Design Thinking Process, Soft Skills, Digital Design I 5/17

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Which is not a example of the 8 Soft Skills?

1. Communication 2. Diligent 3. Problem solving 4. Initiative and enterprise 5. Planning and organising 6. Self-management 7. Resposible 8. Technology

The number of waves (or cycles) arriving at or passing a point in one second, expressed in hertz


What are "bitmap" graphics?

Graphics made up of a set number of pixels

Cloud storage

A cloud computing model that stores data on the internet through a cloud computing provi

Lossy Compression

A compression technique that does not decompress digital data back to 100% of the original

Cutaway Shot

A shot AWAY from the main scene

Which is a type of balance when using color, shapes, and position

All types of symmetry


Conceptualizing an idea and the writing of a script

The unit used to measure the intensity of a sound. Degree of loudness


What can PhotoShop be used for?

Designing graphics Editing photographs Creating bitmap images

To bring business and education together in a positive working relationship through innovative leadership and career development programs.


Law of the USA that permits limited use of copyrighted material without having to acquire permission from the copyright holder.

Fair use

A clip is a large segment of a small video file.


A close-up provides setting/location, while a wide shot provides details.


Camera work is at the center of video production. True or False?


I can use a speaker and record a narrative in my movie.


In Windows Movie Maker, if I delete a video clip, picture, or audio file from a collection folder, it is also deleted from the hard drive.


In the 1980s, shooting and editing movies got slightly easier with the introduction of VHS and Betamax


Inkscape like GIMP, only runs in Windows and MAC operating systems.


The Design Thinking Process communicates our final solution at the final step.


The Design Thinking Process has a low-risk tolerance and a low downside.


There is only one version of the movie maker.


FCCLA stands for

Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America


Favorable times or chances for progress and advancement.


Find a solution, go back if experienced problems and see how those problems are fixed or if there are new problems, role play, etc.


The art of recreating incidental sound effects (such as footsteps) in synchronization with the visual component of a movie.


a set of papers with writing that will be read and acted out

An electronic device for increasing the amplitude of electrical signals, is called...


The transition plays when?

before the one clip ends and while the other clip starts to play

A service model in which data is stored on remote servers accessed over the internet. It is maintained, operated and managed by a service provider.

cloud storage

Every video application has a proper _______ and ________

codec, container

Aspect Ratio

The relationship of an object's height to its width

In Adobe Illustrator, which of the following can be controlled for an object?

The size, shape and position

Employability skills

The transferable skills needed by an individual to make them 'employable'. Along with good technical understanding and subject knowledge, employers often outline a set of skills that they want from an employee.


The unit of frequency. Equivalent to cycles per second. Abbreviation: Hz.

All of these are similarities between CTSOs and WBL, EXCEPT for?

They both give you school credit

What can be said about warm colors

They jump forward in design

A video transition does what?

controls how your movie plays from one video clip or picture to the next


This video format is used to create downloadable movies.

Any undesirable change or error in the reproduction of sound that alters the original signal, is called...


A gradual reduction of the level of the audio signal, is called...


A gradual reduction of the level of the audio signal.


You cannot create an animation by importing a picture.


_____ can easily touch up blemishes, whiten teeth, correct red eye, and fix many other things

healing tool

True about work based learning

highly effective for recruiting processes at top of firms and companies gives students the opportunity to explore what they have learned in the classroom within a real-world context (hands-on learners) provides students with the opportunity to put theory into practice with real-life work experiences

Select ALL of the definitions of a cut-away shot.

is a shot away from the main scene also known as overlay also known as b-roll

Digital Recording

music recorded and played back by laser beam rather than by needle or magnetic tape


Is the global system of interconnected computer networks that uses TCP/IP to communicate between networks and devices.

In "old Hollywood" people often started their movie making careers in the editing room. Why?

It allowed new people to learn about all aspects of movie-making.

Using a GIF for a button on a website allows which of the following?

It allows you to see the button

Collections help you _____ _______ content.

organize, imported/captured

What is the 4 main parts of Movie Maker?

Movie Tasks, Video Preview, Item List, storyboard

service projects

Philanthropic activities to help the school and the communities (charity projects)

What are clips?

smaller segments of larger audio and video files

A program that allows you to upload your sound file and save it to a different format is called...

sound converter

Color consist of ALL of these, EXCEPT for _________.


What are Technical Skills?

the abilities and knowledge needed to perform specific tasks. They are practical, and often relate to mechanical, information technology, mathematical, or scientific tasks

When moving between Video formats are the structure in which videos are stored in a computer file.een containers some data streams such as subtitles and chapter data can be lost if the new container doesn't support them.


When moving between containers some data streams such as subtitles and chapter data can be lost if the new container doesn't support them


Windows Movie Maker will allow you to use, pictures, OR pictures and video clips, OR just video clips on the video timeline.



Usually undesirable result of overloading sound equipment. Reducing the levels can remedy the situation.

The length of a sound wave in air

Wave Length


Pronounced a - v -i .avi file extension Developed by Microsoft computers for Windows media video player Not good for streaming


Pronounced moo - v .mov file extension Developed by Apple computers for Quicktime video player Also known as Quicktime movie or movie format Used for streaming


Pronounced swa -if swf file extention The dominant format for displaying animated vector graphics on the Web Used in programs and games with Actionscripting


Repeat quickly, alter prototype, retest, etc.

Iterate is to...

Repeat quickly, alter prototype, retest, etc.

Elements are arranged in repeated and regular patterns using color, shape, texture, line or pattern.


Refers to the size of an object in relation to another object


Self-management skills

Setting goals and managing your time to overcome procrastination. Ex. self-confidence, persistence, resilience, patience, perceptiveness, and emotional regulation.

Planning & Organizing

Setting goals and time-managing.


Short for search engine optimization and is the process of optimizing your website for Search engines.


Short for user experience design and is the process design teams use to create products that provide meaningful and relevant experiences to users.

What is an example of a soft skill?


The rate at which the music moves measured in beats per minute, is called...


leadership development

The activity of providing opportunities for the development of leadership abilities

What is hue?

The actual color


The actual shooting or recording

You can combine ____ or more contiguous ______.

two, video clips

What type of file should you save your audio as to be able to import it correctly into a movie maker?



1) A gradual reduction of the level of the audio signal.2) A gradual change of level from one pre-set level to another.


1) Relative measurement for the volume (loudness) of sound. Also used to measure the difference between two voltages, or two currents. See Zero dB.2) A numerical expression of the relative loudness of a sound. The difference in decibels between twosounds is ten times the common logarithm of the ratio of their power levels.


1) The perception of frequency by the ear (a higher or lower quality of music).2) A control on a tape transport which adjusts the speed slightly up or down, changing the pitch and time of the music.3) The spacing of the grooves in a phonograph record.

8 Soft Skills

1. Communication 2. Teamwork 3. Problem solving 4. Initiative and enterprise 5. Planning and organising 6. Self-management 7. Learning 8. Technology

Human ears are sensitive to vibrations between?

20 to 20,000 Hz

What are the guidelines for music/lyrics copyrights?

20% use allowed of music or lyrics

At least how many people are needed when recording sound during principal photography?


Images created for print, for example in a magazine, should normally be which resolution?

30 DPI

How long is a work copyrighted for?

70 years

Where an image is only to be used on a web page, what resolution would be most suitable?

72 DPI

Career Technical Student Organization (CTSO)

A Vocational student organization which is an nonprofit national organization. Their goals are to develop leadership skills


A difference of pitch where one tone has a frequency that is double or one-half of the frequency of another tone.

You can cover a jump shot with:

A different angle of the shot A different shot all together

medium shot

A framing in which the scale of the object shown is of moderate size; a human figure seen from the waist up would fill most of the screen.


A graphic representation of how your video will unfold, shot by shot. It's made up of a number of squares with illustrations or pictures representing each shot, with notes about what's going on in the scene and what's being said in the script during that shot


A illegal violation or unauthorized act


A intellectual property law which protects authors original works such as literary, dramatic, musica, artistics works, & more. Copyright duration is the author's life time and then 70 years after the passing of the author


A law to protect other people from making, using, selling, or importing an invention throughout the United States without the creator permission

All of these are PROs for Inkscape software, EXCEPT for...

A little slow

Initiative & Enterprise skills

A person working without direct supervision. It displays a person self-motivation, resourcefulness, inventiveness, imagination, ingenuity, originality, creativity.


A program that allows a developer to see what the end result will look like while the interface is being created.


A purpose/objective.

Analog Recording

A recording of the continuous changes of an audio waveform. The most common example of analog recording in a recording studio is recording on reel-to-reel magnetic tape


A recording or reproduction of at least two channels where positioning of instrument sounds left to right can be perceived.

food chain

A series of steps in which organisms transfer energy by eating and being eaten


A software application for accessing information on the World Wide Web.

High definition

A standard of digital TV signal that guarantees a specific level of resolution and a specific aspect ratio, which is the rectangular shape of the image


A statement or vision of an organization's function in society.

career education

A term coined in the 1970's. It is a systematic attempt to influence the career development of students and adults with educational strategies.


A thing which protects word, phrase, symbol, and design to then differentiate the source of the goods from one party to the other


A thing you put on your images, so then it will make it more difficult for your images to be stolen or copied


A unique strength relative to competitors that provides superior returns, often based on quality, time, cost or innovation


A video file extension that contains your video, audio, and metadata (vital data such as captions, SEO, and vital information that pieces the video together for playback). It can also be called a file extension since they are often seen as file names, such as AVI, MOV, or MP4.

Effects of music: A) Fills in the awkward gaps while watching a film B) Leads us emotionally to feel good, sad, angry, etc. C) Serves as a passive soundscape for listening

A, B and C

The Design Thinking Process used for: A) finding problems and solutions B) prototype solutions C) communicate problems and solutions with others

A, B and C

Uncompressed audio formats are: A) lossless B) .WAV file types C) in need of unlimited storage space

A, B and C

This key helps you delete unwanted selection



Accepting the risk of starting and running a business. The ownership, organization, and management of a business.

Slow In & Out

Achieved by adding more frames at the beginning and end of an action sequence. It imitates how a car starts up and stops.

Axis of rotation. Spot where rotation spins from.

Action created by moving the play head across the timeline

What does it mean to "marry" picture and sound?

Add narration and/or music to complement the action.

Some common uses of animation include:

Advertising Example: Web site advertisements that are animated to attract attention Information Example: Kiosk for directions or information Education Example: Tutorials using animated graphics for demonstration Games Example: Games using animation to simulate action Websites Example: Animated navigation button that changes when the cursor passes over it (rollover)


Also called add-on or extension are computer software's that adds new functions to a host program without altering the host program itself.

This key helps you delete unwanted selection


Creative commons

An active international non-profit organization that provides free licenses for creators who are making their work available for the public Aka CC

What is a self-assessment?

An analysis an individual performs on their own work

Responsive Web Design

An approach to web page creation that makes use of flexible layouts, flexible images and cascading style sheet media queries.


An electronic device for increasing the amplitude of electrical signals


An electronic device that acts as active filters used to boost or attenuate certain frequencies


An error, mistake, defect or fault, which may cause failure or deviation from expected results.

Sound Card

An expansion component used in computers to receive and send audio

Boom Pole

An extendible stick with a microphone attached to it

Initiative & Enterprise

An individual's action to begin a process without direct supervision. Self-motivation, resourcefulness, originality, creativity, imagination.

Using a tape for recording, is what type of recording?


ADC stands for? (in Audio)

Analog to Digital Converter


Analysis of an individual's performance of their own work.

Critical Thinking skills

Analyzing and evaluating issues/situations in order to form a judgement or to come up with a better solution. Problem solving, coming up with unique and creative ideas, thinking on your feet as individual or team.

Critical thinking

Analyzing and evaluating issues/situations in order to form a judgement or to come up with a better solution. Solving problem

What type of leader was Adolf Hitler?


Which leadership style has an "I know best" attitude?


Which type of leader does not encourage discussions?


The act of comparing or estimating two things, one against the other, and the contrast between


What are the graphic design principles?

Balance, Rhythm, Proportion and Scale, Emphasis, Harmony

These images are made up of thousands of tiny squares called pixels

Bitmap images

What are the FBLA colors?

Blue and Gold

Why we use Windows Movie Maker?


What is it called when companies are using music to target their products to specific customers' ages?

Brand Marketing


Buying and selling goods and services, or the transmitting of funds or data, over the internet.

Types of equipment utilized in animation:

Cameras: * Digital photo * Video * Stop motion * Motion picture Computers: * hardware and animation editing software Scanners: Drawing tablets: Used to draw images and sketches with a stylus (pen) and tablet

CTE stands for

Career and Technical Education

CTSO stands for

Career and Technical Student Organization

What does CTSO stand for?

Career and Technology Student Organization


Character design, you want to have a character that the audience can connect to or relate to.

Collections appear in the

Collections pane of Windows Movie Maker

Teamwork skills

Combined action of a group of people towards a common goal, supporting each other to combine individual strengths to enhance the group's performance, providing constructive feedback, despite any personal conflict between individuals. Ex. persuading, sharing, commitment.

Sound Editing

Combining music, dialogue, and effects tracks to interact with the image track; performed by a sound editor

Common file types include .ai, .pdf and .eps

Common file types include .ai, .pdf and .eps

Professionalism skills

Competence or skill expected of a professional. Ex. dressing smartly at work, getting to work on time, having initiative, responsibility, integrity, accountability and excellence. Communicating effectively and productively.


Compression/Decompression or Coder/Decoder. Videoconferencing standard, included in hardware and/or software, used to compress or code video, audio, and data signals for transmission and decompress or decode the signal at the other end of the transmission.

What are computer skills?

Computer skills fit into two categories: hardware and software. Hardware skills allow you to physically operate a computer. Hardware skills can be as simple as knowing how to turn devices on and off.

What should you take with you to an interview?

Copies of your resume. Bring at least five resume copies. ... Pen and paper. ... Pre-written questions for your interviewers. ... A list of references. ... Breath mints or floss. ...

How to remove the dotted selection lines

Ctrl d

What does CMYK stand for?

Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black

Safeguarding databases, computers, or websites from cyber attacks or data breaches. It also protects data from corruption.

Cyber security

To prepare emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in marketing, finance, hospitality and management in high schools and colleges around the globe.


What type of leader is a "guide"?


What type of leader was George Washington?


What are interpersonal skills?

Developing a trusting relationship, expressing a level of caring, and communicating clearly with a patient and his or her family

Audio Equipment

Devices that reproduce, record, or process sound. This includes microphones, radio receivers, AV receivers, CD players, tape recorders, amplifiers, mixing consoles, effects units, and loudspeakers.

Audacity and Adobe Audition software deal with ____________ sound.


The process of converting audio signals into numbers that represent the waveform

Digital recording

Any undesirable change or error in the reproduction of sound that alters the original signal


DECA stands for

Distributive Educations Clubs of America

If your goal is invisible editing (HINT-it should be!) then you should making cuts

During action

What is at the center of video production?


Illustrator software is best for ALL of these, EXCEPT for...

Editing photos


Effectively stores data to be encoded in different codec's. Contains both video and audio data and utilizes less compression as compared to other similar formats. It is also one of the famous formats used by internet users.

What does the following represent? * Image is in camera roll


Place yourself in someone else's shoes, understanding ideas and feelings.


The Design Thinking Process has the following steps

Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype, Test

Future Farmers of America

Emphasis on agricultural education and promotes problem solving and decision making by utilizing a learning by doing module.

Technology Student Organization

Encourages students to be critical thinkers, problem solvers, and technically literate leaders in a high-tech society.

What can color temperature do

Enhance the mood of an image


Entirely supported by each browser on each platform. The best thing about these videos is that they support both streaming and progressive downloads.

An electronic device that acts as active filters used to boost or attenuate certain frequencies, is called...


Family Career and Community Leaders of America

Equips students to address personal, family, work, and social issues through family and consumer sciences education.

Copyright 2.0

Exclusive legal right given to someone to print, publish, perform, film or record literary, artistic or musical material.

This tool helps you pick the color

Eye dropper tool

What ways can FBLA benefit students?

FBLA helps high school students prepare for careers in business through academic competitions (FBLA Competitive Events), leadership development, and educational programs.

123456 To promote personal growth and leadership development through family and consumer sciences education, focusing on the multiple roles of family member, wage earner and community leader.



Face-to-face interactions with adults and students to communicate strengths in individual learning or areas that need improvement.

A gradual reduction of the level of the audio signal


A mini documentary is a bad way to share your story if you don't have the time or budget for a full length feature documentary.


At low rates of lossy compression this becomes obvious, but at higher rates it's difficult for people to notice.


Editing is the process of cutting out the bad parts.


Editing is the process of cutting out the bad parts. True or false?


GIMP like Photoshop, only runs in Windows and MAC operating systems.


Movies are relatively small files, taking up very little disk space.


Noise is a desirable background sound in our recordings.


Photoshop software is great for designers as well as photographers, but not GIMP software


The less bits in a sample size, the more information provided.


When vibrations are fast, we hear a low note.

False we hear a HIGH note

Testing is to

Find a solution, go back if experienced problems and see how those problems are fixed or if there are new problems, role play, etc.

The Design Thinking Process used for...

Finding Problems and Solutions, Prototype those solutions, Communicate problems and solutions with others

What does Goal Oriented mean?

Focused on reaching a specific objective or accomplishing a given task; driven by purpose

Distributive Education Clubs of America

Focuses on marketing, management, and entrepreneurial skills that prepare students to pursue a career in the field of marketing.

What are some productivity pitfalls?

Focusing on prevention instead of creation. ... Running your business on negative energy. ... Allowing your employees to check their email constantly. ... Setting the wrong expectations for checking email. ... Negatively acknowledging social networking. ... Aiming for perfection. ... Not tracking results to Identify truly important tasks.


Following a path when they're moving to show the earth's gravity.


Fosters the development of leadership and workplace skills in the global workplace through trade and industrial, technical, and health occupations.

Single still images from a video clip are called:


Single still images from a video clip.


How can we import an effects in my video?

From Movie Tasks we chose ( View Video Effects )

How can we import a video?

From Movie Tasks we chose (import video)

How to Export Movie or save it?

From Movie Tasks we chose save to my computer or Save project

What are some Philanthropic activities to help the school and the communities?


FBLA stands for

Future Business Leaders of America

What does FBLA stand for?

Future Business Leaders of America

All of these file types are sound files, except for?


Which of these is an advantage of GIF graphics over JPEG graphics?

GIFs can have more colours

What color means prestige, wisdom, wealth, high quality.


Elements are arranged in balanced and repeated patterns around a centerpiece.


What are "vector" graphics?

Graphics made using mathematical expressions

What color symbolizes freshness


To enhance the delivery of compassionate, quality health care by providing opportunities for knowledge, skill and leadership development of all health science education students, therefore, helping the student meet the needs of the health care community.


Who chartered the first chapter and founded FBLA?

Hamden L. Forkner

capture device

Hardware that transfers audio and video from an external source, such as a VCR or camcorder, to a computer (captures material, puts in comp)

The correct balance of composition or color that produces a harmonious effect


What are opposing forces in editing?

Having things move from 2 different directions to create tension

_____ can easily touch up blemishes, whiten teeth, correct red eye, and fix many other things

Healing Tool

The unit of measure for sample rate

Hertz (Hz)

What is brightness/value

How much black and white is used

What is brightness/value?

How much black and white was used

The intensity of color is called



Identify the problem, constraints, possible solutions, formulate a problem statement, construct a point of view based/message based on customer needs, etc.

Defining is to

Identify the problem, constraints, possible solutions, formulate a problem statement, construct a point of view based/message based on customer needs, etc.


Illegal copying, distribution, or use of a software

To add pictures to your movie, click on...

Import Pictures

Animation editing programs have features for creating animations to include:

Importing resources Drawing Scaling (Resizing) Layering Keyframing Tweening Anchor point adjustment Transitions

Creating Animation

Importing resources: Bring files or images into the animation software to files or images into the animation software to animate Drawing: Use of mouse or graphic tablet with stylus to sketch or draw images to animate Scaling (Resizing): Changing the size of the image in width and height Layering: Technique used to separate images from other images. In order to make adjustments to individual items, each item must be on a separate layer Keyframe: Intermediate frames that blend so one appears to frames that blend so one appears to change into the next. The point were a change occurs in the animation Tween: Animation process or change that occurs process, or change that occurs between keyframes Anchor point: Axis or point of rotation. Spot where rotation spins from. Transition: Change from one scene to the next Rollover: Animation of two or more images that switch when the cursor moves over that image or navigation button Morphing : Transformtion of one thing into another

Sample Rate

In digital recording, the number of times per second that samples are taken.

Start Shooting

In this step is very important to know how your movie will be viewed. It needs to capture a variety of angles including close-ups, medium shots and wide shots.

Tell a story you care about

In this step you start with a subject that excites you. Make a documentary you're passionate about and makes sense to YOU.


In this step you will learn everything you can about your documentary subject. Gather facts and search for leads on interesting characters and story lines.

Future Health Professionals OR Health Occupations Students of America

Instructs students to meet the needs of the health care community by offering opportunities for knowledge, skill and leadership.

Enthusiasm & Attitude skills

Intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval. Way of thinking or feeling about someone or something, reflected in a person's behavior. Ex. body language, positive and upbeat attitude, smile and make good eye contact

Mobile Internet

Internet on the go with the use of hotspots. The browser is generally small, lightweight and effective in accommodating the low bandwidth and low memory capacity of the wireless handheld devices.

Squash and Stretch

It gives the illusion of gravity, weight, mass and flexibility. It's important to keep the object's volume consistent.


It helps to prepare the viewer for what's about to happen. It has the effect of making the object's action more realistic.

What do they mean that 1+1=3 or 50 in editing?

It means that sometimes you just have to guess, because there isn't a right answer.


It's the part of the sound system that actually magnifies or "amplifies" the sound. In other words, it makes stuff louder.

Which of the following file types would be suitable for Web images?


A jump cut should be avoided. It is

Joining clips that are too similar


Keep the focus on what's important within the scene, and keep the motion of everything else of non-importance to a minimum.

What type of leader has a "let it be" philosophy?

Laissez-faire leadership

All of these are PROs for Illustrator software, EXCEPT for...

Low price


Magnify or reduce subject by changing lens focal length

What does professionalism mean?

Maintaining a set of standards that are widely viewed as essential to your chosen career


Markup language for the structure and presentation of World Wide Web contents.

What are the CASPER elements?





Mockup, create quickly

Prototyping is to...

Mockup, create quickly

In audio, channels determine if sounds are recorded as _________ or _________

Mono, Stereo

3D Animation also known as computer animation

Most common form of animation and the full body is shown. The frame rate is always smooth and is 24 frames per second

Open source

Mostly free and can be easily accessed through online communities. An example VCL media player

From where can we import View Video transitions?

Movie tasks

_________________ is the most widely used and flexible means of presenting information on screen and conveying ideas.


What are some of the traits of active listeners?

Neutral and nonjudgmental. Patient (periods of silence are not "filled") Verbal and nonverbal feedback to show signs of listening (e.g., smiling, eye contact, leaning in, mirroring) Asking questions.

Does movie maker used for editing images?


Is movie maker used for editing images?


Traditional animation (cel animation or hand-drawn animation)

One of the oldest form of animation and the drawer draws every frame. They consist of hand drawings called frames and are done on a graph table with a light in the middle. The light helps the animation see their previous drawings so they can get a better look on their animation. This is called ONION SKINNING. Now of days it is usually done on tablets or computers. This type of animation is usually done on 2 frames per a second with ocassional faster action done in 24 frames per a second. Japneese animation however is framed at a lower frame rate.

All colors come from primary colors. ALL of these are primary colors, EXCEPT for...



Organization's performance targets -- the result and outcome management wants to achieve. They measure how well the organization is doing.

What are a few important tips to remember when using typography?

Pay Attention To Kerning. ... Avoid Stretching Typefaces. ... Pick Alignment Wisely.

Soft skills

Personality traits, social graces, communication, language, personal habits, interpersonal skills, managing people, leadership, etc. that characterize relationships with other people.

The perception of frequency by the ear.


Empathize is to...

Place yourself in someone else's shoes, understanding ideas and feelings.

cover crops

Plants, such as rye, alfalfa, or clover, that can be planted immediately after harvest to hold and protect the soil.


Practically speaking, high frequency means high pitch and low frequency means low pitch.

3 basic subcategories of video production

Pre-production - Script Production - Filming Post-production - Editing.

Digital rights management

Prevents unauthorized redistribution of digital media and restrict the ways consumers can copy content they've purchased Aka DRM

Future Business Leaders of America

Promotes the development of leadership skills, career goals, as well as civic and personal responsibilities.

Animated GIF

Pronounced je -if .gif file extension A bitmap file format often used on the Internet A series of individual GIF frames joined together to create animation Used for small animations and low-resolution film clips Easiest way to create and view simple animations Supports frame-based animation

Refers to the relative size of parts of a whole


The principle of design that refers to the size of an object in relation to another object is called _______.


What color symbolizes royalty


This tool helps you delete the background without erasing your picture

Quick Selection

Computer screens normally use colors represented by which acronym?


Images to be printed on a color printer are best created in which color mode?


GIMP is a


Photoshop is a


Match the term with its characteristics.

Raster files: Software has to render each pixel (slow performance) Software has to render each pixel (slow performance) Can't be scaled (enlarge) Vector Files: Scalable to any size, big or small Created through a sequence of mathematical statements

Common file types include .jpg, .bmp and .tif

Raster images

What color symbolizes passion and danger


___Can create a sense of movement, and can establish pattern and texture.


How fast a digital recorder or player samples a signal

Sample Rate

How fast a digital recorder or player samples a signal, is called...

Sample Rate

What are the two factors that determine the quality of a digital recording?

Sample Size Sample Rate

how fast a digital recorder or player samples a signal.

Sample rate

Motion Graphics (Typography, Animated logo)

Screen-based visual communication moving (sequentially) in duration, including film title design, TV graphics design, openers, e-mail videos, mobile motion graphics, motion for video-sharing platforms, and promotional motion presentations for any screen

How can we test the movie?

Select the first slide then start the movie from Video Preview

How can you change a layer so that you can see the the layer(s) below it?

Select the layer and change the opacity setting

In PhotoShop, the eyedropper does what?

Selects the color at a given point

What are work ethics?

Sets of values based on the moral virtues of hard work and diligence


Share Ideas, thoughts, prioritize, build on other's ideas, etc.

Ideate is to....

Share Ideas, thoughts, prioritize, build on other's ideas, etc.


Short for user interface design and is the process designers use to build interfaces in software or computerized devices, focusing on looks or style.

Mono (Monaural)

Shortened from Monophonic and meaning that there is only one sound source or the signal was derived from one sound source. 1) More formal term for Mono and meaning that there is only one sound source or the signal was derived from one sound source.2) In synthesizers, a term meaning that only one pitch may be sounded at a time.

close up shot

Shows a particular part of a subject with more detail, example: framing a subject from shoulders up

To empower its members to become world-class workers, leaders and responsible American citizens. To improve the quality of America's skilled workforce through a structured program of citizenship, leadership, employability, technical and professional skills training.


Which of these is NOT part of the sound hardware needed for your computer?

Sound editor

What is the Foley Artist?

Sound effect technique for creating live effects for movies sound effect technique for creating live effects for movies named after Jack Foley, a sound editor for Universal Studios matches live sound effects with the action of movies sound effects that are laid manually and not cut in with the movies

A file on your computer that containes an image, a clip, a soundtrack, or all the footage from your digital camera or phone:

Source file

A file on your computer that contains an image, a clip, a soundtrack, or all the footage from your digital video camera.

Source file

Hard skills

Specific, teachable abilities needed for a job. Ex. computer programming, web design, typing, accounting, finance, writing, math, etc.

____ divides an audio or video clip into two clips to make available for cutting/editing.


12 principles of animation

Squash and Stretch, Anticipation, Staging, Straight Ahead and Pose to Pose, Follow through and overlapping, Slow in and out, Arcs, Secondary action, Timing, Exaggeration, Solid drawings, Appeal

How can we open Movie maker?

Start > All Programs > Windows Movie Maker

A view of the workspace that displays the sequence of your clips, is called...


Which is a type of balance that uses color, shapes and position?

Symmetrical Radial Asymmetrical

To enhance personal development, leadership, and career opportunities in STEM, whereby members apply and integrate these concepts through intracurricular activities, competitions, and related programs.


he following will help to create open communication in the workplace

Take notice of diversity keep your message positive and ensure that all employees are committed

Hard Skills are the _________ skills used to perform daily job functions.


The application of tools, materials, processes and systems to solve problems and extend human capabilities.

Technology education

When watched by an audience, side by side shots

Tell a story Seem linked Don't always flow togethe

The rate at which the music moves measured in beats per minute



The ability to understand and share the feelings of another

technology education

The application of tools, materials, processes and systems to solve problems and extend human capabilities.


The code that allows two software programs to communicate with each other.


The deliberate effort to modify a portion of Earth's surface through the cultivation of crops and the raising of livestock for sustenance or economic gain.

What is saturation

The intensity of the color


The length of one cycle (in feet, inches, etc.) The distance measured in the direction of progression of a wave, from any given point characterized by the same phase. Share this:

Generation loss

The loss of quality between copies of data, usually analog formats (copies of copies) - unlike digital data where copies are identical as long as the format and size remains the same

Leadership style

The manner and approach of providing direction, implementing plans, and motivating people.

community service projects

The national program that guides students to develop, plan, carry out, and evaluate projects that improve the quality of life in their communities.

BPM (beats per minute)

The number of steady even pulses in music occurring in one minute and there fore defining the tempo of the song.

crop rotation

The practice of rotating use of different fields from crop to crop each year, to avoid exhausting the soil.

Data security

The process of protecting data from people with no access


The rate at which the music moves measured in Beats Per Minute (how many steady even pulses there are in the music per minute).

Intellectual property license

The reclaim ownership of your patent, copyright, or trademark

Communication skills

The transferring information. Ex. verbal (written or oral), non-verbal (body language), and listening. Must be respectful, positive/constructive feedback, open-minded, empathy, confidence, friendly, clear and concise.

Fair use

The use of copyrighted material for a limited and transformative reason


These are divided into two separate categories. Input channels are those channels coming into the soundboard such as microphones and direct lines. Output channels are those leaving the board such as monitor and main outputs.

Which of the following is a characteristic of vector graphics?

They are based on mathematical/geometric expressions

What can be said about cool colors

They fall back in design

All of these are the reasons why cut-away shots are useful, EXCEPT for...

They make your film longer with more people shots.


This is the step where film-makers showcase their work.

Create a Shot List

This is the step where you might need to create a budget, depending on the complexity of your project. You must write down all of the footage and interviews you'll need to make your movie.

Make a Plan

This is the step where you must create an outline. Think about HOW you're going to tell your story.


This is used to filter out and adjust specific frequencies in the PA. This is the part of the PA where you have the most control over the band's overall sound. It is also the number one weapon against feedback.

Write a Script

This step describes what the audience is seeing AND hearing. It pinpoints the most compelling elements of your story and start crafting "mini-scenes" around those events.

The purpose of the "collections" section is:

To display any pictures or music clips that have already been imported


To gain unauthorized access to someones info

initiative meaning

To take charge


Transferring information from one place to another, either verbally, non-verbally, or by listening.

____ controls how your movie plays from one picture or video clip to the next.


Movements as one picture or video clip changes to another.


What does a microphone do?

Translates acoustical waves into electrical waves

TSA stands for

Transportation Security Administration

____ hides parts of a file or clip without deleting them from the original source.


A group of shots filmed at different times but edited together is called a sequence.


Adobe InDesign is ideal for layout design of online magazines, printed books, and brochures.


Allowing the actors (or objects) to leave and re-enter the frame can solve issues related to screen direction.


Bad editing can ruin a good movie.


Bad editing can ruin a good movie.True or false?


Both, Photoshop and Illustrator software are part of the Adobe brand.


Color should support the message in any visual


Documentaries describe a non-fiction movie that in some way "document" or capture reality.


Layering makes audio more interesting, by communicating different kinds of information at the same time.


Lossless formats preserve all the original data, but the compression ratios aren't good enough to make them practical.


Lossy compression means that some of the video data is lost.


Movie maker is available on most newer Microsoft computers.


People make the best cut-away shots


Re-compression causes degradation when you transfer between formats.


Software comparison: Inkscape is to Illustrator as GIMP is to Photoshop.


The higher the sample rate, the better the quality and the bigger the file size.


There are two ways to go about color creation: by mixing light or by mixing paint on paper.


To delete any part of the timeline, select the item and press "delete"


Video formats are the structure in which videos are stored in a computer file.


Virtual Reality is an animation technology that allows a user to immerse and interact with an artificial and realistic environment.


We can create animations by using rollover and/or morphing.


When creating an MP3 version of an audio CD, it requires the permission of the copyright owner


You can add narration to your timeline by speaking into a microphone attached to the computer.


You should always film things coming and going from the same direction during one sequence, (all left to right OR right to left). This is called the 180-degree rule.


You should always film things coming and going from the same direction during one sequence. (all left to right OR all right to left). This is called the 180 degree rule.




It is fine to edit together a variety of shots.

True- Sure, as long is it's close to the original event. Editing is an art form, everyone knows its not what really happened.

Types/Categories of Animation:

Types/Categories of Animation: Frame-Based (Flip book) Animation of a series of continuous frames, where each frame shows the graphic moved slightly in position each frame to create a continuous motion when placed together with all frames. Vector (Path) Animation where the movement is defined by where the movement is defined by computer generated formulas to create paths of movement. * Small file size with clean images * Utilizies tweening of keyframes 2 Dimensional (2D) Animation exists in two dimensions. Has a flat look. Example: Cartoons such as Scooby Doo, The Simpsons The Simpsons or Family Guy Family Guy Animation 3 Dimensional (3D) Animation exists in three dimensions * Has depth, and more realistic in appearance Example: Video games like Halo or Madden or Example: Video games like Halo or Madden or 3D movies


Used for saving video and movie files on the internet. Contains a single or multiple tracks that store audio, text, video and effects. This can also be made compatible with Windows and Mac Platforms.


Used in cinematography and photography and is the action of swivelling a still or video camera horizontally from a fixed position. This motion is similar to the motion of a person when they turn their head on their neck from left to right. ... In other words, the camera moves perpendicular to the direction it is pointed


Used in storing visual and audio streams online. This mainly utilizes a separate compression intended for video and audio tracks.

Straight Ahead & Pose-To-Pose Action

Used to push movements further to add more appeal to an action and to make characters and objects more dynamic.

Secondary Action

Used to support or emphasize the main action. It adds more dimension to your characters and objects.

2D Animation

Uses two dimensions of movement in animation, has a flat look in appearance. Easy for beginners.


Using a "to do" list or task plan to monitor and adjust priorities. It helps prioritizing task and achieving goals.

Planning and organizing skills

Using a "to do" list or task plan to monitor and adjust priorities. This skill helps a person to plan, prioritize, and achieve goals. Also prepares a person to deal more effectively with challenges and changes.

Timing and Motion

Using it correctly, allows to control the mood and the reaction of your characters and objects. It refers to the number of frames between two poses and how those individual frames are placed.

All of these are PROs for CorelDraw software, EXCEPT for...

Very easy to use

Career and Technical Student Organization

Vocational student organization; nonprofit, national organization with state and local chapters that exist to develop leadership skills and good citizenship among members. Each organization is composed of vocational students interested in specific and related occupational areas.

An international community that work together to develop standards for the WWW. Its mission is to lead the web to its full potential by developing relevant protocols and guidelines.


Windows Media Audio


How is the power of editing shown with the video of the man and the baby?

We are not aware that the baby and the man cannot see each other.

Slow In & Out

When objects come to a standstill after being in motion, different parts of the object will stop at different rates. Also, not everything on an object will move at the same rate.

Web 2.0

When we got moved from a read-only internet to a "read/write" internet. They could not only access information, but also send information back to the server to get more targeted information or other user generated results.


When you copy someone else's work and publish it as your own

Designers need to...

Work well with others, create original concepts, think creatively

What color symbolizes joy


Can we record an audio or video directly from Windows Movie Maker?


Does Movie Maker program used for making or creating a movie or film?


Is this program useful in education?

Yes, it is useful for different especially education

Editing is almost an art form because

You are blending together images and sound to make a connected piece

Editing is an art form because...

You are blending together images and sound to make a connected piece.

Editing is invisible if

You only used perfectly matched cuts. The audience doesn't notice the editing.


a chemical or natural substance added to soil or land to increase its fertility

Stop motion animation (Claymation, Cut-outs)

a cinematographic technique whereby the camera is repeatedly stopped and started, for example to give animated figures the impression of movement.

Cut in shots

a closeup shot of something visible in the main scene

What is a cut-in shot?

a closeup shot of something visible in the main scene

Lossless Compression

a data compression algorithm that allows the original data to be perfectly reconstructed from the compressed data

To get a cut right, you need...

a good actor, who will follow directions perfectly every time a good editor, who will spend the time to match things up perfectly a good director, who will order a variety of shots a good camera man, who will keep rolling just in case Answer: All, but mostly B

Wide Shot

a shot that shows the subject within their surrounding environment.. This shot tells the audience who is in the scene, where the scene is set, and when the scene takes place

What is a trademark?

a symbol, word, or words legally registered or established by use as representing a company or product.

A video effect determines how...

a video clip, picture or title displays in your project and final movie.

All of these are CONs for Photoshop software, EXCEPT for...

able to share files in social media

Rule of Thirds

aligning a subject with the guide lines and their intersection points, placing the horizon on the top or bottom line, or allowing linear features in the image to flow from section to section.

an electronic device for increasing the amplitude of electrical signals


A project contains the _____ and ______ information of...

arrangement, timing, video/audio clips/transitions/effects/titles that you add to the story board/time line

A collection contains what?

audio clips, video clips, or pictures that you have imported or captured in Windows Movie Maker

Ambient sounds are...

background noises that create a sense of place

Ambient Noise

background sound during audiometric testing

Vocational, nonprofit, and national student organizations, with state and local chapters that exist to develop leadership skills and good citizenship among members, with specific occupational areas.

career & technical student organizations

What does contiguous clip mean?

clips were captured together so that the end time of one clip is the same as the start time of the next clip

You can __________ two or more __________ video clips

combine, contiguous

Select all the options that are true for Codec

compressor/decompressor an algorithm (math formula) use for reducing size in a sound/video file. code/decode

A collection acts as a _____ for _____.

container, clips

project file

contains info about the files that have been imported or captured into the current project, and how files or clips have been arranged.

you can combine contiguous clips in the ________ or on the _________.

contents pane, story board/timeline

Select ALL the responsibilities of a sound editor:

create ambiance tracks cut layers of special effects cleans up dialogue tracks

How to remove the dotted selection lines

ctrl D

If you do transfer between formats, remember that re-compression causes ________



depth, stability, trust, faith, truth, confidence, calmness, tranquility. Good for the mind and body.

Title animation...

determines how your title or credit displays in your movie.

The process of converting audio signals into numbers that represent the waveform

digital recording

Prevents unauthorized redistribution of digital media and restrict the ways consumers can copy content they've purchased.

digital right management

any undesirable change or error in the reproduction of sound that alters the original signal.


All of these are true about Work Based Learning, EXCEPT for?

does NOT give students a clear direction about what they want to do after graduation

All of these are CONs for InDesign software, EXCEPT for...

easy to drag-drop isolated layers

All of these are CONs for CorelDraw software, EXCEPT for...

easy to use freehand brush

Method used to attract attention in a design using a focal point is called ________.


electronic device that acts as active filters used to boost or attenuate certain frequencies.


This tool helps you pick a color

eye dropper tool

Containers as a type of ________, all of which can contain words and other things like photographs, or cartoons, and yet each one works in a different way

file extension

Lossy formats are...

files with audio information reduced/compressed good to distribute over the internet .OGG file types

In the Testing phase of the Design Thinking Process, designers...

find a solution, go back if experienced problems and see how those problems are fixed or if there are new problems, role play, etc.

All of these are characteristics of vector (3-D) animation, EXCEPT for...

flat look

Video compression software works by looking for redundancies in a _____


The number of waves (or cycles) arriving at or passing a point in one second, expressed in hertz, is called...


the number of waves (or cycles) arriving at or passing a point in one second,expressed in hertz


Mini-documentaries are good for...

getting a message or story across in a limited amount of time. sharing the story/mission of a non-profit organization or business.

Unauthorized intrusion into a computer or a network. It can destroy, steal or prevent authorized users from accessing the system.


All of these are PROs for GIMP software, EXCEPT for...

highly improved performance


how people attempt to present themselves to control or shape how others (called the audience) view them.

You purchased a video and your friend asked you to make copies to give to others. You tell your friend that you don't want to go to jail for copyright __________.


How is splitting a video useful?

insert either a picture or a video transition in the middle of a clip

Any creation of the human mind, such as inventions, literary and artistic works, design, and symbols, names and images used in commerce is called...

intellectual property


larger file sizes and blurry images when blown up bitmap images made of millions of tiny squares, called pixels


made of thin lines and curves known as paths images can be sized and scaled repeatedly without losing resolution

Windows MM has _____ transition selections.


The Design Thinking Process is used in

maps software computers and smart devices houses posters and advertising web sites cars

Other names for a mini-documentary are...

mini-doc short film

All of these are PROs for InDesign software, EXCEPT for...

not too powerful graphic tools

a range of tones where the highest tone occurs at twice the frequency of the lowest tone.


By saving your projects, you can...

open the project file later and begin editing it in Windows Movie Maker from where you last saved.

consistent and continuous speed


____ is like the Eraser tool, Blur tool, and it also helps add color to the picture

paint brush

Exclusive rights granted by a government to an inventor to manufacture, use, or sell an invention for a certain number of years (usually 14 to 20 years).


You can add a transition between two....

pictures, video clips, or titles, in any combination, on the storyboard/timeline

______ is a form of ________ infringement.

piracy - copyright

The perception of frequency by the ear


The perception of frequency by the ear, is called...


You turned in a research paper and you used the internet to help you. However, you forgot to cite all work you found in the internet and your teacher failed you. When you asked your teacher, she said you committed ____


What are some of the reasons behind workplace conflict?

poor management. unfair treatment. unclear job roles. inadequate training. poor communication. poor work environment.

Which of these answers is NOT a definition of sound?

pressure waves of space

Containers as a type of ________, all of which can contain words and other things like photographs, or cartoons, and yet each one works in a different way.


This tool helps you delete the background without erasing your picture

quick selection

In the Prototype phase of the Design Thinking Process, designers...

repeat quickly, alter prototype, retest, etc.

Repetition or alternation of elements that creates a sense of movement is called ________.


how fast a digital recorder or player samples a signal.

sample rate

Monochromatic color scheme uses...

shades or tints of the same hue

Monochromatic color scheme uses...


Geometric and organic are which elements of design?


What is the Foley Artist?

sound effect technique for creating live effects for movies sound effect technique for creating live effects for movies named after Jack Foley, a sound editor for Universal Studios matches live sound effects with the action of movies sound effects that are laid manually and not cut in with the movie

You can ____ a video into ____ _____s.

split, two clips

What are the two trim points?

start trim point and end trim point

You can split a clip that appears on the _________ of a current project, or you can split the clip in the __________.

storyboard/timeline, Contents pane

When watched by an audience, side by side shots...

tell a story seem linked don't always flow together

The rate at which the music moves measured in Beats Per Minute


Transitions are stored in ...

the Video Transitions folder in the Collections pane

What is the description/definition of an instructional designer?

the creation of learning experiences and materials in a manner that results in the acquisition and application of knowledge and skills

special effects

the effect or impression used to produce materials that cannot be achieved by normal techniques

File Extensions

the endings of file names that indicate to the computer the format for how the underlying bits are organized. or filename suffix is usually three, four or more characters at the end of computer file names divided by a dot.File extensions are useful to computer programs and operating systems like Windows or macOS (OS X), and basically telling them, what kind of data and file type they are working with and what associated program opens the file.

trim points

the points where playback of a file or clip begins and ends

What is animation?

the process of creating the illusion of movement with a sequence of images


the process of preparing all the elements of a video production, including planning, storyboarding, script writing, scheduling, props, camera angles and locations before the filming


the state or process of rotting; break down; decay.

Lower Thirds

the text on the bottom part of the screen that identify the speaker's name and title

Audio Branding

the use of sound to reinforce brand identity


the video editing, sound editing and effects Review the following videos as an introduction to video production

Any creation of the human mind, such as inventions, literary and artistic works, design, and symbols, names and images used in commerce is called...


Codec as the way of displaying the _________ you want in your publication


All of these are PROs for Photoshop software, EXCEPT for...

very easy to use

The length of a sound wave in air, is called...

wave length

the length of a sound wave in air

wave length


when the editor varies the length of the shots and, thus, guides the viewers in their emotional response to the scene.


work done on a film or recording after filming or recording has taken place

Combining clips is useful if...

you have several short clips and you want to view them as one clip on the storyboard/timeline

Editing is invisible if...

you only use perfectly matched cuts The audience doesn't notice the editing

In the 3rd clip, the editor convinces the audience that the man is hungry. How?

By adding a clip of a hamburger.

How do titles and credits let you enhance your movie?

By adding text-based information to your movie

Check Legal and Copyright Issues

This step should be kept in mind from the very beginning and throughout the ENTIRE film-making process.

Begin Editing

This step should create a "roller coaster" ride of emotion, some parts fast, some part slow to create a dynamic viewing experience.

Advanced Systems Format


Audio Video Interleave


Flash Video

.flv OR .swf

All of these are common animation formats, EXCEPT for...



.mov OR .qt

A saved project has the ______ file extension.

.mswmm (microsoft windows movie maker)

What year was Web 1.0 developed?


There are ___ trim points


The length of a mini-documentary should be...

2-25 minutes

This web version functioned like a large reference book.


What is Adobe PhotoShop?

A graphics editing tool

Common Animation Formats:

Animated GIF, SWF, MOV, AVI

What is animation?

Animation is movement of graphics or text

Virtual Reality:

Animation technology that allows a user to immerse and interact with an artificial, realistic environment


Extra footage that isn't the primary shot, used for montages, backgrounds, and cutaways.

Examples of sound files:


Good editing can save a bad movie.


Good editing can save a bad movie. True or False?


Codec as the way of displaying the _________ you want in your publication.

Not data nor transmission is the right answer

A range of tones where the highest tone occurs at twice the frequency of the lowest tone, is called...


a range of tones where the highest tone occurs at twice the frequency of the lowest tone.


consistent and continuous speed


____ is like the Eraser tool, Blur tool, and it also helps add color to the picture

Paint brush

Which PhotoShop tool can you use to draw a solid square with rounded edges?

Rounded Rectangle Tool

Subtle behaviors and communication style that is used in the work environment and interactions with others is called...

Soft skills

Web 1.0

The beginning of the internet and uses the browser to access hosting servers and get information. Known as the "read-only" internet. Pages are connected by hyper links and did not interact with the sites themselves in terms of returning user-generated data.

What is different about the editing of the 2nd clip, of the same man and a woman?

The only difference is the clip of the woman replaced the baby. The editing changed the audiences perception of the man's emotion.

A "matched cut" in editing means

There is continuity from one shot to the next.

Solid Drawing

Understanding form and anatomy, weight and volume, and lights and shadows. Creating an accurate drawing with volume and weight, and thinking about balance, and the anatomy in a pose.

CorelDraw is a


Illustrator is a


InDesign is a


Inkscape is a


On the web, a(n) ________ is a collection of multiple _________.

Website, webpages

Web 3.0

When a search engines or assistants will be able to scrape all of this information and present it to the user in a very intelligent way, even making highly accurate and favorable suggestions based on the user's profile.

What color symbolizes cleanliness


List examples of what is considered a Web 2.0 tool?


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