CRJU1065 Comm Pol

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A restorative justice model: a. views offenders as victims of society. b. insists that individuals are accountable to the victim and the victim's community. c. is primarily concerned with ensuring a fair system. d. none of the above

. insists that individuals are accountable to the victim and the victim's community.

"Modern" policing began with the formation of the London Metropolitan Police in what year? a. 1750 b. 1809 c. 1829 d. 1845


All of these are essential elements of community policing except: a. partnerships. b. problem solving. c. organizational change. d. All are elements of community policing.

All are elements of community policing.

A community includes all of the following except: a. individuals. b. businesses. c. government. d. All of the above are examples of a community.

All of the above are examples of a community.

The father of American police professionalism is known as: a. William Bratton b. William Parker. c. Darrel Gates. d. August Vollmer.

August Vollmer

Strategies used to encourage seat belt use vary from incentives for safe driving to -mandatory-use policies and fines for failure to buckle up. _____________, an annual -nationwide, high-visibility seat belt enforcement program, is an example of the latter. a. Belt UP b. Buckle UP c. Click It or Ticket d. none of the above

Click It or Ticket

Restorative justice can be traced back to: a. Sir Alfred the Great. b. English Common Law. c. William the Conqueror. d. Code of Hammurabi.

Code of Hammurabi.

According to the text, direct interaction with citizens is required for police to develop a -comprehensive picture of their community. True False


According to the text, the earliest record of an ancient society's need for rules to control human behavior dates back to 640 CE. True False


Although community partnerships are important for police agencies serious about -community policing, community policing can succeed without them. True False


Although crime newsletters make readers more aware of crime, they also generally increase citizens' fear of crime. True False


Any officer can make a good public information officer, as it does not matter who speaks to the media, just as long as the media receive the proper information. True False


Citizen police academies are shown to have significant benefits such as reduced levels of street crimes. True False


Community policing and crime prevention are the same program. True False


CompStat is viewed by all law enforcement agencies as effective and ethical. True False


Most communities have only a formal power structure. True False


Nonverbal communication does not include a person's appearance. True False


The Community Policing Consortium is funded and administered by the IACP. True False


When forming partnerships, conflicts within communities are not as important to recognize as the commonalities. True False


When implementing a department's vision statement, those who have been antagonistic to the change process should simply be ignored. True False


The _______________ Amendment to the U.S. Constitution provides for freedom of the press. a. Fourth b. Second c. Sixth d. First


The 1972 police research experiment that tested the effect of different levels of patrols and challenged the basic assumptions about the effect of patrol on crime was known as the: a. Wickersham Commission Experiment. b. Community Policing Experiment. c. Michigan Foot Patrol Study. d. Kansas City Preventive Patrol Study.

Kansas City Preventive Patrol Study

According to some historians, the community era had its roots in the ______________, -released in February 1968 by the President's National Advisory Committee on Civil -Disorder. a. Vollmer study b. Kerner Commission Report c. CID Efficiency Measures study d. Rand Corporation study

Kerner Commission Report

Crime prevention and organization structure: Americans borrowed most of this model of modern policing from the: a. French model. b. London model. c. European model. d. military model.

London model

A neighborhood that objects to the placement of a homeless shelter within it provides an example of: a. diffusion. b. NIMBY. c. diversion. d. plea bargaining.


The nationwide program that encourages residents to turn on their porch lights, go outside, and meet their neighbors is: a. Crime Stoppers. b. the McGruff "Take a Bite Out of Crime" program. c. Operation Crime Watch. d. National Night Out.

National Night Out.

The most common activities of Neighborhood Watch programs are: a. roadside litter cleanup and graffiti removal. b. school crosswalk monitoring and latchkey kid programs. c. firearm training seminars and self-defense demonstrations. d. Operation Identification programs and home security surveys.

Operation Identification programs and home security surveys.

According to the text, crime-specific planning is a more precise strategy than: a. reactive policing. b. categorized response. c. POP d. community policing.


Which of the following is considered the father of modern policing? a. Robert Palmer b. Robert Peel c. August Vollmer d. William Parker

Robert Peel

As stated in the text, which of the following statements is true regarding the overall -socioeconomic structure of the U.S. population? a. The middle class is shrinking. b. The upper class is shrinking. c. The gap between the lower and upper classes is shrinking. d. The lower class is shrinking.

The middle class is shrinking.

All of the following are a downside of police discretion except: Selected Answer: a. The officers are subject to immediate supervisory review. b. It determines the outer limit of law enforcement. c. The decisions not to invoke the criminal process are seldom subject to review. d. The police have the power to decide whom they will arrest.

The officers are subject to immediate supervisory review.

A 2005 study showed attitudes toward the police were more easily influenced by what a -person heard about someone else's experience with the police. True False


A benefit of the Deferred Prosecution/First Offenders Unit is that it conserves police, -prosecutorial, judicial, and correctional resources. True False


A good rapport with the media can also help the police department accomplish its mission because improved media relations lead to improved community relations. True False


A good relationship between private and public policing is important. True False


A prejudice that inhibits objectivity and can evolve into hate. True False


According to the text, citizens' police academies are designed to familiarize citizens with law enforcement. True False


According to the text, if a police officer is the mediator in a dispute, mediation may only result in a short-term solution. True False


According to the text, when evaluating, failures should be as important as successes—-sometimes more important—because a department learns from what does not work. True False


According to the text, when given a ticket, law-abiding citizens believe they should be -excused and that the police should concentrate on "real" criminals. Selected Answer: True False


Although officers often operate independently, it is important to remember that the -community watches how officers perform their duties. True False


Citizens who demand to be involved in the review process maintain that internal police -discipline is tantamount to allowing the "fox to investigate thefts in the chicken coop." True False


Community policing is a philosophy of full-service, personalized policing, where the same officer patrols and works in the area on a permanent basis from a decentralized place, -working in a proactive partnership with citizens to identify and solve problems. True False


Community policing is a philosophy that promotes organization strategies, which supports the systematic use of partnerships and problem-solving techniques. True False


Community standards influence how the police enforce laws. True False


Decentralization goes hand-in-hand with empowerment. True False


Effective communicators recognize their own and others' biases and prejudices. True False


General publicity campaigns directed at victims have had a limited effect. True False


If the community is unresponsive, community policing cannot succeed, no matter how hard the police work. True False


Managers should anticipate and prepare for resistance to the community policing philosophy and the changes that accompany the trANSition. True False


Nonverbal communication includes everything other than the actual words spoken in a -message such as tone, pitch, and pacing. True False


Officers may not care for the media but should still meet with the media to discuss rules of safety in order to develop a general policy. True False


Officers who have permanent assignments become experts about their beat. True False


One of the four general principles that define community policing is community engagement. True False


Police departments that use citizen volunteers may benefit from increased cost-effectiveness. True False


Resistance to change in a community is common. True False


Surveys have found that the factor most affecting the relationship between police and the media was accessibility to police data and personnel. True False


Target hardening is a major component of CPTED. True False


Target hardening refers to making potential objectives of criminals more difficult to obtain. True False


Technology has become an indispensable tool for law enforcement. True False


The Community Crime Patrol puts two-person, radio-equipped teams of observers into the neighborhoods near the campus during potential high-crime hours. True False


The Whistle Stop program was designed to enhance citizens' reporting capabilities. True False


The most prevalent law enforcement response to identified problems is generally increased use of conventional strategies such as enforcement and patrol. True False


The officer's "body language" is very important when communicating with the public. True False


The police and members of the media share the common goal of serving the public. True False


The law that evidence gathered in an illegal search and seizure could not be used against the defendant was decided by the U.S. Supreme Court in which 1914 case? a. Weeks v. United States b. Terry v. Ohio c. Gideon v. Wainwright d. Miranda v. Arizona

Weeks v. United States

The largest online safety group that provides help for online victims of crime is: a. Net Safe. b. the Guardian Angels. c. Citizens Against Internet Predators. d. WiredSafety.


Discrimination is: a. a behavior. b. an attitude. c. both a and b d. neither a nor b

a behavior.

At the time the Metropolitan Police Force was established in London, the United States was still operating under: a. a day-and-night watch system. b. the hue and cry system. c. the tithing system. d. the frankpledge system.

a day-and-night watch system.

When comparing community and team policing, both have: a. a neighborhood focus. b. centralized decision making. c. a crime attack model. d. all of the above

a neighborhood focus.

Community policing emphasizes: a. tighter control over officers' use of discretion. b. a wider use of police discretion. c. solidarity of the police. d. the need for officers to strictly and fairly enforce all laws in every instance.

a wider use of police discretion.

August Vollmer: a. helped spearhead the reform movement in policing. b. helped institute the patronage system. c. helped institute the spoils system. d. both a and b

a. helped spearhead the reform movement in policing

Explorer programs are: a. affiliated with the Boy Scouts of America. b. diversion programs for juvenile offenders. c. crime awareness programs for youths ages 7 to 12. d. none of the above

affiliated with the Boy Scouts of America

According to the text, the most frequently committed violent crime in the United States is: a. alcohol-impaired driving. b. sexual assault. c. domestic violence. d. homicide.

alcohol-impaired driving.

A community may be concerned about street prostitution for a number of reasons, including: a. moral concerns. b. civil rights concerns. c. spillover effect concerns. d. all of the above

all of the above

A sense of community can be undermined by: a. increased violent crime. b. clashes between community groups. c. severe social disorganization. d. all of the above

all of the above

According to the text, PIOs are officers trained in public relations who: a. control leaks of confidential or inaccurate details. b. manage controversial or negative situations to the department's benefit. c. try to consistently provide accurate information to the media. d. all of the above

all of the above

According to the text, community policing will require a change in: a. mission statement. b. departmental organization. c. the general approach to "fighting crime." d. all of the above

all of the above

According to the text, public peace is established by: a. the U.S. Constitution and Bill b. federal and state statutes. c. the social contract. of Rights. d. all of the above

all of the above

According to the text, reasons victims give for not reporting a crime to the police include: a. belief that the police will be unable to do anything. b. fear that they won't be believed. c. fear of reprisal and threats. d. all of the above

all of the above

Departments that have successfully implemented community policing generally have: a. flattened the bureaucracy, resulting in fewer management positions and more line -personnel. b. empowered patrol officers to make decisions and problem-solve. c. assigned permanent shifts and areas to allow officers and supervisors greater knowledge about the citizens, businesses, and organizations in the neighborhoods where they work. d. all of the above

all of the above

Each police agency exercises discretion when it establishes its: a. procedures. b. policies. c. mission. d. all of the above

all of the above

Police officers who learn to "read" the nonverbal messages and body language of suspects, victims and witnesses: a. are said to have developed a sixth sense. b. often say they have a "gut feeling." c. sometimes describe it as a nagging suspicion. d. all of the above

all of the above

Service to the community includes: a. suicide prevention. b. delivering death notifications. c. assisting motorists with disabled vehicles. d. all of the above

all of the above

Some of the unintended consequences of video surveillance are: a. displacement. b. increased suspicion. c. increased reported crime. d. all of the above

all of the above

The communication process involves: a. a sender. b. a message. c. a receiver. d. all of the above

all of the above

Traffic concerns include: a. speeding in residential areas. b. red light running. c. nonuse of seatbelts. d. all of the above

all of the above

Using advanced technology to fight crime includes using: a. red-light cameras. b. passive alcohol sensors. c. ignition interlocks. d. all of the above

all of the above

When dealing with the media, it is important to remember that: a. you can say "no" to the media. b. you must protect children from interviews. c. you select the place and time for the interview. d. all of the above

all of the above

Which of the following is not one of the recommendations for dealing with the mentally ill? a. using less lethal weapons b. deploying specialized police officers c. deploying specialized nonpolice responders d. all of the above

all of the above

Community, as defined by the text: a. applies only to neighborhoods where people know each other by name. b. develops only after crime is totally eradicated from that specific neighborhood. c. applies to a specific area and the individuals, organizations, and agencies in that area. d. all of the above

applies to a specific area and the individuals, organizations, and agencies in that area.

Problem-oriented policing places a high value on new processes that: Selected Answer: Correctc. are not dependent on the criminal justice system. Answers: a. focus directly on the community. b. enable law enforcement to assist communities with their specific problems. c. are not dependent on the criminal justice system. d. are dependent on the criminal justice system.

are not dependent on the criminal justice system.

According to the text, victims of ATM robberies: a. are usually robbed by two or more offenders. b. that are robbed are usually drive-through ATMs. c. are usually robbed by an unarmed offender. d. are usually robbed between midnight and 4 A.M.

are usually robbed between midnight and 4 A.M.

The first step in analysis, determining what information is needed, should: a. be skipped if the nature of the problem seems obvious. b. ask questions that lead to tangible results. c. be guided by past perspectives. d. ask whether or not answers can be obtained.

ask whether or not answers can be obtained.

Using the SARA model, the final step in problem solving is: a. assessment. b. assistance. c. analysis. d. arbitration.


Of the items listed below, which is not a common communication barrier? a. avoidance of the use of jargon b. failure to listen c. lack of time d. lack of feedback

avoidance of the use of jargon

Although there has not been a "standardized" organizational structure in law enforcement, the organizational structure of traditional law enforcement has been: a. decentralized model. b. a triage-shaped hierarchy. c. centralized model. d. based on a military model.

based on a military model.

According to the text, conflict between the media and law enforcement can: a. break communities apart. b. create conflict between the public and law enforcement. c. lead to lawsuits. d. be beneficial as it can lead to change.

be beneficial as it can lead to change.

According to the text, civilian oversight is: a. a recent development in American policing, having first been used in the 1970s. b. becoming more prevalent. c. not accepted by police agencies. d. all of the above

becoming more prevalent.

As the text states, the individual who has been given authority and enabled to make -decisions has: a. been promoted. b. exercised strategy. c. become transitional management. d. been empowered.

been empowered.

A mission statement is: a. the standard against which administrators evaluate all decisions and actions. b. a statement of how an agency views its relationship with the community. c. both a and b d. neither a nor b

both a and b

A partnership where a probation officer rides along with a patrol officer: a. has been described as the perfect match. b. can result in a probationer's immediate arrest for a violation of probation. c. both a and b d. neither a nor b

both a and b

A police-media relationship survey found that the one factor most affecting this relationship was: a. accessibility to police data and personnel. b. accessibility to victims. c. both a and b d. neither a nor b

both a and b

A purpose of explorer programs is: a. to help police agencies develop favorable community relations. b. to provide early recruitment opportunities for law enforcement agencies. c. both a and b d. neither a nor b

both a and b

A reason for the conflict between the press and the police is: a. competing objectives. b. incongruity between constitutional guarantees. c. both a and b d. neither a nor b

both a and b

Core components of effective community partnerships are: a. a shared vision and common goals. b. open communication. c. both a and b d. neither a nor b

both a and b

Problem-solving policing requires police to: a. group incidents. b. identify underlying causes c. both a and b d. neither a nor b of problems.

both a and b

Property identification projects are aimed at: a. deterring burglary. b. returning property that is stolen when deterrence fails. c. both a and b d. neither a nor b

both a and b

According to the text, and depending upon the journalist, "off the record": a. guarantees that anything said following that term will not be reported by the media. b. guarantees nothing. c. may make it more likely that the remarks will be published. d. both b and c

both b and c

A needs assessment should include: a. the department only. b. the community only. c. neither the department nor the community. d. both the department and the community.

both the department and the community.

According to the text, police officers are most likely to investigate: a. noise complaints. b. animal complaints. c. white collar crime. d. burglary.


Effective community policing depends on optimizing positive contact between patrol -officers and community members. Patrol cars are one method. Which of the following is not a -supplemental method? a. buses b. scooters c. foot d. bicycles


A process involving a computer-aided dispatch system in which nonemergency, -lower--priority calls are ranked so the higher-priority calls are continually dispatched first is called: a. calls for service. b. call management. c. call stacking. d. call reduction.

call stacking.

Team policing and community policing can share the following characteristics, except: a. community input. b. a neighborhood focus. c. centralized decision making. d. decentralized decision making.

centralized decision making.

One way to enhance the media's understanding of police work is to invite the local newspaper and broadcast reporters to enroll in a: a. police speech class. b. citizens' police academy. c. criminal justice class. d. none of the above

citizens' police academy.

According to the text, police opposition to civilian review boards occurs because: a. civilians can't understand the complexities of police work. b. police discipline is handled internally. c. it is a sign of distrust by the public to be reviewed by an outside source. d. police are able to objectively review actions of their colleagues.

civilians can't understand the complexities of police work.

When several agencies come together and share resources, this is an example of: a. nice neighbor process. b. collaboration. c. stakeholders. d. community involvement.


Conflicting interests may impede establishing a __________ and shared goals. a. negotiating stance b. community interest c. common vision d. mission statement

common vision

A fundamental source of conflict between the press and the police is: a. perceived police silence about a case. b. statements of witnesses/victims. c. perceived media interference. d. competing objectives.

competing objectives.

According to the text, plea bargaining, diversion, community alternatives to prison, capital punishment, and victim's rights are: a. sustainable communities. b. proven methods of eliminating crime. c. issues within a police officer's appropriate sphere of action. d. controversial issues in the criminal justice system that affect police-community -partnerships.

controversial issues in the criminal justice system that affect police-community -partnerships.

The least-effort principle proposes that: a. criminals tend to be lazy. b. criminals tend to commit crimes near but not too close to their residence. c. criminals tend to target victims who offer the least resistance. d. criminals tend to target areas near major roads that offer escape routes.

criminals tend to commit crimes near but not too close to their residence.

Two critical barriers to communication in a diverse society are language barriers and: a. physical barriers. b. cultural barriers. c. racial barriers. d. religious barriers.

cultural barriers.

A number of skills are needed by police officers in the problem-oriented policing -environment; these include all of the following except: a. flexibility. b. problem-solving ability. c. dependency. d. creativity.


The commonly used police practice of choosing among possible courses of action or inaction when dealing with lawbreakers is known as: a. the fairness doctrine. b. detachment. c. discretion. d. the patronage system.


Because of their shared experiences and unique exposure to their community, many police officers develop a fierce loyalty to: a. the community. b. each other. c. minorities. d. poor people.

each other.

Citizen police academies: a. are having a major impact on police-community relationships. b. have not been shown to change community attitudes. c. have decreased in popularity. d. educate the public about the nature of police work.

educate the public about the nature of police work.

According to the text, community policing focuses on: a. efficiency. b. effectiveness. c. both a and b d. doing things right.


A problem-solving approach to policing was developed partially in response to concerns for: a. control and function. b. efficiency and completeness. c. effectiveness and synergy. d. efficiency and effectiveness.

efficiency and effectiveness.

Police officers are most likely to obtain cooperation from citizens if they: a. treat others with respect. b. engage in process-oriented policing. c. arrest the offender. d. follow up on reports taken.

engage in process-oriented policing.

All of the following are benefits of partnerships with the community except: a. a sense of accomplishment. b. enhanced officer response to calls for service. c. meeting community members. d. gaining recognition and trust.

enhanced officer response to calls for service.

A central goal of community policing and community partnership is: a. supplementing auto patrol. b. adding mini-stations. c. providing community forums. d. establishing and maintaining mutual trust.

establishing and maintaining mutual trust.

The statement, "There is no right way to do a wrong thing," refers to: a. ethics. b. rules of criminal procedure. c. criminal behavior. d. mission statements.


Preference for one's own way of life over all others is known as: a. acculturation. b. cultural pluralism. c. assimilation. d. ethnocentrism.


According to the text, an organization with fewer lieutenants and captains, fewer staff -departments, fewer staff assistants, more sergeants, and more patrol officers is an example of an organization that is: a. decentralized. b. well rounded. c. flat. d. top-heavy.


The _________ includes divisions of society with wealth and political influence such as -federal, state, and local agencies and governments; commissions; and regulatory agencies. a. criminal justice system b. informal power structure c. formal power structure d. none of the above

formal power structure

The Norman system requiring all free men to swear loyalty to the king's law and take responsibility for maintaining the local peace is called: a. tithing system. b. frankpledge system. c. community system. d. hue and cry system.

frankpledge system

Things such as nodding, pointing a finger, and shrugging are examples of: a. effective communication. b. good communication traits. c. gestures in communication. d. verbal communication.

gestures in communication.

All of the following are considered "participatory style" styles of leadership except: a. teamwork. b. trust employees. c. problem solving. d. go by the book.

go by the book

The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and state public records laws: a. allow the public to choose which media sources they get their information from. b. mandate that information be withheld from the public. c. govern what police can and cannot disclose to the media. d. grant the media access to crime scenes.

govern what police can and cannot disclose to the media.

The first step in problem-oriented policing is: a. staffing all squad cars with two officers. b. efficient handling of calls. c. grouping incidents as problems. d. studying all possible responses to incidents.

grouping incidents as problems.

According to the text, neighborhood theories and street theories are examples of: a. routine activities theory. b. classical school theories. c. hot-spot theories. d. theories of differential association

hot-spot theories.

A police department might want to include the community's input when developing a -mission statement because it: Selected Answer: a. maintains officer support. b. decreases the possibility of the agency accomplishing its mission. c. improves police-community relations. d. decreases community complaints.

improves police-community relations.

A person who has a temporary breakdown in coping skills is: a. in crisis behavior. b. contemplating suicide. c. mentally retarded. d. mentally ill.

in crisis behavior.

Outsourcing of police work is usually found: a. in large communities. b. where there is a good relationship between agencies. c. in small departments. d. none of the above

in small departments.

Enforcement responses to reduce speeding include all of the following except: a. use of photo radar. b. enforcing speeding laws. c. increasing speed limits. d. using speed display boards.

increasing speed limits.

According to the text, the importance of ___________ to all citizens is a central theme in the discussion of community. a. corporate rights b. individual rights c. special rights d. community rights

individual rights

Those individuals who embrace uncertainty and change are called: a. late majority. b. early adopters. c. innovators. d. late adopters.


Improving lighting to deter and detect crimes: a. is the most important factor in reducing the occurrence of crime. b. is an example of CPTED. c. has no impact on how safe people feel. d. is an example of synergism.

is an example of CPTED.

Community policing: a. is an organization-wide philosophy. b. is focused on its evolving strategy of community efforts. c. is the result of government intervention techniques. d. works to direct citizens toward management goals.

is an organization-wide philosophy

According to the text, a good way to build relationships and trust within communities is: a. volunteer to clean up run-down neighborhoods. b. be active in afterschool programs. c. keep officers in the same beat and on the same shift. d. issue fewer citations and give more warnings for minor offenses.

keep officers in the same beat and on the same shift.

A major theme among media participants at a police-media workshop was their need to get information from: a. the suspects. b. the witnesses. c. law enforcement. d. the victims of crime.

law enforcement.

All of the following are strategies to limit liability should a witness be harmed except: a. taking reports of intimidation seriously and engaging in the defined process for protecting witnesses. b. documenting all offers of assistance and all efforts to protect witnesses. c. promising only those security services that can reasonably be provided. d. making sure the city attorney is involved in the process.

making sure the city attorney is involved in the process.

According to the text, important individual characteristics in communication include all of the following except: a. age. b. self-esteem. c. morals d. language skills.


A vision statement is: a. unnecessary for police departments. b. more philosophical than a mission statement. c. a review of a department's past. d. the same as a mission statement.

more philosophical than a mission statement.

A soundbite: a. should speculate. b. should save the most important information for last. c. must contain good solid information. d. should last at least 15 minutes.

must contain good solid information.

Traditional policing expected community members to remain in the background. That meant most citizen-police interactions were: a. negligible contacts. b. negotiated contacts. c. necessary contacts. d. negative contacts.

negotiated contacts.

Included among the most common traditional crime prevention programs used are: a. lobbying for longer prison sentences and tougher laws. b. citizen training in use of firearms and self-defense. c. neighborhood watch and property marking projects. d. all of the above

neighborhood watch and property marking projects.

Community courts are _________________ courts that offer an immediate visible response to quality-of-life offences. a. restorative-focused b. neighborhood-focused c. proactivly focused d. offense-focused


According to the text, including crime statistics in an anticrime newsletter: a. raises the fear level of citizens. b. decreases the exposure of the newsletter. c. increases its effectiveness. d. none of the above

none of the above

The increased officer discretion necessary for community policing is a concern to many police administrators who fear loss of control of their: a. prosecutorial discretion. b. community relationships. c. officers. d. parole searches.


Many factors contribute to aggression and violence in bars. Which of the following is not a factor to consider? a. type of establishment b. price discounting of drinks c. aggressive bouncers d. opening time

opening time

According to the text, some practitioners view community policing and problem-oriented policing as two: a. definite approaches to policing. b. short-term solutions. c. long-term solutions. d. opposing approaches.

opposing approaches.

Which of the following is not one of the main devices used for target hardening? ta. paint scheme b. alarm systems c. improved locks d. security cameras

paint scheme

According to the text, all are goals of the police athletic league except: a. reducing the use and sale of drugs. b. reducing violence in the community. c. partnering with the Big Brothers/Big Sisters association. d. reducing gang membership.

partnering with the Big Brothers/Big Sisters association.

The Fourth Amendment protects _______________ when discussing video surveillance. a. law enforcement in public b. places c. governments d. people not places

people not places

According to the text, evaluating the effectiveness of community policing requires that: a. arrests be made. b. efficiency be measured accurately. c. crime reports be filed. d. performance indicators be carefully developed.

performance indicators be carefully developed.

Peel, when appointed as home secretary, proposed that unpaid citizen volunteers be enlisted to serve as: a. police officers. b. night watch. c. street watchers. d. hue and cry callers.

police officers

One way to address the problem of crimes against businesses is to develop: a. specialized police. b. community programs. c. police-business partnerships. d. stakeholders.

police-business partnerships.

Operating within each community is a power structure that can enhance or endanger: a. political groups. b. neighborhood watch groups. c. ethnic groups. d. police-community relations.

police-community relations.

The first strategic era of policing was known as the ________________ era. a. reform b. progressive c. community d. political


The communication process involves all of the following except: a. feedback. b. portal. c. sender. d. receiver.


According to the text, concerns about using volunteers in police departments include: a. possible access to confidential material. b. older people's well-known disrespect for the law. c. their tendency to try to take over enforcement duties. d. all of the above

possible access to confidential material.

The mission of the Problem-Oriented Policing Center is to advance the concept and -practice of: a. the SARA model. b. community-oriented policing. c. traditional policing. d. problem-oriented policing.

problem-oriented policing.

Deinstitutionalization refers to: a. making institutions more homelike for residents. b. an inmate's release from prison. c. renaming establishments to eliminate "institution" from the name. d. providing support services for the retarded or mentally ill in the community rather than in institutions.

providing support services for the retarded or mentally ill in the community rather than in institutions.

Good examples of special crime watch programs are: a. electronic surveillance companies. b. storefront police precincts. c. realtor and carrier watch programs. d. all of the above

realtor and carrier watch programs.

According to the text, the transition to community policing is made easier by: a. officers who accept orders unquestioningly. b. recognition of the importance of intrinsic rewards. c. the need to provide fewer services with more resources. d. all of the above

recognition of the importance of intrinsic rewards.

A community's informal power structure includes all except: a. ethnic groups. b. political groups. c. religious assemblies. d. regulatory agencies.

regulatory agencies.

Which of the following is not one of the four stages of the SARA problem-solving model? a. reporting b. analysis c. assessment d. scanning


In the first Newark Foot Patrol Experiment, positive results were reported by: a. neither a nor b b. business owners. c. residents. d. both a and b


Teens, Crime, and the Community is a program that believes smarter youth make: a. safer communities. b. stronger families. c. harder workers. d. less juvenile recidivism

safer communities.

One tool that can help community policing achieve its mission through the media is the ______________, designed to proactively address specific crime and disorder issues that routinely occur at certain times of the year. a. seasonal press release b. yearly press release c. bimonthly press release d. daily press release

seasonal press release

The __________ encodes a message and then transmits the message. a. telephone b. transmitter c. receiver d. sender


According to the text, the majority of an officer's actions involve: a. high-speed chases. b. apprehending criminals. c. service to the community. d. both a and b

service to the community.

According to the text, ______________ and secrecy within a police department can result in a code of silence. a. solidarity b. corruption c. brutality d. paranoia


Cordner's four dimensions of community policing include all of the following except: a. organizational. b. strategic. c. tactical. d. standardization.


One component of crime prevention through environmental design is: a. clean sewers. b. street lighting. c. property identification. d. clearly marked parking spaces.

street lighting.

Community prosecutors tend to focus on which type of crime? a. murder b. street-level drug dealing c. rape d. burglary

street-level drug dealing

Under a traditional police management structure, command officers and supervisors have complete authority over: a. change. b. communication. c. subordinates d. structure.


Police and media are mutually dependent upon each other. This is referred to as a _______________ relationship. a. parasitic b. symbiotic c. codependent d. commensality


What type of relationship do the police and the media have? a. symbiotic b. opponents c. reliant d. impartial


"The simultaneous actions of separate entities which together have greater total effect than the sum of their individual efforts" is the technical definition of: a. synergism. b. infrastructure. c. target hardening. d. paradigm.


The average citizen holds many mistaken beliefs about police work due to television shows that portray the police as playing "fast and loose" with the truth. This is called: a. media bias. b. a negative image portrayal. c. factual documentation. d. the CSI effect.

the CSI effect.

Crime mapping focuses on: a. the police response b. the location of crimes. c. the criminal. d. the victim.

the location of crimes.

In the context of community policing efforts, a critical mass is: a. the minimum number of officers needed to effectively implement the community policing philosophy. b. the faction within a police department itself that resists community policing, considering it to be "soft on crime." c. a group of individuals with high levels of social engagement and, thus, who are more -effective in solving a community's problems. d. that segment of the community that believes community policing is "soft on crime" and, consequently, ineffective.

the minimum number of officers needed to effectively implement the community policing philosophy.

Politicians rewarding those who voted for them with jobs or special privileges was called: a. the community system. b. the patronage system. c. the political system. d. the progressive system.

the patronage system

Selective enforcement is: a. the principle involved in random sobriety checks. b. the use of police discretion. c. necessary because people expect all laws to be enforced. d. the opposite of discretion.

the use of police discretion.

According to Coleman, the two most important elements in social capital are: a. honesty and integrity. b. public and private enforcement. c. trustworthiness and obligations. d. crime and punishment.

trustworthiness and obligations.

According to the text, block or neighborhood watch programs would not be described as: a. mutual aid societies. b. vigilantism. c. the backbone of the nation's community crime prevention effort. d. the eyes and ears of the police.


According to the text, the Weed and Seed program sought to: a. seed communities with new housing. b. identify, arrest, and prosecute offenders. c. weed out low income troublemakers. d. provide funding for low income families.

weed out low income troublemakers.

Community-oriented policing means changing the daily work of the police to include -investigating problems as well as incidents. It means: a. targeting past problems. b. working with the good guys and not just against the bad guys. c. working with the bad guys and not just the good guys. d. focusing on future problems.

working with the good guys and not just against the bad guys.

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