Dutch Bros Interview

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where do you see yourself a year from now?

A year from now I hope to be working for this company in a role that allows room for growth and advancement. This position offers a welcome opportunity to establish a more permanent foothold at Dutch Bros and would allow me to learn more about the process and procedures of this organization.

At Dutch. we offer many corporate growth opportunities to our star employees, where do you see your career with Dutch taking you?

Based on my political science background I could see myself pursuing a variety of career avenues in the HR or legal department at Dutch Bros. Personally, I am very interested in the philanthropic side of this company and would love to explore career opportunities on that side of the business as well. Ultimately, I would like to eventually work my way up to a management position.

Scale of 1 to 10 how honest are you?

I am a 10 when it comes to honesty. I think trust is vital to productive and cohesive work environment. when someone is dishonest that relationship of trust is broken, and it is incredibly difficult to get back.

Tell me about yourself

I am a native grants-passian and I have a deep love for this community. in my free time i enjoy musical theater, singing, and playing volleyball. i am a highly motivated team-player and an active seeker of knowledge. for the past three years i have been at Oregon State University pursuing a BS in Political Science with an option in law and politics as well as a minor in philosophy. Through my studies, I have gained extensive experience in critical discourse, research methods, and data interpretation. I have also fostered strong analytical, organizational, and communication skills. Upon graduating, I received the opportunity to join the Dutch Bro family as an HR Project Management intern. I have really enjoyed my experience so far and am looking extend my relationship with the organization to a more permanent position where I can best serve the company and grow personally.

When have you been asked to perform a function or complete a task in which you had little or no experience in doing?

I am frequently asked to complete tasks on subjects I have had no experience with. In my academic career. each new course offered a unique set of challenges to overcome. I also have experience performing functions with no experience in a professional capacity. In my position prior to joining dutch's, I was originally being considered for an internship position in the billing department of a busy medical practice. however, when the practice suddenly lost an employee due to personal reasons, they asked me to step in and fill the position of a medical assistant. although i had no prior experience in this field, I accepted the position despite my nerves eager for the opportunity to learn new skills. i went through training for about a week shadowing the other assistants to learn in ins and outs of the business. by the second week i was rooming patients without supervision and performing tasks that went above and beyond my job description. my supervisor told me she was impressed by how quickly i had pricked up the position. i am thankful i did not pass up the opportunity as this has become one of my favorite work experiences.

Leadership Qualities

I like to think I possess the qualities necessary of a leader such as creativity, perseverance, and accountability, but my ability to communicate well is probably the most vital in terms of leadership. I understand that communication is a two-way street. in addition to being able to articulate a vision and direct teams. I also pride myself on listening to the contributions and concerns of team members to ensure that they feel heard and valued. this allows me to cultivate a relationship of trust and respect with my team that makes collaborative experiences more enjoyable for everyone involved.

Why do you want to work for Dutch Bros?

I love the fact that Dutch Bros coffee is a successful business that initiated locally and that they offer opportunity for their employees to grow and advance within the company. I feel like there is a lot I could learn from this organization. But beyond that, I was attracted to Dutch Bros because of its culture of care, not only towards employees and customers but towards local communities. it is inspiring to see this company serve communities beyond providing a tasty product, but through programs such as "Be aware" that supports the fight against Breast Cancer, "Dutch luv" that donates to local food banks, and "Buck of Kids" that supports youth organizations. I have long admired Dutch Bros. generosity and since being welcomed into the family I have had the privilege of seeing that the reputation this company has built is more then just hype, it is genuine. The prospect of helping this company and its culture continue to expand excites me.

what is your favorite role and why did you leave?

I never left a company without fulfilling the duration of the position I was hired for. It is difficult to pick a favorite role as each experience i have undergone has been valuable in its own unique way. i would say i am most proud of my role as camp director for bethany presbyterian this was a project i oversaw from start to finish. as opposed to furthering a company's vision, I led teams to help realize my own vision. this experience allowed me to combine my passion for community service, education, and creativity while also challenging me to step out of my comfort zone. ultimately it led to a finished product that i was exceptionally proud of.

if dutch bros. coffee called your favorite professor how would she/he describe you?

I think my professor would describe me as a dedicated and hardworking student who always goes above and beyond what is expected of an assignment. for example, in a recent course i took at OSU on political theory, my professor told me I was exempt from the final research paper because my checkpoint outline had been so through it exceeded what was expected of even the final assignment.

how would you be an asset to this team? Why should we hire you?

I understand you are looking for an organized team player with exceptional communication skills who can research, compile, and relay information relating to emergency situations. I think I fit that description. Through my education, I have experience analyzing a wide range of texts and data to understand their underlying significance and apply that to a problem or situation. For example, in my constitutional law class, we were often given moot court cases which required us to use case knowledge and applicable laws to make judgments about a mock simulation. This practice has helped me to be hyper-aware of detail which will aid me in the task of isolating and resolving discrepancies between internal operations and external regulations regarding crisis cases.

understanding of this position

I will be working with the project management software Wrike to help organize existing projects within the human resource department. I will also aid in the development of a how-to manual that demonstrates how the HR team can best utilize Wrike to benefit dutch as a company

Spirit Animal?

I would probably say a beaver, not just because I attend OSU and that's are mascot, but because I find beavers to be industrious, organized, and creative animals who never give up on a project and that exemplifies my work ethic.

Rate your communication skills from 1-10 and tell us why you chose that rating.

I would rate myself an 8 for communication skills in part because I believe that there is always room for improvement. I am capable of effectively communicating complex ideas to large teams as well as on a one-on-one basis. i am also an active listener which is a vital component of the two-way street of communication and I am not afraid to ask clarifying questions to avoid misunderstanding or confusion.

Three Things you would bring to a deserted Island?

I would say my music because no matter what the situation is, I always feel better with the right soundtrack A satellite phone in order to contact the outside world and help plan a rescue then I should probably say something like matches or a desalination tool to provide fresh water, but in my imagination a magic wand would probably be more useful.

Describe your personality

I would say that I have a compassionate heart and a creative, yet analytical mind. I have a good sense of humor and love to laugh but am also very professional and match my demeanor to my environment. I can come across as slightly introverted when I first enter a new space, but quickly open up and become more outgoing as I grow accustomed to my surroundings.

List the top three skills you have acquired at your last role that will help you in this position at Dutch Bros. Coffee

My last position before joining this company was working for a busy podiatric practice. That role taught me the importance of active listening, organization, and teamwork. through active listening, I was able to improve teamwork and customer satisfaction by ensuring that those I engaged with felt heard and validated. Keeping organized let me complete numerous tasks in a timely fashion absent of the inconsistencies or mistakes that come from a lack of focus. furthermore, in order to manage the numerous responsibilities associated with a small yet incredibly busy practice, I had to rely heavily on my colleagues and them on me. this required that we maintained constant communication and a level of trust in order to adapt to ever-changing situations. I believe my active listening skills, attention to detail, and ability to work well with a team makes me especially well-suited for this position at Dutch Bros.

What are your greatest strengths

My strong work ethic is probably my greatest strength. my hard working attitude paired with my passion for learning allows me to go above and beyond what an assignment asks of me. this is evidenced by the fact that I have completed my college education in only 3 years. because I tend to take on added responsibility, i have had to cutivate exceptional organizational skills in order to make sense of seemingly chaotic situations and adhere to rigid deadlines.

What color would you be?

Purple - it combines the fiery energy of red with the calm stability of blue and to me represents loyalty, dignity, and creativity.

what are your weaknesses

Too analytical at the start of a project I think one of my weaknesses is that I can at times be too analytical at the start of a project. I like to get all of the facts and then establish a clear objective with a plan A, B and C for how to accomplish a goal. I have been working on improving my speed in selecting a path without allowing the quality of my work to suffer, but this is still a work in progress. If I am being completely honest, I think one of my biggest weaknesses is that I can struggle with being confident in my work. I like to check and double check my work before submitting it and I enjoy constructive feedback of any sort that helps me know whether I am headed in the right direction.

How does this position at Dutch fit your career goals?

While my career goals are somewhat malleable at this stage in my life, i know that I ultimately desire a challenging long-term career in a prominent community minded company like Dutch Bros. Currently, I am looking to find a more permanent position within this company where I can develop my talents and best serve this organization. I think the position Retail Systems Administrative Assistant position would be a step in the right direction towards accomplishing those goals.

how do you double check or verify your work

depending on the type of project my verification process differs. I think preparation is one of the biggest things that aids in accuracy. if you do not have a clear plan it is difficult to replicate or review a project. furthermore, ensuring that whatever sources I use are credible helps assure the reliability of my work. when applicable I think, and extra set of eyes can also be helpful in ensuring that I catch any and all inconsistencies before submitting my work.

What causes you to feel dissatisfied on the job?

i feel dissatisfied when i am in a situation where there is a lack of respect, whether that be for me, another individual, or the company as a whole. if a coworker or leader is not taking their job seriously or is conducting themselves inappropriately it can make for a hostile and enjoyable work environment.

Have you ever had to fire an employee?

i have never had to fire an employee. however, i have had situations in my academic career where i have been forced to part ways with a team member in order to ensure the success of my group as a whole. when working in a team i try my best to ensure that everyone feels motivated to contribute their own unique set of skills. however, sometimes an individual will refuse to participate despite offers of help and encouragement. when this happens, it is necessary to remove that individual from the group. if i were to carry the individual through the project it would not only harm the rest of my group., but it would be detrimental to the individual who would neither learn nor grow. it is always difficult to part ways with a team member because I do care about them as a person, but i have to remind myself that there is only so much I can do to help and ultimately it is up to the individual to decide if they want to succeed.

how dutch can remain competitive?

i think it is important to have a team that is keeping an ear to the ground tracking what customers like and dislike as well as doing market research to finding out what is new in the coffee industry so you can be ahead of your competitors. However, i think it is vital that the unique culture Dutch Bros has cultivated is not forgotten or diluted as the company continues to grow and expand.

Tell me about a time you failed

in one of my courses, we were required to participate in a supreme court simulation. I was really excited about this project. I had researched every detail of the case we were assigned and had a well-crafted argument ready to go. my role in the simulation was that of chief justice. part of my responsibilities was to preside over the conference and facilitate discussion between the other 8 justices on the court. on the day of the simulation, I spent so much of my time ensuring that the others were able to present their case and that their contribution was respected, that I failed to present my own findings and opinion of the case. as a result, all the time I spent researching and developing this airtight argument became irrelevant because I did not speak up for my own ideas. I have learned a lot from this experience. in the leadership roles, I have taken on since I have worked hard to find a balance between encouraging the ideas and participation of others without allowing my own unique contribution to be stifled.

how do you handle stress on the job?

on certain levels, stress can be productive. it keeps me motivated and reminds me I care about the work I do. However, an overbearing amount of stress is unhealthy and can negatively impact the quality of work. --organization, prioritization, and communication are all tools I use to help keep stress under control.--by breaking up large projects into manageable tasks and prioritize those tasks using lists, I am able to juggle multiple assignments with corresponding deadlines. furthermore, I am not afraid to communicate my confusion when a project instructions or leader's directions are ambiguous which saves me a great deal of stress and time-consuming guesswork. Ultimately, I think sometimes it is just a matter of stepping back for a second, taking a breath, and realizing we can do a lot more than we give ourselves credit for when we stay focused and don't let stress get the upper hand, although I recognize that sometimes that is easier said than done.

when have you lead a team

one example is when I was the head set designer for One eleven's production of Peter Pan Jr. After working with the director to create a vision for the production, I assembled and managed a team to make that vision a reality. this required leading concept meetings, overseeing construction, and accounting for all expenditures while adhering to a rigid budget and deadline. through the process, I had to exercise many qualities of a leader such as creativity, productivity, organization, and communication. I learned that simply ordering people around was not effective. instead by working with my team and listening to their input I was better able to improve upon the original design idea and react to unexpected setbacks. this experience showed me how important each player was to creating the overall big picture.

A time you went above and beyond

one example of a time i went above and beyond in the interest of an organization's when i took over as director for the bethany presbyterian annual children's summer camp i had been apart of this camp for many years first as a camper then as a volunteer. when bethany decided to cancel due to lack of funds and manpower, i knew i had to step up. not only did this camp provide safe activities and personal attention to the children in the community, but it doubled as a free day care service that many hard-working families relied on. i petitioned session and received permission to move forward with the camp under the condition that I was in charge. my responsibilities included securing funds maintaining a budget, running advertising, assembling and managing volunteers, creating lesson plans, and coordinating a variety of communities. i knew it would be a lot of work but gladly accepted the challenge because of what it would mean for the community.

Outside of work, what type of creative activities do you like to pursue?

outside of work, i am a lover of the arts. musical theater is a huge passion of mine. I am a frequent patron and participant of productions. My favorite role that I have played is sebastian in the little mermaid. i absolutely love singing whether I am on stage or alone in my room. Music in general is a huge part of my life. If i am going through a hard time, want to express my joy, or need to stay motivated during a workout or study session, i find that there is a song for just about every situation.

How would you handle it if you caught an employee stealing?

the first thing I would do is confront the employee to gain context of the situation before accusing the individual of dishonest intentions. then I would follow company guidelines to report the situation to the appropriate channel or absent of an internal process i would inform my direct superior of the theft. regardless of whether the product is cheap or expensive, stealing is never acceptable. not only does it hurt the company but when an employee acts without integrity they disrupt the relationship of trust that is vital to a productive and efficient work environment.

Set Back

when I was working as the lead set designer for the one eleven's children's summer camp smoke from wildfires became so heavy that we could no longer allow campers outside. as a result, the workroom set aside for my team had to be forfeited to allow space for campers to reside when they were not on the stage rehearsing. my team and I managed the set back by finding alternative spaces to work and sharing resources such as masks when painting or constructing pieces outside. In some cases where it was necessary to share our workspace with campers, I reacted to the situation by including the campers in the process. I set aside portions of the set for them to paint and created other projects for them to work on that could be incorporated into the final design. this actually worked nicely in that the campers got to learn a little about set design and were incredibly excited to get to participate in the process.

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