crime scene to court room

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off the record

" _____ ____ ____ " refers to information not recorded in an official document


all objects pictured must be _______ or relevant to the scene

confidential informant

are people who furnish police with information about crimes, primarily because of the expectation of some personal benefit or advantage , and rarely out of a sense of civic duty

patent prints

are transferred from the friction ridges on fingers by a foreign substance like blood, paint or dirt, and are easily visible


at a deposition the ______ asks questions about the case

complainant, suspect

at the scene of an incident , you must identify all parties involved , including __________, victims, _______, and witnesses

pie/wheel search pattern

entails dividing the area into a number of wedge shaped sections , which are usually searched using the strip/line search pattern . use this method for extremely large search areas


establish boundaries for the crime scene and guard against unnecessary entrance by cordoning off the area with crime scene ______


exercise caution during the canvass , as you may actually knock on the ______ door

trace evidence

hairs , fibers, clothing , paintchips , transfer evidence , glass , wood , soil , dirt


include a _____ , ruler , or identifier in each close up photograph you take


it is easier to ______ the size of the perimeter than to enlarge it


it is extremely important to keep victims, complainants, and witnesses _______ in a criminal investigation.

paper , tape measure

items used to make a sketch include a blank sheet of ________ or graph paper , pen or pencil , ________ _______ , and a template or a ruler


maintain constant contact with _________ when searching for a wanted person , updating your location and status to maintain a high level of officer safety


preserve the entire photographic array as _________

photograph , document

protect the crime scene until you can _________ and ________ it


review from the initial incident report , and victim and witness statements to get a physical _______ of the suspect `

riley v california

ruled that it is unconstitutional to search a cell phone without a search warrant unless there are officer safety concerns or exigent circumstances


separating family members during a crisis might make a bad situation ________

state attorney

the ______ ______ must know or have access to everything you know about the case

crime scene log

the _______ _______ _______ provides proof of security and validates the evidence collected at the crime scene


the ________ laboratorys chemistry section analyzes substances submitted to the laboratory to determine the presence or absence of any controlled substance as listed

size , exits

the sketch should show , room by room , the ______ and relationship of entrances , _______ , and contents


to avoid contamination , change ________ between collecting each piece of evidence collected for DNA analysis

victim, witness

transport the ____ or ____ to the officers location to identify the potential suspect


upon hearing an objection , you must stop ________ until the judge rules


upon receipt of a lead, investigate the information and determine its ________


use ________ whenever you handle or collect evidence


with few exceptions, ______ records are available to law enforcement


working edges of tools leave distinct marks on surface. _______ try to fit a suspects tool into the mark

search warrant

you may also find cell phones at crime scenes ; however , you cannot access information contained in a cell phone unless you have a _______ ______


you will need to be able to _______ that the photographs are a true and accurate representation of the scene as it appeared when you took the pictures


PPE will protect the evidence from contamination and you from _______ to dangerous substances


______ may be physical evidence , further suspect information, witness statements, anonymous tips, and information gained while interviewing and processing existing information


______ records of government entities and publicity owned utilities are records that, with few exceptions , you may access demand


______ records of privately owned businesses or organizations, including privately owned utilities , are not open to the public , including law enforcement, and require court orders to access them

fragile evidence

_______ _____ can include a bullet hole in glass held into place by a thin window tint

close up

_______ _____ view shots show the details of a specific item of evidence and must include a scale or identifier

visible evidence

_______ _______ can include bruises, lacerations , broken bones, gunshot wounds , and trace or transfer evidence

transitory evidence

_______ _______ is evidence that can blow or wash away


_______ can , in some cases , serve as identification and evidence


_______ evidence is evidence gathered from witnesses ,


_______ property is for the use and enjoyment of the public and is open to the public


_______ records, such as a companys employment records, employees medical dental, or financial records, or the records of any private organization, buisness, or another type, are not necessarily available


_______ surveillance is following a person of interest on foot or in a police vehicle


_______ the crime scene allows the court and jury to obtain an accurate understanding of how it looked the day you responded


________ surveillance involves monitoring a person of interest through tracking devices - cell phone or credit card use - which typically requires a court order


________ surveillance involves parking your vehicle some distance away in a location that allows an approach to the area on foot in a covert manner

footwear , tire

_________ impressions and _______ tracks can link a suspect to a crime when such impressions at the scene match an object in the suspect possession


_________ property belongs to an individual and is not open to the public


a ___ ___ occurs when an officer presents a victim or witness with a single suspect for identification , during the same time as the initial investigation

photographic array

a _____ ___ can be more efficient than a live line-up because the agency can reprint existing photographs

court reporter , electronic recording device

a _____ ____ , or _____ _____ _____ , will record all responses , transcribe them , and them print them for the case file and distribution to the involved parties

plastic print

a _____ _____ is a molded or imbedded fingerprint created by touching an impressionable surface , such as wet paint or mud that you can easily see.


a _____ is the examination of facts and related law preside over by a judge or other magistrate who has the authority or jurisdiction to hear the matter


a ______ is a legal order for an arrest issued by the clerk of courts at the request of the state attorney


a ______ is an official court proceeding in which all parties , with the exception of the defendant , provide sworn testimonies regarding the facts of the case to one of the attorneys ( defense or prosecutor) prior to trial

sentencing hearing

a _______ _____ can occur before trial if the defendant accepts a plea


a _______ can be a crime scene or part of a crime scene


a _______ is a person believed to have committed a crime or offense


a _______ is a person harmed by crime


a _______ is a person who sees , knows, or vouches for something and may make a sworn statement about the information


a _______ is necessary to gain access to these private records


a ________ is a person who alleges that a crime has been committed or can be the person who calls the police


a __________ does not have the right to refuse photographing injuries such as scratches from the victim or blood evidence

amount, criminal , offense

a bond hearing will determine if the defendant is eligible to bond out - and if so , the _______ of the bond based upon the defendants _______ history , ________ , and flight risk


a larger crime scene also helps keep crowds away from _________


a person occupying private property has an expectation of privacy that no one can violate without a search _______ or a valid exception to the warrant requirement


a photographic array consists of a minimum of ___ photos


a protected , well managed crime scene allows for the presentation of credible ______ in the court that can establish the guilt or innocence of a suspect


according to florida law, the first appearance hearing must occur within _______ hours of the arrest

safety , injuries

after finding the incidents location , address officer ________ concerns and any victim or witness _______ , and secure the potential crime scene


after obtaining the full name ,race , sex, and date of birth conduct a criminal justice database search , such as _______ , _________ , and _________ /______ , to gain an accurate physical description of the suspect , address , or vehicle

k-9, swat,

agency resources that can assist in searching for a wanted person can include , ______ , aerial support , _________ , or fugitive task force

. a law enforcement , in lieu of a physical arrest, issues a notice to appear in a designated court at a specified date and time . the magistrate releases the person from custody on his or her own recognizance , of . the individual bonds out

all arrested individuals go to a first appearance hearing , except under the following circumstances .....

elimination prints

allow fingerprint analysts to distinguish between prints belonging to either the victim and witnesses or the possible suspects

independent administrator

an ____ ______ presents a photographic array to the victim or witness simultaneously or sequentially


an ______ is essential to verifying that the witness actually lives at the location where you made the contact , and is not a guest


an ________ occurs when you make detailed and systematic inquiries or observations

state attorney , judge

an attorney from the ______ ______ office may be present during the deposition ; a ______ will not be .

latent prints

are among the most valuable types of physical evidence and one of the most common types of evidence you will recover at a crime scene . although generally invisible to the naked eye , latent prints result from body residues left behind when the friction ridges of the hands or feet make contact with a surface

bystanders , pets

avoid including ________ , other officers , your equipment , or _____ in crime scene photographs

blood , semen

biological evidence left at crime scenes may contain DNA. consider all objects at a crime scene as possible sources of DNA evidence . these specimens could be ________ , saliva, urine, _______ , perspiration, vaginal secretions , feces, or vomit


bite marks may also contain _______

biological and touch DNA evidence

blood , semen , saliva , bones, teeth , body tissue, hair , DNA touch DNA

chemistry or toxicology evidence

blood alcohol levels, drugs, poisons, etc

admissible evidence

chapter 90 F.S specifically identifies what constitutes ______ ____ , including oral testimony. florida statutes defines _____ _____ as relevant evidence tending to prove or disprove an important fact , with numerous exceptions specified

questioned documents evidence

checks , bank statements , address books, wire transfers , credit cards , phone bills , photographs or cameras , photocopies

electronic evidence

computers , cell phones , PDA , thumb drives , external hard drives, CD's, DVD's , VHS, tapes , digital cameras , answering machines , digital recording devices


crime scene ______ are a means of documentation that aid in the reconstruction, explanation, and permanent recording of an incident


crime scene perimeters should be _______ rather than smaller

direct , indirect

determine their degrees of ______ or _______ involvement and the role each person played in the incident


do _____ allow the involved parties to talk to each other


do not allow them to enter the ________ crime scene area


do not reveal the ______ of the crime- names, seriousness, or how the crime was committed

edmond locard

dr. _______ _______ (1877-1966) , a pioneer in forensic science; " every contact leaves trace. " referred to as locards exchange principle , this contends that everyone who enters a crime scene will both bring something into and take something from it

impression evidence

fingerprints , tire tracks , footwear im-pressions , footprints , bite marks , tool marks

rule of sequestration

florida statutes , s.90.616 , addresses the ______ ___ ______ , which states that you must follow the judges orders completely when he or she invokes the rule

paper bags

for example wet evidence , such as items soaked with body fluids or living plant material, must either be air- dried , packaged in breathable containers such as ____ ______ , or both

evidence markers

help to document the relative positions of evidence items in the crime scene. place evidence markers next to each piece of evidence within the crime scene after initially photographing the scene and developing your initial sketch

please certify the question

if asked an improper question , you may answer , " ________ ______ _______ _____ " . this requires the attorney present the question to a judge who may decide to order an answer to the question

sustained , overruled

if the judge ________ the objection , the witness may not answer the question. if the objection is _____ , the witness must answer the question

who , what , when , where , why , how

if the victim does not require immediate first aid , ask direct , fundamental questions about how the victim sustained the injury , such as the following


if you are going to diagram a crime scene this is the _______ event that should take place after photographing the scene and before any detailed work begins


if you need to take photographs of an injury to any external genital organs, have an officer of the same _________ as the victim observe and photograph the injuries

case number , date

include the ________ ______ , location, _______ and time , and your name when submitting photographs


instruct people to move behind the crime scene tape , advising that refusal may result in _______


is anything that tends to prove or disprove an alleged fact


is the most common method of surveying (measuring and documenting ) objects within the crime scene . this method measures objects from at least two fixed points , forming a triangle

. what is the location ? . are any weapons involved? . has the complaintant indicated the suspects location? . how many individuals involved ? . how many officers are necessary to safely contain or control the situation? . do you need additional services? . do you need special equipment? . are any special concerns or dangers associated with the call?

key questions that will help you assess the situation adequately

sketch, sketch

most patrol officers will not regularly _______ a crime scene ; however , a crime scene _______ will assist in validating the relationships of items within the crime scene


never handle ________ with your bare hands

injuries , evidence

note whether the information the victim provides appears to be consistent with the _______ and ______ at the scene

telephone or subpoena

notification may come by _____ or _______ ( pretrial meeting )

suppression hearing

occurs after the defense files a motion to suppress or to exclude certain testimony or evidence from the trial , alleging that your improper actions violated their clients rights

do not

officers not assigned to the crime scene _____ _____ have access just because they are law enforcement officers

grid search pattern

often used indoors,; a variation of the strip/line search pattern. searchers overlap a series of lanes in a cross pattern , making the search more methodical and thorough

sustain, overrule

once someone makes an objection , the judge will either ______ or ______ it


once the crime scene perimeter is established, do not allow any ________ removal or alteration of any evidence


photographing the crime scene is the _______ event that should take place before any detailed crime scene work begins

not to scale

sketches should include the statement " _______ ___ _____ " unless you are prepared to testify that every item is precisely drawn to scale on the sketch

law enforcement

tell victim to notify ____ ____ for further documentation if bruising intensifies


testimonial evidence is generally less reliable than physical evidence because people perceive events ___________ , do not remember accurately , or lie


the _________ section of a laboratory analyzes samples of blood , to determine chemical and alcohol content, and urine , to detect chemical content


the actions of the first responding officer on the scene have a significant impact on the ________ of an investigation

judge , jury , juvenile

the defendant selects trial by _____ or ______ , unless the defendant is a ________

birds eye view

the most common method of sketching is using the ________ ______ ______ or downward observation perspective

general , midrange

the overall flow of crime scene photography moves from _____ to specific ; use overall , _______ , and then close up photography

one, crime scene log

the primary officer or investigator will designate ____ point of entry and exit for the crime scene , and will assign an officer to maintain a _______ ______ ______ at that location


the purpose of the pretrial meeting is to give the state attorney an opportunity to clarify facts of the case and deal with any ______

number , type

the size and type of search dictates the _____ and ______ of personnel or resources needed for crime scene processing


the size of the crime scene depends on the type of _______, the type of evidence, and the location of the evidence

moving , stationary, electric

there are several ways to perform surveillance on a suspects location: ________ , _______ , and , __________

public , private

there are two main types of information - _____ records and ______ records


there is _____ crime scene exception to the fourth amendment search warrant requirement


use a minimum of 5 filler photographs together with only one of the ______


use identifying marks to conduct _______ /________ databases check on a firearm

cell phone

use your agency digital camera with a flash. avoid using _____ ______ camera ; the phone may be impounded

zone/quadrant search

used for vehicle searches , outdoors , or a large area . divided the area into four different sections and search each using one of the patterns above

spiral search pattern

usually used outside by one person. the searcher begins at a certain point and walks in increasingly larger circles to the outermost boundary of the search area

strip/line search pattern

usually used outside by several people . divided the search area into lanes . have on or more people search each lane by moving in both directions , examining all areas

firearms evidence

weapons , projectiles , gunshot residue , cartrdige cases tool marks , data base information


when establishing which people may have information , ask those present where they were and how they were _______ in the incident


when involved in surveillance, do not enter an area in which a person has a reasonable expectation of ______

scale , identifier

when photographing specific items such as blood drops, weapons, or tire marks , place a _____ or ____ in the photograph with the evidence to establish the original positions and draw attention to relevant objects or evidence for photographing and sketching


when recovering a firearm or ammunition at a crime scene _______ all bullets from the chamber or cylinder

first aide

when there are injured people at the scene , responding officers have additional responsibilities such as providing _____ ______


while _____ evidence consists of objects or perishable evidence such as fingerprints, blood, or tire tracks.

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