Dealing with Differences Quiz 1

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Ota Benga

Guy from the Kongo He's not a slave His family is killed and he comes to the U.S. Let him live in the Bronx zoo Treating him like an animal

unilinear scale of intelligence

- Binet founded the French school of intelligence, in which intelligence tests were regarded as a practical means of separating the bright from the dull. -Intelligence quotient (IQ) was regarded as simply an average of numerous dissimilar abilities, not as a real thing with definite properties that could be studied. -Galton founded the English school of intelligence, in which it was believed that intelligence is a real faculty with a biological basis, and could be studied using reaction times on simple cognitive tasks. -Three Principles Scores are a practical device; do not support any theory of intelligence -Scale is rough guide;should -NOT be used to rank "normal" children -Low scores should be used to help children succeed, not to mark them as incapable -Binet was afraid of these three things -Did not want his number to be a label as opposed to a guide -Did not want teachers to use number for a reason to avoid teaching -Did not want number to be a self-fulfilling prophecy

King Leopold (Kloby 214-216)

-Colonized Africa -Leopold became the founder and sole owner of the Congo Free State, a private project undertaken on his own behalf. He used explorer Henry Morton Stanley to help him lay claim to the Congo, the present-day Democratic Republic of the Congo. At the Berlin Conference of 1884-1885 the colonial nations of Europe authorized his claim by committing the Congo Free State to improving the lives of the native inhabitants. From the beginning, however, Leopold essentially ignored these conditions. He ran the Congo using the mercenary Force Publique for his personal enrichment. He used great sums of the money from this exploitation for public and private construction projects in Belgium during this period. He donated the private buildings to the state before his death, to preserve them for Belgium. -Leopold extracted a fortune from the Congo—initially by the collection of ivory—and after a rise in the price of rubber in the 1890s by forced labour from the natives to harvest and process rubber. Under his regime millions of the Congolese people died: modern estimates range from one million to fifteen million, with a consensus growing around 10 million. Human-rights abuses under his régime contributed significantly to these deaths. Reports of deaths and abuse led to a major international scandal in the early twentieth century and the Belgian government ultimately forced Leopold to relinquish control of the colony to Belgian civil administration in 1908.

Biological Determinism

-Determining someone's worth based on their biology -An idea of limitations, you can't change it -Society is an accurate reflection of biology --Wherever you find your status is because of biology


-Multiple creations of mankind -Human races were separate biological species

Samuel George Morton

-Polygenist -Considered a data gatherer and objectivist of American Science -1000 Native American Skulls -200 skulls from ancient egyptian tombs -Trying to justify slavery, by putting rice in skulls Brain capacity -Gould's Criticism of Morton Morton began with a clear bias -Manipulated data to reach his conclusion he expected When using bird seeds -He doesn't consider gender

Positive and Negative Eugenics

-Positive Eugenics -The eugenics movement arose in the 20th century as two wings of a common philosophy of human worth -Francis Galton who coined the term eugenics in 1883, perceived it as a moral philosophy to improve humanity by encouraging the ablest and healthiest people to have more children. -Negative Eugenics -Advocated culling the least able from the breeding population to preserve humanity fitness. -The U.S. , Germany, and Scandinavia favored negative eugenics

White Racial Frame

-The dominant white racial frame generally has several levels of abstraction. At the most general level, the racial frame views whites as mostly superior in culture and achievement and views people of color as generally of less social, economic, and political consequence than whites—as inferior to whites in the making and keeping of the nation. -At the next level of framing, whites view an array of social institutions as normally white-controlled and as unremarkable in the fact that whites therein are unjustly enriched and disproportionately privileged. -At the lowest level of abstraction, negative stereotypes and images of the "inferior racial others" are constructed and accepted.

Harry Laughlin

A leading American eugenicist in the first half of the 20th century. He was the Superintendent of the Eugenics Record Office from its inception in 1910 to its closing in 1939, and was among the most active individuals in influencing American eugenics policy, especially compulsory sterilization legislation. Laughlin's immigration studies, which seemed to support the idea that recent immigrants from Southern and Eastern Europe had a higher percentage of "socially inadequate" persons than other immigrants, led to the highly restrictive immigration quota system of 1924 which favored immigrants from Northern Europe. As is evident in the Laughlin Collection, Dr. Laughlin also devoted considerable time and effort developing his ideas for a common world government.

1884 Berlin Congress

Belgium's King Leopold II, who aspired to increase his personal wealth by acquiring African territory, hired agents to lay claim to vast tracts of land in central Africa. To protect Germany's commercial interests, German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck, who was otherwise uninterested in Africa, felt compelled to stake claims to African land. Britain allowed him to colonize the Congo because they believed he would give them a better life.


Designates a situation of formal independence coupled with continued economic exploitation by an external power. -the use of economic, political, cultural, or other pressures to control or influence other countries, especially former dependencies.

Johann Blumenbach

Developed the idea of a racial hierarchy He put the whites on top This made caucasians viewed as the oldest color of mankind degenerating darker skin colors

Plessy v. Ferguson 1896

Separate but equal But this did not change a lot whites still viewed themselves as superior

Willis Lynch

Lynch was only 14 years old when the state of North Carolina forcibly sterilized him while he was a student at the Caswell Training School for Mental Defectives in Kinston, N.C. The school was a holding tank for children who were mentally disabled or were delinquents or unwed mothers. Sterilization was required before they could return to their families, according to documents from the state's eugenics board. In late July, state lawmakers passed a landmark $10 million compensation plan for victims of its eugenics program. The amount will be split among verified victims.


Mental age of 8-12 years Could be trained to function in society Considered the most dangerous because they could blend into society Also considered necessary because they were needed to be the workers Goddard's two Solutions Colonization Sterilization Several Colonies for epileptics and "feeble minded" Forcible sterilizations begin in 1937 End in 1972 ~8300 sterilizations in Virginia at Lynchburg Colony Goddard tied his scale of intelligence to social behavior Deficient intelligence was linked to immorality as in the case of Carrie Buck

Extinction thesis

People are going to die out because they are weaker, so we have to study them before they die out.


Single creation of mankind supported by bible Human races said to be product of degeneration Climate considered a likely cause Adam and Eve

white privilege

Privilege is something that you didn't earn and can't get rid of. You can't change the color of your skin.

Race as a social construct

Race is an idea that society usually ascribes to biology, but there are no biological markers to support it. Race is based on a social construct. Race is an idea which society has created to justify perceived social and economic justice.

Scramble for Africa 1884

The "Scramble for Africa" was the occupation, division, and colonisation of African territory by European powers during the period of New Imperialism, between 1881 and 1914. It is also called the Partition of Africa and by some, the Conquest of Africa.

Fitter Family Contests

The first Fitter Family Contest was held at the Kansas State Free Fair in 1920. With support from the American Eugenics Society's Committee on Popular Education, the contests were held at numerous fairs throughout the United States during the 1920s. At most contests, competitors submitted an "Abridged Record of Family Traits," and a team of medical doctors performed psychological and physical exams on family members. Each family member was given an overall letter grade of eugenic health, and the family with the highest grade average was awarded a silver trophy. Trophies were typically awarded in three family categories: small (1 child), medium (2-4 children), and large (5 or more children). All contestants with a B+ or better received bronze medals bearing the inscription, "Yea, I have a goodly heritage." Childless couples were eligible for prizes in contests held in some states. As expected, the Fitter Families Contest mirrored the eugenics movement itself; winners were invariably White with western and northern European heritage.

First Opium War

The first opium war was fought from 1839-1842 Resulted in further loss of Chinese sovereignty The drug addiction that resulted from this opium trade contributed to the impoverishment of China and created an economic and chemical dependency which Great Britain was able to benefit.

White Man's Burden

The idea that the white men have to spread civilization and Christianity -More specifically, white men should help stop famine and disease, even though the folks whom they're helping are going to try to ruin everything by being foolish and lazy. This won't be glamorous work, and they may not even get to see the fruits of their labor pay off—they might even die in the attempt—but white people should make the sacrifice anyway.

Hamitic Myth

The myth of Ham looking at Noah's nakedness but not covering him up This myth was picked up by the Christian communities to justify subjugation and enslavement.

Transitional Justice

This idea of giving reparations for wrongs that have been done in the past.

H.H. Goddard

Unilinear scale of intelligence Idiot Mental age below 3 years Could not develop full speech Imbecile Mental age of 3-7 years Could not master written language Moron Mental age of 8-12 years Could be trained to function in society Considered the most dangerous because they could blend into society Also considered necessary because they were needed to be the workers Goddard's two Solutions Colonization Sterilization Several Colonies for epileptics and "feeble minded" Forcible sterilizations begin in 1937 End in 1972 ~8300 sterilizations in Virginia at Lynchburg Colony Goddard tied his scale of intelligence to social behavior Deficient intelligence was linked to immorality as in the case of Carrie Buck

Buck v. Bell

Upheld Virginia sterilization law, thereby opening the door to forced sterilizations throughout the country.

hostage houses

Women and children were often taken away to these houses as prisoners. They used them as rewards for when the men met their ivory and rubber quota.

one-drop rule

a social and legal principle of racial classification that was historically prominent in the United States asserting that any person with even one ancestor of sub-Saharan-African ancestry ("one drop" of black blood) is considered black

Skinner v. Oklahoma

the United States Supreme Court ruling that held that laws permitting the compulsory sterilization of criminals are unconstitutional if the sterilization law treats similar crimes differently.[2] The relevant Oklahoma law applied to "habitual criminals," but the law excluded white-collar crimes from carrying sterilization penalties.


the practice of denying services, either directly or through selectively raising prices, to residents of certain areas based on the racial or ethnic composition of those areas. -refuse (a loan or insurance) to someone because they live in an area deemed to be a poor financial risk.


the science of improving a human population by controlled breeding to increase the occurrence of desirable heritable characteristics. Developed largely by Francis Galton as a method of improving the human race, it fell into disfavor only after the perversion of its doctrines by the Nazis.


the study of human societies and cultures and their development. the study of human biological and physiological characteristics and their evolution. Colonial governance

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