Dog Breeds

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Gordon Setter - sporting group ORIGIN: Made way to USA in 1842. DISTINCTIVE FEATURES: Heaviest of all setters. Have unique black and brown coat-brown eyebrows. Can remember where they previously found birds for up to one year. TEMPERAMENT: Smart, good family dog, very playful even in old age, likes to snuggle. UPKEEP: Regular brushing to avoid matting and knots. Need a lot of exercise and room to run-not city dogs. HEALTH: Hip displasia and bloat.

Breed, Breed group, origin, distinctive features, temperament, upkeep, and health.

Toy Poodle - Toy Group ORIGIN: Large poodles were used in Europe for hunting; we bred them down smaller for companionship. DISTINCTIVE FEATURES: Hair, not fur, so hypoallergenic. Don't shed and don't have dander. Long legs. TEMPERAMENT: Great watchdog, extremely intelligent, good family dogs. UPKEEP: Train very easily, are active dogs, and most expensive dog to groom. HEALTH: Bloating is common

Breed, Breed group, origin, distinctive features, temperament, upkeep, health.

Rhodesian Ridgeback - Hound group ORIGIN: Bred to take down lions in southern Africa. Mixed with mastiff, great danes, greyhound, wild dogs. DISTINCTIVE FEATURES: Very thick pads for tough terrain, can stand extreme temps, ridge of hair down spine that stands up and goes in opposite direction of other hair. FORM: Large dog, long strong legs, strong bone structure. UPKEEP: Easy to groom; odorless. Do best with experienced dog owners; do best with active families or athletes. Need at least 1 hours of vigorous exercise daily. HEALTH: Healthy!

Breed, breed group, distinctive features, form, upkeep, health.

Akita - Working group ORIGIN: JAPAN DISTINCTIVE FEATURES: Large, long fluffy fur. Come in pretty much any color: solid, brindle, ti-colored. FORM: Large, long legs that allow them to climb steep, snowy mountains. TEMPERAMENT: Need early training; very strong and have ability to hurt you. High on the risk list for biting. Not suggested for family pet unless trained very well. UPKEEP: Training and lots of grooming HEALTH: Joint problems and bloat

Breed, breed group, origin, distinctive features, form, temperament, upkeep, health.

Irish Wolfhound - Hound group ORIGIN: Existed as early as 200 BC. Used to hunt elk, wolf, and boar. DISTINCTIVE FEATURES: Rough, wiry coat. Wide/deep chest. Can eat 25lb of food per week due to their size. FORM: Giant; tallest dog breed in world. Standing up-7' tall. TEMPERAMENT: Very good hunters, good family dog, very patient. UPKEEP: Easy to train when you start young, live 6-7 years, don't require a lot of exercise. Brush once a week. HEALTH: Prone to bloat, bone cancer, heart problems.

Breed, breed group, origin, distinctive features, form, temperament, upkeep, health.

Newfoundland - Working Group ORIGIN: Newfoundland - used to retrieve things from the water, save drowning people. Also, great babysitters. DISTINCTIVE FEATURES: Most extreme water dogs of all breeds. Giant dogs-heaviest recorded was 260lb. Webbed paws. Double layered, oily undercoat to keep warm in frigid waters and dry quickly. FORM: Very long, thick fur. Good buoyancy, muscular to fight strong ocean current, large lungs to help swim long distances, droopy jowls to help them breathe better while carrying things while swimming. TEMPERAMENT: Extremely gentle, extremely loyal. Will die for human if they had to. Rated best dog for families and young children. UPKEEP: Massive amount of hair = lots of grooming and shedding. Drool a lot. Not a lot of exercise needed. HEALTH: Prone to joint problems.

Breed, breed group, origin, distinctive features, form, temperament, upkeep, health.

Rottweiler - Working Group ORIGIN: Germany, bred for protection/guard dogs and pulling carts. DISTINCTIVE FEATURES: Have the strongest bite of all dogs, very square head = strong bite (stronger than G. Shepherd and Pitbulls). Docking tails is common. FORM: Very large, muscular, broad. TEMPERAMENT: If not trained and socialized properly when young, can be very territorial, aggressive, and dangerous. If trained right, can be very sweet, loyal and gentle family dogs. Should always be cautious when approaching one you don't know. UPKEEP: Double coated, so lots of shedding. Need lots of training and a dominant owner. Some exercise needed. HEALTH: Weak hips due to over breeding, prone to overheating.

Breed, breed group, origin, distinctive features, form, temperament, upkeep, health.

St. Bernard - Working Group ORIGIN: Descended from mastiff breed in the Swiss Alps by the monks, in the 1700s. DISTINCTIVE FEATURES: Has massive paws for digging through lots of snow. Grow quickly. Very loose and droopy jowls. FORM: Very large, long haired. TEMPERAMENT: Gentle giants UPKEEP: Heavy shedding, lots of grooming, LOTS of drool (having a drool rag at all times is a must), eat a lot, need space and a cool environment. Trainable, but they tire quickly. HEALTH: Joint and heart problems. Short life span.

Breed, breed group, origin, distinctive features, form, temperament, upkeep, health.

Boxer - Working Group ORIGIN: Originates from a mastiff type breed that is now extinct; used to take down boars and bears. DISTINCTIVE FEATURES: Has longest tongue of all dogs and usually a massive underbite. TEMPERAMENT: Have the mental attitude of a 3 year old their whole life. Very playful. Good family dog. UPKEEP: Need training in agility and obedience-something that will keep them active. Shed lightly, don't do well in cold climates. HEALTH: Prone to cancer and overheating.

Breed, breed group, origin, distinctive features, temperament, upkeep, and health.

Airdale Terrier - Terriers ORIGIN: Bred to chase ground animals and were war animals (transported mail). DISTINCTIVE FEATURES: Hearty dog, unique non-shedding double coat. Largest of all terriers, largest teeth of terriers. TEMPERAMENT: Very intelligent, get bored easily, very energetic, social, outgoing dog. Adaptable to any climate. Strong willed - need dominant owner. UPKEEP: Need lots of exercise (20 minutes of brisk walking twice daily), need regular grooming, need positive reinforcement training. HEALTH: Hip displasia, joint problems. High tolerance to pain, so can be hard to tell when they are hurt.

Breed, breed group, origin, distinctive features, temperament, upkeep, health.

American Staffordshire (Pitbull) - Terriers ORIGIN: Founded in England, Ireland, and Scotland. Were bred to put in pits and fight each other (hints name pitbull). DISTINCTIVE FEATURES: Large boxy head, cropped ears. Banned in New Zealand, UK, Denver CO, parts of Florida, and other states/cities have restrictions on owning them. Super strong bodies. Super strong jaws. Smooth, glossy short coat. TEMPERAMENT: Get a bad rap; can be very dangerous but it all depends on how they are raised. If socialized properly young, are very loyal, sweet dogs. UPKEEP: Need space, need daily exercise. Easy grooming. Start training early and socialize in all sorts of situations. HEALTH: Prone to allergies, heart disease, and hip displasia.

Breed, breed group, origin, distinctive features, temperament, upkeep, health.

Bedlington Terrier - Terrier Group ORIGIN: Bred in England to kill vermin in mines, 1700s. DISTINCTIVE FEATURES: Resembles a lamb, has a coat that feels like lint, coat grays as it matures from puppy to adult. TEMPERAMENT: Courageous and smart. Quiet house dogs. Have a tendency to get jealous of other dogs, and can be snappy with them. UPKEEP: Regular grooming and exercise, have to be careful as they are known to bolt when outside and chase small animals. Good with children/family dog. HEALTH: Prone to eye problems, kidney problems, and a disease called Copper Toxicosis, which means they store an abundant amount of copper in their liver.

Breed, breed group, origin, distinctive features, temperament, upkeep, health.

Carin Terrier - Terrier Group ORIGIN: Bred to hunt rodents, Europe 'Isle of Skye' 200 years ago. DISTINCTIVE FEATURES: Very coarse coat, water proof and weather resistant. Big feet, thick pads, strong claws. Front paws are bigger than back paws, love to dig. TEMPERMENT: Very bouncy, wants your attention, intelligent, always excited to see you, hyper. UPKEEP: Can be city dogs, must have secure outside area though, need regular grooming, trainable but stubborn, need an active and loving family. HEALTH: Long healthy lives

Breed, breed group, origin, distinctive features, temperament, upkeep, health.

Chihuahua - Toy Group ORIGIN: America/Mexico. Bred only for the purpose of companionship. DISTINCTIVE FEATURES: Smallest dog breed in the world. Can have an apple shaped head, or deer shaped head. Have the biggest brain of any dog. Big ears. TEMPERAMENT: Love to be carried around and pampered, ultimate lap dog. Tend to be a one person dog-protective. Very courageous, they don't know their size. UPKEEP: Can never be left alone in the yard (can be snatched up by birds of prey). Low shedders, can get cold easily. Not great for families with young children. Early training is a must. HEALTH: Can be prone to diabetes and obesity (if they are spoiled too much) and also patella lunation (dislocation of the kneecap). Otherwise, one of the healthiest dogs around.

Breed, breed group, origin, distinctive features, temperament, upkeep, health.

Maltese - Toy group ORIGIN: One of the oldest of the European toy breeds. Originated on the island of Malta. DISTINCTIVE FEATURES: All white, black eyes and nose. Has hair, not fur; hypoallergenic. TEMPERAMENT: Make great lap dogs, can easily travel with them. Are able to be lap dogs or active dogs. Not recommended for families with small children. UPKEEP: Can adapt to any environment, tremendous amount of grooming, need their teeth brushed, easy to train. HEALTH: Dental Disease

Breed, breed group, origin, distinctive features, temperament, upkeep, health.

Miniature Pincher - Toy Group ORIGIN: Bred to hunt small vermin in Europe DISTINCTIVE FEATURES: Not related to doberman at all. 5-10 pounds, tail is traditionally docked, cat like feet. TEMPERAMENT: Very playful, fearless, tough, bouncy. Must be socialized early to make good family dog. UPKEEP: Need lots of exercise, trainable but can be difficult, very easy grooming HEALTH: Fragile bones

Breed, breed group, origin, distinctive features, temperament, upkeep, health.

Parson Russell (Jack Russell) - Terrier Group ORIGIN: Bred for speed to hunt red fox in England DISTINCTIVE FEATURES: Can jump 5 times their height, tiny V shaped ears, have either smooth or rough fur. Narrow chest to burrow underground. TEMPERAMENT: HYPER, crazy, run, bounce, active, quirky personality, independent, expressive face. Better with experienced dog owners with older kids. UPKEEP: At LEAST an hour exercise everyday, can have sensitive skin (need sunscreen), lots of training (can be destructive if not trained/exercised), little grooming. HEALTH: Long life, little health issues.

Breed, breed group, origin, distinctive features, temperament, upkeep, health.

Pekingese - Toy Group ORIGIN: Chinese emperors used them as guard dogs. Also used for companionship. DISTINCTIVE FEATURES: Big, flat head. Brachycephalic (smushed in face). TEMPERAMENT: Bold, independent, courageous, fearless. Not good with children. Like to be lap dogs. UPKEEP: Needs a lot of grooming, stubborn when it comes to training. Do well in a small house, not outside dogs. HEALTH: Have heart issues

Breed, breed group, origin, distinctive features, temperament, upkeep, health.

Pomeranian - Toy Group ORIGIN: Decedent of sledding dogs from Iceland (mini version). DISTINCTIVE FEATURES: 4-6 pounds, puffball of fur, triangle shaped ears. TEMPERAMENT: Yappy, energetic, very athletic, demand attention, bark excessively, good lapdogs. Not good with young children. UPKEEP: Adaptable to any environment, need a walk a day, heavy shedders, need lots of grooming, not easiest dog to train. HEALTH: Prone to early tooth loss and luxating patellas.

Breed, breed group, origin, distinctive features, temperament, upkeep, health.

Pug - Toy Group ORIGIN: China DISTINCTIVE FEATURES: Wrinkles, bulgy eyes, flat face (brachycephalic). Curly tail that rests on the back. TEMPERAMENT: Adaptable to any lifestyle (active or sedentary), very easy going, do well with families UPKEEP: Shed lightly, easy grooming, wrinkles need to be cleaned, very easily trained. HEALTH: Breathing problems, especially in hot weather. Eyes can pop out of socket from tight collars/pulling of the leash.

Breed, breed group, origin, distinctive features, temperament, upkeep, health.

Schnauzer - Working group ORIGIN: Germany, bred to kill rodents. DISTINCTIVE FEATURES: Mustache- protects against scratching/biting rodent prey. Will howl like wolves. Exceptional hearing. Rectangular muzzle. TEMPERAMENT: Very lovable, enthusiastic, bouncy. Courageous, work well with other dogs (watchdogs).Good family dogs. Highly adaptable. UPKEEP: Long hair = daily brushing. Need some exercise. HEALTH: Prone to heart and eye problems.

Breed, breed group, origin, distinctive features, temperament, upkeep, health.

Shih-Tzu - Toy Group ORIGIN: Bred in Tibet for a lap dog. Slept at the foot of noble's beds to act as foot warmers. DISTINCTIVE FEATURES: Long, silky coat. Keeps growing like hair, doesn't shed. Most owners keep them cut short (a puppy cut). Curled tails over back. TEMPERAMENT: Happy, goes with the flow, cuddly, fits into any family. UPKEEP: Need groomed about every 4-6 weeks. Adaptable to any environment. One of the hardest dogs to train ( can take 40-50 repetitions before they learn the command). HEALTH: Kidney and eye problems.

Breed, breed group, origin, distinctive features, temperament, upkeep, health.

Siberian Husky - Working Group ORIGIN: Siberia, essential sled dog. DISTINCTIVE FEATURES: Strong claws for traction in the snow, well insulated coat for -60 degrees. Icy blue eye color. TEMPERAMENT: Strong, silent type, but can be very loud when they do howl. Love cold weather, have a lot of endurance. Does well in packs, and active families. UPKEEP: Heavy shedding and grooming, trainable but can easily outsmart most people. Exercise/work needed. HEALTH: Hip and eye problems.

Breed, breed group, origin, distinctive features, temperament, upkeep, health.

Yorkshire Terrier - Toy Group ORIGIN: Started in cellars as rat hunters in England. Left workforce to become lap dogs and companions. DISTINCTIVE FEATURES: Long flowing hair, not fur, doesn't shed, hypoallergenic. 2nd most popular breed in the world. TEMPERAMENT: Big dog in a little body, independent, intelligent, feisty, cuddly. Adaptable to any environment, although not advised to leave them at home for long periods of time (want to be with you). Can be snappy around children. UPKEEP: 4-6 weeks Grooming (most people cut them short), training is usually easy HEALTH: Fragile bones, tooth decay, gum disease.

Breed, breed group, origin, distinctive features, temperament, upkeep, health.

Greyhound- hound group ORIGIN: Popular during colonial times to chase crop destroying rabbits. EXTREMELY FAST. Used in races today. FORM: Tall, fine, delicate bodies. Long narrow skull that provides huge field of vision. Flexible spine for increased speed. TEMPERAMENT: Quiet, relaxed "couch potatoes". Good family dogs. UPKEEP: Easy to train, easy grooming. HEALTH: Prone to bloat, hypothyroidism, and bone tumors.

Breed, breed group, origin, form, temperament, upkeep, health.

Mastiff- Working Group ORIGIN: England. Bred not to bite, but to pin down prey with massive, strong jaws. FORM: Very large (up to 200 pounds), droopy jowls, muscular. TEMPERAMENT: Gentle giants, lazy. Good fam. dogs. UPKEEP: Very minimal exercise and grooming, but drool a lot. Can eat up to 3 pints of food a day, can live in an apartment b/c so lazy. HEALTH: Prone to cancer and tumors.

Breed, breed group, origin, form, temperament, upkeep,and health.

West Highland Terrier - Terrier Group ORIGIN: Bred to hunt rats in the ground, of farms and mines in Scotland. DISTINCTIVE FEATURES: Thick tail that is strong enough for humans to grab and pull out of a hole, double layered white coat. Bullet shaped body to help it wiggle out of holes. TEMPERAMENT: Bold personality, feisty, not a lap dog, good family dogs UPKEEP: Good for cold temperatures, training is difficult, they're a lot to handle, keeping white coat clean can be difficult. HEALTH: Generally healthy, but prone to sunburned ears.

Breed, breed name, origin, distinctive features, temperament, upkeep, health.

Cocker Spaniel - sporting group DISTINCTIVE FEATURES: Two separate breeds; english cocker is bigger than american. Bred to hunt birds. Very soft fur, dark eyes. FORM: Small, sturdy, smallest of the sports group. Long fur. TEMPERAMENT: Loyal, sweet, playful. Can be stubborn, territorial. Can be good family dogs if given proper training. UPKEEP: Regular grooming and exercise. HEALTH: Prone to ear infections, cataracts, and knee cap problems.

Name breed, breed group, distinctive features, form, temperament, upkeep, health.

Vizsla - sporting group DISTINCTIVE FEATURES: Very clean, cat like (groom themselves), no doggy odor, cat like paws. FORM: Large, smooth short coat, cinnamon color all over including eyes which helps with camouflage during hunting. TEMPERAMENT: Very affectionate and cuddly, very active. Does best with an active family with older children. Can become overwhelmed easily with training, must be patient. UPKEEP: Grooming is very easy (bath 3-4 times a year). Need a lot of exercise, at least 2 hours daily. HEALTH: Hip displasia, otherwise very healthy.

Name breed, breed group, distinctive features, form, temperament, upkeep, health.

Basenji - hound group ORIGIN: Central Africa to hunt lions, also seen in Egyptian artwork DISTINCTIVE FEATURES: Does not bark; larynx is shaped differently so it yodels. Very cat like-independent, aloof, quiet, clean themselves. FORM: Medium sized dog, curled tail, wrinkled forehead, large erect ears. TEMPERMENT: Usually will bond with only one family member. Quiet and independent. HEALTH: Fanconi Syndrome (kidney disease)

Name breed, breed group, origin, distinctive features, form, temperament, health.

Afghan Hound - hound group ORIGIN: Afghanistan, used to hunt gazelle and leopards. DISTINCTIVE FEATURES: Tail curls at the end, very long, silky fur. Very long snout. FORM: Large dog, hips are set high and wide apart, allowing them to run very fast. Dolichocephalic Skull - long narrow shaped skull. 270 degrees field of vision. TEMPERMENT: Do well in quiet home. Need experienced dog owner for training. Good family dog with older children. UPKEEP: Lots of grooming, 1 hour of fenced in exercise daily Health: Hypersensitive to pain, otherwise healthy

Name breed, breed group, origin, distinctive features, form, temperament, upkeep, and health.

Alaskan Malamute - Working group ORIGIN: Alaska for heavy sled pulling and hunting. Commonly mistaken for Husky, but they are bigger than Huskies. DISTINCTIVE FEATURES: Dark black pigmented nose to protect against sunburn, broad pads act like snow shoes, double insulated coat to protect against temperatures as low as -70 degrees. FORM: Very large dog, dense bones and very muscular help with strength. TEMPERAMENT: Shouldn't be left alone with children, but good for active families w/ older children. Needs to be an outdoor/working dog. UPKEEP: Lots of exercise, needs constant training throughout life, need grooming as they shed very heavily seasonally. HEALTH: Joint pain and hip displaisa

Name breed, breed group, origin, distinctive features, form, temperament, upkeep, and health.

Beagle - hound group ORIGIN: Bred for rabbit hunting DISTINCTIVE FEATURES: Very loud; has three different barks. Scent hound. FORM: Small body, long floppy ears to help catch scent, smooth coat. TEMPERAMENT: Good family dog, very pleasant dog. UPKEEP: Need a lot of baths, need a fenced in area to run. Health: Very healthy dog

Name breed, breed group, origin, distinctive features, form, temperament, upkeep, and health.

Chesapeake Bay Retriever - sporting group Origin: Shipwrecked in Chesapeake Bay-mix between Newfoundland and American Retriever. State dog of Maryland. DISTINCTIVE FEATURES: LOVE water. Will jump in water even if icy and frigid cold. FORM: Very muscular especially hind legs, well built, powerful jaws for carrying prey. Two coats-oily water resistant undercoat and soft top coat. Come in colors brown, sedge, and dead grass. TEMPERMENT: Standoffish towards strangers unlike labs. Hard/Strong temperament. Make great working dogs. UPKEEP: Lots of room for exercise, need tough and proper training. HEALTH: Hip displasia

Name breed, breed group, origin, distinctive features, form, temperament, upkeep, and health.

Bassett Hound - hound group ORIGIN: Bred by french aristocrats for hunting rabbits. Smaller version of bloodhound. DISTINCTIVE FEATURES: Long droopy ears that help catch scent on a hunting trail. Droopy, wrinkly skin. White tip on tails. 20 million scent receptors-2nd best dog nose. FORM: Long body, short legs, loose skin, big feet. TEMPERAMENT: Stubborn, lazy, drowsy, good with kids. UPKEEP: Need ears cleaned daily, need baths more often, shed lightly. Hard to train because of stubbornness. HEALTH: Prone to bloat, spinal problems, and ear infections.

Name breed, breed group, origin, distinctive features, form, temperament, upkeep, health.

Golden Retriever - sporting group ORIGIN: 1860s for water/retrieving purposes. AKC registered in 1925. 1st Obedient trial winner for AKC. DISTINCTIVE FEATURES: One of lowest ranking for barking, no bad breath, have a very soft mouth (raw egg carrying). Have more increasingly began biting; 3rd on most popular biter. Webbed feet. FORM: Water resistant, long coat. Large, 65 pounds. TEMPERAMENT: Clown-like, easy to train, extremely obedient, love to chew. UPKEEP: Regular brushing to avoid matts and knots. Need exercise-fetching and water play or given a job. HEALTH: Hip displasia and lymph carcinoma.

Name breed, breed group, origin, distinctive features, form, temperament, upkeep, health.

Great Dane - Working Group ORIGIN: Germany, come from mastiff family. Bred to hunt large prey, protection, war dogs. In medieval times, they were though to ward off evil spirits. DISTINCTIVE FEATURES: 2nd Tallest dog; can get up to 6-7 feet standing on hind legs. "Leaners", lap dogs, and couch potatoes. FORM: Proportionally long legs, tall, deep chest, stomach is not attached to rib cage. TEMPERAMENT: Gentle giant; good family dog, should be supervised with small children. UPKEEP: Easy grooming, need training early, need space in house to stretch out, minimal exercise. HEALTH: Shortest life expectancy - 7.5 years .Can die from bloat- allow rest 40min-1 hour after eating.

Name breed, breed group, origin, distinctive features, form, temperament, upkeep, health.

Irish Setter - sporting group ORIGIN: Bred in 1700s, originally red and white, now just red. DISTINCTIVE FEATURES: Bird hunter, scan land for prey by zig zag pattern. Get scent from air, not ground. Very fast. FORM: Long glossy red fur, large, deep chest = big heart and lungs. TEMPERMENT: Active, friendly, good dog for active family. UPKEEP: Need a to of exercise and regular grooming. HEALTH: Prone to cancer, specifically bone cancer and bloat.

Name breed, breed group, origin, distinctive features, form, temperament, upkeep, health.

Weimaraner - sporting group ORIGIN: 1800s for hunting big game like bears and boars. DISTINCTIVE FEATURES: Yellow eyes, docked tails, nicknamed "gray ghost" because of silvery gray coat color. FORM: Large, silky short coat. TEMPERAMENT: Very intelligent, very social, makes good family pet, easy to train but needs to be done early on. UPKEEP: Demands lots of exercise; ideal home would be country with a lot of land to run on. Grooming is very simple. HEALTH: Prone to bloat.

Name breed, breed group, origin, distinctive features, form, temperament, upkeep, health.

Black and Tan Coonhound- hound group Origin: 300 years ago, bred bloodhound and black/tan foxhound together. DISTINCTIVE FEATURES: Floppy ears to help catch scent. Most powerful nose-can smell a scent 12 days old. Skin droops over eyes creating a shield to help them focus on the scent more. TEMPERAMENT: Good family pets. Stubborn about training. UPKEEP: Need room to run and smell, but cannot be off leash, as they will run away. Need a bath often and ears cleaned daily. HEALTH: Prone to bloat.

Name breed, breed group, origin, distinctive features, temperament, upkeep, and health.

Doberman Pincher - Working group ORIGIN: Fairly new breed - bred in Germany about 150 years ago. Bred for protection and descended from terriers. DISTINCTIVE FEATURES: Usually have black and brown colors, but also come in a gray/silver color. Have speed, endurance, and a long head. Bred less aggressively today. Tails are often docked and ears are cropped. Have a strong bite. TEMPERAMENT: Can be aggressive and very protective if not socialized or trained; otherwise they are loving and playful; make good family dogs. UPKEEP: Minimal grooming, don't shed a lot, vulnerable to cold. Need training early on, and enjoy exercise and working. HEALTH: Prone to a clotting disease and wobbler's disease.

Name breed, breed group, origin, distinctive features, temperament, upkeep, and health.

Borzoi - hound group ORIGIN: Mixed with greyhound and Irish wolfhound. DISTINCTIVE FEATURES: Long, narrow skull. Long, fragile body. TEMPERAMENT: Loving, gentle, good family dog. UPKEEP: Need exercise; cannot be off leash. Shed heavily. Need extra time and patience with training. Health: Prone to bloat

Name breed, breed group, origin, distinctive features, temperament, upkeep, health.

Bernese Mountain Dog - Working Group ORIGIN: Switzerland (up to 2,000 years old). Bred for cart pulling (up to 1,000 pounds) and farm chores. DISTINCTIVE FEATURES: Always have the black, white, and tan tri-color pattern. FORM: Very muscular, big dogs. TEMPERAMENT: Affectionate, loving, sometimes playful, hard worker. UPKEEP: Patience is needed when training, as they mature more slowly than other breeds, need exercise/work to do, shed heavily-need proper grooming. HEALTH: Hip displasia, joint problems, and some cancers.

Name breed, breed group, origin, form, temperament, upkeep, and health.

Pointer - sporting group Origin: Oldest breed of sporting dogs-1600s. Distinctive FEATURES: Follow scent in air, not ground. Form: Medium sized, muscular, smooth coat. Strong mouth for carrying things. UPKEEP: Training can be difficult, need room to run, need 1 hr. exercise daily, easy grooming. HEALTH: Hypothyroidism and Hip Displasia

Name breed, origin year, distinctive features, form, upkeep, health, breed group.

Labrador Retriever - sporting group ORIGIN: Newfoundland. Bred smaller version of Newfoundland in 1800s. Distinctive FEATURES: Webbed paws, Oily undercoat that is water resistant, otter like tail, can swim 3 miles an hour. TEMPERAMENT: Happy, enjoy pleasing owner, good family dog. Used as work dogs in many career fields. Puppies can be very mouthy. UPKEEP: Easy grooming, do shed in spring and fall. Easy to train. HEALTH: Prone to eye/hip displasia and joint problems.

Name breed, origin, distinctive features, temperament, upkeep, health profile, breed group.

Brittany - sporting group -AKC dropped "spaniel" off name b/c acts more like pointer -Distinctive FEATURES: Great sense of smell -BODY: Soft, feathery, fairly short coat. Need some grooming. Born with already docked tail. -TEMPERAMENT: Friendly, good with kids. -UPKEEP: Need 1 Hr. Exercise daily, better in home with a yard so they can run, very easy to train. HEALTH: Prone to ear infections because of long ears.

Name breed, temperament, upkeep, health profile, body features, and breed group.

Dachshund-hound group ORIGIN: Crossed french basset and pincher to create badger hunter. DISTINCTIVE FEATURES: Very long, narrow body, short stubby legs. Long ears. Strong, webbed paws for fast digging. TEMPERAMENT: Courageous, stubborn with training, can be snappy. UPKEEP: Easy grooming, difficult with housebreaking, low scores for family dogs. HEALTH: Live long, generally healthy, but can often suffer slipped disks.

Name origin, distinctive features, breed, breed group, temperament, upkeep, and health.

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