DB 19-02 Sustainability of radio database on ERS
What does portable refer to?
Hand held radios
How do you officers effectively reconcile the portable radio inventory at each assignment?
1) Open the ERS app through the LAFD portal 2) to login use EID 3) click main menu tab and under resource management, click on apparatus tracking system 4) once apparatus reconciliation has been submitted, click on the radio tab, here officers shall cross reference and verify the radio IDs and the positions these are a sign to 5) If the data does not match your inventory, click error in list and reconcile the radio IDs with the MFC floor captain
When I will the administrative battalion commander be notified of the radio inventory that has not been reconciled?
When will the bureau commander be notified of companies that have not reconciled the radios?
What does mobile refer to?
Apparatus mounted radios
What did enterprise records system (ERS) replace?
What is the third and final phase of the radio alias database project?
To create a system that sustains the accountability of the database