CRIM 295 Exam 1

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Social strain refers to ---. A. the gap between high illegal profit and the low probability of arrest B. the gap between approved goals and the means people have to achieve them C. the gap between the rich and the poor D. the gap between working hard and being able to afford social luxuries


Which of the following describes a race-neutral policy? A. A law that effects all racial and ethnic groups equally B. A law that states that all racial and ethnic groups must be treated equally C. A law that criminalizes behavior often associated with one racial/ethnic group over another D. A law enacted to help achieve equality for different racial groups, such as anti-discrimination laws


Which of the following does NOT protect against discrimination? A. The Equal Protection Clause in the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution B. Article II of the U.S. Constitution C. Federal Laws D. State constitutions


What is the primary concern with data from the Bureau of Justice Statistics National Prisoner Statistics (NPS)? A. It does not currently collect data on Hispanic inmates. B. It is a voluntary survey, and prisons can choose not to report. C. It does not collect any data on race; it only includes legal factors of prisoners' cases D. The racial categories are exclusive, meaning inmates cannot select multiple racial identities.


What serves as an important negative temptation for a person released on parole? A. Angry phone calls from community members B. The availability of drugs outside of prison C. Friends that are too demanding of her time D. Family members who invite her back to a life of crime


Which of the following (fictional) scenarios is an example of discrimination? A. White Americans make up 63% of the population; 82% of meth users; 82% of meth use arrests; 82% of meth use convictions. B. Violent offenders make 22% of arrests; 54% of the prison population. C. African Americans make up 13% of the population; 13% of drug users; 28% of arrests for drugs use; and 40% of drug use convictions. D. 85% of those in prisons have a previous record; only 15% of those on probation have a previous record.


Which of the following does not serve as corroborating evidence of hate-based motivation in the NCVS? A. Derogatory language B. Display of a hate symbol C. Confirmed hate group association D. Confirmed hate crime report


Which of the following ethnic groups has the highest crime victimization rate in urban, suburban, and rural areas? A. African Americans B. Non-Hispanic Whites C. Non-Hispanic others D. Hispanics


Which of the following combinations describes the typical hate crime? A. White male offender, insidious microagressions B. White male offender, violent and public crime C. African-American offender, violent and domestic crime D. White male offender, nonviolent crime


Which of the following demographic(s) do African-American males usually victimize? A. Both whites and Hispanics B. Both African Americans and whites C. Whites D. African Americans


--- is extremely complex

NO health insurance

About 33 million Americans had -- in 2014.


According to The Bell Curve, which of the following reasons explains why African Americans commit more crime than white Americans? A. They face higher rates of poverty/unemployment B. They do not have political power to enforce laws C. They are subject to bias/disparities at all stages of the criminal justice system D. They have lower intelligence


1) The group is perceived by others to be different with respect to such factors as language, religion, race, ancestral homeland, and other cultural elements 2) The group perceives itself to be different with respect to these factors 3) Members of the group "participate in shared activities built around their (real or mythical) common origin and culture"


African Americans report higher rates of --- than white Americans and Hispanics

14.8 % of all Americans were below the poverty line 10.1% of non-hispanic whites were in poverty 26.2% of African Americans were in poverty 23.6% of Hispanics were in poverty 26.2% of Native Americans were in poverty

2014 poverty line:


2017 official poverty line


A (fictional) report finds that New York has the highest rate of African Americans in the country. They also have the highest rates of imprisonment, and the highest levels of racial disparity in prisons. Further, the cities with the highest level of African Americans have even higher rates of imprisonment. However, these patterns are not seen in New Jersey. This is an example of ---. A. systematic discrimination B. institutionalized discrimination C. Contextual discrimination D. Individual acts of discrimination


A criminal conviction has enormous consequences, especially on ---. A. a person's ability to get a raise B. a person's First Amendment rights C. a person's self-esteem D. a person's ability to get a job


A friend tells you that all immigrants are here ILLEGALLY, and are therefore breaking a law and deserve to be in prison. You know this to be factually ---. A. true. Because illegal immigrants are breaking immigration law, they are subject to prison time. B. false. Although these immigrants are breaking a criminal code, it is not subject to prison. C. true. These immigrants are breaking a civil law, and therefore should go to prison. D. false. These immigrants are breaking civil law, and therefore are not eligible for a prison term.

only yields an annual income of $14,500

A minimum wage job paying $7.25 per hour ---.


A recent analysis of NCVS data revealed that African Americans were three times as likely as whites to be victims of ---. A. robbery B. carjacking C. theft D. murder


A sergeant tells one of his officers that he has examined the paperwork associated with traffic stops. He says that the officer asked 73% of Hispanics to provide identification showing they are legally allowed to be in the United States, but only asked Asian Americans, African Americans, and whites 14% of the time. The officer truly did not realize he was asking Hispanic Americans for identification more often, and agrees to be more careful about his behavior. What is this an example of? A. A race-neutral policy B. Unconscious bias C. A disparity based on legal factors D. An example of systematic discrimination


A social construct often applied by a politically/cultural dominant group to less powerful group


All of the following are examples of problems with race/ethnicity categories EXCEPT: A. Race/ethnic categories do not take into account diversity within groups. B. Race/ethnic categories can be complicated, leaving some respondents unable to decide which category they belong to. C. Race/ethnic categories do not always use preferred labels of people within the groups. D. Some race/ethnic categories make identifying as multiracial difficult.


American metropolitan communities are characterized by strong patterns of ---. A. school segregation B. commercial segregation C. hate crimes D. residential segregation


Before a trial, a person who has a cell phone can allow the court to stay in touch with him and thereby increase the chances of ---. A. a not guilty verdict B. a plea agreement C. acquittal D. pretrial release


Caution is required when interpreting Native American arrest figures because ---. A. arrests made by federal agents on reservations are confidential B. arrests made by tribal police and federal agencies are not recorded in UCR data C. tribal police do not keep computer records like federal agencies D. tribal police are reluctant to arrest Native Americans


Culture conflict theory holds that crime will be more likely to flourish in heterogenous societies were ---. A. people have the exact same beliefs and values B. the government holds different values from citizens C. there is a lack of consensus over society's values D. police lack diversity training


Difference in groups based on cultural customs Group is perceived by others to be different in respect to culture Group perceives itself to be different in respect to culture Members participate in shared activities around culture

Food, language, religion

Differences based on cultural customs

Individual discrimination

Discrimination by specific justice officials

Contextual discrimination

Discrimination in certain situations

Systematic discrimination

Discrimination within entire Criminal Justice system

Institutionalized discrimination

Disparities based on established policies

Cultural capital

Education, knowledge, skills/trade


Ethnicity understood to be based on a(n) ---. A. biological category B. social construct C. cultural custom D. ethnicity


Hate crime statutes create a law unlikely to deter, and ---. A. implementation will reduce social division B. implementation will reverse social division C. implementation will widen social division D. implementation will mask social division


Failure to report a crime to the police may be based on ---. A. the victim's cooperation in the crime. B. the victim's fear of self-incrimination or embarrassment C. the victim's fear of public opposition D. the threats and intimidation of another victim

Economic capital

Financial resources


Historically, race was thought to be a(n) ---. A. Biological category B. Social construct C. Cultural custom D. Ethnicity


Historically: "Major biological divisions of mankind" distinguished by ---.


How are "disparity" and "discrimination" related? A. Disparity is a form of discrimination that utilizes extralegal factors. B. Disparity is a form of discrimination that utilizes legal factors. C. Discrimination is a form of disparity that uses extralegal factors. D. Discrimination is a form of disparity that uses legal factors


How is the profile of homicide offenders different from the characteristics of the general population? A. Women are overrepresent as arrested homicide offenders B. Homicide offenders tend to be middle-aged or elderly C. Homicide offenders are overwhelmingly Hispanics D. African Americans are overrepresented as arrested homicide offenders

62%; due to medical bills not covered by insurance

In 2015, --- of personal bankruptcies in the U.S. were ---


In bias crimes, African Americans are most often victimized by ---. A. whites B. African Americans C. Native Americans D. Asian Americans


In the 1940s, real estate agents maintained segregation by ---. A. steering minority buyers away from white neighborhoods B. burning crosses in white neighborhoods C. raising house prices for minority buyers D. publishing ads only in white neighborhoods


In the 1960s, liberals adopted ---. A. new anticrime policies B. the War on Drugs C. the War on Poverty D. conservative economic programs


In urban areas, the payoff for property crime is higher; this is called ---. A. the "urban crime premium." B. the "rural crime premium" C. the deterrence hypothesis D. urbanization


Inheritance is extremely important in ---. A. evening out disparities in wealth from one generation to the next B. perpetuating disparities in wealth from one generation to the next C. limiting the wealth of a generation D. creating racial tension in communities


One survey finds the following representation for robbery offenders: African Americans-32%; white-51%; Asian-17%. Another survey, talking to the exact same people, finds the following: African Americans-28%; white-38%; Asian-17%; Hispanic-17%. What is the likely data problem? A. One survey used "Hispanic" as a separate racial/ethnic category; the other survey did not have "Hispanic" as a separate racial/ethnic category B. One survey allowed for respondents to choose multiple racial groups if they were identified as multiracial; the other survey did not C. One survey used official statistics; the other survey self-report D. One survey assumed the race of the respondent; the other survey asked


Organization whose members use their motorcycle clubs as conduits for criminal enterprises are called ---. A. original motorcycle gangs B. old motorcycle gangs C. outlaw motorcycle gangs D. offender motorcycle gangs


Median family income is a standard measure of economic status. It measures ---. A. how much money a person earned during one year B. how much money a family earned in six months C. how much wealth a family accumulates per year D. how much money a family earned during one year


Microaggressions and criminal justice injustices are significantly associated with ---. A. serious and recurrent offending B. juvenile delinquency C. serious and violent offending D. serious antisocial behavior

24.4% of all Hispanics 19.9% of all African Americans 9.7% of all Whites

NO health insurance

Social capital

Network of friends, relationships, & contacts

Pure justice

No discrimination

1. Discouraged workers who have given up and are not looking for work 2. part-time employees who want full-time jobs but cannot find them 3. workers in the 'underground economy' who are paid in cash to avoid paying taxes and Social Security withholding

Official unemployment rate does not count three important groups:


One important issue surrounding criminal justice data is police use of deadly force. Currently, no one can say with a high degree of accuracy what the disparity between African-American, Hispanic-American, Native-American, and white-American victim is. Why? A. The UCR does not collect the race of the victim in police shootings. B. The UCR does not collect separate racial data for Native Americans. C. The UCR is a voluntary survey and not all police departments report on victims of police deadly use of force. D. The UCR only collects information on federal offenses, and most police deadly use of force is local/state level


One of the most significant phenomena over the past 40 years has been ---. A. the growth of an African-American middle class that is doing only slightly better than its lower-income counterparts B. the growth of an African-American middle class that is doing much better than its lower-income counterparts C. the growth of a white middle class that is doing much better than its lower-income counterparts D. the growth of a white middle class that is doing as well as its higher-income counterparts


Poverty and unemployment undermine the family, the primary unit of socialization, which leads to ---. A. high rates of family conflict B. high rates of single-parent families C. low rates of family bonding D. high rates of abandoned children


Racial and ethnic segregation in housing has not been the result of ---. A. de jure segregation B. racially motivated arson C. covert discrimination D. group choice


Racial hoaxes receive a lot of publicity because they are typically sensational and violent crimes that ---. A. grab media attention B. cost taxpayers money C. shock the public conscience D. end in murder

Many theories to explain crime

Social strain Differential association Social disorganization Culture conflict Conflict Routine activity


Rebellion involves a rejection of society's goals and the established means of achieving them, along with ---. A. an attempt to overthrow the majority government B. an attempt to create a new society based on different values and goals C. an attempt to create a new society based on racial superiority D. an attempt to silence dissenting opinions by violence

Residential segregation & crime

Residents suffer high rates of predatory crime


Routine activity theory shifts the focus of attention from offenders to ---. A. victims B. criminal incidents C. accidents D. criminal lifestyles


Since the 1970's, both middle-class and poor Americans have suffered a decline in ---. A. a prestige B. economic well-being C. social well-being D. property ownership


Some critics charge that the media show bias in the coverage of missing persons, arguing that print and television coverage of stories ---. A. focuses on missing black women and tends to ignore missing women of color B. focuses on missing white women and tends to ignore missing men of color C. focuses on missing black women and tends to ignore missing men of color D. focuses on missing white women and tends to ignore missing women of color

a family of four really needs an income of $38,700 a year to live adequately

Some economists have estimated that ---.

Aspects of community

Spatial distribution of population Patterns of neighborhood interaction Neighborhood composition


Supplemental homicide reports from 2014 reveal that the peak age for homicide offending for males is between ---. A. 15 and 22 B. 17 and 24 C. 15 and 18 D. 28 and 37


The Chicago School of urban sociology developed ---. A. the social dissolution theory of crime B. the social disorganization theory of crime C. the social segregation theory of crime D. the community dissolution theory of crime


To gauge the impact of crime, we must consider not just the odds of being victimized within the next few weeks or months but the possibility of being ---. A. robbed, raped, assaulted, or burglarized at some point in the next few weeks or months. B. robbed, raped, assaulted, or burglarized at some time in our lifetime. C. robbed, raped, or assaulted before the age of 50. D. robbed, raped, assaulted, or burglarized by a family member or neighbor


Today, race is understood to be a(n) ---. A. biological category B. Social construct C. Cultural custom D. Ethnicity


The Jones family wants to move into a new neighborhood; they are very concerned with living in an area with low crime. They are considering two communities that are almost identical, with one major exception: Community A has many immigrants, and Community B has no immigrants. If the Jones' are ONLY interested in crime, which community should they choose? A. Community A because most immigrant families have lower rates of divorce/fewer single parents, and therefore are involved in less crime B. Community A because most immigrant families have better jobs and therefore have less crime C. Community B because most immigrant families have less education and have worse jobs, and therefore commit more crimes D. Community B because immigrant families have higher rates of gang involvement than non-immigrant communities


The NCVS makes a basic distinction between ---. A. Domestic crimes and international crimes B. Household crimes and personal crimes C. Household crimes and workplace crimes D. Domestic crimes and public crimes


The concentration of low-income people in particular neighborhoods has a direct impact on crime by ---. A. concentrating violent offenders in one area B. concentrating high-rate offenders in one area C. distracting police from white collar criminals D. separating people by race


The crime issue as an expression of ---.


The end of blatant housing discrimination has allowed middle-class African Americans and Hispanics to ---. A. increase their income B. move out of segregated neighborhoods C. open up small businesses D. engage in community crime patrol


The majority of Americans believe immigrants ---. A. make crime worse B. have no effect on crime C. make the economy better D. have no effect on the economy


The movement of middle-class African Americans and Hispanics out of segregated neighborhoods has resulted in ---. A. concentration of disadvantage B. further segregation C. increased hate crimes D. failing public schools


The prominent African-American social critic Cornell West argues that the traditional liberal-conservative debate on the relative importance of social structure versus individual character is ---. A. unproductive B. insulting C. essential D. overlooked


The typical victim is a racial minority and the typical offender is ---. A. a racial minority B. white C. a woman D. African American

Caucasian, Negroid, Mongoloid

Three major races:


Which of the following facts may help explain the higher rates of criminal activity among African-American and Hispanic teenagers compared to those of white teenagers? A. The persistently higher rates of unemployment for white teenagers B. The persistently higher rates of unemployment for African-American and Hispanic teenagers C. The persistently higher rates of truancy for African-American and Hispanic teenagers D. The persistently lower rates of gang membership for white teenagers


Which of the following groups is most likely to experience rape or a sexual crime? A. Hawaiian Natives/Other Pacific Islanders B. African Americans C. Asian Americans D. American Indian/Alaskan Natives


Which of the following groups is most likely to go to prison? A. Hispanic men B. African American men C. White men D. Asian men


Which of the following is NOT a problem of self-reporting surveys? A. No single, universal format is used. B. Data can be unduly influenced by memory and bias. C. There is little self-report data for whites. D. Data about some offending behavior is typically underreported


Which of the following is an example of an extralegal factor? A. Prior criminal record B. Seriousness of offense C. Social class D. Use of a weapon in the crime


Which of the following is an example of conflict theory? A. Society largely agrees that homicide is bad and is harmful to society. As a result, society has decided to make this action illegal B. A state chooses to punish robbery with a sentence of life imprisonment. All people convicted of robbery get this sentence. By punishing harshly, this state hopes to decrease robbery C. Crime is a result of psychological trauma; as such, we should not use the criminal justice system to address crime: we should use mental health services D. Crack cocaine is used primarily by poor folks; cocaine is used primarily by rich folks. Crack cocaine is punished 19 times more harshly than powder cocaine


Which of the following is not a trend in recent years? A. The wealth of the poorest has stagnated B. The wealth of the very richest Americans has soared C. The wealth of middle-income Americans has stagnated D. The wealth of the poorest has declined


Which of the following is not an example of a measure of social disorganization? A. Youths who skipped school B. Number of school closures C. Presence of graffiti D. Fighting in front of a respondent's house


Which of the following is not one of the four major explanations for the persistence of inequality, poverty, and the growth of the underclass? A. An inadequate social welfare system B. The "urban crime premium" C. Globalization D. The "culture of poverty"


Which of the following is true? A. Gangs are a uniquely twentieth century phenomenon B. Gangs are sometimes tied to organized crime C. Gangs are only found in large cities D. Gangs are the result of poverty and a growing underclass


Which of the following populations is missing from NCVS data? A. Immigrants B. Homeless people C. LGBTQ people D. American Indians


Which of the following problems is true of the Uniform Crime Report (UCR)? (Choose ONE) A. It is a voluntary for police to participate, so not all police departments report all crime. B. It is self-report, so not all crime is reported. C. It does not include American Indian/Alaska Native as a separate race from white and African American. D. It is not consistent with the way it collects data on Hispanics.


Which of the following statements summarizes Edwin Sutherland's theory of differential association? A. Criminal behavior is learned behavior B. Law-abiding behavior is learned early in life C. Criminals are slow learners D. Criminal behavior is rare and extraordinary


Which of the following theories challenges racial theorizing? A. Unnever and Gabbidon's Theory of African American Offending B. Unnever and Gabbidon's Theory of African American Victims C. Unnever and Gabbidon's Theory of Hispanic American Victims D. Unnever and Gabbidon's Theory of Caucasian American Offending

fear of crime

White Americans report a higher ---.


Why does improving "co-production" make a community safer? A. It increases the number of police on the street. B. It increases the collaboration/relationship between police and residents C. It transfers the responsibilities of the police to citizens D. Police team up with other agencies (such as federal) to help police towns


Why does the NCVS not collect information about the racial disparity in homicides? A. The NCVS is a survey that is voluntary for police departments to participate in, and police departments choose not to report on homicide. B. The NCVS is a self-report survey of victims, and victims of homicide cannot self-report C. The NCVS does not collect data on Hispanics D. The NCVS does not collect data on the race of the victims.


Why does the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) produce a more complete picture of crime than office police records? A. The NCVS has consistently reported for over 80 years B. The NCVS includes victimizations not reported to the police C. The NCVS contains detailed information about victims' income D. The NCVS contacts selected households on a weekly basis


Why is there increased gang presence on college campuses? A. Increased presence on college campuses increases the skill set needed to recruit smarter members B. Increased gang presence on college campuses increases the skill set needed to maintain and expand modern gangs C. Increased gang presence on college campuses decreases the number of students willing to fight against crime D. Increased gang presence on college campuses decreases the ability of police to find gang members during the day

social construct

based in artificial interpretations; not science

Poverty status

below minus needed for adequate living

Civil rights

fought to achieve: equal rights, economic empowerment, access to education, impact on government policy

Social construct

has a significant impact on crime

Inadquate nutrition (often leads to diabetes and obesity) Low education Weaker support system High infant mortality (death) rates Higher crime risk (as victim or offender)

variables associated with poverty:

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