Developmental Psych Exam 2

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What is not true of Infant Directed Speech?

IDS is a universal practice across cultures

How does the element of surprise aid in the process of active learning in infants and children, according to some child psychologists?

Infants and children are more likely to search for explanations to unexpected events

The violation of expectancy procedure provides evidence of what basic assumption about infants understanding of their world?

Infants will look longer at an impossible event than at a possible event

_____ involves the mastery of the symbolic creations of others and the creation of new symbolic representations.

Symbolic proficiency

what do nativists and empiricist agree on?

The development of the hippocampus is related to improvements in spatial learning

Between 6-12 months of age, infants typically experience a linguistic perceptual narrowing. What effect does this change have on their language development?

They become increasingly less sensitive to nonnative speech sounds

Lily is 5 years old. Lily is MOST likely:

able to make logical inferences about time only when the situation does not involve distracting features.

According to Dweck, whether a child meets a new challenge with a sense of excitement or with a sense of anxiety depends on that child's

achievement motivation

Dr. Moniz studies concept development in children through examining how children actively attempt to understand the world. Dr. Moniz is emphasizing the _____ theme.

active child

Fourteen-month-old Stevie watched his older brother play the flute for the first time. He then walked over to his toy box and picked up a cylindrical block and blew into it. Stevie is demonstrating:

active learning

_____ is learning by acting on the world, rather than by passively observing objects and events.

active learning

Baby Cade's sucking reflex has _____ value, whereas his tonic neck reflex is not known to be associated with any benefit.


Sigmund Freud believed the purpose of internalization was

adopting as one's own the attributes, beliefs, and standards of the same-sex parent.

An infant learning the association between tone of voice and facial expression is an example of:


Nine-month-old Tobin has learned that a cup of milk can be spilled. This shows she has discovered _____.


Seven month old Trevor has learned that small round objects can be rolled across a flat surface. Trevor's discovery is an example of which developmental process?


Dodge's approach to social cognition centers on the use of -- as a problem solving strategy


In the category hierarchy "living things/reptiles/snakes," "reptiles" is at the _____ level.


Three-year-old Sammy understands that bears are animals but has trouble with understanding the different types of bears. Sammy understands bears at the _____ level.


Preschoolers Ahmed and Max are talking together. Ahmed says that his father is old. Max says that he likes cars. etc. According to Piaget, Ahmed and Max are engaging in ---

collective monologues

Ray is 9 months old and has the strength to lift his midsection off the floor. Once he coordinates his hands and knees, he will be able to:


According to the text, _____ appears to be a major factor in infants' development of a sense of space, independent of their own location.


According to Piaget, children's encoding of spatial objects relative to their own body is referred to as

egocentric spatial representations

Parental-investment theory stresses the --- basis of many aspects of parental behavior


Six-month-old Lucia watches her brother hide behind a half-open door and then resumes playing with her toy. While Lucia is not looking, her brother leaves the room. Suddenly, their mother enters the room, opening the door until it is touching the wall behind it. Lucia gazes at the door in amazement because her _____ was violated.


Children fail _____ problems when they do not fully comprehend that others can have different beliefs than they themselves possess.

false belief

Stella uses the word "food" to indicate that she wants to eat. Her tendency to use a single word to communicate an entire phrase suggests that Stella is in which phase of language development?

holophrastic period

Beginning sometime in high school, Bernie lost his way. He failed to find his niche and drifted into an aimless life of odd jobs and drug use. In Erik Erikson's terms, Bernie failed to solve the _____ crisis.

identity versus role confusion

Research carried out by Carol Dweck in New York City public schools suggested that when given an intervention to modify math scores over time, the children receiving instruction on _____ showed positive change in motivation and improvement in grades.

incremental theory

Researchers design an experiment in which 8-10 month old infants are placed in a highchair with a string attached to one of their arms. When they lift their arms, the string tips a small cup that spills cereal onto the table in front of them. A few weeks later, these same infants are placed in a different chair, but outfitted with a similar string and cup mechanism. The fact that these infants will remember that lifting their arms will result in cereal being dispensed is an example of

instrumental conditioning

Elementary school children are generally in a period of psychosexual development that Sigmund Freud termed _____.


Fourteen-month-old Nesta is watching a faceless, eyeless blob vocalize and move in response to whatever Nesta does. When the faceless, eyeless blob turns in one direction, Nesta will probably:

look in that direction as well

Seven-month-old Hakim is looking at a picture of a meadow in which the closer trees and animals block the objects that are farther away. Hakim appears to be sensitive to the picture's use of interposition, which is a type of _____ depth cue.


According to Capsi and colleagues, children who posses a particular variant of the MAOA gene are ---- to the negative effects of child abuse

more resilient

The smallest units of meaning in a language, such as the English words dog or mom, are called ------


In a study discussed in the text, 7-month-olds whose brains showed greater _____ while observing an experimenter produce a goal directed action were later more likely to _____

mu rhythm; imitate the action

Emily is given two pictures: one shows a flower, a word she already knows, and the other shows a unicorn, something she does not know. When asked to point to the "unicorn" Emily points to the unknown image, which is the unicorn. What assumption is she making in order to learn the new word?

mutual exclusivity

The belief that infants are born with some sense of fundamental concepts, such as time, space, and number, is a basic component of---


The proposed existence of a theory of mind module, which is the brain mechanism devoted to understanding other human beings, is most closely associated with advocates of which position?


While holding her 7-month-old daughter, Angela notices that her daughter watching her siblings play and pays close attention to them, and seems to learn from them. Angela's daughter is demonstrating learning from developing a simple theory of:

naïve psychology.

Raul is playing with his 2-month-old brother. He brings a stuffed cat closer to his face until he blinks. The blinking is an indication that his infant brother is sensitive to _____ cues.

optical expansion

Eli has a friend who is a new father. This man knows that Eli is taking a psychology course and asks him what he can expect during the first year of his child's development. Based on Sigmund Freud's stages of development, Eli tells the new father that the first stage his child will pass through is called the _____ stage.


Three-month-old Xavier puts everything in his mouth. This is because infants younger than 4 months of age learn about their environment primarily through _____ exploration.


Xavier picked up his one-month old nephew and put the two faces together. Immediately, his nephew opened his mouth the closer Xavier moved his face toward his nephew. Xavier's nephew does this because he wants to learn about Xavier through _____ exploration.


When asked how she likes her dinner, Samantha replies, "Pizza is the bestest!" Her exclamation would be BEST described as an example of what error of language development commonly seen in early childhood?


Three-month-old Hector associates the sight of his bottle with the taste of his milk. This is an example of _____ learning.


One month old Bella is shown a small cube that is close to her. Next she is shown a larger cube that is farther away from her. Because the two cubes are at different distances from Bella, they appear to be the same size. Bella's actions indicate that she recognizes that the second cube is larger, signifying that she has

perceptual constancy

A 6 month old and 9 month old are shown photographs of two different ostriches, a bird which neither has seen before. The 6 month old has an easier time distinguishing between the 2 different birds than does the 9 month old. The poorer performance of the 9 month old is a result of what phenomenon?

perceptual narrowing

In systematic desensitization, a _____ response is gradually conditioned to stimuli that initially elicited a highly _____ response.

positive; negative

2 year old Ravi goes to the zoo with his mother. Even though he has never heard of a giraffe or seen one before, when his mother points to an animal and calls it a "giraffe" Ravi then calls the animal a giraffe. This shows Ravi's use of ___

pragmatic cues

Learning that a phrase can have multiple meanings, and that one can express a single meaning in multiple ways, is one aspect of:

pragmatic development

A group of adults is using a sarcastic tone of voice to discuss a topic. Yolanda, who is 5, does not understand their sarcasm and takes them seriously. She has not yet fully developed _______.


Jane is a 2 month old infant. She wants to get her hands on the rattle that is laying next to her; however, all she can do is make very clumsy swiping movements in the general vicinity of the toy. Jane's movements are known as

pre-reaching motions

Actually speaking, writing, and reading is referred to as language _____.


In order to actually learn and use words, infants must first learn to associate words with specific meanings. This concept is referred to as-----.


The process of perception occurs when the brain organizes and interprets _____ information.


The last concept to develop as infants learn about support relations between objects is:

shape of supported object

An important aspect of _____ knowledge that emerges relatively early is the understanding that the behavior of others is purposive and goal-direct


The most specific level within a category is called:


Jesse understands that he must say, "Push me on the swing," and not, "Swing me on the push." Jesse has attained an understanding of:


One example of a clinical procedure developed from learning theory is:

systematic desensitization.

Which level of Bronfenbrenner's bioecological model would account for how changes in a society's customs over time affect the development of a child?

the chronosystem

Lisa's peers are picking on her at recess because she wears glasses. Which level of Bronfenbrenner's bioecological model is affecting Lisa?

the microsystem

Miguel, whose first language is Spanish, is finding that his 3-year-old daughter is learning English much more quickly and easier than he is. This is evidence that:

the neural circuitry supporting language learning operates differently (and better) during the early years.

Thirteen-month-old Veretta watches as a book is released in midair but remains suspended because it is touching a platform. According to the text, Veretta can MOST likely discern:

the shape of the supported object

The term theory of mind refers to:

the understanding of how different processes of the mind work and how they influence behavior.

The notion that children have a specialized _____ is supported by brain maturation over a child's first 5 years and by the difficulties that children with autism spectrum disorder have understanding other people

theory of mind module (TOMM)

Dual representation is ones ability to-----

understand a symbolic artifact as both a real object and as a symbol for something else

Bandura's Bobo Doll experiment demonstrated

vicarious reinforcement

What is a possible explanation for why young infants tend to have more trouble with auditory localization than older infants and children do?

young infants have smaller heads, which makes it more difficult for them to perceive whether a sound is closer to one ear or another

According to Sigmund Freud, who is most likely to be in the phallic stage?

a 4 year old

Each of Eriksons stages are characterized by

a crisis that the individual must resolve

According to Sigmund Freud, the process of forming a male gender identity takes place mainly in the _____ stage of psychosexual development.


The first step in children's language learning is mastery of the sound system of their native language. This concept is known as _________ development.


A deeper understanding of the cultural contexts of language-including shifts in tone and body language which allow two strangers who speak the same language to successfully communicate- is known as----


Kamar counts his candy outloud. He has 9 pieces but at the end holds one up and announces "I have 7 pieces of candy" Kamar lacks---


What is the term that describes the study of behavior within an evolutionary context?


The understanding that two objects are separate, even when they are touching, is referred to as

object segregation

social learning theory emphasizes--- as the primary mechanisms of development

observation and imitation

The first signs of superego development appear during which stage of Freud's psychoanalytic theory?


An example of sociodramatic play

playing school

Malala strokes the cheek of her newborn daughter and the baby turns her head in the direction of Malala's touch and opens her mouth. This is an example of the _____ reflex.


5 week old Johnny is touched on the cheek and promptly turns his head to the side that was touched. This displays Johnny's

rooting reflex

One-year-old Makala is having eye surgery to correct a condition that would hamper her normal binocular vision. The condition that is being corrected is:


Seven-month-old Erik watches as a toy is released in midair but remains suspended because it is touching a platform. According to the text, Erik can MOST likely discern:

the amount of contact

In order for Margaret to use a map to find her campground, she must have both an understanding that it is a piece of paper with lines and colors on it, and an understanding that the lines and colors on it depict roads, water, mountains, and so on. Margaret must grasp _____ in order to read the map.

dual representation

_____ is the view that living things have something inside them that makes them what they are.


Research in which 12- and 15-month-old infants were introduced to a faceless, eyeless blob suggested that older infants attribute intentions and goals to:

inanimate objects if they behave like animate objects.

Research by Gelman and Kalish suggests that infants tend to decide objects into three general categories. What are these?

inanimate objects, people, other animals

A baby learns that if he kicks, the mobile above him moves. This is an example of _____ conditioning.


Four-month-old Mariah is allowed to hold and feel, but not see, a pair of rings that are connected by a string. When she is shown that pair of rings along with another pair that are held together with a rigid bar, she recognizes the pair that are connected with the string. Mariah is demonstrating the phenomenon of _____ perception.


The tendency of an infant to look longer at a smiling face paired with a happy voice is an indication of the infant's

intermodal perception

Lily is 5 years old. She has recently begun copying what her mother says, how she behaves, and what she wears. Sigmund Freud would likely call Lily's behavior:


a person with an entity view of intelligence believes that his or her intelligence level

is fixed and unchangeable

What is the significance of the false belief problem?

it illustrates that very young children do not understand that other people act on their own beliefs, even when those beliefs are false

Fast-mapping is demonstrated when children:

learn a word after hearing it contrasted to a known word.

In Erik Erikson's industry versus inferiority stage, children try to:

master new skills.

Even very young infants are especially attracted to faces. They look longer at

more attractive faces

There are 3 groups of 3 things in front of Suzie and she realizes they share the trait of 3ness. What is she demonstrating?

numerical equality

13 month old Christian calls all men "Dad" this is an example of---


Seventeen-month-old Monica sees a truck and calls it a car. Monica is demonstrating:


What is a parenting style influenced by Watson's theory?

rigid and strict

A mom pulls a coin magically from son's ear. Ho would he respond?

searching mothers arms and hands for solution

Human beings use _____ to represent and communicate thoughts, feelings, and knowledge.


Using the structure of a sentence to derive the meaning of a novel word is known as ____.

syntactic bootstrapping

At which level of Bronfenbrenner's bioecological model do the consequences of maltreatment primarily manifest themselves?

the microsystem

The idea that the human brain contains innate and self contained models used for specific cognitive functions, such as language, is known as---

the modularity hypothesis

according to Skinner, everything we do in life is an operant response influenced by

the outcomes of past behavior

Alana has a friend who is a mother. Knowing that Alana is taking a psychology course, she asks Alana what she can expect during the toddler years of her child's development. Based on Sigmund Freud's stages of development, Alana explains that her child will go through the _____ stage between about 1 and 3 years of age.


In Olivier Pascalis's study on infants' formation of face prototypes, he found that 6-month-olds discriminated among monkey faces just as well as they discriminated among human faces. This finding suggests that:

at 6 months of age, infants have yet to develop a well-organized prototype for human faces.

_____ localization is the perception of the spatial location of a sound source.


When 4-year-old Alice asks her father why her baby brother is crying, she is trying to understand:


In the "furniture/chair/La-Z-Boy" hierarchy, a child will most likely learn "_____" first.


Which developmental researcher relied on children's understanding of temporal and spatial relationships to inform his understanding of their cognitive limitations?


In Selman's stages of role taking, as children become less _____ in their reasoning, they become increasingly capable of considering multiple perspectives simultaneously.


_____ spatial representation refers to the coding of spatial locations relative to one's own body without regard to the surroundings.


What was the conclusion of the cross-cultural studies on picture perception discussed in the text?

Toddlers must have experience with pictorial media to understand the relationship between two-dimensional images and three-dimensional objects.

Chomsky's proposition that humans are born with an understanding of the basic principles and rules that govern all language is known as---

Universal Grammar

Which category level to children tend to form first?


Fifteen-month-old Macy is attempting to sit on a chair from her dollhouse. Macy is:

committing a scale error

Ted believes his dog likes to bark, go outside, and wag its tail due to its inner "dogginess" this is an example of


Experiments using the visual cliff have found that the fear of heights:

develops from the experience of crawling.

Which of the following represents the most typical organization of superordinate, subordinate, and basic levels that young children can form?


Which position argues that nature endows infants with only general learning mechanisms, such as the ability to perceive, attend, associate, generalize, and remember, but the rapid and universal formation of fundamental concepts such as time, space, number, causality, and mind arises from infants' massive exposure to experiences that are relevant to these concepts?


Nine-year-old Charles cannot wait to attend his first cartooning class. He is eager to learn and practice a new skill. Charles would be placed in Erik Erikson's fourth psychosocial crisis, which is the crisis of _____ versus inferiority.


Understanding that the behavior of others is purposive and goal directed is an aspect of

social knowledge

A number of studies indicate that infants appear to have at least some understanding of physical laws governing the behavior of objects as early as _____ month(s) of age


At what age does a child typically become capable of self-locomotion for the first time?

8 months

At about 3 to 4 months of age, infants begin successfully _____ for objects.


According to the text, the weakness in both the theories of Sigmund Freud and Erik Erikson relates to the idea that their major theoretical claims are:

too vague to be tested

Fourteen-month-old Donte learned that solid, flat surfaces afford stable walking, whereas squishy, slick, or steeply sloping ones do not. This shows that Donte has discovered:


Describe the counting principle of abstractions

any set of discrete objects or events can be counted

Studies have demonstrated that children learn and retain categories of animals and objects better if they:

are told why each item or animal is different.

In Krascum and Andrew's experiments, young children were better able to classify wigs and gillies after being told stories explaining each creatures' unique appearance. Their findings support the importance of

causal relationships

When a child takes apart his toy to see how it works, he or she is trying to understand _____.


An information-processing approach that emphasizes the simultaneous activity of numerous interconnected processing units is called:


Experiments in which children observe inanimate objects perform tasks provide evidence for the infants' understanding of which concept?

goal-directed behavior

5 month old Kenji is lying in his crib. His mother hides out of view, then pops out above him and yells Boo! Kenji squeals with delight, but after his mother repeats her actions a few times Kenji's excitement fades and he begins to pay attention to the mobile above his crib. Kenji's response is an example of


At 6 months, Ken has learned that, if he presses a button on his toy phone, it will play a song that makes him smile. This example illustrates:

instrumental conditioning

In research with macaque monkeys, _____ become(s) activated when the monkey engages in an action; it also is activated when the macaque merely observes another monkey (or a human) engage in an action, as though the macaque itself were engaging in the same action.

mirror neurons

Fourteen-month-old Carlos watches his older brother giggle and roll on the floor while watching a television show. Carlos then laughs and rolls on the floor whenever this program is on television. This is an example of:

observational learning

Elementary units of meaningful sounds that are used to produce languages are called:


The acquisition of knowledge about the sound system of a language is known as _____ development.


Which technique was used by Robert Fantz to study visual attention in infants?

preferential looking

Dr. Graham is studying the visual attention of a 1-month-old boy. She displays two different patterns on side-by-side screens. Because the baby looks longer at one of the patterns, Dr. Graham infers that the baby can indeed discriminate between the two patterns. Dr. Graham is practicing the _____ technique.


he term "collective monologues" is used to describe the common pattern of conversation among:


Eli is just beginning to engage in pretend play. MOST likely, Eli is which age?

18 months

At what age do children typically begin to try to produce representational art?

3-4 years

Enid smiles as she touches the rattle hanging above her while she lies on her back, but her efforts to grab the rattle fail. Enid is probably about _____ months old.


Who is MOST likely to have just begun drawing rudimentary pictures of people or faces?

4 year old

After the appearance of their first words, children typically develop their vocabulary slowly until they have a "spurt" at around 18 months, when they reach an average level of _____ productive vocabulary words.


Randy's lab partner observes him chewing on a pencil and insists he has an oral fixation. Randy also tends to talk a lot, chew his nails, and smoke cigarettes. Considering Sigmund Freud's oral and anal stages of development, one might conclude that:

Randy experienced a frustration in the first year of life.

Research has shown that which of the following statements about learning two languages simultaneously is FALSE?

Acquiring two languages simultaneously delays children's language development

Which statement is NOT consistent with an identity crisis?

An adult changes careers in her 30s.

A researcher presents an infant with two objects. To determine whether the infant is able to discriminate between the objects and favors one over the other, the researcher measures the amount of time the infant spends looking at each object. Which experimental technique is the researcher using?

Preferential-looking technique

Suja has a 3-year-old daughter with a vast vocabulary and the ability to converse in elaborate sentences. The view of language development proposed by _____ would suggest that Suja taught her daughter language throughout her infancy.

B.F. Skinner

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