Deaf Culture Vocab
(Former) National Fraternal Society of the Deaf Offers insurance as well as fraternal and community service activities for Deaf people
22 handshapes that when moved or held a certain way, represent the American alphabet
Interpreter for the Deaf
ASL to spoken or vice versa
Ability to see people is very important; like to hang out in the kitchen with good lighting
Medical Model
Aka pathological model Model of deafness where people feel that being deaf is a problem to be solved
Video relay service
Allows hearing people to call deaf people and vice versa, words Between a telephone and TTY
Disability Group
Culturally Deaf people don't view themselves as disabled, instead a minority, group with shared culture and common language
Capital D Deaf
Culturally deaf
Culturally deaf people
Culturally deaf people who are able to use hearing aids, speech read, and talk with their voice (labeled Deaf in general and hard of hearing in specific)
Deaf "good-byes" tend to take a long time
Deaf President Now campus protest and international Deaf movement at Gallaudet on 1988 (a hearing woman had just been elected president of Gallaudet, as a result of the protests, a deaf man became president)
Hugs or Hugging
Deaf people tend to hug more than (American hearies)
Deaf Community
Deaf people who use sign language and share in Deaf culture (not trying to change status and live in hearing world)
Evolving into Deafhood because deafness carried negative connotations of deaf being a disability
Gallaudet, Edward Miner
Founder and first president of Columbia University for the Deaf and Dumb (Gallaudet)
Go Ahead meaning you are done with your turn and it is the other persons turn to type
Dominant Hand
Hand you do most of your signing with
Gallaudet, Thomas Hopkins
Helped establish the first American school for the deaf after seeming England's method
Highly valued to skillfully tell a stoey
HoH Hard of Hearing
Deaf World
Includes all Deaf people and anyone connected to those deaf people
Dead and Hard of Hearing
Inclusive version of Deaf
Individualized Education Program
Just "Deaf"
Instead of using "Culturally Deaf" the capital D includes cultural The varying levels of residual hearing have nothing to do with it, just participation in the deaf community
Interpreter Training Program
Junior National Association of the Deaf
Langue des Signes Québécois popular signed language in Canada although many Canadians also use ASL
Least Restrictive Environment Which educational environment is "least restrictive" for a Deaf child? Hearing admins often believe that is a public school, but most members of Deaf community consider residential schools to be best
Left-handed people sign left-hand dominant and fingerspell with left hand
Uppercase Deaf/lowercase
Lowercase=physically deaf, uppercase=culturally deaf
Manually Coded English ie Signed English Signing system designed to portray English on the hands
Stay Deaf
Most Deaf people if given the chance to becoming Hearing, would choose to remain deaf, or at least would continue to be active in the Deaf world
Movies, Deaf
Movies focusing on or heavily involving Deaf characters Bridge to Silence Love is Never Silent
National Association of the Deaf Worlds oldest Deaf advocacy organization
National Captioning Institute Ensures that Deaf and HoH have access to tv entertainment and news through CC
National Technical Institute for the Deaf Popular choice for Deaf students (NY)
National Theater of the Deaf Touring theater group of Deaf and hearing actors who entertain worldwide through music, sign language, and the spoken word
Non-Deaf people
Non-Manual Markers Facial expressions and body movements Used to inflect signs: change, influence, or emphasize the meaning Ie raise eyebrows
Deaf Culture
Norms, beliefs, values etc shared by the Deaf community
Not Even Related to a Deaf Adult Comical reference to Hearing people who don't have ties to the Deaf world
Hearing Impaired
Not used by Deaf people
Views of deafness
Pathological/medical model Deafness is a disease that needs to be cured or fixed Culturally Deaf model Deaf people would not want to become hearing, not a problem to be fixed
Philosophy of encouraging (forcing) Deaf to speak and read lips rather than use sign language
Physically deaf or HoH people who are not part of Deaf Community, part of Deaf World but choose not to commune with Deaf people or learn their language
Pidgin Signed English "contact signing" used when deaf and hearing individuals need to communicate Follows English word order while using ASL signs
Placement of a Deaf student in a hearing school (w or w/out an interpreter)
PL 94-142
Public Law 94-142 passed in 1975 prompted free and appropriate education for all kids
Lowercase d deaf
Refers to being physically deaf not culturally Level of hearing below which a person is unlikely to understand speech for everyday purposes
Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf Conducts and promoted certification of interpreters Worlds largest association of interpreters for the Deaf
Reverse Skills Certificate Type of interpreter certification Ability to understand and voice what is being signed
Signing Exact English Invented sign system intended to represent English with the intent to assist deaf children in the acquisition of English
Simultaneous Conversation Communicating using sign and goosing at the same time Frowned upon because the ASL quality suffers
Hard of Hearing
Some degree of hearing loss but can still function in the hearing world some of them are culturally Deaf (if they are can refer to themselves as Deaf)
Some never voice, some can voice as well as Heating, generally use it only when comfortable or to get attention
Hearing Person
Someone who can hear and has the mindset of a person who can hear (capitalized to mean they belong to hearing culture)
Deaf school
State run residential schools for the Deaf (source of pride in culturally Deaf adults)
Stop Keying Used to end a teletype (TTY) convo "hanging up"
Subtitles Closed captioning: can be turned off, open can't
Supplementary Security Income Checks from gov't to help pay for basic living expenses
Teletype/telecommunication device for the deaf Text and video have led to decline in TTYs
Introductions and meeting new people
Tend to exchange detailed biographical info and describe social circles in depth
Font, ASL
There are types of fonts that resemble Fingerspelling
Total Communication Philosophy of deaf education that advocates the use of signing, voicing, writing, and other methods of communication
Hearing School
Typical public school, main mode of communication is speakig
Video Phone
Video Relay Service
Voc Rehab
Vocational Rehabilitation For people who are disabled but might be able to work Important gov't agency that helps provide training and employment assistance to many Deaf people