cs exam 2 (bruh)

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rbt case 2

Z.uncle is red recolor parent, grandparent, and uncle

Suppose the numbers 7,5,1,8,3,6,0,9,4,2 are inserted in that order into an initially empty binary search tree. What is the in-order traversal sequence of the tree?


Linked Lists Advantages

1) Flexible for dynamic sets (constantly inserting and deleting) 2) Insertion, deletion, retrieval allowed anywhere 3) Most operations are O(1) time complexity. Many operations like insert or delete are O(1) because cursor points to the location, not using physical adjacency

The preorder traversal sequence of a binary search tree is 30, 20, 10, 15, 25, 23, 39, 35, 42. Which one of the following is the postorder traversal sequence?

15, 10, 23, 25, 20, 35, 42, 39, 30

The following numbers are inserted into an empty binary search tree in the given order: 10,1,3,5,15,12,16. What is the height of the binary search tree?


Example of phone numbers for good vs bad hash

A bad hash function takes the first three digits because it will not uniformly distribute the keys, too many same area codes A good hash function takes the last three digits

The main problem of hash tables is


Delete operation in a queue is called


A good hash function have three key requirements:

Deterministic - equal keys should produce the same hash value Efficient to compute Uniformly distribute the keys - each table position equally likely for each key

Direct access table vs hash table (Time efficiency)

Direct access tables are FAST, always O(1) operations Hash tables are slower, O(1) for best case and O(n) worst case Hash tables' space function will always be O(n)

Direct access table vs hash table (Accessing elements)

Direct access tables directly access elements using the key, faster Hash tables indirectly access elements with a hash function, slower

Direct access table vs hash table (Space efficiency)

Direct access tables take up a LOT of empty space Hash tables minimize the amount of empty space, so less space used

Insert operation in a queue is called


To balance itself, an AVL tree may perform the following four kinds of rotations

Left rotation, right rotation, left-right rotation, right-left rotation

Adjacency matrix vs adjacency list

Matrix faster, list slower BUT matrix bigger, list smaller Matrices use too much space, use adjacency lists for large or dense graphs because they are space efficient with O(V2) memory Using an adjacency matrix for a very large graph is BAD Using an adjacency matrix for a very dense graph is also BAD

Time complexity of close addressing (insert, search, delete)

O(1) average, O(n) worst-case

Best case time complexity for hashing

O(1) for best case

Search, insert, delete in BST is


Search time complexity is _______ for a balanced BST


The height of a red-black tree is always

O(logn) b/c it's balanced Whenever the red-black tree gets too unbalanced, it must rotate

Time complexity of close addressing (space)

O(n) average, O(n) worst-case

Singly linked list

each node (list element) has a pointer to its successor (the next list element)

Strict binary tree AKA full binary tree

each node has 0 or 2 children

Three types of open addressing:

linear probing, quadratic probing, double hashing

Linear probing

linearly probe (i) for the next slot

Linked Lists (cache)

not cache friendly

Time complexity of doubly linked list (search, insert, delete):

search takes O(n), insert/delete is O(1)

Breadth-first search Each vertex keeps a status value:

visited, waiting, not visited All nodes start as not-visited state


when two keys hash to the same slot

space function time complexity for hashing

will always be O(n)

Solution for collision


Close addressing

chaining, deal with collisions by creating an additional data structure This is less space efficient than open addressing, but usually faster

Universal hashing

choose the hash function randomly in a way that is independent of the keys that are going to be stored, and this yields good performance on average no matter what keys the user chooses (randomizing) provides better performance on average No matter which keys the adversary chooses, universal hashing provides good performance on average

Arrays (space, memory, size)

continuous memory allocation, take up more space with lots of empty space, not very flexible

We avoid cycles through

cycle detection through depth-first search

Nodes that have no children store a value of

-1 in the appropriate column

Red-black trees are binary search that satisfies the following 4 properties:

Every node is either red or black, this attribute takes up 1 storage bit The root node and leaves are black If a node is red, then both its children are black (no two consecutive red nodes in a path) For each node, all simple paths from the node to descendant leaves contain the same number of black nodes

Arrays (time)

FAST! Can easily access an element using an index

Linked Lists (Insert/delete)

FAST! Can easily insert/delete something in the middle because the data is scattered around

Two-dimensional array holds

First column holds the root of the left subtree Second column holds the root of the right subtree

Balanced BSTs have height

H = logn

Insert operation in a stack is called


Time complexity of red-black trees

Search, insert, delete are O(logn) because red-black trees are balanced

Time complexity of AVL Tree operations

Search, insert, delete are all O(logn)

Delete in binary search tree If number of children = 1

delete the node, connect grandparent and child

Linked Lists (space, memory, size)

discontinuous memory allocation, may take up less space, very dynamic and flexible when uncertain about size

What is the worst case time complexity for search, insert, and delete operations in a general binary search tree?

O(n) for all

Worst case time complexity for hashing

O(n) for worst case

Tree sort algorithm Worst case

O(n2) if not balanced

Building the n-node binary search tree is


Tree sort algorithm


Tree sort algorithm Best case

O(nlogn) if balanced

We are given a set of n distinct elements and an unlabeled binary tree with n nodes. In how many ways can we populate the tree with the given set so that it becomes a binary search tree?

Only 1 way

Delete operation in a stack is called



BFS Breadth-first search finds the shortest distance to each reachable vertex in a graph G(V,E) from a given source vertex (also called the shortest path) Important for shortest path Queue, FIFO Time complexity is O(V+E) DFS DFS does not find the shortest path, but provides valuable info about the structure of a graph Important for detecting cycle Stack, LIFO Time complexity is also O(V+E) Useful for: Edge classification, Cycle detection, Topological sort, Strongly connected components There is no difference between time and memory between the two The big difference is order

Unbalanced BSTs have height

H = n

AVL Trees are also

self-balanced binary search trees The difference between heights of left and right subtrees cannot be more than one for all nodes


sequence of nodes such that each pair of nodes connected by an edge


simple path in which the first and last nodes are connected Cycles are really bad in graphs, we don't want them, also infinite loops

Arrays (Insert/delete)

slower, if you insert/delete something in the middle, you have to move everything down/up

Linked Lists (time)

slower, you have traverse O(n) elements to reach element

The performance of hash tables depends on

the hash function used

Variable root is

the index of the root of the tree

One-dimensional array holds

the information field of the node

Disadvantages of Direct Access Table

they require a LOT of storage, with LOTS of empty space! So, hash tables are used instead because they use much less space

Double hashing

use another hash function to look for the next slot

An AVL tree guarantees _________ for all operations by

O(logn) for all operations by maintaining an extra height attribute in each node

Inorder traversal is time to visit every node once


Search time complexity is _______ for an unbalanced BST


Time complexity to traverse the tree is


Delete in binary search tree If number of children = 0

just delete it

Stack policy is

last-in, first-out (LIFO)

Minimum height binary search tree

least possible height for a binary tree

Adjacency list

more space efficient than a matrix with O(V2) memory locations Create an array (node list) containing each node as an element Create linked lists for each element that contains all neighbors (neighbor list), and each entry in the linked list is a neighbor node

Red-black trees are self-balancing, which means

no such path is more than twice as long as any other, so that the tree is approximately balanced

Complete binary tree

nodes are filled in from the left, but all levels except the final is filled

Doubly linked list

nodes have a pointer to successor and predecessor a linked list in which each element has both forward and backward pointers. Contains: Head node, tail node, cursor, count

Disadvantage of array-based implementation of binary search trees

notice that this array has a lot of empty spaces, so it uses more space than linked lists for binary trees


place all elements that hash to the same slot into the same linked list

Disadvantage of Linear probing

primary clustering, consecutive elements form groups and the average search time increases

Quadratic probing

quadratically probe (i2) for the next slot

Linked Lists (RAM)

random access memory is NOT allowed

Arrays (RAM)

random access memory is allowed

Linked lists drawbacks

1) Not cache friendly 2) Random access memory is not allowed 3) Takes up more memory/space

In a red-black tree, insert and delete cause violations to the red-black properties Use two tools to rebalance:

1) recoloring and 2) rotation

You must know these three things to implement a linked list:

1)Total number of nodes 2)Head node 3)Tail node

AVL Tree vs Red Black Tree

BRING UP: balance, rotations, insertion/deletion, search AVL trees are more balanced than red-black trees, but may cause more rotations during insertion and deletion If insertion and deletion is frequent, red-black trees should be used If insertion and deletions are less frequent and search is more frequent, then an AVL tree should be used


Element delete is the one that has been in for the longest time


Element deleted is the one most recently inserted

In delete operation of BST, we need an inorder successor (or predecessor) of a node when the node to be deleted has both left and right child as non-empty. Which of the following is true about the inorder successor in delete operation?

Inorder successor is always either a leaf node or a node with empty left child

Which of the following traversal outputs the data in sorted order in a BST?

Inorder traversal

Time complexity of Direct Access Table

Time complexity of direct access tables is the best b/c all operations are O(1). Best data structure for time.

rbt case 1

Z is the root Change the color of Z from red to black

rbt case 4

Z.uncle is black (line) Rotate grandparent opposite of Z RECOLOR grandparent and parent

rbt case 3

Z.uncle is black (triangle), do NOT recolor Rotate parent opposite of Z

Hash function

a function that converts a big number or string (value or description) to a small integer (key) that can be used as an index in a hash table


a hierarchical data structure in which elements related to an arbitrary number of other elements Many-to-many data structure Nodes (vertices) connected by edges Two nodes adjacent (incident) if they share an edge Graph G = (V,E) where V is the set of vertices and E is the set of edges

Why the need for universal hashing? (worst case behavior)

a malicious person may choose the keys that hash all to the same slot, causing search time to be O(n)

Simple path

a path in which no vertices (thus no edges) are repeated

double-ended queue

a queue that allows insertion and deletion at both ends


a sequence of vertices where each adjacent pair is connected by edges

Direct Access Table

a very big array that uses a lot of storage (lots of empty space) and uses keys to index the data (access the data) Direct access tables map records to their corresponding keys using arrays So, keys are directly used as indexes, which is SUPER FAST!


a walk in which no edges are repeated

shortest path of a red-black tree

all black nodes

Perfect binary tree

all levels include the final level is full (THIS IS THE GOAL!) This is the most balanced binary tree

Full binary search tree

all non leaf nodes have a degree of 2 H = logn Time to locate a node is O(logn)

Dense graph

almost all nodes are connected

longest path of a red-black tree

alternating red and black

Arrays (cache)

better cache locality due to continuous memory allocation

Open Addressing

deal with collisions without an additional data structure Much more space efficient than close addressing! All elements occupy the hash table itself, no lists and elements stored outside the table Avoids pointers, slots to be examined are computed Insert a key into the hash table by probing the hash table until an empty slot is found The sequence of positions probed depends upon the key being inserted A hash function is extended to determine which slots to probe


double-ended queue

Stacks and Queues are

dynamic sets in which the element removed from the set by the DELETE operation is prespecified

Weighted graph

edges are weighted if they have a value (numbers)

Directed graph

edges have a direction (arrows)

Undirected graph

edges have no direction, no arrows

Degenerate binary search tree

every nonterminal node has one child H = n Time to locate a node is O(n)

Delete in binary search tree If number of children = 2, delete the node

find the successor by finding the minimum value in either the left or right child of that subtree Inorder successor is always either a leaf node or a node with empty left child

Breadth-first search is a _________________ structure

first in first out (it uses a queue) Mark and enqueue node N, visit it, mark visited Enqueue N's neighbors, mark as waiting

Queue policy is

first-in, first-out (FIFO)

The purpose of AVL Trees

fix the worst-case scenario, unbalanced BST

Depth-first search

follows specific path as far as it leads and Begin another path when the first is exhausted

Direct acyclic graph (DAG)

graph with no cycles and edges are directed


if two nodes have an edge between them, they are neighbors

Adjacency matrix

uses N x N two dimensional array of boolean values (0 or 1) For unweighted graph, you will have boolean values 0 or 1 For a weighted graph, you replace the boolean values with the weight If it's directed, the weight is only goes towards that direction If it's undirected, the weight goes both directions

Hash Tables

uses a hash function to map keys into a hash table, a more space efficient and indirect version of direct access tables better direct access tables that use fancier keys and less space

Breadth-first search

visit all neighbors before visiting non-neighbors

Binary tree traversal

visit every node exactly once


visit every node in the graph exactly once

Postorder traversal

visit the left subtree → right subtree → root Postorder = visit the root last

Inorder traversal

visit the left subtree → root → right subtree (MOST USED!) If a binary tree is traversed in-order, the output will produce sorted key values in ascending order (lowest to highest)

Preorder traversal

visit the root → left subtree → right subtree Preorder = visit the root first

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