Decussations and terminations of the descending tracts (fall 2023, exam 2)
Could terminate anywhere from dorsal horn to intermediate zone or lamina VIII to the motoneurons themselves. Any single cell will have a focused termination in a particular part of the spinal gray, any level of the cord
Lateral corticospinal
Decussation of the pyramids at the lowest part of medulla right before it turns into spinal cord
Lateral corticospinal tract
Terminations to the lateral part of grey matter for interneurons to affect motoneurons, just a few segments at a time can be in cervical, lumbar or thoracic
Lateral reticulospinal tract
This tract also does not decussate
Lateral reticulospinal tract
Terminations in lamina vII, VIII, IX to excite antigracity muscle ipsilaterally mono and/or disynaptic connections to motor pools
Lateral vestibulospinal
This tract does not decussate
Lateral vestibulospinal
Decussate at the spinal cord level where the axon terminates, some braches cross to the other side while some terminate ipsilaterally
Medial reticulospinal
Terminates in ventromedial or lateral part of ventral horn. Monosynaptic possible but more often through interneurons to motoneurons. Can be on either side, single cells can give off branches at multiple levels ranging from cervical through thoracic and lumbar segments from one reticulospinal cell
Medial reticulospinal
Contralateral branches decussate immediately as soon as the axon comes out of the medial vestibular nucleus in the lower pons/upper medulla
Medial vestibulospinal
Termination is a lot like tectospinal, the difference being that it can be ipsilateral or contralateral, and what drives the activity. Terminations similar to tectospinal being interneurons one synapse away from motorneurons in the ventral gray matter in
Medial vestibulospinal tract
Terminations in lamina VII and some in lamina IX in lateral/ventral horn of cervical region
Decussates immediately in the midbrain as soon as the axon comes out of the red nucleus
Rubrospinal tract
Decussates immediately in the midbrain as soon as the axon comes out of the superior colliculus
Terminations are interneurons on synapse away from motoneurons in the ventral gray matter in cervical cord
Tectospinal tract
Some axon branches may decussate at the spinal segmental level right where they termiante
Ventral corticospinal tract
Terminations in cervical and upper thoracic little to no lumbar, mostly medial in the spinal gray, lamina III probably disynaptic not monosynaptic to motor pools, sometime bilateral through collateral branches
Ventral corticospinal tract