cranialfacial bones

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Zygomatic Bone

(cheekbone or malar bone) is a paired bone which articulates with the maxilla, the temporal bone, the sphenoid bone and the frontal bone.


A meatus is a passage or opening in the body, especially one which is open to the exterior (nose has meatuses)

Parietal Bone

In front each parietal bone adjoins the frontal bone; in back, the occipital bone; and below, the temporal and sphenoid bones. They meet at the top of the head (sagittal suture) and form a roof for the cranium.

major sutures

Sagittal Suture Coronal Suture Squamous Suture Lambdoid Suture


Sinuses are air-filled sacs on either side of the nasal cavity that filter and clean the air breathed through the nose and lighten the bones of the skull. There are four paired sinuses in the head. contain mucus

External acoustic meatus

Temporal Bone, The ear canal..a tube running from the outer ear to the middle ear.

Zygomatic process

Temporal Bone,The zygomatic process of the temporal bone is a long, arched process projecting from the lower part of the squamous portion of the temporal bone. It articulates with the zygomatic bone.

Styloid process

attached to Temporal Bone, The styloid process is a slender pointed piece of bone just below the ear. It projects down and forward from the inferior surface of the temporal bone, and serves as an anchor point for several muscles associated with the tongue and larynx.

Squamous Suture

connects the temporal squama on the temporal bone with the lower border of the parietal bone

Lambdoid Suture

is a dense, fibrous connective tissue joint on the posterior aspect of the skull that connects the parietal bones with the occipital bone.

Cribriform plate

on Ethmoid Bone..On either side of the crista galli, the cribriform plate is narrow and deeply grooved; is a sieve-like structure between the anterior cranial fossa and the nasal cavity

Foramen magnum

on Occipital Bone, It is one of the several oval or circular openings (foramina) in the base of the skull. The spinal cord, an extension of the medulla, passes through this as it exits the cranial cavity.

Occipital condyles

on Occipital Bone, each of two rounded knobs on the occipital bone that form a joint with the first cervical vertebra

Superior orbital fissure

on Sphenoid Bone, A cleft between the greater and the lesser wing of the sphenoid, through which pass nerves

Foramen ovale

on Sphenoid Bone, is an oval-shaped opening, placed obliquely in the base of the skull. one of the larger opening in the back of the skull that transmit nerves through the skull

Optic canal

on Sphenoid Bone,The optic canal is a cylindrical canal running obliquely through the lesser wing of sphenoid bone near the base where it joins the body of sphenoid. It transmits the optic nerve and ophthalmic artery.

Lesser wings

on Sphenoid Bone.. form the optic canal. It is through this canal that the optic nerve passes from the brain to the eyes. ..

Sella turcica

on Sphenoid Bone..a depression in the sphenoid bone, containing the pituitary gland.


on mandible. a broad quadrilateral part of the mandible projecting upward from the posterior end of the body behind the lower teeth.

Body mandible

on mandible..the heavy, U-shaped, horizontal portion of the mandible extending posteriorly to the angle where it is continuous with the ramus; it supports the lower teeth.

Palatine processes

on maxillae. it is a thick, horizontal process of the maxilla. It forms the anterior three quarters of the hard palate, the horizontal plate of the palatine bone making up the rest.

Ethmoid Sinus

on the ethmoid bone are one of the four paired paranasal sinuses. They are a variable in both size and number of small cavities in the lateral mass of each of the ethmoid bones and cannot be palpated during an extraoral examination.

Mastoid Process

on the temporal Bone, The mastoid process is located in the posterior portion of the temporal bone. It is one of the two projections situated behind the ear. The mastoid process provides an attachment for certain muscles of the neck.

Inferior Nasal Conchae (Turbinates)

one of the turbinates in the nose. It extends horizontally along the lateral wall of the nasal cavity and consists of a lamina of spongy bone, curled upon itself like a scroll.


one of the unpaired facial bones of the skull. the small thin bone separates the left and right nasal cavities. It is located in the midsagittal line

superior, middle, and inferior nasal conchaes

part of Ethmoid Bone..lso called Turbinate, or Turbinal, any of several thin, scroll-shaped bony elements forming the upper chambers of the nasal cavities. They increase the surface area of these cavities, thus providing for rapid warming and humidification of air as it passes to the lungs. middle conchae is highlighted in picture

Alveolar process

part of maxillae and mandible..holds the teeth in the skull

Crista galli

part of the Ethmoid Bone...a median ridge of bone that projects from the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone. It is where the falx cerebri attaches anteriorly to the skull

Greater wings

part of the sphenoid is a bony process of the sphenoid bone; there is one on each side, extending from the side of the body of the sphenoid and curving upward, laterally, and backward .temporalis muscles attached to the greater wings of the sphenoid that control chewing

Maxillary Sinus

pyramid-shaped maxillary sinus..the largest of the paranasal sinuses, and drains into the middle meatus of the nose. C

Frontal Sinus

situated behind the brow ridges. pockets of space located above the orbit of each eye in the frontal bone. They are lined with mucus membrane, which secretes fluid that moistens and protects the areas it covers. The size and shape of the frontal sinus can vary from person to person.

Lacrimal Bone

small bone forming part of the eye socket.

important differences between the fetal and adult skulls.

the fetal skull has fontanels and is not completely connected..the normal adult skull is completely bone, and the bones have fused together along suture lines. the adult skull is stronger


the region where the frontal, parietal, temporal, and sphenoid join together. It is located on the side of the skull, just behind the temple.

Coronal Suture

the transverse suture of the skull separating the frontal bone from the parietal bones.

Occipital Bone

the trapezoidal-shaped bone found at the lower-back area of the cranium. It is cupped like a saucer in order to house the back part of the brain. It is one of bones that fuse together to form the skull and is directly next to five of the cranium bones.

Maxillae/ maxilla

the upper jaw. In humans it also forms part of the nose and eye socket.

Sphenoid Bone

wedged between several other bones in the front of the cranium. It consists of a central part and two wing-like structures that extend sideways toward each side of the skull. This bone helps form the base of the cranium, the sides of the skull, and the floors and sides of the orbits (eye sockets

Sagittal Suture

a dense, fibrous connective tissue joint between the two parietal bones of the skull. The term is derived from the Latin word sagitta, meaning arrow.

Hyoid Bone

a horseshoe-shaped bone situated in the anterior midline of the neck between the chin and the thyroid cartilage. floating bone..At rest, it lies at the level of the base of the mandible in the front and the third cervical vertebra.


a space between the bones of the skull in an infant or fetus, where ossification is not complete and the sutures not fully formed. The main one is between the frontal and parietal bones. the fetal skull has two... anterior and posterior..circeld is posterior

Ethmoid Bone

a square bone at the root of the nose, forming part of the cranium, and having many perforations through which the olfactory nerves pass to the nose.

Palatine Bone

The palatine bone is a paired, L-shaped bone that forms part of the nasal cavity and hard palate. It is located between the maxilla and sphenoid bone.

Paranasal Sinuses (4)

Frontal Sinus Ethmoid Sinus Sphenoidal Sinus Maxillary Sinus

Nasal Bones

The nasal bones are two small oblong bones, varying in size and form in different individuals; they are placed side by side at the middle and upper part of the face, and form, by their junction, "the bridge" of the nose.

Frontal Bone

l found in the forehead region. It is one of eight bones that form the cranium, or brain case. The frontal bone plays a vital role in supporting and protecting the delicate nervous tissue of the brain.

Temporal Bone

located at the lower sides of the skull and directly underneath the temple.

Sphenoidal Sinus

located in the sphenoid bone near the optic nerve and the pituitary gland on the side of the skull. The most posterior (farthest toward the back of the head)


lower jaw, is the bone that forms the lower part of the skull,

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