Earth Science Ch. 12 Activity (Smartwork)

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A variety of remedial steps can stabilize unstable ground. Identify the following stabilization techniques.

(Top row from left to right to bottom row from left to right) channel relocation, riprap, revegetation, terracing

Different types of surfaces can serve as failure planes, allowing mass movement of overlying material. Identify the following possible failure surfaces by matching them with their descriptions.

(from left to right) foliation plane in metamorphic rock, exfoliation joint in granite, bedding plane in sedimentary rock

Identify the following types of mass movements by matching them with their appropriate labels.

(from left to right) solifuction or creep, slump, lahar, debris flow, rockfall

The following images show the three main types of submarine mass movements. Match the images with the correct process.

(from top to bottom) debris flow, turbidity current, submarine slump

After reading the textbook section describing slumping, identify the features of this slump by dragging the labels to the appropriate target. Note that one target will be empty because there are only four labels.

**I will attempt to put this as accurately as possible - headwall scarp - direction that the slump moved (there will be an arrow pointing down) - slump block (DO NOT put this in the spot with the arrow pointing up) - toe of the slump

Which of the following are reasons why the Moon's surface has remained mostly unchanged for 3 billion years?

- There is no water on the Moon to cause weathering. - The Moon does not have plate tectonics. - Biological decay cannot occur on the Moon.

Which of the following factors contribute to mass wasting?

- saturated soil - hillsides with little vegetation - oversteepened slopes - eathquakes

Rank the following reservoirs by the amount of time that water tends to reside in them.

1. glaciers 2. ocean 3. lakes 4. rivers 5. the atmosphere

Decide whether the following would result in uplift or subsidence. Sort each into the appropriate category.

Uplift: - thrust fault - removing an ice sheet Subsidence: - erosion - normal fault - removal of groundwater

Identify the processes that will complete the sentence below so that it describes one pathway water could follow through the hydrologic cycle.

Water *evaporates* from the ocean, rises, cools, and *condenses* into clouds in the atmosphere. The clouds are then blown by the wind over land where water *rains* on the land surface. The water then *infiltrates* into the subsurface reservoir to become groundwater.

Which of the following scenarios would be least likely to produce a mass wasting event?

dry, unconsolidated, irregular gravel with a slope angle of 40°

This image shows the aftermath of mass movement in a steep-sided glacial valley in Switzerland. This impressive scar and talus pile likely records which of the following types of mass movement?


This image shows a series of beach deposits along the coast of Nunavut in northern Canada. The modern beach is at the bottom of the hill adjacent to the ocean. Near the top of the hill, the deposits are several thousand years old. Which of the following is the most likely explanation for the dynamic behavior of the Earth's crust at this location?

uplift caused by glacial unloading

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