Diversity of living and non-living things.

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In which year was the periodic table produced?


What is class?

A class is a collection or division of people based on level of education, power, income, wealth, job or family name.

What is a tube/ethnic group?

A number of clans make up an ethnic group or tribe.

What is a specie?

A specie is a group of organisms which are so much alike in structure, function and characteristics that they can interbreed to produce fertile offspring.

Examples of Protoctista?

Amoeba, paramecium, Eugelna, protozoa, green algae, slime mould

Examples of Prokaryotae?

Bacteria Blue algae

What is binomial system of nomenclature?

Binomial system of nomenclature is a system of naming of naming organisms with two names indicating the genus and the species of the organism.

What is biodiversity?

Biodiversity is the variation of diversity of life forms found in a particular area.

What are living things made up of...


What is classification?

Classification is the process of sorting out things and putting them into groups which have common and basic characteristics.

What produced the periodic table?

Dimitre Mendeleev

What are the importance of classification?

Easily identify and study both living and non living things. Make a differentiation between organisms. Bring order in naming and identifying organisms. Help scientists by way of aiding communication between them. Bring out potential uses of living and non living things.

Respiration is made up of ...

Exchange of gases Cellular/Internal respiration

Does Amoeba exhibits both plant and animal characteristics?True/False


Is a Bacillus a protoctist? (True/False)


Is a cockroach a warm blooded?(True/False)


Reasons why animals move?

Find food and water Find shelter. Escape danger and avoid enemies Avoid unfavourable condition. Find mates or companions.

An organism having a definite cell wall, a nucleus but lacking chlorophyll is likely to belong to the kingdom...


Examples of locomotion in plants?

Growth in the plant. Roots moving towards source of water. Shoot towards light source

What is growth?

Growth is the ability if an organism to increase in size or weight due to an increase in the cytoplasm of the cell.

Examples of Animalia

Insects Toad Fish Monkey Bird

What is a clan?

It is a number of families who might have believed to have come from a common ancestor.

What is family?

It is the unit of the social group.

Name the Linnaeus system of classification? (systematically)

Kingdom Phylum/Division Class Order Family Genus Species

What is the basic thing which is common to living things...


The binomial system of nomenclature was developed by...


Examples of plantae?

Liverworts Mosses Ferns

What is the characteristic processes that all living organisms carry out whether they are plants or animals?

Living or life processes

Examples of living things?

Man Fowl Tree

Examples of animals?

Man Dog Fish Toad Bird

Examples of plants?

Mango Tree Fern Tomato plant Hibiscus plant

Characteristics of kingdom Protoctista or protista?

Many are unicellular with few multicellular species which do not show a high degree of differentiation. They have normal cell organelles but no tissue or organ. They have nucleus which is enclosed with nuclear membrane.

Which person is not associated with a classified system?


What are the characteristics of all living things or organisms?

Movement Respiration Sensitivity Growth Reproduction Excretion Nutrition

What is movement?

Movement is the act of moving the body or part of the body from one place to another.

Examples of fungi?

Mushroom Yeast Mould

The level of classifications that embraces the largest number of organisms is the...


Organisms which have their nuclear material diffused in the cytoplasm belong to the kingdom..


Which kingdom does bacteria belong to...


Name the five major kingdoms in the classification of living organisms?

Prokaryotae Fungi Plantae Protoctista Animalia

Which kingdom does green algae belong to?


A microscopic organism with the nucleus enclosed in a membrane belongs to the kingdom...


Which kingdom has a microscopic unicellular organism with nucleus enclosed in a membrane?


What is sensitivity?

Sensitivity is the ability of living thing to react or respond to changes in it's environment.

Examples of non living things?

Stone Pen Book Car

The branch of biology concerned with the principle of classification is called...


What are akaryotes?

These are nucleo protein particles with no nucleus.

Characteristics of king Dom of monera or prokaryotae?

They are microscopic They are unicellular organisms They have no definite nucleus They have cell wall.

Characteristics of kingdom of plantae?

They are multicellular organisms. They have chloroplast used to manufacture their own food by photosynthesis. They have cell walls made up of cellulose. They have nucleus enclosed by nuclear membrane.

Reasons why viruses are not classified under any of the five kingdoms?

They are non-living. They are not cells but particles. They have no nucleus, cytoplasm or cell membrane.

Feature that classify viruses as non living thing?

They cannot grow or reproduce on their own. They lack definite nucleus. They do not move.

Characteristics of kingdom of fungi?

They have definite nucleus. Their bodies are made up of branching tubes. They have no roots, stems, and leaves. They reproduce by means of spore formation.

Characteristics of kingdom of Animalia?

They have nucleus enclosed by nuclear membrane. They have no cell wall. They are multicellular organisms.

Features that classify viruses as living thing?

They reproduce when they are within other living cells They contain DNA/Nucleic acid .

Does Eugelna exhibits both plant and animal characteristics?True/False


Is a mouse a warm blooded?(True/False)


Is an Amoeba a protoctist? (True/False)


Comma-shaped bacteria are known as...


What are viruses?

Viruses are very tiny organisms that cannot be seen under light microscope but rather can be seen under electronic microscope.

The group to which reptiles is an example of is..

a class

Growth in an organism is due to...

addition of protoplasm

Bacteria are regarded as prokaryotae because they ...

do not have membrane-bound organelles.

The scientific name of an organism is derived from the...

genus and species.

Examples of locomotion in animals?

lifting the arm Turning the neck blinking the eye

Linnaeus system of classification of living things is based on...

natural relationships.

A virus is basically composed of ...

protein and either DNA or RNA

The lowest group into which an organism can be classified is ....


Aristotle classification of living organisms was based on the...

structural similarities and differences in the organisms.

A person involved in the study of taxonomy is called...


Contributions of Carolus Linnaeus to biological classification?

- Grouped organisms based on their body plan. - Classified organisms on the basis of their features or how their bodies were built.

Contribution of Aristotle to biological classifications?

- Grouping organisms into plants and animals - Grouping plants into trees, shrubs and herbs. - Sorted out and grouped animals by looking at the way they moved.

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