E-commerce chapter 10

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Which of the following statements about the online newspaper audience is not true

Online readership of newspapers is growing at more than 30% a year

DRM refers to a combination of — for protecting digital content

Technical and legal means

In 2017 which of the following was the largest producer of revenues in the US entertainment industry


Which of the following statements about esports is not true

The Eastport audience is predominantly composed of females between the ages of 21 and 34

Total music consumption in hours of the day listening to music has increased even as sales of CDs have drastically declined


Around what percentage of Amazons top 100 selling e-books are now self published


According to pew research Center, what percentage of newspaper readers are exclusively print readers


In 2017, the various entertainment industry's together accounted for about — of total media industry revenues, while the print media industries collectively accounted for about —.

76%, 24%

Which of the following is not an example of industry structure convergence

Apples development of the iPad

Which of the following US media channels generates the most revenue

Broadcast television and pay TV

Contact convergence describes convergence in the design, production, and — of content


Cannibalization is a major challenge facing book publishers


In the wholesale model of e-book distribution, pricing power is with the publisher


The proliferation of mobile device has lead to a decrease in the total amount of time spent with media


VOX is an example of the digital first business model


Which of the following happened during the time. When newspapers use a print centric business model

Google launched its search engine

Which of the following native digital new sites is owned by AOL

Huffington post

When was the future of e-books firmly established

In 2007 with the introduction of Amazon Kindle

The merger of media Enterprises into powerful, synergetic combinations that can cross market content on many different platforms is referred to as

Industry convergence

Explain the concept of media convergence

Media convergence is the merging of mass communications such as print, television, radio, the Internet. They communicate with portal interactive technologies in the blending of different media forms into one.

In 2018 time spent with digital media accounted for — of total media time spent

NOT 33%

Which of the following types of online content is consumed by the lowest percentage of US Internet users

NOT digital audio

Texture is an example of which of the following

NOT interactive book developer

Which of the following is not a current trend an online content

Readership of newspapers in print form continues to exceed online readership

In 2018 which of the following comprise the largest segment of online gaming audience

Smart phone gamers

Who was the first major fiction writer to create an e-book only volume of a new work

Stephen king

Which of the following statements about the home entertainment industry is not true

The current transition into Internet and especially mobile delivery of television is leading to a decline in traditional television viewing

Which of the following statements about the movie industry is not true

The movie industries control of the release window of a movie is a form of price discrimination

Hollywood's practice of staggering the distribution of movies and different channels such as box office and DVDs is referred to as

The release window

Which of the following statements is not True about 0TT

To use OT services, consumers must purchase a bundle of channels

Revenue generated by online TV and movies is expected to grow by nearly 30% between 2018 and 2021


Smart phones are an example of technological convergence


The average American adults spend twice as much time consuming media then time spent at work


The time spent on desktop computers and mobile devices now exceeds time spent in front of the television


Which streaming gaming channel was purchased by Amazon in 2015?


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