Domestic Violence Final

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Violence is associated with stalking, since it is thought to occur in approximately _____% of cases.


There is a strong association between police officer perpetrators of domestic violence and ____________ abuse.


Same-sex intimate partner violence includes:

All forms of intimate violence

Definitions of elder maltreatment fall into which category?

All of the above; Family and Domestic, Institutional, Self-neglect or self-abuse

Elements in the crime of stalking include:

All of the above; Following the victim, Harassing the victim, Threatening the victim

Which is a sign of self-neglect?

All of the above; Refusing medication, Lacking Food, Alcohol and Drug dependence

Undue influences occurs when people use their role with the elder to exploit:

All of these; Trust, Dependency, Fear of others

The most common perpetrator of abuse against an older adult is:

An adult child

Police departments require specialized domestic violence training for officers:

And training and time varies between police departments

Stalking is a crime that is perpetrated by:

Any Demographic- stalking has no specific perpetrators

After an abusive attack, it is not unusual for the offender to:

Beg for forgiveness

A tyrannical offender:

Both a and c; Knows what he's doing and intends to frighten, intimidate, and punishes his partner.Describes his partner as being submissive and careful around him.

In this type of battering relationship, violence typically escalates in its severity over time. it is characterized by two or more occurrence of physical violence that demonstrate increasingly destructive behavior.

Chronic Battering

Which is NOT a descriptor of tactics used by abusers?


The ___________________of probable cause is critical to any police action that may involve an arrest; therefore, the officer must collect evidence and interrogate suspects


Which is not one of the five questions that police officers must consider when making the decision to arrest?

Did the victim do something to enrage the perpetrator?

Which is not one of the three basic phases of the interview process?


________ abuse is defined by intentional actions that cause harm or risk serious harm to a vulnerable older adult by a caregiver or a failure to satisfy his/her basic needs.


Which of the following individual factors is NOT a risk factor for intimate partner violence?


An example of _________ homicide is the defense referred to as battered women's syndrome.


GLBT stands for Gay, Liberal, and Bisexual Transgender.(True/False)


The National Coalition of Anti-Abuse Programs (NCAVP) suggests that the patterns of abuse recognized in heterosexual abuse against women cannot be seen in abuse among GLBT couples. (True/False)


Violation of a domestic violence protection order involves mandatory arrest in the majority of states. In which state is it not mandated?


Police have the duty to enforce domestic violence restraining orders that were issed from another state under the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), passed by Congress as part of the Federal crime bill. This is known as:

Full Faith and Credit

What does GLBT stand for?

Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender

Stalking is different from the majority of the crimes because it consists of:

Harassing the victim

What is defines as the killing of a human being by the act, procurement, or omission of another human being?


Internalized __________ refers to the internalized stress due to fear of those who are homosexual, which consists of condemnation, loathing, fear, societal disdain, and religious rejection of all things homosexual and of those who practice it.


This term refers to the condemnation, loathing, fear, societal disdain, and religious rejection of all the homosexual and those who practice it:


Which of the following is not a part of the interview process?


Which homicide is the intentional taking of another's life that is lawful, such as police officers responding to the commission of a felony with deadly force that could not be avoided?


Which is NOT one of the theoretical explanations for abuse in the LGBT community?

Macho approach

Why might it be necessary to remove possible suspects right away from the scene of the incident?

Mental Health Codes

What called for officers in the Minneapolis Police Department (MPD) to carry out one of three responses when they had probable cause to believe a misdemeanor assault had occurred between cohabitants or spouses?

Minneapolis Domestic Violence Experiment

For failing to report abuse, mandatory reporter could be found guilty of what?


Results from the _________ indicate that males are the majority of offenders of intimate partner violence and females are the primary victims.


Which is not one of three responses of the Minneapolis domestic violence experiment?

Order both parties out of the residence

Adults who perpetrate intimate partner violence often abuse the victim's _______ as a means to control and intimidate.


In this battering relationship, victims experience abuse only once or twice as a result of a crisis situation.

Situational Battering

Who is most likely to collect evidence to turn over to prosecutors and get the victims to testify in court?

Specialized Domestic Violence Units

Which of the following is NOT a sign of self-neglect?

Taking Medications

According to the Stalking Resource Center, the District of Columbia and _________ of the states have statues establishing a civil order specific for protection of stalking victims.

The Majority

A limitation to restricted reporting is that:

The offender is NOT held accountable and thus they may continue to be abusive.

The one trait that all stalkers have in common is that:

They suffer from a personality or mental disorder

The groups that are more likely to be violent and stalk others are:

Those that have had that an intimate relationship with the victim

What is a sign of sexual abuse?

Torn or bloody underwear

Large withdrawals from bank accounts, switching accounts, or unusual ATM activity may be signs of financial exploitation.(True/False)


The Department of Defense has established two different reporting criteria for victims of intimate partner abuse which are restricted reporting and ___________ reporting.


An exploder offender:

Usually acknowledges that he has used the violence, but blames his partner for provoking him.

Which is NOT a condition that allows for the use of restraints on someone in a nursing home?

When a person is a hassle for the staff and the person currently watching over them needs a break but wants to make sure they don't go anywhere

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