Demography 414
What are the vital events of demography?
The vital events of demography include: birth, death, illness, and migration.
What are the characteristics of an aggregate?
They are born, they reproduce, they age, they move from one place to another, they become ill and they die.
What are vital events?
Vital events are natural occurrences that directly or indirectly contribute to population growth.
What is an aggregate?
An aggregate is a collection of two or more objects or units. In the case of demography, these units are alive.
Define demography.
Demography is the science of population.
What is formal demography?
Formal demography focuses population size, composition, geographic distribution and the interplay of vital events. (birth, death, marriage, etc.)
What is social demography?
Social demography is the study of human aggregates. It explores the relationships among populations' size, structure, and geographic distribution, it's vital events, and social and cultural factors such as the norms and values shared.
What is the main concern of demography?
The main concern of demography is with the characteristics of aggregates of living individuals.