Dual enrollment final exam american government

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Most citizens have opinions on how they feel about certain policies. However, there are those who actively work to propose or maintain public policy. Typically, these can revolve around social issues like gay rights, abortion, gun control, or other contentious issues. These few individuals are known as what?

Policy advocates

These are organizations created to raise and spend money to influence politics and contribute to candidates' campaigns.

Political action committees

The belief that your vote is unlikely to make a difference or the election is not competitive, so you avoid voting at all is known as what?

Political apathy

A state such as Georgia valuing tradition and basing their laws to maintain longstanding beliefs would be an example of ______________.

Political cultures

The process by which we are trained to understand and join a country's political world. This starts when we are very young, and we are influenced by how we grow up.

Political socialization

The process of gaining and exercising control within a government for the purpose of setting and achieving particular goals, especially those related to the division of resources within a nation.


A unique way that representatives support their home district is by taking part in ___________, which usually includes local appropriations designated on federal bills.

Pork-barrel politics

At the federal level, the ________________ nominates a candidate to a judgeship or justice position.


The most significant expansion of the chief executive's powers over the first several decades of American governance was with the expansion of ________________________, especially under President Polk.

Presidential war powers

__________ are goods provided by the citizenry for the purpose of meeting a need and providing a profit to the individual (such as clothing or luxury items), while _________ are goods meant to provide for the overarching population (such as national defense).

Private goods; public goods

The Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution broadly do the following:

Protect people suspected or accused of criminal activity or facing civil litigation

Free trade is when a country allows the unfettered flow of goods and services between itself and other countries. At the other end of the spectrum is this approach, in which a country does not permit imports or charges high tariffs for imports.


This is both the implementation of public policy in government bureaucracies and the academic study that prepares civil servants for work in those organizations.

Public administration

Public opinion about American institutions is measured in __________ rather than in questions of choice between positions or candidates.

Public approval ratings

This is the collection of popular views about something, perhaps a person, a local or national event, or a new idea.

Public opinion

This is the broad strategy government uses to do its job. More formally, it is the relatively stable set of purposive governmental actions that address matters of concern to some part of society.

Public policy

This is the desire most people possess in varying degrees that drives us to seek fulfillment through doing good and contributing in an altruistic manner.

Public service motivation

____________ is when states compete to attract business by lowering taxes and regulations.


This type of poll consists of a limited number of people from the overall population, selected in such a way that each has an equal chance of being chosen.

Random sample

In this type of polling, a computer generates phone numbers with desired area codes without targeting specific numbers


Discriminatory acts or laws can be considered acceptable as long as there's a legitimate government interest in their operation. This is known as what?

Rational basis test

According to historian Daniel Elazar, America could be divided into three distinct political cultures. Which of these was not a culture he listed?


Social welfare policy has created a __________, which helps members of society who are suffering economic hardship through no fault of their own.

Safety net

The Constitutional Convention convened in 1787 in Massachusetts to draft the U.S. Constitution. One plan for governance that was championed elected representatives in the lower house by state population size. This was known as the:

Virginia Plan

Covert content is political information provided under the pretense that it is neutral. Which of these would not be an example of covert content?

Sean Hannity, a self-avowed Conservative commentator

Among the shortest amendments to the U.S. Constitution, this amendment states that, "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

Second Amendment

The less time there is between elections, the lower the turnout. This is known as what?

Voter fatigue

In May of 1775, delegates met together to form the __________, where they drafted a Declaration of Causes explaining the American colonies' reasons for rebellion.

Second Continental Congress

This act of Congress protected the rights of minority voters by prohibiting state laws that denied voting rights based on race.

Voting Rights Act of 1965

Congress's attempt to reassert itself into war-making policy came in the form of what bill?

War Powers Resolution

Candidates moving from one office to another very often have money available in their ________ because they are allowed to keep earlier donations according to FEC guidelines if they intend to run for office again.

War chests

The classic model of bureaucracy is the ______________, in which agencies are apolitical, hierarchically organized, and governed by formal procedures.

Weberian Model

A ________________ is a request that the lower court send up its record of a case for review. Once this has been granted, the case is scheduled on the Supreme Court's docket.

Writ of certiorari

The first tax imposed on the American Colonists to lead toward revolution, this tax required that almost all paper goods, such as diplomas, land deeds, contracts, and newspapers, have revenue stamps placed on them.

Stamp Act

The U.S. Court system operates on the principle of ______________, which means that decisions today are based largely on rulings from the past.

Stare decisis

An example of an agent of political socialization would be:

Your parents b. Your friends c. Your church d. All of the above xxxxxxxxx

The diversity of the country is not entirely reflected in the modern Congress. According to 2019 numbers, among other demographic factors, Congress was represented by approximately what percentage of female members?


According to the U.S. Constitution, to become a member of the U.S. Senate, one must have been a U.S. citizen for 9 years and be how old?


The percentage of local government revenue derived from taxes is _______%.


Mandatory spending accommodates approximately what percentage of all federal expenditures?


The U.S. president is allowed to carry out military operations on foreign soil for ______ days before Congress must either approve the extension of those operations or declare war.


Almost _____ % of American adults have participated in some type of political action in the past five years (according to a 2018 survey).


Under this sort of primary, only members of the political party selecting nominees may vote, while this primary allows all voters to vote.

Closed primary; open primary

This is the situation in which individuals exhaust a common resources by acting in their own immediate self-interest. For example, if everyone fishes in a lake every day, there will eventually be no fish in that lake.

Tragedy of the Commons

The decentralization of power toward the subnational units of government from the national level is known as ___________?


This rule _________________ argues that state actions trump those of the local government and have supremacy. In this view, cities and towns exist only at the pleasure of the state.

Dillon's Rule

This is the establishment and maintenance of a formal relationship between countries that governs their interactions on matters as diverse as tourism to the taxation of goods they trade, among other factors.


There are 94 _____________ across the United States. These are the trial courts of the national system in which federal cases are tried, witness testimony is heard, and evidence is presented.

District courts

This is the process that subjects a suspect to prosecution twice for the same criminal act. According to the Fifth Amendment, no one who has been acquitted of a crime can be prosecuted again for that crime.

Double Jeopardy

This clause to the Fourteenth Amendment states that "nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law."

Due Process Clause

With some citizens having difficulty juggling school, work, and childcare during voting hours, many states have tried to address this by instituting _________________.

Early voting

This important document freed all persons held as slaves in the American South, however it did not free slaves in states that had remained within the Union, such as Maryland or Delaware.

Emancipation Proclamation

This controversial action allows a city or state to take property for redevelopment from private citizens if "just compensation" is provided.

Eminent domain

Studies have shown that up to ______ of voters make decisions using their political party identification, especially in races where information about candidates is scarce.


The _________ advantage is when elected officials who currently hold office are able to raise more money than their challengers and win reelection.


In The Federalist No. 78, Alexander Hamilton discusses the importance of a/n __________________ judiciary as they must "interpret" the law to protect people from unjust laws or governmental actions.


When it comes to voting, most Americans tend to classify themselves as what?


Those who align with the ___________________ see the government as a mechanism for addressing issues that matter to the unique citizen.

Individualistic political culture

A president's powers can be divided into two categories: direct actions the chief executive can take through formal use of powers and ___________________.

Informal powers of persuasion

This Constitutional power is given to Congress and is assumed to exist as a direct result of the country's existence.

Inherent power

Supporting a particular candidate due to a strong feeling regarding abortion rights in America would be an example of what?

Intense preferences

President Washington was in favor of this foreign policy stance, and in fact, warned against the creation of "entangling alliances" in his farewell address.


The best-known form of governmental privatization efforts includes which of these?

Issuing government contracts to private companies

The collective name of the discriminatory laws targeting black Americans:

Jim Crow Laws

The __________ consists of members from the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, as well as a chairman and vicechairman.

Joint Chiefs of Staff

Which of these is not a main goal of U.S. foreign policy?

Peaceful relations on the world stage with foreign powers

The clause, "No freeman shall be taken, imprisoned... or in any way destroyed... except by the lawful judgment of his peers or by the laws of the land" can be found in what substantive document?

Magna Carta

This seminal 1896 Supreme Court decision upheld the "separate but equal" doctrine, which was consistent with the Fourth Amendment's Equal Protection Clause.

Plessy v. Ferguson

This is the belief that political power rests with competing interest groups who share influence in government.

Pluralist theory of government

Today, the United Nations includes all but _____ of the 195 nations of the world.


Originally only consisting of several departments, the bureaucracy expanded to the point that it reached __________ employees under President Johnson.

2.2 million

Under the treaty process, a president negotiates an international treaty, the Senate consents to it by a _____ vote, and then the president ratifies it.


There are currently ________ cabinet departments in the federal government.


Generally speaking, to be eligible to register to vote in the United States, a person must be a citizen, resident, and ________ years old.


Due to limits on campaign contributions, individuals may only contribute a maximum of ________ per candidate per election.


Which of these is a benefit of Medicare?

. Prescription drug benefits b. A guaranteed insurance benefit that helps cover major hospitalization c. Fee-based supplemental coverage to lower costs for doctor visits and other health expenses d. All of the abovexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

The overwhelming portion of the government's education money is spent on which of the following?

. Student loans b. Grants c. Work-study programs d. All of the abovexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Over the years, Democrats and Republicans have moved further apart in their beliefs about the role of government. Over the last twenty-five years, their answers to various values questions have grown to a difference of ________%.


This is the political attempt to redress discrimination on the basis of race or ethnicity.

Affirmative action

According to the text, this is a relatively consistent factor in predicting likelihood to vote.

Age b. Race c. Socioeconomic status d. All of the above xxxxxxxxxx

According to the text, which of these industries receives one of the largest portions of governmental aid?


The First Amendment protects this right, along with others.

All of the aboveFreedom of speech b. Freedom of petition c. Freedom of assembly d. All of the above xxxxx

The greatest percentage of those living below the poverty line in the United States live within what region?

American South

While the bureaucracy was originally very small, it was established in the U.S. Constitution, albeit indirectly. ____________________ provides the president with the power to appoint officers and department heads.

Article II, Section 2

Under the Articles of Confederation, there was no national judiciary! This was rectified with _____________ of the U.S. Constitution.

Article III

This is when the media pays more attention to candidates who poll well during the fall and the first few primaries.

Bandwagon effect

The first U.S. presidential candidate to truly inspire college-aged voters in modern politics was whom?

Barack Obama

Closely held ideas that support our values and expectations about life and politics.


This important Congressional act restricted the amount of money given to political parties, which had become a way for companies and PACs to exert influence.

Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002

This unique type of policy implementation allows local areas flexibility to meet specific challenges and needs. Oftentimes, this relates to healthcare or housing.

Bottom-up implementation

This political theory perhaps describes why Donald Trump was elected president in 2016 despite polls showing Hillary Clinton as winning.

Bradley effect

This landmark Supreme Court decision in 1954 overturned Plessy v. Ferguson as it related to public education and integrated public schools.

Brown v. Board of Education

This is the administrative group of non-elected officials charged with carrying out functions connected to a series of policies and programs.


Perhaps no act of symbolic speech has been as controversial in U.S. history as __________.

Burning of the flag

This seminal Supreme Court case dealt with the controversy over whether closely held businesses did not have to provide employees free access to emergency contraception or birth control if doing so would violate the religious beliefs of the business' owners.

Burwell v. Hobby Lobby

States like Alaska, Hawaii, Idaho, Colorado and Iowa don't use the classic primary structure for selecting nominees. Instead, they rely on this structure, in which nominees are selected informally.


This Supreme Court ruling eliminated campaign spending limits on corporations, allowing them to place unlimited money into Independent Expenditure-Only Committees.

Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission

One of the most important legislative efforts in the history of civil rights was pushed by President Lyndon B. Johnson and was known as the _______________. This act prohibited discrimination based on race, color, region, sex, and national origin.

Civil Rights Act of 1964

The Pendleton Act created this important organization, which was charged with reducing the impact of politics on public administration and setting forth qualifications for its employees.

Civil Service Commission

In this conflict, Southern states seceded to defend their states' rights to determine their own destinies without interference by the federal government.

Civil War

The refusal to obey an unjust law has been known as:

Civil disobedience

These are limitations on government power intended to protect freedoms of the people.

Civil liberties

These are guarantees that government officials will treat people equally and that decisions will be made on the basis of merit as opposed to personal characteristics.

Civil rights

The most common form of county government is the _______________ system, under which an elected body serves as the governing body, performing all legislative and executive functions.

Commission system

The __________ system in America is developed through binding judicial decisions and has its roots in the British tradition.

Common law

Under this theory of government, there is common ownership of all property, the means of production, and materials.


These types of positions are closely regulated by Congress through the Office of Personnel Management to ensure they are filled in a fair way and that the best applicant gets the job.

Competitive service positions

A ________________ opinion is when a justice agrees with the outcome of a case and writes a differing reason for its successful conclusion.


One of the most important clauses in the First Amendment is the Establishment Clause, which states what?

Congress cannot create or promote a state-sponsored religion

Congress has tried to reduce policy analysis bias in the Legislative Branch by creating this nonpartisan organization.

Congressional Budget Office

One of the first true proponents of a specialized public administration was President Woodrow Wilson. He explained that while politics do set tasks for administration, politics should be separated from administration. Which of these was not one of his three key means on doing so?

Developing a specialized system of checks and balances to ensure neutral competence

Under this system of government, the members of the city council are elected by voters. The council then appoints a city manager to carry out the administrative functions of that government.

Council-manager system

The most famous foreign policy emergency in America came during the _________, in which the Soviet Union enacted threatening action on American soil.

Cuban Missile Crisis

Despite segregation having been eliminated in law, "white flight" and personal choice has created this form of segregation.

De facto segregation

This document stated that, "all men are created equal" and "are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness."

Declaration of Independence

This is the amount by which expenditures are greater than revenues when it comes to the federal budget.


Which of these was not an original bureaucratic department created under President Washington?

Department of Defense

Before the ratification of the U.S. Constitution, the power of the state governments __________ that held by the national government.


For most, a person's first introduction to politics comes from which of the following sources?


While the president may be the lead representative in America's foreign policy, Congress also has important functions relating this the international stage. Which of these is a committee dealing with Congressional oversight of foreign policy?

Foreign Affairs Committee b. Committee on Armed Services c. Committee on Foreign Relations d. All of the abovexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

This is the collective understanding of the goals that a state's officials seek to attain abroad. It can also consist of the values that give rise to those objectives, and the means or instruments used to pursue these objectives.

Foreign policy

This important amendment to the U.S. Constitution guaranteed the rights of freed slaves on an equal standing with white individuals.

Fourteenth Amendment

This amendment to the U.S. Constitution protects against unreasonable searches and seizures.

Fourth Amendment

This clause of the First Amendment limits the ability of the government to control or restrict religious practices.

Free Exercise Clause

Under this market system, supply and demand are influenced by the people without any government involvement.

Free-market economics

According to the text, many women still today face this concept, which prevents them from rising to the highest levels of American organizations, including corporations, governments, academic institutions, and religious groups.

Glass ceiling

The most powerful tool in bureaucratic oversight is this agency, which provides Congress, its committees, and heads of Executive agencies with auditing, evaluation, and investigate services.

Government Accountability Office

These organizations, like the U.S. Postal Service, are quasi-business enterprises that not only generate profit, but provide a vital service to the government.

Government corporations

The ___________ strategy is the idea that a country should employ all available diplomatic, economic, and military resources to advance the national interest.


This important act reduced the power of the bureaucracy by prohibiting bureaucrats from actively engaging in political campaigns and from using their federal authority via bureaucratic rank to influence the outcomes of nominations and elections.

Hatch Act of 1939

Practically, state and local governments must work together to ensure the adequate delivery of services. To achieve this, charters are granted by the state and __________ is implemented, which gives municipalities some degree of autonomy.

Home rule

Which of these is not an example of a leading question?

How do you feel about Hillary Clinton as the next president of the United States?

While many justices believe strongly in defining laws to defend individual rights and liberties, others believe in this concept, in which policymaking should be left to the elected branches of government. Those who follow this viewpoint tend to simply try to interpret the U.S. Constitution.

Judicial restraint

We can characterize various ideologies along a spectrum, as shown in Figure 6.6 of the textbook. In addition to what we see here, we can also add economic variations to this. The extremes would then be described as a command economy and as a ___________.

Laissez-faire economy

Public policy deals with issues of concern to some ___________________, as opposed to matters of interest only to a _____________________.

Large segment of society; small segment of society

After World War I, President Wilson and others attempted to form this important international organization. Unfortunately, it was not able to do much on the world stage and dissolved.

League of Nations

This branch of government is empowered to apply oversight of the federal bureaucracy because of its power to control funding, among other factors.

Legislative Branch

These individuals believe that government almost always operates less efficiently than the private sector and that government actions should be kept to a minimum.


The members of the U.S. Supreme Court serve ___________ terms.


The greatest of the tools for disenfranchising black Americans from exercising their right to vote were:

Literacy and understanding tests

The easiest form of government for citizens to interact with is their ______________ government.


When candidates run for office, they are most likely to choose _______ or _______ office first.

Local; state

Early on, party politics saw political patronage doled out on the basis of party loyalty. This was known as what?

Spoils system

The goal of a policy analyst isn't to encourage the implementation of policy, but rather to what?

Make sure that decision-makers are fully informed about the decisions they make

Some civil rights leaders favored more immediate actions, such as violence, to achieve their goals. The most famous example was this man.

Malcolm X

In a poll, this is the number that states how far the results may be from the actual opinion of the total population of citizens. For example, the _______ may equal +/-4. In a poll garnering someone 40 percent of the vote, the actual percentage could rest between 36 percent and 44 percent.

Margin of error

America is unique in that, just as laws vary across the states, so do judicial rulings and interpretations of those laws. A great example of this is described in the textbook and shows the vast differences in ________________ regulation across the United States.


The American dual court system includes courts at the national and state levels. Which of these is not a tier of the dual court system?

Marriage courts

This entitlement policy requires beneficiaries to fall within a particular income category and provides to them a comprehensive set of health benefits.


Political patronage eventually gave way to this system of bureaucratic control in 1883 under the Pendleton Act.

Merit system

In this important Supreme Court decision, the court ruled by a 5-4 margin that a confession cannot be admissible unless the suspect is made aware of his rights and then, in turn, waives those rights.

Miranda v. Arizona

These individuals tend to feel very comfortable with the idea of the government shepherding progressive social and economic reforms, believing that these will lead to outcomes more equitable and fair for all members of society.

Modern liberals

Multiple foreign policy agencies come together to form the president's ___________.

National Security Council

This important bill required states to allow citizens to register to vote when they sign up for their driver's licenses and Social Security benefits. It's commonly known as the "Motor Voter Act."

National Voter Registration Act of 1993

This modern political ideology deals with the aggressive use or threat of hard power in foreign affairs.


The U.S. Supreme Court was actually not based in Washington, D.C. originally, but in which city?

New York City

Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart once described pornography as, "I know it when I see it" when questioning whether or not something was classified as ____________. This set the stage for laws to uphold charges on these exceptions to the right to freedom of expression.


The current makeup of the U.S. Supreme Court is:

One chief justice and eight associate justices

This form of voter registration has been met with concerns about voter fraud and security.

Online registration

Presidential nominees for the U.S. Courts system typically reflect the chief executive's ________________.

Own ideological position

This controversial law passed weeks after the 9/11 terrorist attack in 2001, which gave the federal government an easier way to seek and obtain search warrants or bypass requirements altogether.


This is the cohesive list of issues and concerns that a party puts together to campaign upon.

Party platform

The period after the Civil War was known as ________________, during which state governments were reorganized before the rebellious Southern states were allowed to be readmitted to the Union.


According to the text, this is the name for the procedures and rules that must be followed to get something done. This is frequently criticized by civilians as needless.

Red tape

The smallest subsection when it comes to calculating voter turnout is which of the following?

Registered voters

While distributive policy has diffuse costs and concentrated benefits, this policy features concentrated costs and diffuse benefits. For example, large corporations paying taxes for their carbon emissions equals greater air quality for all individuals.

Regulatory policy

70% of Americans claim that _________________ have socialized them to adopt beliefs that affect their politics.

Religious ceremonies

Although this does not directly appear in the U.S. Constitution or Bill of Rights, scholars believe that James Madison and Congress sought to protect this right to be free of government intrusion in our personal life, particularly within the bounds of the home.

Right to privacy

This is one of the oldest and largest pieces of social welfare policy in American history. In 2014, it costed the United States about $845 billion alone!

Social Security

Unlike the use of military power, nonmilitary tools, such as economic sanctions or propagandizing, would be considered as what sort of power on the world stage?

Soft power

Why do we see low national voter turnout for elections in America?

Some citizens are not allowed to vote b. Participation is not mandated c. Some don't have voter IDs d. All of the above xxxxxxxxxx

The core of the U.S. judicial system consists of _______________.

State courts

Under this type of scrutiny, the burden of proof is on the government to demonstrate that there is a compelling governmental interest in treating people of one group differently to another group.

Strict scrutiny

Speech is not just written or spoken. This form of speech deals with wearing clothing like an armband that carries a political symbol or raising a fist in the air.

Symbolic speech

Which of these is not a specific stage of the policy process?


The Supreme Court has ruled in favor of many issues involving the individual, despite the fact that there many not be unanimously or even majority agreement among the citizens. The most recent example of this would be, according to the text:

That same-sex couples have the right to marry in Obergefell v. Hodges

In 1909, the _________ was founded as a rallying point for securing equality.

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

In addition to cabinet departments, independent executive agencies report directly to the president. Which of these is not an example of an independent executive agency?

The Pentagon

The purpose of the U.S. courts system is to protect individual rights against societal and governmental oppression and protect the sanctity of ______________ from breaches by the other branches of government.

The U.S. Constitution

Under the concept of judicial review, the courts have become the key interpreters of ________________, continuously interpreting and applying relevant sections to modern times and circumstances.

The U.S. Constitution

The Lemon Test, developed during the 1971 Supreme Court case, Lemon v. Kurtzman, is a litmus test for determining whether governmental action that might promote a particular religious practice should be allowed to stand. Which of these points is not indicative of the Lemon Test?

The action or law must not specify the religious practice by name

One of the cornerstones of political thought in the United States is ____________.

The belief that people should be treated equally under the law

According to the text, which of these is not a challenge in American foreign policy?

The impact of American-based supply-side economics has created social upheaval across the world

Federal and State governments share powers in addition to retaining their own. Which of these powers is shared by the state and federal governments?

The power to collect income and corporate tax b. The power to build and maintain the interstate and highway systems c. The power to enforce laws d. All of the above xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

In The Federalist No. 84, Alexander Hamilton wrote that the Constitution was "merely intended to regulate the general political interests of the nation" rather than to concern itself with:

The regulation of every species of personal and private concerns

This codification into law applies to all educational institutions that receive federal aid and prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in academic programs, dormitory space, health-care access, and school activities including sports.

Title IX

This type of conservatism supports the authority of the monarchy and the church.

Traditional conservatism

States have the power to ratify amendments to the U.S. Constitution before they are approved. Which amendment was the only one ratified using the state ratifying method?

Twenty-First Amendment

This amendment to the U.S. Constitution banned the poll tax.

Twenty-Fourth Amendment

This theory suggests that the president can act in decisively different measures on foreign policy and domestic policy, and that some presidents are more successful on the former.

Two presidencies thesis

This act requires the Congressional Budget Office to provide information about the cost of any proposed governmental order that exceeds a specified threshold before that bill can be considered due to the potential cost burden on the states.

Unfunded Mandates Reform Act

This is the foremost international organization in the world today.

United Nations

The Principality of Liechtenstein is headed by a prince, who makes many of the decisions of the government, though is supported by a Parliament. How would this system of governance be categorized?


This is the oldest and shortest written constitution of the modern era still in existence.

U.S. Constitution

By 2014, the average cost of running a campaign in the House of Representatives costed over ______________.

$1.4 million

Each state has how many senators?


This author's The Wealth of Nations was an influential text on the establishment of a free market, capitalism, and democratic society.

Adam Smith

The House of Representatives is determined by ____________________, in which a mathematical formula allocates seats based on U.S. Census Bureau data, gathered every ten years.


Since the late 1990s, the states have asserted their rights to the oversight of immigration under the concept of immigration federalism. It was ultimately determined that the federal government had supremacy on immigration under this 2012 Supreme Court decision.

Arizona v. United States

The Executive Branch of the government (dealing with the president) is found in which Article of the U.S. Constitution?

Article II

The first document of governance established by the newly-free American people was the ____________.

Articles of Confederation

In a unique scenario, this president dealt with divided government in that his party controlled the executive branch and the other party controlled Congress. Surprisingly, he actually scored more successes working with the opposition party than with his own!

Bill Clinton

The ______________ is the platform from which the president is able to push his agenda directly to the public and circumnavigate the media. President Roosevelt hosted radio "fireside chats." President Obama used YouTube. President Trump is a large proponent of Twitter.

Bully pulpit

The ___________ is an established group of advisers that helps the president administer his duties, consisting of the most senior appointed officers of the executive branch.


Many describe the Electoral College as the last true vestige of federalism in that it guards against the chaos inherent in a multiparty environment. The text explains that one benefit of this system is that without it, __________________.

Candidates would focus only on the most populous areas of the country

These grants are formulated to limit discretion in the use of funds, while these grants come with less stringent federal administrative oversight.

Categorical grants; block grants

The rallying of women to guarantee the right of women to vote, as evidenced in the Nineteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, is an example of what?

Civic engagement

These powers are shared by both the federal and state governments, and include the ability to tax, borrow, and make and enforce laws to establish court systems.

Concurrent powers

Under this system of governance, independent self-governing states form together for the purpose of acting together in areas such as defense. Under this system, the national government has little power.


This is the institution of government most criticized by public, but also the most misunderstood.


Under this system of representation, the representative identifies the views of their constituents and then votes according to those views.

Delegate model of representation

The political system in which people tend to govern themselves as opposed to being governed by a singular ruler.


The city-states of Ancient Greece operated under various systems of governance. One of the most common was exhibited by ancient Athens and is perhaps the most example of this type of government in world history. In this form of government, as exhibited by Athens, all male citizens were allowed to vote for or against proposed laws.

Direct democracy

This type of federalism, in which the state and national governments exercise exclusive jurisdiction in their own spheres, is best described as a layered cake, while this type of federalism, in which the state and national governments coordinate together to solve problems, is best described as a marbled cake.

Dual federalism; cooperative federalism

This clause in the Constitution states that Congress shall "make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying" out its constitutional responsibilities.

Elastic Clause

This type of law criminalizes an act retroactively, and is not allowed under the Bill of Rights.

Ex post facto

One means of bypassing Congress that the president utilizes is this sort of law which can be enforced (as long as the courts do not overrule it).

Executive order

These funding opportunities involve the transfer of federal money to state and local governments and do not have to be repaid. They are designed to support the activities of the recipient governments and encourage them to pursue federal policy objectives.

Federal grants

The political practice specified in the U.S. Constitution in which powers are divided between two relatively autonomous levels of government - the state and federal governments.


This early pseudo-political party was categorized by its support of strong government and national currency.


This important political role has been utilized to some success over the years to advance particular agendas ranging from drug abuse prevention to physical fitness and healthy diet.

First Lady

Cooperative federalism reached its height during the New Deal and Great Society eras of U.S. history. This governmental style left two last attributes of federalism in the United States, including a nationalization of political activism and _____________.

Flexibility in the implementation of federal social welfare programs by state and local authorities.

Up until the presidency of ___________, the president could serve more than two full terms! This was rectified in the Twenty-Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

Franklin Roosevelt

The means by which a society organizes itself and allocates authority in order to accomplish collective goals and provide benefits that the society as a whole needs.


Known as the __________, this plan for a system of governance created our current system, which consists of two chambers: the Senate and the House of Representatives. The upper chamber is apportioned by equal representation, while the lower chamber is apportioned by population size.

Great Compromise

The presidential pardon allows him to forgive crimes or commute sentences without reservation. Which president has used this more than any other president in recent history?

Harry Truman

The bicameral system of Congress requires the 435-member House and 100-member Senate to pass ________________ bills.


This is the act of charging a government official with serious wrongdoing. According to the text, three presidents have faced this: Andrew Johnson, Richard Nixon, and Bill Clinton. Of course, history is in motion. Now four presidents have faced this, including Donald Trump. No president has been removed from office through trial brought about by this process.


This branch of the government has the ability to pass laws and impeach the president.

Legislative branch

This special veto, declared unconstitutional only 16 months after it was allowed, allowed a president to nullify certain lines of spending within a bill but leave others.

Line-item veto

The phrase "All politics is ________" is apt in that people truly feel more driven by the things that affect them daily - things like road quality, availability of jobs, cost of public education, etc.


It is quite a long process for a bill to become law. Typically, once hearings have been completed, the bill enters the __________ stage, in which it could either be amended or voted upon.


One of the first landmark Supreme Court cases dealt with the authority to charter a national bank and whether states could tax federal property. What was this case?

McCulloch v. Maryland

Primaries tend to offer tests of candidates' popular appeal, while caucuses testify to their ability to ____________________.

Mobilize and organize grassroots support

While your senator or congressperson may come home to campaign, evidence has shown that congressional elections may be increasingly driven by __________ issues.


Naturally, the growth of presidential power is complementary to the growth of ______________________, according to the text.

National power

The belief that everyone is deserving of God-given rights to life, liberty, and property.

Natural rights

Same-sex marriage was declared a constitutional right under this seminal Supreme Court decision.

Obergefell v. Hodges

The president's budget department is known as the _______________ and prepares the executive budget proposal during the federal fiscal year.

Office of Management and Budget

_________ is the concept in which people tend to prefer one political party over the other, sometimes without understanding party positions or through blind support.


According to the textbook, federalism is meritorious in that it:

Promotes policy innovation and political participation and accommodates diversity of opinion

This is the effect in which presidential popularity spikes during international crises.

Rally around the flag

A(n) __________ is an example of a representative democracy, in which the citizens do not govern directly but choose their representatives.


Any powers not expressly granted to the national government (such as the age for alcohol consumption) are to be exercised by the states. These powers are known as what?

Reserved powers

The idea in which the national government sees the diffusion of power into three separate branches to preserve against tyranny of the government is known as:

Separation of powers

The issues associated with the Articles of Confederation came to a head when the governor of Massachusetts called for national assistance in putting down __________. The national government was unable to mobilize an army, so the uprising was crushed with local militias and privately funded soldiers.

Shays' Rebellion

Robert Putnam, an influential political scientist, has posited the idea that people are inclined to do things for others to better support the collective value of the group. What is this concept called?

Social capital

The implicit agreement between a people and their government to trade some freedom for protection popularized by John Locke. Without this, Locke described life as "nasty, brutish, and short."

Social contract

According to a 2014 OMB analysis, the largest singular spending category in the federal budget consists of what?

Social security

The economic system in which wealth and assets are owned by the government and not by the citizenry.


The "core" committees in the congress are known as ____________ committees. These include committees like Agriculture, Appropriations, Ethics, Intelligence, and Education. Similar committees are found in both houses of Congress.


This clause in the U.S. Constitution states that the laws passed by Congress supersede those of the states in the event that they are in conflict.

Supremacy Clause

One controversy in drafting the U.S. Constitution is that the powers of the state governments were not clearly delegated. This was addressed in the Bill of Rights through this amendment, which states that, "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

Tenth Amendment

The most visible position in the U.S. government is _____________?

The President

According to its nature, this branch of Congress must maintain a broader interest to earn votes. This is because they service the entirety of the state in which they reside.

The Senate

The first American document to detail the office of President of the United States was:

The U.S. Constitution

The President of the Senate is:

The Vice-President of the United States

Federal systems of government are defined by at least five structural characteristics. Which of these is not one of those five characteristics?

The establishment of an elitist-based legislature determined by population size

The U.S. Constitution detailed several requirements of Congress, including:

The minimum age of congresspersons b. Requiring that Congress meet at least once a year c. The power to levy taxes, borrow money, and regulate commerce d. All of the above- correct

What were the main problems associated with the Articles of Confederation?

The national government could not impose taxes b. The national government could not regulate trade or interstate commerce c. The national government could not raise an army d. All of the above-the answer

The impasse over how enslaved individuals were to be represented in the new system of governance was solved through this plan, in which 60% of the enslaved population was to be counted for purposes of Congressional apportionment.

Three-Fifths Compromise

A paid streaming-based service such as Netflix would be known as a __________, as opposed to something like free public access television.

Toll good

Under this system of governance, citizens' lives are completely controlled and there is little to no room for political dissent or opposition.


A Republican senator voting for a bill that supports banning "bump stocks" despite her public support for the Second Amendment in an attempt to curtail greater bans on weapons would be an example of what?


Under this model of representation, the representative believes that he or she is entrusted by their constituents to use good judgment to make decisions on their behalf.

Trustee model of representation

This Amendment to the U.S. Constitution coupled a particular presidential candidate with that candidate's vice president in a unified ticket. (Before that, the second-place finisher in an election became the vice president!)

Twelfth Amendment

These are federal laws and regulations imposed on the state and local governments without full compensation for the administrative costs they incur.

Unfunded mandates

This type of legislature has only one house, as opposed to this type of legislature, which has two houses.

Unicameral; bicameral

This Supreme Court case, a promoter of new federalism, struck down the Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990.

United States v. Lopez

This is the power of the president to check any legislation from Congress, thereby likely preventing its passage.


The most visible (and arguably least powerful) member of a president's advisory group is the __________________.


An example of civic engagement would be which of the following?

Writing your congressman b. Signing a petition c. Holding a political rally d. All of the above the answere is all of the above

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