do/while loops
do/while loop
Checks the condition after each iteration before looping back.
a structure that tells a computer to execute a set of statements multiple times.
a while loop checks the loop condition __________________________________ each iteration of the code inside.
for loop
can allow for a set number of loop iterations.
while loop
executes as long as a certain condition is true.
loops that use ___________________________________________ syntax can be more readable than the equivalent syntax involving curly braces.
alternative syntax for while loops
1. colon after the end parenthesis 2. semicolon after the endwhile statement.
Infinite loop
A loop that never exists.
while loop
For situations of randomness where you don't know how many times the loop will repeat
If you have a process that you want repeated hundreds of times, you should put it in a ____________________________so you don't need to write hundreds of lines of code.
In a while loop, the statements inside the curly braces { and } are executed as long as the condition cond is evaluated as _________________.
The Syntax you prefer
Which syntax you should use?
At least once
With a do/while loop, the code inside the loop will execute __________.