CRJ 230 Final

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Martin found that the introductions of _______ police officers broke up the traditional solidarity of the work group.

Procedural Justice

A theory that holds that people distinguish between outcomes and the process.

Tribal Police

A unique aspect of American criminal justice is that many Native American tribes maintain their own separate criminal justice systems, including _______ _______ departments, on their reservations.

Preliminary Investigation

Consists of five basic steps: (1) identifying and arresting any suspects (2) providing aid to any victims need of medical attention (3) securing the crime scene to prevent loss of evidence (4) collecting all relevant physical evidence (5) preparing a preliminary report.

County Police

Essentially the municipal police that operate on a countywide basis but do not have any of the non-law-enforcement roles of the county sheriff.

Dimensions of Trust

Four separate ______ _____ ________ in the police (1) priorities (2) competence (3) dependability (4) respect.

Cohort Effects

Officers hired in one decade will have different ideas and lifestyles then officers hired in later decades.

Moral Career

Officers who do become corrupt typically go through a process involving a series of stages that move from lesser to greater tolerance of and/or involvement in correct activities, this process is described as the "_______ _______" of a police officer.

Seniority Hierarchy

Officers with more years of service are typically paid more and are given advantage over which shifts and jobs they are assigned.


One attempt of community policing; Decreasing the amount of social and administrative distance between a beat officer and the chief of police.


One attempt of community policing; Eliminates many of the rules and policies that often stifle creativity and do not encourage problem solving.


One attempt of community policing; Replacing specialized units with neighborhood officers, who are more knowledgable about the problems that face their neighborhood.


One attempt of community policing; _______ decision making both territorially and administratively. Requires the police to place greater responsibility on rank-and-file officers at the neighborhood level and to become more responsive to neighborhood residents.

Routine Supervision

One of the central tasks of police management, and this responsibility falls primarily on sergeants.

Nominal Caseload

One of the components that the PERF study found a detective's caseload consists of; _______ _______ includes all cases assigned to that officer.

Clearance Rate

The traditional measure of success in a criminal investigation is the _______ ______. The FBI defines a crime as cleared when the police have "identified an offender, have sufficient evidence to charge him, and actually take him into custody"....

Police-population Ratio

The standard measure for the level of police protection in a community is the _______ _______; usually expressed as the number of sworn officers per thousand residents.

Reporting Time

The total amount of time between the commission of a crime and the moment a police officer arrives on the scene includes separate parts: (1)Discovery time (2)_______ _______(3) Processing time (4) Travel Time


When someone calls the police about another person as a way of diverting attention away from his or her own behavior.

Organizational Culture

Whether or not discipline occurs depends on the ________ ________ of the police department.


12% of all full-time sworn officers are African American.


Having to answer for your conduct.


Only about _____ of police activity is crime related.


Police deviance is rare.


(1) An official action (2) by a criminal justice official (3) based on that individual's judgement about the course of action.

Active Officers

(1) Initiate more contact with citizens (2) back up officers on other calls, even when not dispatched on that call (3) assert control of situations with citizens (4) make more arrests.

Functions of Patrol

(1) To deter crime (2) To enhance the feelings of public safety (3) To make officers available for service.

Passive Officers

(1)Initiate few contact with citizens (2) respond only to calls on which they are dispatched (3) make few traffic stops,feild interrogations, and arrests.

Bona Fide Occupational Qualifications

(BFOQs) Requirements employers may establish and refuse to her people who do not possess those qualifications; any requirement that is reasonably necessary to the normal operation of a particular business.

State Police

(Departments of Public Safety) Agencies having statewide police officers for both traffic regulation and criminal investigations.

Equal Employment Opportunity Index

(EEO) Developed to measure the extent to which a police department reflects the community it serves; computed by dividing the percentage of a particular minority group in the police force by the percentage in the population of the local community.

Field Training Officer

(FTO) Experienced supervisors that oversee practical experience in police work, field training programs, in order to supplement classroom academy training.

False; 12%

35% of all full-time sworn officers are female.

Rotten Pocket

A _______ _________ exists when several corrupt officers cooperate with one another.

Discipline Matrix

A formal schedule for disciplinary actions, specifying both the preemptive action to be taken for each type of misconduct and any adjustment to be made based on an officers previous disciplinary record.

Racial Profiling

A major controversy in police-community relations in recent years; the practice of police officers stopping drivers because of their race or ethnicity and not because of legitimate law enforcement violation.

Community Cooperation Model

A model that holds that effective responses to nonprime calls can help the police establish greater credibility with the public.

Social Work Model

A model that holds that latent coercive power of the police can help to steer potential law breakers into law-abiding behavior.

Police Knowledge Model

A model that holds that noncom calls give officers a broader exposure to the community with the result that they have more knowledge that help them solve crimes.

Crime Prophylactic Model

A model that holds that police intervention can defuse potentially violent situations and prevent them from escalating into criminal violence.


A process of professional self regulation; the process for law enforcement was created in 1979.

Risk Management

A process widely used in private industry and in health care agencies to reduce the cost associated with lawsuits against the organization.


A quick look in law enforcement in other countries provides a useful perspective on the decentralization and _______ of American law enforcement.

Outside Employment

A significant number of officers supplement their incomes with ______ _______.

Hot Spot

An area that receives a disproportionate number of calls for police service and/or has a very high crime rate.


Accept police women relatively easily, recognize that police work rarely calls for physical strength and accepting the idea that job opportunities should be open to everyone on the basis of individual merit.

Status Hierarchy

Officers are differentiated on the basis of their assigned status within the police department.

Unfounding a Crime

After a citizen reposts a crime, the police must make an official record of it in order to enter it into the UCR system. Police officers often do not complete a crime report, this is called ______ __ ________.

Highway Patrol

Agencies having statewide authority to enforce traffic regulations and arrest non-traffic violators under their jurisdiction.

Special District Police

Agencies that serve particular government agencies pr special geographic boundaries; some urban transit systems maintain separate law enforcement agencies.

Exclusionary Rule

All evidence obtained by searches and seizures in violation of the Constitution is, by that same authority, inadmissible in state court.

Hostility from Citizens

Although _______ _____ _______ is rare, about 10% of all encounters, offers tend to remember such experiences and it effects the changes in an officers attitudes.

English Heritage

American policing is a product of its _______ _______; which included he English common law, the high value placed on individual rights, the court systems and forms of punishment, and different law enforcement agencies.

Abuse of Authority

An action by a police officer "that tends to injure, insult, trespass upon human dignity... and/or violate an inherent legal right" of a citizen.

Police Aides

An alternative method of handling low-priority calls is to use non sworn personnel, or _______ _______.

Task Forces

An alternative to changing the structure of police organizations is to develop decision-making procedures that operate within the existing formal structure. One example of this is ______ _______ consisting go officers from different ranks within the same agency.

Domestic Violence

An estimated 33% of all domestic disturbance calls involve _______ ______, the violence usually being an assault.

Code of Silence

An important aspect of secrecy is the _____ ___ ______, which involves not testifying against the other officers accused of misconduct.

Officially Arrested

An individual is _______ ___________ only when the police make an officially arrest report of it.

Legally Arrested

An individual is ________ _______ or in custody when deprived of his or her liberty by legal authority. An officer must have an intent to arrest, must communicate that intent to the person, and must actually take the person into custody.


An office whose roots can be traced back to colonial America; few left in the US today, their function and role is defines but the state constitution.

Rank Hierarchy

An officer carries his or herring permanately, until promoted.

Police Union

An organization legally authorized to represent police officers in collective bargaining with the employer.

Employment Discrimination

Another important cause of police-community relations tensions; racial and ethnic minority officers are under represented in most police departments.


Another shock for police officers comes from them being _______ and seeing firsthand how the system works. Sometimes results in them becoming cynical about the ability of the system to be fair and effective.

Kerner Commission

Appointed to study the riots that occurred in the 1960s, counted more than 200 violent disorders in 1967 alone.


Arrest - encounters make up about ____ of police citizen encounters.


Assignments in most police departments are governed by civil service procedures or union contracts that embody the principle of _______. Officers with more experience have first priority in requesting assignments.

Zero Tolerance Policing

Based on broken windows theory; Calls for the police to primarily focus on disorder, minor crime, and the experience of crime.

Police Professionalism

Because of the history of _______ _______ acquired a special meaning; meant the same thing as bureaucratization.

Racial Profiling

Brought to light in a major lawsuit (Wilkins v. Maryland) that sparked national controversy; what some people called "driving while black."


Community and police ________ on racial profiling foster trust, are a valuable avenue for two-way communication, and can help police departments reduce the risk of engaging in unacceptable practices that might result in being sued.

Internal Benchmarking

Compares the performance of individual officers with peer officers, that is, officers with similar assignments. The basic assumption is that officers with the same assignments should have roughly similar work patterns.


Computer-aided dispatch was first used in the _______ as a method of more efficiently managing calls for service from the public.

President's Crime Commission

Conducted a comprehensive study of the entire criminal justice system, including the police, and sponsored some important police research.

Forensic Index

Contains DNA profiles from genetic evidence gathered from crime scenes.

Convicted Offender Index

Contains genetic information of offenders who have been required to provide blood samples for genetic typing.

Residency Requirements

Controversial across the country; about 1/4 of all city police departments require their officers to live within the city or county. Intended to heighten the officers' familiarity with the community and heighten their commitment to its well-being.

Pervasive Unorganized Corruption

Corruption reaches a higher degree of intensity when it has "a majority of personnel who are corrupt, but who have little relationship to each other."

Language Barriers

Create potentially serious obstructions to the delivery of high quality police services; likely to arise when the citizen speaks a language other than english that the responding officer does not speak.


Created in 1829, the _______ Metropolitan Police is recognized as the first modern police force, and officers are still known as "Bobbies" in honor of Peel.


Crime has been declining since the early _______.


Crime is generally not susceptible to a rapid police response.


Crime is the responsibility of the police only.

Occupational Deviance

Criminal and noncriminal behavior "committed during the course of normal work activities committed undertake guise of the police officer's authority".

Social Control

Defined as the organized ways in which society responds to behavior and people it regards as deviant, problematic, worrying, threatening, troublesome, or undesirable in some way or another.


Defined by the FBI as "the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof in furtherance of political or social objectives".

Four Systems of Justice

Depending on the racial components of the offender/victim relationship: (1) crimes by whites against whites were handled as "normal" crimes (2) crimes by whites against African Americans were rarely prosecuted, if at all (3) crimes by African Americans against whites received the harshest response (4)


Different outcomes that are not necessarily caused by differential treatment.


Differential treatment based on some extralegal category such as race, ethnicity, or gender.

Positive Use of Discretion

Discretion can be used in proper ways, to promote effective and efficient police work including (1) the good use of judgement (2) efficient use of scarce police resources (3) individualized justice (4) sound public policy.


Drug Abuse Resistance Education; Perhaps the most popular demand reduction strategy; Content involves information about illegal drugs and their consequences and training in social skills to help resist illegal drug use.


Each year, the Herman Goldstein Award is presented at the conference to recognize the most _______ and successful problem-oriented policing strategy implemented by a police agency.


Every year, about 5% of of all police officers leave their jobs. This _______, or attrition rate, appears to have been steady since the 1960s. Officers leave police work because of retirement, death, dismissal, voluntary resignation, or layoffs resulting from financial constraints.

Local Political Culture

Ex: In almost every state, there are small towns where, according to folklore, you want to be sure to drive right at the speed limit. These towns have reputations for making a lot of arrests for speeding.


Final approach to establishing minimum national standards in policing; A process of professional self-regulation, similar to those processes that exist in medicine, law, education, and other occupations.


Gang Resistance Education and Training; The most popular police-led gang prevention program; Introduces students to conflict resolution skills, cultural sensitivity, and the problems that are associated with gangs and gang related behavior.

Directed Patrol

Gives patrol officers specific duties to perform during a specified time period while they are free from normal 911 dispatches.

Defense of Life Standard

Greatly restricts the use of deadly force by police officers.

Job Security

Has always been very important in policing. Because of civil service rules and police union contracts it is very difficult to fire and officer except for criminal conduct.

Stereotypes About Cops

Heavily influence the public image of who police are, what they believe, and how they act. Fall into two categories (1)Negative stereotypes view officers as uneducated, untrained, prejudiced, brutal, and corrupt (2) positive stereotypes view them as heroic saints, risking their lives in the face of hostility from the public, the media, and the courts.

Career Perspective

Helps to understand how police officers interact with law enforcement organizations.

Problem-Oriented Policing

Herman Goldstein pioneered a new approach to the police role in 1979 with his concept of _________________ __________.

Problem-oriented Policing

Herman Goldstein's concept of _______ _______ represents a different approach to the complexity of the police role. Police should disaggregate their workload, identify recurring problems, and develop strategies to reduce or eliminate those problems.

Institutional Theory

Holds that police organizations are social institutions that operate in relation to their external social and political environment. The central premise, as applied to the police, is a belief that the organization activities of the police must be understood in the context of their institutional environment.

Group Solidarity

Hostility to the public encourages a strong sense of ______ _______ between officers.


How many local police departments employ fewer than 10 officers?


How many local police departments employ more than 1,000 sworn officers?

Coveted Assignments

In all law enforcement agencies, certain assignments are regarded as highly desirable by rank-and-file officers. Officers prefer these assignments because they are usually more challenging assignments that are more interesting than basic patrol and experience in these assignments often helps gain promotion to a higher rank.

Performance Evaluations

In any professionally managed organization, employee ________ ________ are extremely important; help serve to identify good performance that can be rewarded and poor performance that needs to be corrected.

Mercy Booking

In communities with few mental health resources, police officers are sometimes inclined to arrest a mentally ill person for a misdemeanor.

Education Generation Gap

In many departments, there is an _______ _______ _____ between the younger, better-educated officers and the veteran officers with less education.

Supply Reduction Strategy

Includes four different tactics: (1) buy-and-bust (2) attempt to disrupt the drug syndicate by "trading up" (3) penetrating the syndicate through long term undercover work (4) drug crackdown.

Hammered Informants

Individuals who agreed to be an informant because of the stress associated with their arrest. Many informants were drug users, or low to mid-level drug dealers and they were willing to become an informant to avoid arrest or other formal sanction.

Police Buffs

Individuals who are supportive of the police and and provide them with information often on a one-time basis because of their access to a particular type of information.

Field Interrogations

Involve a crime control strategy of both identifying and apprehending offenders, and at the same time sending a message of deterrence to people on the street.

Foot Patrol

Involves a difficult trade-off between efficiency and community relations. An officer on foot cannot cover as much territory as an officer in a patrol car. But this inefficiency is offset by the positive gains in community relations.

Demand Reduction Strategy

Involves attempting to reduce demand for dugs on the part of potential users; this strategy includes drug education programs.

Differential Response

Involves classifying calls according to their seriousness: (1) an immediate response by a sworn officer (2) a delayed response by a sworn officer (3) no police response, with reports taken over the telephone, by mail, or by having the person come into the station.

Career Development

Involves opportunities to use one's talents and develop expertise in a particular area. The lack of _______ _______ is recognized as a problem in American police departments.

Foreign Terrorism

Involves terrorist activities coordinated and perpetrated by foreign persons or countries against the United States.

Domestic Terrorism

Is by far the most common type of terrorism; planned and carried out by Americans on American soil.

Organizational Styles

James Q Wilson identifies three distinct _________ _______ (1) Watchman Style (2) Legalistic Style (3) Service Style.


Jobs in the police force were a major form of _______, which local politicians used to reward their friends.


Law enforcement solutions in Colonial America included sheriff, constable, slave patrol, and the _______ which most closely resembled the modern-day police.

Quasi-military Style

Many experts believe this style is inappropriate for the police for many reasons: (1) military ethos cultivates an "us versus them" attitude that is used to justify mistreatment of citizens (2) encourages the idea of a "war on crime" that is inappropriate for serving a citizen population (3) the authoritarian command style is contrary to democratic principles of participation (4) the authoritarian style produces low morale, and the rigid rank structure fails to prove sufficient job satisfaction for police officers.

Minimum Age Level

Most law enforcement agencies require all applicants be at least 21 years old. In several states, the state certification standards only require that an applicant be 18 years old.


Most officers will go their entire career without using _______ force.

Residual Deterrence

Most people believe that police are present even when there is no patrol in the area. Also known as the "phantom effect".

Order Maintenance

Most police work involves peacekeeping and _______ _______, rather than actual crime fighting. These calls raise important questions about the police role.


Most reported crimes are solved by arrest.

Mercenary Informants

Motivated by the money, they provide police with information whenever they have information to sell. These informants are potentially the most problematic because there is a greater chance of them falsifying evidence.

Grass Eaters

Officer distinction made by the Knapp Commission ______ ________ are officers that passively accept what is offered to them.

Meat Eaters

Officer distinction made by the Knapp Commission ______ ________ are officers who aggressively demand favors.

Actual Caseload

One of the components that the PERF study found a detective's caseload consists of; _______ _______ includes those cases "actually worked by detectives"

Workable Caseload

One of the components that the PERF study found a detective's caseload consists of; _______ _______ includes those cases "that have sufficient leads and therefore are worth attempting to solve"


One of the first experiments in problem-oriented policing (_____) occurred in Newport News, Virginia, in the mid-1980s.

Social Disorder

One of the major subcategories of disorder that includes such issues as public drinking, street corner gangs, street harassment, street level drug sale and use, noisy neighbors, and commercial sex.

Physical Disorder

One of the major subcategories of disorder that includes such problems as vandalism, dilapidation and abandonment of buildings, and rubbish.

Domestic Disturbance

One of the many types of disturbances police may deal with, a _______ _______ is one involving two or more people engaged in an intimate relationship.

Community Policing

One of the more popular approaches today is _______ _______. It holds that police should work closely with community residents, instead of being an inward-looking bureaucracy; that they should emphasize crime prevention, as opposed to law enforcement; and that they should decentralize the decision making authority to rank-and-file officers, as opposed to the top-down military style organization.

Boston Police Strike

One of the most famous events in police history; an enormous strike that resulted from police being unhappy with their salaries and being denied raises.


One of the most important innovations in police accountability.

Vertical Cliques

One of the two types of protective cliques; Formed between lower and higher ranking officers, oftentimes have shared understanding of situations and problems and work together to address them in an agreeable manner.

Horizontal Cliques

One of the two types of protective cliques; Formed between similarly ranked officers, most are created to protect line officers from supervisory oversight and accountability.


One partial solution to the problem of rehiring officers that were fired from other agencies is state certification of officers with producers for _______.

Order Maintenance

Only 20 to 30 percent of all calls for service involve criminal law enforcement, most calls are _______ _______ or service calls.


Only about 1/3 of crimes are reported; _______ has the highest clearance rte at 60% while property crime has the lowest.

Reverse Discrimination

Opponents of affirmative action argue that quotes involve and illegal form of _______ _______.


Opportunities for _______ are typically very limited in policing. Even more difficult because of eligibility requirements (time), few openings, and the fact that they are based off of formal testing processes.

Municipal Police

Or city police are the most important component of American law enforcement; play a more complex role than any other type of law enforcement agency.


Or medical examiner is often considered a law enforcement agency because it has the responsibility to investigate crimes; offices responsible for: (1) investigate death scenes (2) conduct autopsies (3) and determining the cause of violent or unexpected deaths.

Focused Deterrence Strategies

Or pulling levers, were conceptualized within the framework of POP but invoke principles that go well beyond it; the Boston Gun Project.

Verbal Abuse

Particularly racial and ethnic slurs, are also a source of tension between the police and minority communities.


Patrol is the _______ of policing, the central feature of police operation.

Street-Level Bureaucrats

Patrol officers have been described as _____________ ___________ because they make the decisions that produce actual police policy as it affects citizens.

Civil Service System

Personnel decisions in policing are a shared responsibility. Police departments control some of the decisions, but other government agencies, such as the _______ _______ _______ and/or the city personnel department, control the others.

Victim-Suspect Relationship

Police decisions to arrest are influenced by several situational factors: (1) the strength of the evidence (2) the seriousness of the crime (3) the preference of the victim (4) the ________________ ___________ (5) the demeanor of the suspect.


Police departments also have their own ______ organizational culture that influences officer discretion.

Situational Factors

Police discretion is influenced by the circumstances of each situation.


Police have recognized their own limitations in preventing crime and disorder, police agencies that have embraces community policing have mobilized the community for assistance. _______ comes in the form of such programs as Neighborhood Watch, Operation ID, and Crime Stoppers.

Job Security

Police officers enjoy a high degree of _____ _______ because of civil service rules and police union contract provisions that make it very difficult to fire officers.


Police rarely foil crimes in progress.


Police spend most of their time in non crime related activities.


Police use force in less than 2% of all police-citizen encounters.


Police use of deadly force is very rare.


Police work is always exciting and dangerous.


Policing has been described as ______________ work because police work is hidden from public view, officers have tremendous opportunity to choose whatever action they prefer, and this work environment creates the opportunity for using and potentially abusing discretion.

Crimes of Vice

Policing vice requires law enforcement to regulate activities associated with public morality, such as prostitution, pornography, liquor laws, and other sexually oriented business. ________ ___ _______ present special enforcement problems because they are"victimless crimes" with no complaining party.


Problem oriented policing is typically implemented through a four-stage process known as _______: (1) scanning (2) analysis (3) response and (4) assessment.

Response Time

Quick _______ _______ is part of the folk wisdom of policing. Both police and citizens believe that it will (1) increase the probability of an arrest and (2) increase public satisfaction.

Police Community Relations

Refers primarily to relations between the police and racial and ethnic minority communities.

Civil Service

Represents a set of formal and legally biding procedures governing personnel decisions.

Case Solvability Factors

Researchers have focused on three _______ _______ ______ to examine their influence on investigative effectiveness: case structural factors, organizational factors, and environmental factors.


Rising concerns about crime, riots, and the ___________ relations crisis stimulated a series of national reports on the police that greatly enhanced knowledge about policing and made a set of recommendations for improving the American Police.


Robert Peel is the "______" of modern policing.

Fleeing Felon Rule

Ruled in 1985 in the Tennessee v. Garner that the _________ ______ ______ was unconstitutional.

Administrative Rulemaking

Seeks to guide the exercise of police discretion through written departmental policies. These typically specify (1) what an officer must do in certain situations (2) what he or she may not do in those situations (3) where an officer may properly exercise discretion.

Vengeful Informants

Serve as a source of information to exact revenge on someone they want to inflict some sort of harm.

Theodore Roosevelt

Served as a police commissioner of New York City, fought against the corrupt Tammany Hall political machine and tried to eliminate corruption and inefficiency in the NYPD.

Preservice Training

Significant improvements have been made in this aspect in police academies. The typical training period is much longer than before, covers more subjects, and is required by state law.

Preference of the Victim

Situational factors include: (1) seriousness of the crime (2) strength of the evidence (3) ________ _____ _____ __________ (4) relationship between victim and suspect (5) Demeanor of the suspect (6) characteristics of the victim (7) race, ethnicity, and gender of the citizen (8) characteristics of the neighborhood (9) characteristics of the individual officer.

Subjectively Arrested

Someone is ______ _________ whenever he or she believes they are not free to go. A police officer may regard an encounter as only a stop, but the individual may believe they are under arrest.

Behaviorally Arrested

Someone is _______ ______ when a police officer performs any of a number of actions: a stop, a verbal statement that the person is "under arrest", or physically restraining a person.

Police Unions

Spread rapidly in the 1960s and by the 1970s were a powerful force in American Policing. Officers were angry over and alienated over Supreme Court rulings, criticisms by civil rights groups, poor salaries and benefits, and arbitrary disciplinary practices by police chiefs.

Resource Dependency Theory

Suggest that organizations must obtain resources to survive and to obtain these resources they must engage in exchanges with other organizations in their environment.


Technology that was used as an organizational tool to achieve crime control through accountability. (Compare Stats)


The 911 system is an information processing system. The communications center _________, dispatchers, and patrol officers are "information brokers" who receive citizen calls and translate them into official bureaucratic responses.

Preventative Patrol

The Kansas City _______ _______ Experiment was a landmark event in American policing. It was the first experiment testing the effectiveness of patrol that met minimum standards of scientific research.

Wickersham Commission

The National Commission on Law Observance and Enforcement, crested in 1929 by President Hoover, that conducted the first notional study of the American criminal justice system.

Foot Patrol

The Newark _______ _______ Experiment found that additional foot patrol did not reduce serious crime, but had other positive effects.

911 Communications Center

The ____ _________ ________ is the real nerve center of the modern police department. Contemporary 911-driven police work is (1) citizen dominated (2)reactive, and (3) incident based.

Rotten Apple

The _____ ______ theory describes a situation where only a few officers are independently engaged in corrupt acts.

Kansas City Gun

The ______ _____ _____ Experiment is perhaps the best-known directed patrol effort aimed at reducing gun violence. The experiment represented a combination of both problem oriented policing and directed patrol.

Minneapolis Domestic Violence

The _______ _______ ________ Experiment sought to determine the relative deterrent effect of an arrest, mediation, and separation in misdemeanor domestic violence incidents.

Professionalization Movement

The _______ _______ developed a specific agenda of reform which included (1) defining policing as a profession (2) eliminating political influence from policing (3) appointing qualified chief executives (4) raising personnel standards (5) introducing principles of modern management and (6) creating specialized units.

Work Environment

The _______ ________ of policing contributes to the exercise of discretion; (1) patrol officers work in pairs (2) in many critical incidents, there is no direct supervision by a sergeant (3) the majority of police-citizen encounters occur in private places with no other observers.


The _______ are some there in between as far as their views on women, with many accepting the idea of policewomen in principle but unhappy about women on patrol duty.


The _________ were committed to the image of policing as dangerous work involving aggressive action and requiring physical strength.

Cultural Competence

The ability to understand and respond appropriately to differences in the languages, traditions, lifestyles, and patterns of communication of different racial or ethnic groups.

Psychiatric First Aid

The basic options for a police officer handling the mentally ill include (1) hospitalization (2)arrest and (3) informal disposition. Informal disposition involves the officer using informal tactics to calm a person down and is referred to as _______ _______ _______.


The community policing model stresses greater interaction between the police and the public, so that both entities act as _______ of crime control and prevention.

Contingency Theory

The dominant theoretical framework for understanding the structures and practices of police organizations. The underlying premise is the belief that organizations are created and structured to achieve specific goals, such as crime control.

August Vollmer

The father of American police professionalism; more than any other person, defined the reform agenda that continues to influence policing today.

Reality Shock

The first few weeks and months on the job for a police officer are often a rude awakening when an officer quickly encounters the unpleasant aspects of dealing with the public, the criminal justice system, and the department.


The good police officer is the one who issues lots of tickets and makes lot of arrests.

Crime-Fighter Image

The idea of the police as a "the blue line," fighting a war on crime.

Community Policing

The label of ______ _______ has been attached to such a variety of activities and programs, some reformers express concern that it has come to mean anything that is new and innovative in American policing.

Problem Solving

The last element in community policing in which the police and the community engage in a cooperative effort to solve neighborhood problems.

Collective Bargaining

The method of determining conditions of employment through bilateral negotiations. Basic principles include: (1) employees have the legal right to form unions of their on choosing, (2) employers must recognize employee unions, (3) employees have a right to participate in negotiations overwork conditions, and (4) employers are required to negotiate with the union's designated representatives.

Crime Prevention

The mission of Peel's new police was _______ _______; this reflected the utilitarian idea that it is better to prevent crime than to respond after the fact.

Early Twentieth

The modern police bureaucracy began to emerge in the _______ _______ century, as part of the professionalism movement; Leaders of this movement were August Vollmer, Bruce Smith, and O.W. Wilson.


The most common form of police corruption involves ________: free meals, free dry cleaning, or discounts on other purchases.

Affirmative Action

The most controversial issue in police employment; means that an employer must take positive steps to remedy past discrimination.

J. Edgar Hoover

The most important figure in law enforcement in the 1930s; the director of Bureau of Investigation.

Community Policing

The most important new development in policing in the 1980s and 1990s was the advent of _______ _______ (COP) and problem-oriented policing; both represented a new paradigm for policing.

Pervasive Organized Corruption

The most serious form of corruption exists at an organized level that penetrates the higher levels of the department.

Discovery Time

The police cannot control _______ _______, reporting time, or processing time, only travel time.

Broken Windows

The police should address those problems that create fear of crime and lead to neighborhood decay. The image of ______ ______ symbolizes the relationship among disorder, neighborhood decay, and crime.

Local Political Control

The primary responsibility for police protection rests with local governments: cities and counties. This tradition was inherited from England during the colonial period.

Span of Control

The ratio of sergeants to officers is referred to as the _______ ____ __________.

Alice Stebbins Wells

The real leader of the police women's movement in 1910, despite the fact that the first policewoman was hired in 1905.

Blue Curtain of Silence

The refusal of officers to testify against other officers; one of the major factors protecting police corruption.

Police-Population Ratio

The traditional measure of the level of police protection in a community is the ________________ ___________. the national average for larger municipal departments in 2008 was 2.5 officers per 1,000 population.


The typical police department is a complex _______, with a hierarchical structure and an authoritarian management style.

Police Brutality

The use of excessive force by the police; allegations represent the most common complaint voiced by minorities about the police.


There are 3 different types of social control: private, parochial, and _______.


There are many reasons for utilizing _______ in police work: (1) they free up sworn officers for critical police work that requires a trained and experienced offer (2) they possess ended expertise in such areas as computers or data analysis (3) in many cases, they are less expensive than sworn officers.


There are nearly 18,000 state and local police departments in the US

Rewards Hierarchy

This hierarchy typically corresponds with an officer's rank and seniority within the department. It does not however, typically correspond wth individual skill or performance.

Legalistic Style

This organizational style emphasizes aggressive crime fighting and attempts to control officer behavior through a rule-bound, by-the-book administrative approach.

Watchman Style

This organizational style emphasizes peacekeeping, without aggressive law enforcement and with few control over rank-and-file officers.

Service Style

This organizational style emphasizes responsiveness to community expectations and is generally found in suburban police departments where there is relatively little crime.

Community Partnerships

Two elements re needed to successfully implement _________ _________ between the police and the public: consultation and mobilization.

Garrity Ruling

Under the _____ ________, an officer can be disciplined and even dismissed for refusing to answer questions by internal affairs

Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act

Under this, it is unlawful for an employer to fail or refuse to hire or to discharge any individual, or otherwise to discriminate against any individual...because of such individual's race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.


Unique among American law enforcement agencies, in terms of its legal status and its role; they serve all three components of the criminal justice system: law enforcement, courts, and corrections.

Probationary Period

Upon completing preservice training, a recruit is sworn in and assigned to regular duty. The officer is on probationary status for a period that may range from six months to two years, depending on the department. During this period an officer can be dismissed without cause.

Oral Interviews

Used by almost all police departments during selection, meant to detect attitudes that might be incompatible with good police work.


Usually done in the form of community meetings, serves four functions (1) it provides a forum for citizens to express their problems and needs (2) it allows the police to educate citizens about crime and disorder in their community (3) it allows citizens to express complaints involving the police (4) it provides a forum for the police to inform the community about their successes and failures.

Background Investigations

Virtually all police departments conduct _______ _______; these cover previous employment, possible criminal records, interviews with neighbors, a check of educational attainment, a review of the applicant's financial status, and a home visit.

O.W. Wilson

Vollmer's most famous protege; the most prominent leader of the professionalism movement from the late 1930s through the end of the 1960s. Made his greatest impact though his two text books on police management.

Police Subculture

William Westley illuminated two aspects of _______ _______: 1) An attitude of secrecy toward outsiders studying the department 2) A genuine eagerness to help someone having difficulty. It is an extremely complex phenomenon.

Standard Operation Procedure Manual

Written rules and policies are collected and codified in a department's _______ ________ _________ _________. The SOP manual is the central tool of modern police management.


______ officer status grants certain powers and provides certain legal protections that ordinary citizens do not have. Their legal status is defined by statutes.


_______ Policing concentrates on relatively minor quality of life issues, argued that tough enforcement on minor crimes directly contributes to a significant reduction in serious crime.

Kansas City

_______ _____ Preventative Patrol Experiment tested the effect of different levels of patrol on crime and found that increased patrol did not reduce crime, while reduced patrol did not lead to an increase of crime or public fear of crime.

Coercive Force

_______ _______ has been argued to be the defining feature of the police. Force includes the power to take someone's life, the use of physical force, and the power to deprive people of their liberty through arrest.

General Service

_______ _______ law enforcement agencies: those that are regularly engages in (1) preventing crime, (2) investigating crimes and apprehending criminals, (3) maintaining order, and (4) providing other miscellaneous services.

Call Girls

_______ _______ represent the upper end of the economic scale of prostitution. They cater to a more affluent customer and generally make their arrangements over the telephone.

Team Policing

_______ _______ was a policing movement that failed, focused on restructuring police operations along neighborhood lines and decentralizing decision-making authority.

Bar Girls

_______ _______, or b-girls, typically work out of bars or other entertainment establishments with the cooperation of management.

Hate Crimes

_______ _______, or bias motivated crimes, represent a relatively new problem for the police. They are not separate and distinct crimes, but are offenses that are motivated by the offender's bias.

Sexual Harassment

_______ ________ of policewomen is a problem in policing; defined as unwanted sexual advancements, offensive sexually-related behavior or discrimination in assignments or promotion.


_______ crime strategies are initiated by the police themselves.


_______ crime strategies occur in response to a citizen request for service.


_______ is not a good way to measure performance "good policing is invisible".


_______ officer is often used interchangeably with peace officer. However, all police officers are peace officers, but all peace officers are not police officers.

Lateral Entry

________ ________ is opposed because officers jealously guard the few promotional opportunities that do arise in a department and resent the idea of outsiders getting the jobs.


________, otherwise known as hustlers and hookers, work on the open streets.

Brothel Prostitutes

_________ _______ typically work in large establishments owned by a single person or groups of individuals.

Sexual Misconduct

_________ ___________ by the police is perhaps the least discussed but one of the most common forms of misconduct.


_________, are the newest type of prostitute, emerging in the 1980s whittle introduction of crack cocaine. These prostitutes trade sex for crack cocaine and are almost always "crack addicts".

Internal Mechanisms

___________ ___________ of accountability are accountability procedures within the police department; External mechanisms are procedures that are outside the department.


_____________ activity includes stopping, questioning, and frisking suspicious citizens; making informal contacts with law-abiding citizens; stopping vehicles for possible violations; writing traffic tickets; checking suspicious events; and making arrests.

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