presentation window

Rotation handles

displays at the top

Black slide

displays indicating that the show is over.

Outline view

displays the presentation outline to the left of the Slide pane and can be used to easily edit presentation text

Chart elements

enables you to add, remove, or change chart elements such as the title, legend, gridlines, and data labels.

Chart filters

enables you to change which data displays in the chart.

Office presentation service

enables you to present your Word document to others who can watch in a web browser

Chart styles

enables you to set a style or color scheme for your chart.

Picture effects

enhance a picture with effects such as a shadow, glow, reflection, or 3-D rotation.


formatted as a pattern of uniformly spaced horizontal rows and vertical columns

Auto Fill

generates and extends a series of values into adjacent cells based on the value of other cells.


graphics are designer-quality visual representations of information

Sheet tabs

identify each worksheet in a workbook and display along the lower left edge of the workbook window.

Picture styles

include shapes, shadows, frames, borders, and other special effects

Split button

inserts a slide automatically from the top half of the button and opens the Layout gallery from the lower half of the button

comma style

inserts a thousand comma separator where appropriate and applies two decimal places.

Embed code

is a code that creates a link to a video, picture, or other type of rich media content

Text box

is a movable, resizable container for text or graphics.

Section header

is a slide layout that looks slightly different than most other slides in a presentation with the intent of signaling a slight change of theme or topic

Merge and center

joins selected cells into one larger cell and centers the contents in the merged cell.

List levels

list levels are identified by the bullet style, indentation, and the size of the text

tab stops

mark specific locations on a line of text.

First Line Indent

marker on the ruler indicates the indent location in the document


pictures, online pictures, charts, and drawing objects (shapes, diagrams, lines, etc.)—add visual interest to a document.

Flash fill

recognizes a pattern in your data, and then automatically fills in values when you enter examples of the output that you want

Absolute cell reference

refers to a cell by its fixed position in the worksheet.

Relative cell refrence

refers to a cell by its position relative to the cell that contains the formula


refers to changing the appearance of the text, layout, and design of a slide.

Rich media/Interactive media

refers to computer interaction that responds to your actions; for example, by presenting text, graphics, animation, video, audio, or games.

Text alignment

refers to the horizontal placement of text within a placeholder

Presenter View

shows the full-screen slide show on one monitor or projection screen for the audience to see, while enabling the presenter to view a preview of the next slide, notes, and a timer on another monitor.


similar to a page in a document that contains text, pictures, tables, charts, or other multimedia or graphic objects.


slides that are adjacent to each other in a presentation

Noncontiguous slide

slides that are not adjacent to each other in a presentation.

Sizing handles

small circles that indicate that it is selected and can be edited or moved

Justified alignment

text aligned evenly at both the left and right margins


the Excel document that stores your data


the arrangement of elements, such as title and subtitle text, lists, pictures, tables, charts, shapes, and movies on a slide

Line spacing

the distance between lines of text in a paragraph

fill color

the inside color of text or of an object

cell reference

the intersection column letter and row number.


the personal or company information that displays at the top of a letter, and which commonly includes a name, address, and contact information.


the placement of paragraph text relative to the left and right margins


the space between the text and the top, bottom, left, and right edge of the paper.


tiny charts embedded in a cell that give a visual trend summary alongside your data.


two or more cells on a worksheet that are adjacent or nonadjacent

detail sheets

uses formulas constructed from other sheets in the workbook


variations on the theme style and color

normal template

which serves as a starting point for all blank Word documents


a box on a slide with dotted or dashed borders that holds title and body text, charts, tables, and pictures.


a collection of formatting options that you can apply to a picture, text, or an object

cell style

a defined set of formatting characteristics, such as font, font size, font color, cell borders, and cell shading.


A document property that help identify a file


An equation that performs mathematical calculations on values in your worksheet

Layout options

Can be changed to control the manner in which text wraps around an object

rotation handle

Can be used to rotate the object to any angle.

underlying value

Data that displays in the Formula Bar


Symbols with which you can specify the type of calculation you want to perform in a formula.


The intersection of a row and a column in a table

Inline object

The picture is positioned directly in the text at the insertion point.

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