Cultural Pluralism

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"pictures in our heads" of ethnic groups that are distinctive behavioral traits or physical traits that are exaggerated to describe a group.

Corporate Pluralism

The structural and cultural differences among ethnic groups are protected by the state and institutional provisions are made to encourage an ethnically proportionate distribution of social rewards.

Total Discrimination

The sum of all past discrimination (including across generations) that results in an un level playing field

3 Major Patterns of ethnic relations

a. Most societies will exhibit two or three levels b. Some degree of conflict is characteristic of all three systems c. The outcome of any of these systems depends on the aims of both the dominant and minority group.

Racial Formation

as the sociohistorical process by which racial categories are created, inhabited, transformed and destroyed. (Never ending process that is constantly changing based on the society and culture)

Social Distance

degree of intimacy people are prepared to establish in their relations with others.

Charter Group

dominant group/ dictates the society or culture


either of the two main categories (male and female) into which humans and many other living things are divided on the basis of their reproductive functions.

Inequalitarian Pluralism

ethnic groups not only are separated structurally and perhaps culturally but also exist in a state of highly unequal access to power and privilege

Competitive race relations

ethnic stratification bears some resemblance to a caste or colonial system but is less extreme in segregation of social institutions and relations.


ethnic stratification system

Involuntary immigration

forced transfer of peoples from one society to another

Dominant Ethnic Group

group that has disproportionate amount of power resources

Minority Groups

groups in multiethnic society that on the basis of their physical or cultural traits receive fewer of society's rewards/resources

Equalitarian Pluralism

groups retain their cultural and, for the most part structural integrity while participating freely and equally within common political and economic institutions

Ethnic Groups

groups within a larger society that display a unique set of cultural traits

Voluntary immigration

immigration by choice

Cultural Pluralism

implies the maintenance of many varied cultural systems within the framework of the larger sociocultural system.


increasing similarity between different groups—becoming one


involves the adoption by which one ethnic group of another's cultural traits (language religion, diet)

Ethnic Stratification

is a rank order of groups, each made up of people with presumed common cultural or physical characteristics interacting in patterns of dominance and subordination

Social Stratification

is a system of structured inequality in which people receive different amounts of society's valued resources

Racial Projects

is simultaneously an interpretation, representation or explanation of racial dynamics and an effort to reorganize and redistribute resources along particular racial lines


maintain language or religious differences within a larger society

Subordinate Groups

minority group

Caste System

most rigidly static type of stratification in which movement from one group to another is highly restricted by custom or law.

Micro Discrimination

overt acts committed by one individual against another

conflict theorists

see societies as held together not by broad agreements among groups but by the power of the dominant classes and ruling elites to impose will on others

Order theorists

see society as a relatively balanced system made up of differently functioning but related parts


societies comprising numerous racial, religious and cultural groups.


subordinate groups in society that differ from Dominant group


the minority group "desires equality with but separation from dominant group and the dominant group agrees to this arrangement."

Segmented Assimilation

the notion that immigrant assimilation may take different forms: adoption of the dominant culture, adoption of oppositional culture, or economic advancement while retaining the ethnic culture.


the state of being (identifying) as male or female


the tendency to judge other groups by the standards and values of ones own group (Our way is correct or natural - there's is odd or immoral)

Social Mobility

what possibilities exist for individuals to move upward from lower to a higher class or downward from a higher to a lower class


widely held beliefs and values regarding the character and capacities of particular groups....These beliefs often come together in a cohesive ideology of racism or other deterministic notion

3 Basic Ideas of Racism

• 1. Humans are divided naturally into different physical traits • 2. Such Physical Traits as people display are intrinsically related to their culture personality and intelligence. • 3. The differences among groups are innate, not subject to change, and on the basis of their genetic inheritance, some groups are innately superior to others.

3 Confusions for Racism

• 1. the identification of racial differences with cultural and social differences. • 2. the assumption that cultural achievement is directly and chiefly, determined by the racial characteristics of a population. • 3. the belief that physical characteristics of a population limit and define the sorts of culture and society they are able to create or participate in.

Dominant Group

1 or few groups that are favored by society's institution (Specifically economically and politically)


A Socially Constructed category of humans, classified on the basis of certain arbitrarily selected hereditary characteristics that differentiate them from other human groups.

Gordons Stages of Assimilation

A theoretical model suggesting assimilation is not a straight forward movement but rather comprises different degrees of increasingly more profound social and cultural integration


Actions against minority ethnic groups, including avoidance, denial, intimidation, or physical attack.

Paternalistic race relations

All people understand their social place and, as long as the subordinates do not deviate from their ascribed role, stability is ensured.

Structural assimilation

An increasing degree of social interaction among different ethnic groups

Racial Profiling

Associating ethnic types with social problems.


Belief System, a set of beliefs and values that explain, rationalize, and justify inequalities in wealth, power and privilege.

Bogardus Social Distance Scale

Close kin by marriage Fellow club members Neighbors Workers in my occupation Citizens of my country Visitors to my country People to exclude from my country

4 Dimensions of Assimilation

Cultural, Structural, Psychological, and Biological.


Destruction of minority ethnic group, perhaps culminating in genocide

Structural Discrimination

Discrimination that occurs as a result of past discrimination that influences normal institutional processes

Biological Assimilation

Intermarriage to the point where there is a biological merging of formerly distinct groups.

5 Factors affecting assimilation

Manner of Entrance, Time of entrance, demographic factors, cultural similarity and visibility

Theories of Discrimination

Psychological, Normative, and Power Conflict


The belief that humans are subdivided into distinct hereditary groups that are innately different in their social behavior and mental capacities and that can therefore be ranked as superior or inferior.

Cultural Racism

The belief that the cultures displayed by human groups are not easily changed and therefore can be ranked as superior or inferior.

Macro Discrimination

The denial of opportunities and equal rights to individuals and groups that results from the normal operations of a society


a form of assimilation in which people of diverse ethnic groups participates freely and fully in the institutions of the larger society unconstrained by ethnicity

Parks Race Relations Cycle

a model of ethnic relations suggesting that groups pass through a sequence of stages - contact, competition, accommodation and ultimately assimilation


a particular ethnic affiliation or group

Psychological Assimilation

a process by which people increasingly identify themselves as part of the larger society rather than their ethnic group

Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

a process in which the false definition of a situation produces behavior that in turn makes real the originally falsely defined situation.

3 types of Multiethnic Societies

a. Colonial (segregationist) b. Corporate Pluralistic (Multicultural) c. Assimilationist

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