DOD Hazmat Tech part 2 2020

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Offensive Mode

"Aggressive" leak, spill, and fire control objectives with hands-on direct approach. Increase the risk emergency responders, the risk may be justified if rescue operations can be quickly achieved, if the soil can be rapidly confined or contained, or if the fire can be quickly extinguished.

Defensive Mode

"Less aggressive" objectives. Achieved by seeking to confine the emergency to a given area without directly contacting the material using specific types of defensive tactics, such as diverting or diking the hazmat. Conceding certain areas to the emergency while directing response efforts toward limiting the overall size or spread of the problem.

Non-bulk containers

May be damaged or undamaged with or without product release.


Specific, Measurable, Action oriented, Realistic, Time sensitive.


To put out a fire completely


1. Flammable 2. Oxygen enriched 3. Oxygen deficient 4. Toxic

Pre- Entry Activities

1. Initial briefing. 2. Not permitted to enter the hot zone until PPE is selected and approved. 3. Back up teams and technical decon are in place and fully operational.

Preserving and collection of legal evidence

1. Marker pen 2. Ties 3. Ruler 4. Camera 5. Quick slitter 6. Flashlight 7. Drop cloths 8. Plastic bags 9. Liquid/biological/air sampling packages 10. Log (information) form

Action options and response objectives

1. Offensive Mode 2. Defensive Mode. 3. Nonintervention Mode.

Components for an Incident action plan.

A plan of action typically protects responders and the public from the potential hazards at an incidents. (Pre-incident surveys, Incident priorities, Response modes, Strategic goals and Tactical objectives).

Vapor Dispersion

Action taken to direct or influence the course of airborne hazardous materials.

Elimination of Ignition Sources

All ignition sources must be eliminated as well as grounding and bonding.

Atmospheric hazards

Always approach a confined space problem with the attitude that the atmosphere inside the space is flammable, oxygen enriched or oxygen deficient, and toxic (FOOT). HMT should be familiar with OSHA regulations on safety hazards associated with incidents involving confined spaces. Never enter a confined space for any operation with using a SCBA or airline his unit.

Toxic atmosphere

An Atmosphere above the PEL or the TLV does not necessarily prohibit entry into a confined space to perform rescue operations. Realize that the risk to the entry team increases significantly and there is no margin for error.

Oxygen Enriched

An oxygen enriched atmosphere is 23.5% or greater in oxygen content. Present responders with a significant risk because an increase in oxygen content increases the risk of fire or explosion.

Oxygen Deficient

An oxygen-deficient confined space has less than 19.5% oxygen. The less oxygen content, the greater the risk of the entry team if there is an air supply problem.

Pre-incident surveys

Assessment of a facility or location made before an emergency occurs, in order to prepare for an appropriate emergency response.


Barriers are constructed on ground or placed in a waterway to intentionally control the movement of a hazardous material away from gutters, drains, and/or storm sewers into an area where it will pose less harm to the community and the environment.


Barriers are constructed to prevent the movement of liquids, sludges, solids, or other materials to another area.


Blanketing the surface of the spill to prevent dispersion of materials such as powder or dusts. Blanketing of liquids is essentially the same as vapor suppression because it primarily uses an appropriate aqueous foam agent to cover the surface of the spill.


Chemical method of containment by which a hazmat is neutralized by applying a second material to the original spill that will chemically react with it to form a less harmful substance.

Air Driven portable pumps

Compressed air or inert gas product removal methods use a compressed gas (nitrogen or carbon dioxide) to move the contents of a damaged or overloaded cargo tank into a receiving tank.

Additional safety issues when entering IDLH

Cooling responders, preventing dehydration, medical monitoring, back up personnel in place, and working in teams of two.


Covering the surface of a spill to prevent dispersion of materials such as powders or dust. Covering of solids can be done with tarps, plastic sheeting, salvage covers, or other materials, but consideration must be given to compatibility.

Overpack Drum

Depending on the product contained in a drum, weights may be over 800 lbs. Responders can use a drum spenders or a dolly to move drums whenever possible. Should be oriented with bung holes on top when overpacked. Responders should mark and label the overpack container according to appropriate regulations and AHJ's SOP's. Weakened drums may breach when overpacked or handled, may be over pressurized and may be compromised if involved in transportation accident.

Non-Pressure cargo tank

Emergency shutoffs are usually manual and may be located at the front of the tank on the drivers side. The most likely location of a leak on a non-pressure cargo tank is the manhole and dome covers.

Chain of Custody

Evidence collection is a written history that must include each person who maintains physical control over the item throughout the process.


For Chlorine Control, The Chlorine institutes emergency kit "A" is deigned for use with 150 lbs. compressed gas cylinders.


For Chlorine Control, The Chlorine institutes emergency kit "B" is designed for use with chlorine ton containers. Contain and control leaks in and around ton container valves.


For Chlorine Control, The Chlorine institutes emergency kit "C" is contains devices to stop leaks at the safety valve or angle valves of standard chlorine tank cars, high pressure cargo tanks and high pressure inter-modals.

Vacuum trucks

Have mounted vacuums and can handle a variety of products including flammables and corrosives through suction.

Product removal and transfer consideration for overturned MC-306, 307, 312, 331, 338 Cargo tanks.

In many cases this decision should be left up to the appropriate technician specialist. Responders should know the size and compatibility of the receiving container. The HMT needs to know where such assistance can be obtained and must have an understanding of the procedures and safety considerations involved.

Assistant Safety Officer (Hazardous materials)

Is tasked with coordinating safety related activities that have a direct effect on hazmat branch operations.

Rolling Slide-in

Laying drum on its side and putting rollers underneath and rolling it into the overpack drum.

Incident priorities

Life safety, incident stabilization, protection of property and environment, and societal restoration.

The incident commander

May "modify" the mode of operation during the course of an incident from non-intervention to defensive to offensive or form offensive to defensive to nonintervention based on the complexity of the incident.

Non-bulk radioactive containers

May be damaged or undamaged with or without product release.

Nonintervention Mode

Means "taking no action" other than isolating the area. Made ti implement offensive or defensive strategic goals/tactical objectives that would place responders at an unacceptable risk. Potential costs of action far exceed any benefits (ex: BLEVE scenario).

Isolation of valves

Most valves can be closed by turning the valve wheel clockwise, unless they are damaged.


Movement of the contents of a damaged or overloaded cargo tank into an undamaged receiving tank. Often used when the container is too damaged to be moved.

Response modes

Offensive, defensive, and non-intervention

Safety Considerations

Only personnel involved should be in the general area of the transfer operations. Personnel should wear appropriate PPE, and equipment used in transfer must be compatible with materials involved.

Sidewall puncture

Orient drum so the leak is at the highest point. Use compatible plugging and/or patching equipment to stop the leak.

Vapor control

Physical method of confinement to reduce or eliminate the vapors emanating from a spilled or released material.

Pressure Isolation and Reduction

Physical or chemical method of containment by which the internal pressure of a closed container is reduced. the tactical objective is to reduce sufficiently the internal pressure in order to either reduce the flow or minimize the potential of a container failure.


Placing the overpack drum over the top of the leaking drum and manually rotating it upright. A device called a drum "up-ender" is available commercially to assist with this type of operation.

Vacuum pumps

Product removal method using a liquid pump to move the contents of a damaged or overloaded cargo tank into a receiving tank.

Incident action plan (IAP)

Provides a permanent record of the decisions made at the incident. IAP is based on the organizations standard operating procedures. Provides record of events that could be used in legal proceedings. IAP should include site safety and health considerations such as, designation of safety officer, emergency medical care procedures, environmental monitoring, emergency procedures, and personnel monitoring.

Vapor Suppression

Reduce or eliminate the emissions of vapors.

Remote valve shutoff/Pressure isolation

Remote shutoff or control valves can be operated to stop the flow of product or isolate the pressure of the product without entering the hot zone.

Information and Research Officer

Reports directly to the HMBO and is responsible for providing technical information and assistance to the Hazardous Materials Group/sector.

Hazardous Materials Branch Director/Group Supervisor (HMBO)

Reports directly to the Operations Section Chief and directs the primary tactical functions carried out in the control zones.

Safe Refuge Area Supervisor (Triage Officer)

Reports directly to the site Access Control Leader along with the Medical Officers. Responsible for evaluating and prioritizing victims for treatment.

Decontamination Supervisor (Decon Officer)

Responsible for all decon operations and personnel inside the warm zone.

Site Access Control Supervisor (Entry Officer)

Responsible for isolating the control zones and ensuring proper routes.

Fusible plug

Safety Relief Devices that may be spring loaded valves, heat-fusible plug, or pressure-activated bursting disk.

Prior to entry

Safety briefing for entry and backup teams should be conducted to include: objectives for entry teams, specific tasks to be performed.

Designation of safety officer

Safety briefing should be conducted by designated safety officer and cover the following: 1. Incident status 2. Identified hazards 3. Description of the site 4. Tasks to be performed 5. Expected duration of the tasks 6. Escape route or area of refuge 7. PPE and health monitoring requirements 8. Incident monitoring requirements 9. Notification of identified risks 10. Communication procedures, including hand signals. 11. Any associated reports or documentation as required by the AHJ after using PPE at an incident.

Initial Safety Briefing

Should be conducted to identify the safety officer, control zones, escape routes, withdrawal signals, safe location of personnel and equipment.

Chime Leak

Similiar to bung leak, righting a drum so the leak is in the vapor space is a simple way to stop a chime leak. Use a chime wrench to tighten chime.


Some containers are pressurized through a separate compressor or pumping system to move and transfer products.

Energy Sources

Some containers may be connect to come sort of power source and the fix would be to shut down the energy source.


Spreading the hazmat over a larger area.

Fire Suppression

Strategy of minimizing the damage, harm, and effect of fire.


Structural, Engulfment, Electrical, Mechanical, Falls and Slips.


Substance is chemically treated so that a solid material results.


Temporarily contained in an area where it can be absorbed, neutralized, or picked up for proper disposal.

PPE selection and decontamination selection

The AHJ (Authority having jurisdiction) should have written management process regarding selection and use of PPE, and this process should be founded on a risk-based response model.


The act of stopping the further release of a material from its container. ( Keeping it in its container)


The chemical process in which a sorbate (liquid hazardous material) interacts with a solid sorbent surface. Interaction of a hazardous liquid and a solid sorbent surface in which the chemical adheres to the surface of another chemical. Adsorbents usually contain hazardous materials better than absorbents.


The controlled release of a product into the atmosphere to reduce or control the pressure.


The physical process of absorbing or "picking up" a liquid hazardous material to prevent enlargement of he contaminated area. Process decon in which materials hold liquids by soaking up a chemical spill. Many types of commercial absorbents are available. Sand or soil can also be used for this purpose.

Strategic goals and tactical objectives

The premise of the IAP (incident action plan) is to develop the necessary strategy and tactics to affect a positive and safe outcome.

Techniques for Hazardous Material/WMD control

The purpose of product control is to reduce the amount of contact the product makes with people, property and environment and limit the amount of potential harm the product cause.


The slide-in method involves laying a leaking drum on its side and sliding it into an overpack drum manually

PTO Pumps

The use of PTO pumps should only be used with the MC 306/MC 307.

Tools and equipment required for product control

The use of tools and equipment for product control must conform to the manufacturers specifications and recommendations.


These actions control the flow of liquid hazardous materials away from the point of release.

Physical hazards

These can include: loose wires, electrical hazards.

Portable pumps

These pumps may be: Electric, gasoline, water, or air-powered.

Fusible Plug Threads

Threads may be stripped or damaged


To safely bond, begin with the damaged vehicle first and then receiving vehicle.

Bung Leak

Use bung wrench to tighten bung cap. If not possible to upright drum, rotate drum to where the leak is at the highest point.

Maintenance and inspection procedures for tools and equipment

Use manufacturers specifications and recommendations.

High expansion foam

Usually fills entire space and is excellent for confined space incidents, however, not recommended for outdoor use.


Vapor-sealing film over and floats on hydrocarbon fuels.

Identify the response objectives

When planning the response, the HMT will identify the possible response options based on defensive actions, offensive actions or non-intervention.


adding large volumes of water to the spill.

Flammable atmospheres

atmospheres containing 10% or less concentration of flammable vapors are considered within safe limits for conducting rescue operations, but this is not the only factor that requires consideration. Concentrations between 10% and 20% are considered hazardous and should be never be entered.


can also be performed to allow surface water or runoff to pass over or under while holding back the hazardous material. controls the flow of liquid hazardous materials "away from the point of release".


inserting materials into a breach or opening.

Controlling vapors

is a priority at flammable and combustible liquid spills


is the means of connecting two objects to the ground to minimize the buildup of static electricity. Using a grounding rod or another object that is grounded can eliminate the charge differences between the object and the ground.

Fire control

minimizing the damage, harm, and effect of fire at a hazmat incident.


physical method of containment by which a leaking drum, container, or cylinder is place inside a larger compatible undamaged overpack container.


pipes may be patched using different methods in a similar manner as other containers. Responders will always have to be mindful of compatibility with the product.


placing a material or device over a breach.

Alchohol resistant foam

polar solvent and hydrocarbon fuel. Provides good burn-back resistance on both fuels.

Fluoroprotein foam

subsurface injection , good fuel shedding capabilities.

Safety Hazards Associated with Confined spaces

the majority of fatalities in confined spaces incidents occur from entrapment in toxic atmospheres and physical hazards inside the confined space.

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