CRIM 305 Victimology - Final Exam

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Four obstacles impeding the recognition of injured children as abuse victims:

Emergency rooms saw the physical abuse effects but didn't understand it, Physicians could not understand why parents would beat their children, Doctor-patient relationship prevented doctors from disclosing confidential info to PD, Testifying in court would place physicians in an awkward position where they had to defend themselves and their medical expertise

Four essential elements of victim programs:

Emergency services (food, shelter, medical, financial help), Advocacy and CJS/JJS support services (system orientation, legal counsel), Claims assistance (insurance claims filing, restitution and victim compensation), Post-sentencing services (notification and reconciliation)

Aims of restorative justice:

Empowerment (targets the needs of all parties) , Restoration (repairs harm done), Reintegration (brings the offender back into the community without the stigma), Emotional and social healing (address non-monetary harms caused)

reflects the ideas that victims and offenders can gain some control over their lives, victims need to have more access to the criminal justice system and be active participants in cases/decision-making

Empowerment theory

a person who is hurt or killed during an attempt to prevent a crime from taking place or attempting to capture a suspected criminal is entitled to compensation

Good Samaritan Acts

instances where ambiguous patient details, implausible caregiver explanations, and conflicting observations can cloud a conclusion, challenge to the accuracy of a physician's diagnostic skills when assessing maltreatment

Gray cases

national initiative launched in 1992 where families receive home visits for three years on a weekly basis, includes childcare, relationship building, parent support, prenatal support, child development, and referrals, modeled after Hawaii Healthy Start program

Healthy Families America Program (Prevent Child Abuse in America)

Coping strategies:

Home visitation/health screening (risks false positive and false negative errors), therapy, education efforts for parents, safe haven laws, parents anonymous groups

commission of an act against a child, any non-accidental infliction of injury that seriously impairs a child's physical or mental health


supersedes all previous federal legislation regarding SORN and introduced a new series of rules/regulations to standardize practices and create the national sex offender registry, Includes: Offense and Offenders, Tracking and Penalizing Absconders, Community Notification, Appearance and Verification, and Information Sharing

Adam Walsh Act (2006)

Responses of students to victimization:

Altered attitudes (mentally withdraw from school, be unable to concentrate, decrease in classroom performance, self-blame, depression), Overt responses (fear, avoidance, self-protection (24% of males report carrying a weapon))

plan developed after the 1996 abduction of Amber Hagerman where local radio stations and TV channels broadcast vital info to help spot the victim, all 50 states have an alert system today

Amber Alert (America's Missing: Broadcast Emergency Response)

radiological research term applied to children who have received serious physical abuse generally from a parent or foster parent, Launched a movement aimed at eradicating the new-found concern

Battered child syndrome (Kempe, 1962)

Who is most likely to be victimized by violent crime at school?

Black males (men more likely to be victims of violent crime overall (30 per 1,000 vs. 12 per 1,000))

Who is most likely to carry a weapon at school?

Black/Native American students, LBGTQIA+, male (3x more likely at school, 2x more likely outside of school)

Typical bullying victim:

Black/multiracial, 6th-8th grade, in a rural area, typically in a classroom/hallway/stairwell/cafeteria

to seek harm, coerce, or intimidate


Most feared crime according to Gallup (2020) survey:

Burglarly while away (35%), terrorism (25%), hate crime (28%), robbery (24%)

a depository that stores all allegations of child abuse and neglect, federal hotline now exists, helps track relevant histories

Central register

child maltreatment includes the act or failure to take appropriate action leading to serious physical or emotional harm, target is a child, and the perpetrator is a parent/caretaker who is responsible for the child

Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act

groups that combine the expertise of LE officers, coroners, health care workers, and prosecutors to investigate child deaths to determine if maltreatment was involved

Child fatality teams

Child most vulnerable to murder due to maltreatment in 2019 vs. 2011:

Children ages 1-4, infants, children 5-8

umbrella organization, independent of the criminal's justice system, that brings together CPS workers, law enforcement officers, the prosecutor's office, educators, mental health counselors, and medical personnel in an effort to provide a coordinated response for maltreated children, designed to keep children from being shuttled from one agency to the other

Children's Advocacy Center (CAC)

the sentencing court at the request of the victim levies a claim against any real or personal property the offender currently possesses or may come to own

Civil restitution lien

All FAFSA student aid is contingent on compliance with _________________

Clery Act

Mandated all colleges & universities to: 1. Record & report annual crime statistics 2. Issue timely warnings of crimes that 'represent a threat'

Clery Act of 1990

Concern over school shootings has been amplified since ______________________________________ in __________

Columbine High School shooting in 1999

seek to teach students to solve conflict and learn appropriate ways of dealing with aggression, avoid escalation (Resolving Conflict Creatively Program and Responding in Peaceful and Positive Ways

Conflict management/resolution programs

a victim must not share personal responsibility for the criminal act

Contributory misconduct

3 tiers of sex offenders:

Convicted offenders who have made numerous adjustments and are least likely to recidivate (state must notify victim and local law enforcement agencies when released from custody) Sexual offender (moderate risk and additional notification is made to local schools/youth organizations/sports and recreation centers) Sexually violent predator (highest risk category, highest proclivity for recidivism, entire community is alerted, flyers and community meetings complete w/ photographs, criminal history, etc., used to indicate offenders presence)

sense of guilt, shame, or anxiety that leads to non-reporting, wavering in initial assessment that the situation is serious or fear they might interrupt an ongoing treatment program


1st insult:

Criminal victimization

use of the internet to attack the victim, usually via social media, offender may be anonymous, the victim can be harassed 24/7


children who watch their parents engage in violent outbursts will believe this behavior is acceptable and repeat it in adulthood

Cycle of violence

Problems w/ mandatory reporting:

Defining maltreatment, Variations in what constitutes maltreatment, "buckshot approach" (⅘ allegations deemed unfounded), Varying degrees of emphasis on maltreatment, Level of proof necessary, Lack of reporting

not direct crime victims, usually persons whose lives have been touched by tumultous events (survivors of a homicide attempt, first responders etc.), individuals who have experienced vicarious trauma or may have compassion fatigue

Derivative victims

Post-VT Era Goals:

Develop & implement emergency response plans, Early alert systems (e.g., relaxation of HIPAA privacy mandates), Coordination of university departments (i.e., Dean of Students, faculty, Wellness Center, mental health/counseling, & Police)

behavior is learned in specific interactions with others and individuals learn specific techniques, attitudes, drives, and rationalizations for the behavior, the school environment contributes to the learning process

Differential association theory of school victimization

parties work together to resolve a situation rather than getting law enforcement/courts involved, mechanism of diversion to the court system in the court system, empowers victims by giving them a direct role in the process

Dispute resolution

hitting, punching, shoving, tripping

Physical bullying

reviewed mistreatment by the CJS, substantiated the "double victimization" phenomena, concluded the CJS was in dire need of immediate reform (specific to victims and witnesses)

President's Task Force on Victims of Crime (1982)

inviolable, non-intrudable bond between two parties, for example a physician may not reveal any information without obtaining the patient's consent against the threat of a civil lawsuit, does not exist in child maltreatment cases anymore

Privileged relationship

Procedural justice - the operations of the criminal justice system and interventions need to be viewed through the lens of fairness and satisfaction with how the system procedures and law are applied

Procedural justice

Losses due to victimization:

Property loss, physical injury, economic losses, emotional/psychological loss

A social worker or LE officer can place a child in protective custody if they believe the child is in immediate danger

Protective custody

worker terminates parental custody for the time being, removes child from the home and places them in foster care pending judicial review

Protective custody

Creates an increase in crime by shaming offenders, does not repair harm caused to victim and community

Reintegrative shaming theory

seeks to use interventions that return the victim and offender to pre-offense states, repairs the har done and ensures the action will not take place again, seeks to address needs of everyone affected

Restorative justice

School safety approaches:

Restrict/monitor building access (95.4%) , Security cameras (83.5%, up 337% since 1999), Faculty/staff ID badges (69.9%, up 175% since 1999), Strict dress codes (48.8%), Student uniforms (19.8%, up 68% since 1999), Student ID badges required (9.2%, up 136% since 1999)

present CJS philosophy, focuses on the offender, uses punishment for deterrence and vengeance, views crime as an act of violence against the state/law

Retributive justice

Parents expect children to shower them with love and when the child does not (crying for too long, making a mess, etc.), the parent feels abandoned by the child and this triggers an aggressive parental response

Role reversal

Bringing a large number of young people together at school creates suitable targets, available to potential offenders, with a lack of adult guardianship, this can even influence victimization out of school

Routine activities theory of school victimization

(TX was first to enact SHL in 1999, all states have them now), allows parents to drop off infants without threat of arrest/prosecution, views leaving baby as legally surrendering not abandonment

Safe haven laws

when convicted offenders are released from confinement, they must advise authorities periodically of where they are living/working

Sex offender registration and notification (SORN)

traumatic brain injury that happens when a baby is shaken, causing the brain to bounce back and force and causes swelling, bleeding, bruising., can result in brain damage or death, usually occurs in children younger than 2

Shaken baby syndrome

Supreme Court determined the posting of pictures/personal info of offenders on the internet is legal and not a violation of ex post facto protection (done for civil not criminal purposes, provides info for public good, doesn't expose offenders to a heightened level of ridicule, not a new punishment)

Smith v. Doe (2003)

starting rumors, ostracizing someone

Social bullying

the government, through its system of taxation and provision of services, engages in an unwritten contract to care for the safety and well-being of its citizens. Being a victim of a crime is a representation of the government failing to protect its citizen, so it is the government's responsbility to restore victimized citizens to their former status.

Social contract view of victim compensation

focuses on absorption of experiences and reinforcement, children who experience parental violence may be more likely to do it themselves or experience development problems (poly-victimization)

Social learning approach of child maltreatment

Government attempts to provide a minimum standard of living for its disabled, deprived, and unfortunate citizens, the government should extend its welfare practices and come to the rescue of crime victims

Social welfare view of victim compensation

emphasizes events external to the individual such as lower social class, social stress (lack of coping strategies)

Sociocultural explanations of child maltreatment

created after David Berkowitz gained millions of dollars after selling a book about his crimes, allows the state to confiscate any royalties and place them in a victim compensation fund

Son of Sam provisions

all other avenues for compensation must be exhausted before compensation benefits are forthcoming, payments can only go to victims after all alternative source of funds are exhausted

Source of last resort

system allows victims and witnesses to identify how/if they want to be notified of the process being made in their cases beyond arrest (usually notified by phone/email)

Statewide Automated Victim Information and Notification programs (SAVIN)

individuals feel strain or stressed when others around them are more successful, strained individuals may strike out against more successful individuals

Strain theory -

individuals in certain groups may follow a set of values and beliefs that could lead to conflict

Subcultural explanations of school victimization

increased scrutiny that exists for some individuals or groups but not others, upper class individuals are often screened/monitored less

Surveillance bias

victim sues a corporation, government entity, landlord, etc., concerns the issue of whether the defendant was negligent and didn't maintain a safe and protected environment

Third party civil suit

Sex offender tiers under 2006 SORN law regulation

Tier I offenders (least risky offenders, must register 15 years), Tier II (more serious offenders, must contact authorities semi-annually for 25 years), Tier III offenders (re-register every 3 months including DNA sample, fingerprints, SS #, work/home address, etc)

What is the aim of victim assistance programs?

To make the CJS more user-friendly

refers to a wrongful act that the defendant has committed against the plaintiff


T/F: Family may be referred to some type of social services or a juvenile dependency court for formal handling


T/F: If a case is substantiated but the abuse is a one-time event, case may be terminated


T/F: Most statutes designate a public social service agency as the primary recipient of child abuse/neglect reports


T/F: Much research on abusers is ex post facto, after abuse occurs, which provides very little predictive power


True/False: Disagreement on the definition/scope of child maltreatment is a current barrier


T/F: Different levels of proof required to initiate a social service intervention

True: (proof beyond a reasonable doubt vs. some credible evidence)

require people who are convicted of a crime to serve at least 85% of their court-imposed sentence, in 1994 the government incentivized greater truth in sentencing at the state level

Truth in sentencing laws

Includes sexual abuse, sexual exploitation, pornography, and juvenile prostitution, sometimes including corporal punishment or emotional abuse

Types of abuse

the allegation is unfounded and the case is closed

Unsubstantiated disposition

teasing, name-calling, insults

Verbal bullying

individuals who service victims and their needs

Victim advocates

Victim compensation - takes place when the state, rather than the offender, reimburses the victim for losses sustained at the hands of the criminal

Victim compensation

recognizes that crime and its consequences are complex, addresses the needs of victims and offenders through mediation, allows for the airing of grievances, works towards a shared solution

Victim-Offender Mediation

recognizes victims' discontent with the criminal justice system, emphasize getting the best, most information from a victim, by the 1970s programs gained federal funding

Victim-witness projects

Who perpetrates child maltreatment?

Young adults (mid-20s), living at or below poverty level, depressed (difficulty coping with stress), direct or vicarious victimization of familial violence

Many people trace restorative justice practices to the 1970s, but according to Braithwaite:

a majority of the world uses and has used restorative justice as a means to solve issues

Common traits of dispute resolution programs:

a third party mediator is involved, disputants usually know each other, participation is voluntary, processes are informal, disputants are usually referred to the process by someone in the CJS

Youth homicide has been on a ____________ trend over the years, from ____ per yr in 1990 to ____ per yr recently

downward, 30 to 20

Children were treated poorly due to

emotional and economic factors (life expectancy was short, families could not bear the burden of feeding/caring for another child and children could not contribute to the household)

Historically, children were viewed as ______________ including in the Bible and in ancient Greek/Spartan society

family property

_____________ are more likely to experience bullying overall compared to ____

females, males

Colleges/4-year universities have ______________ of victimization compared to trade schools

higher rates

Recommendations from President's Task Force on Victims of Crime (1982):

increased communication with victims, increased victim input, increased quality of services, protect victims from intimidation/harassment, honor scheduled court appearances, promptly return victim property

Self-protection is most common at

inner-city schools

Radiology created the term _________________________________

battered child syndrome

Victims and communities increasingly abandon the CJS because:

it requires increased effort for a decreased reward, which leads to decreased victim reporting, and decreased citizen trust in the CJS

Black and white students experience ________ levels of bullying, more common amongst younger students


Required reporters are:

social workers, teachers/school personnel, doctors/nurses/health care professionals, mental health care professionals, child care providers, medical examiners/coroners, LE

If states do not adhere to ________________ they must forfeit federal monies they normally receive

the Adam Walsh Act

Outcome evaluations look at:

the amount of money collected and funneled to victims

Prosecutors render services to crime victims not out of compassion but to _________________________________________________________________________________.

cultivate or preserve the worth of the victims as witnesses for the states

New Directions from the Field Recommendations to Courts:

Increase judge training on victim issues, victims role in court process, maximize victim inclusion in court process

Impact of restorative justice:

Increased victim consensus and satisfaction, Increased offender compliance (may be due to selection effect), Decreased recidivism, strongest impact on youth

Positives of dispute resolution:

Increased victim satisfaction, Decreases recidivism (mixed support, may be due to selection bias), Best for property crimes and less violent interpersonal crimes, Provides a short-term solution (but not long term)

Children's situation changed during the ____________ when economic labor was fulfilled by making children work

Industrial Revolution

At this time the concept of "childhood" emerged and advocates stepped forward against child maltreatment

Industrial revolution through 1960s

Reasons professionals are reluctant to report suspected incidents of maltreatment:

Insufficient training, countertransference

child abuse is the effect of an internal defect or flaw inside the abuse; such as a lack of inhibition in expressing frustration/impulsivities

Intra individual theories of child maltreatment

New Directions from the Field Recommendations to Corrections:

Involvement in parole board meetings, offender release notifications, help with restitution

first noted child maltreatment in 1946 as a pediatric radiologist after finding bone damage of a mysterious origin in young patients, pushed other clinicians to conduct similar investigations, Suspected parents were responsible for unspecified trauma but never made accusations

John Caffey

any person who makes a child maltreatment report in good faith, they cannot be sued if the allegation turns out to be false

Legislative immunity

After 7 yr old Megan Kanka was murdered by her sex offender neighbor in NJ, public outrage passed Megan's Law, calls for police notification whenever a sex offender is released from prison into the community (gives local authorities the ability to track whereabouts), classify sex offenders into three risk categories

Megan's Law

identified that problems that the criminal justice system provoked for victims and witnesses: time loss, loss of income, time wasted

Milwaukee Victim/Witness Project

Types of restitution:

Monetary payments to victim, Monetary payments to the community, Service performed for the victim, Service performed for the community

Why are reports to social service agencies not satisfactory:

Most agencies conduct business M-F nine-to-five, Agencies do not have ability to make warrantless entry to homes like LE, Perpetrators may be present when the CPS worker arrives

developed under the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, divides the interview into different phases

NICHD Investigative Interview Protocol

omission of a caretaker function, withholding life's essentials including food, shelter, clothing, medical treatment, etc.


Neighborhood reparative boards (NRBs) - existed since the mid-1990s and typically deal with non-violent youthful offenders, seek to restore the victims and community to pre-offense states, require the offender to make amends and aid them in understanding the impact of their actions

Neighborhood reparative boards (NRBs)

Only a fraction of 38 million victims received services, called for new directions for victim's rights, 250+ recommendations for CJS and related communities

New Directions from the Field (1998)

Who is most likely to be victimized by theft at school?

No difference for victims of theft, men more likely to be victimized overall (40 per 1,000 compared to 20 per 1,000 for women)

transfer of money or services from the offender to the victim for damages inflicted by the offender, more common in time before criminal legal system (Law of Hammurabi and the Justinian Code)

Offender restitution

Four remedies to the financial cost of crime:

Offender restitution, Civil litigation, Private litigation, Victim compensation

aimed at the entire school and relies on active student, teacher, and parent participation, establishes rules to govern behavior and responses to offenses, requires meetings between parents/teachers/students and between bullies/victims

Olweus Bullying Prevention Program

theory holding that fathers had the right to kill, sell, or allow their progeny to continue to live

Patriae potestas

Invites community members to determine appropriate sanctions for offenders, requires group consensus

Peacemaking/sentencing circles

What were the most common crimes on college campuses in 2019?

Personal: rape, fondling aggravated assault, robbery, murder Property: Burglary, MVT

Radiologists were key to finding child abuse because:

they examined x-rays not people, can be more objective because they have no contact w/ patient, goal of radiology is to discover new conditions, doctor-patient relationship was not a stumbling block, medical specialty lacked professional prestige (focused on research)

Women more likely to experience __________________, men more likely to experience ______________________

verbal or social bullying: physical bullying

Written reports must include:

victim/parent's identity, address, type of injuries, medical info if possible

New Directions from the Field Recommendations to Law Enforcement:

refer victims to community resources, notify victims of their rights, treat victims as key stakeholders

Some states recognize ______________ that prohibit seeking medical care but exclude life-threatening conditions, some states include substance abuse, withholding child support payments, habitual truancy, and family abandonment as neglect

religious beliefs

Getting involved with the criminal justice system constitutes ___________________________ because it costs victims time/money/effort

second victimization

Immediate costs of child maltreatment:

$33 billion; hospitalization, mental health, child welfare services, JJS/CJS

1 maltreatment case costs:

$6 million over victim's lifetime or $220 million in average costs to U.S. economy

Indirect costs of child maltreatment:

$71 billion; special ed, mental health, juvenile delinquency/adult criminality, lost labor force productivity

Despite this, deaths in school typically account for approximately _______ of all youth deaths


Students most likely to engage in avoidance:

8-9th grade students, Black, and urban public schools

____ of all teachers have been victimized at school


______ have very little or no confidence in CJS


In 2017, CPS monitored 3.5 million children and maltreatment was found in ______of cases


Only _________ states are in substantial compliance and 7 have met at least three categories of the Adam Walsh Act


First public accusations of parents as abusers appeared in the ______


Child maltreatment statuses have remained largely intact since the

1960s and 1970s

Wave of legislation against child abuse arose in the

1960s and 1970s

Renewed interest in restitution came about in the _____________________


First CAC opened in ________________________. There are now 1,000 CAC operating in the U.S.

1985 in Huntsville, AL

33 out of every 1,000 youths age 12-18 report being victimized at school each year (mostly violent crime followed by theft crime) or about _________ of total youths


______ of every 100,000 American children, or _____ children per day, died from maltreatment in 2018

2.39, five

_______ of students report being bullied


In 2018, _______of children were placed in foster care after CPS investigation concluded


In 2018-2019, there were _______ school shootings with 79 injuries, 28 student deaths, and 38 total deaths


Most fatalities were infants or children aged ______________________

3 years old or younger

Most juvenile crime committed between _______


Most juvenile violent crime (20%) committed between ________


State Victim Assistance Academies are present in ____________________________

35 states and D.C.

_______ of non-fatal victimizations take place away from school, and _______of non-fatal victimizations take place at school

40%, 60%

______ of people have little confidence in the CJS


______ total deaths in 2018-2019 school year


_______ of people avoid certain situations/places/people, ________ carry pepper spray

48%, 14%

_______ of violent victimization goes unreported


Characteristics of Amber Alert children:

65% involve children 5 or younger, 70% of recovered children where located in 6 hrs of activation

________ of rape and sexual assault goes unreported


_______ of property crime is unreported


Youth victimization has decreased __________ in the past 30 years


T/F: all states place same emphasis on child maltreatment

False; sometimes a felony, sometimes a misdemeanor

expands victim-offender mediation to include family members and close friends, creates a support group for both victims and offenders, facilitator leads discussion on the criminal event/its impact and come to a mutually accepted solution

Family Group Conferencing (FGC)

Why don't people report their victmization?

Fear of reprisal, fear police will not say/do anything, fear it is not important enough, belief it is a private matter, CJS related issues (lack of proof, police are inefficient or biased, police can't be bothered, too time consuming)

Problem with 1970s victim-witness funding:

Federal government only provided start-up funds and programs struggled to stay afloat

Typical cyberbullying victim:

Female, multi/biracial, LGBTQIA+

Kendricks was a convicted sex offender who had already served a 10 year prison sentence but upon release was supposed to be institutionalized, Court found that this was not punitive

Kansas v. Hendricks (1997) -

An Amber Alert can take place if:

LE believes an abduction has occurred, child is 17 or younger, child is in imminent danger, child's info is entered into NCIC

initiated a process where the federal government provides victim compensation for federal offenses and federal funds for state compensation programs, $2.2 billion in victim assistance grants to public/non-profit agencies, victim compensation payments, a majority of money goes to victims of physical assault, sexual assault, a family of homicide victims, or domestic/family violence

Victims of Crime Act (VOCA, 1984)

32 Killed (+ gunman) & 17 wounded, response failures: VT informed students ~2 hours after 1st shooting (9:26a), Originally thought an 'isolated, domestic' incident

Virginia Tech (VT) Shooting (April 16, 2007)

Truth in sentencing laws led to

an increase in prisoners and sentence length

Some states allow initial reports to be ______________ followed by a written report to avoid bureaucratic delays when a child is at risk

an oral statement

School victimization ____________ from 1994 to 2010, _______ from 2010 to 2013, and has fallen since then

declined, spiked

College students mostly face ____________ rates of victimization compared to other non-students their age


The rationale for restitution:

involves the needs of the victims, restoring the victim to before victimization, rehabilitating the offender, providing a less restrictive alternative to incarceration, deterring the offender from future criminal activity

Most child maltreatment cases involve:

neglect (61%), physical abuse (11%), sexual abuse (7%), or multiple abuses (15%)

Restorative justice uses shame to _____________________ to the offender the harms that were caused

productively demonstrate

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