Eating Disorders Pt I

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Although most victims recover from eating disorders, between ______ and ______ of them become so seriously ill that they die from medical problems or from suicide.

2 percent; 6 percent

What percentage of individuals with anorexia die from medical complications?

2 to 6 percent

The MOST realistic statement a person with anorexia would make following cognitive treatment is:

"I expect to feel fat because of my illness."

Which of the following behaviors would be MOST likely to lead to a diagnosis of muscle dysmorphobia?

A man who is muscular but does not see himself as he is and so continues to strive for a perfect body.

Which of the following is NOT true about anorexia nervosa?

About 25 percent of people who experience anorexia nervosa are men.

If current trends concerning the body images of African American women and white American women continue, we would expect in the future that:

African American women would show increasing body image dissatisfaction.

Which of the following is TRUE about recovery from anorexia?

Anorectic behavior recurs in about one-third of recovered patients.

The popular star whose death raised awareness of eating disorders was:

Karen Carpenter.

Many teenagers go on occasional eating binges. Which of the following is TRUE about this behavior?

Most people who engage in the behavior are not bulimic.

"Depression and eating disorders are correlated." What does this statement mean?

People with eating disorders also tend to be depressed.

In general, which of the following statements about feelings that trigger eating is TRUE?

Positive emotions are less likely than negative emotions to trigger the eating of junk food.

Which of the following statements BEST describes the effects of compensatory behaviors bulimics use in controlling weight?

Repeated vomiting affects one's ability to feel satiated.

Which of the following is the MOST accurate biological explanation for people who gain weight after losing it?

The brain is trying to restore one to a weight set point.

Current research on eating disorders is MOST consistent with which of the following statements?

The rates of eating disorders are increasing in minority women—approaching rates found in white American women.

Why does the author of your textbook describe dieters who have fallen to a weight below their set point as being engaged in a "battle against themselves"?

Their brains are making them feel hungry, an impulse hard to resist.

According to weight set point theory, the consequences of dieting below one's weight set point are:

There is increased hunger.

How does binge eating disorder differ from bulimia nervosa and anorexia nervosa?

There is less gender difference in the incidence rates.

To qualify for a diagnosis of bulimia nervosa, what must be TRUE of the compensatory behaviors displayed?

They must be recurrent and inappropriate.

The MOST common cognitive disturbance in anorexia nervosa is:

a distorted body image.

Which of the following is MOST at risk for an eating disorder?

a gymnast

If a friend were experiencing anorexia nervosa, you wouldn't be surprised to find that she was also experiencing all of the following EXCEPT:

a personality disorder.

Characteristics of anorexia nervosa include all the following EXCEPT:

a view that one is currently unattractively thin.

If you are overweight, the development of which of the following is MOST likely to appeal to you?

a way to safely increase GLP-1 in humans

If you were looking at a photograph of yourself and adjusting the size until you thought the picture looked like you, you would MOST likely be participating in an assessment of your:

accuracy in estimating body size.

Which of the following problems is common in anorexia nervosa?


A young woman has become very afraid of being overweight. She has recently reduced her food intake although she feels hungry all the time. As a result, her weight has dropped sharply below average, but she still believes that she is overweight. She is MOST likely experiencing:

anorexia nervosa.

The medication MOST helpful in the treatment of bulimia is an:

antidepressant drug.

All the treatment methods for bulimia nervosa share the immediate goal of:

assisting patients to eliminate their binge-purge patterns.

Based on past results, one would predict that women who win the Miss America Pageant in the future will:

be smaller than those who lose.

Which of the following observations would NOT be consistent with what is usually characteristic of those diagnosed with bulimia nervosa?

being 30 years old

In which of the following disorders would you expect nearly equal numbers of men and women?

binge eating disorder

The central feature of bulimia nervosa is:

binge eating followed by a compensatory behavior.

Following a very low-calorie weight-loss program, participants would be at MOST risk for:


Similarities between bulimia and anorexia include:

both tend to begin after a period of dieting among people afraid of becoming obese.

The disorder that is characterized by eating binges followed by forced vomiting is called:

bulimia nervosa.

Parents who feed their children when they are anxious and comfort them when they are tired rather than letting them nap, run the risk of producing children who:

can't assess their own needs.

Research on doll choice in preschoolers shows that:

children choose the thin doll rather than the chubby doll but don't know why.

Someone who fasts or exercises strenuously following a binge is engaging in:

compensatory behaviors.

A person who was receiving the best and most current treatment for an eating disorder would receive treatment designed to:

deal first with changing the eating habits, then with what caused them.

Which of the following problems is a possible medical complication of anorexia nervosa?

decreased heart rate

Relapse of bulimia is MORE likely, based on the person's:

development of a pattern of frequent vomiting.

Someone who is experiencing bulimia is MORE likely to ______ than someone experiencing anorexia.

display characteristics of a personality disorder

Salvador Minuchin describes a family system in which members are overly involved in each other's affairs as a(n):

enmeshed family pattern.

A therapist who sat with the bulimic patient while the patient ate appropriate quantities of "forbidden" foods, and then stayed until the patient no longer had the urge to purge would be practicing:

exposure and response prevention.

One of the therapy methods commonly used to treat bulimia nervosa is:

exposure and response prevention.

Tanya is a behavioral therapist who exposes bulimic patients to situations that usually cause binge episodes and then prevents them from binge eating. The technique that she is using is called:

exposure and response prevention.

The PRIMARY motivating emotion a person with anorexia experiences is:


A man with muscle dysmorphobia is MOST likely to:

feel that he is scrawny, despite the fact that he is not.

Consequences of anorexia nervosa include all of the following EXCEPT:

fever and high blood pressure.

For people with bulimia nervosa, binge episodes produce feelings of:

guilt and depression.

When an experimenter stimulates a rat's lateral hypothalamus, the MOST likely result is:


The part of the brain MOST closely associated with the control of eating and body weight is the:


In which of the following cases are you MOST likely to develop an eating disorder?

if you have an identical twin with anorexia nervosa

The concordance rate for anorexia nervosa in identical twins is 70 percent. This means that:

if your identical twin has anorexia, your chances of having it are 70 percent.

What does Hilde Bruch believe ineffective parents do that puts their children at risk for eating disorders?

incorrectly interpret their children's needs

Compared to a person who is happy and self-confident, a person who is bored and depressed:

is more likely to eat junk food.

Relapse for both bulimia and anorexia is MOST likely triggered by:

life stresses.

Which of the following medical problems associated with anorexia is MOST likely to lead to death?

metabolic and electrolyte changes

What appears to be the KEY factor in determining the types of food that are likely to be eaten in a binge?

minimal chewing with soft texture

If a therapist thought that eating disorders were BEST explained by an interaction of sociocultural, psychological, and biological factors, that therapist would be taking a(n):

multidimensional perspective.

The currently accepted view of eating disorders is that its cause is:


Which of these disorders is LEAST likely to be found in women?

muscle dysmorphia

If a friend of yours had bulimia nervosa and engaged in frequent binges, about how many of his or her binges per week would you expect to witness?


Anorexic individuals often show which of the following personality chracteristics?


Where would one be MOST likely to see the words, "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels"?

on a pro-anorexia Web site

Which of the following people would be MOST likely to cut out sweets, then eliminate more and more types of foods, but not force vomiting?

one experiencing restricting-type anorexia nervosa

People suffering from anorexia nervosa tend to:

overestimate their body size.

If you are an overweight female teenager with an eating disorder, you are MORE likely than your peers to do all of the following EXCEPT spend more time:

playing video games.

All of the following are compensatory behaviors for someone with bulimia EXCEPT:

preoccupation with food.

Misusing diuretics and laxatives following a binge is a symptom of the ______ of bulimia nervosa.


The MOST accurate diagnosis for a woman who regularly eats a whole pizza, a carton of ice cream, and a box of donuts at one sitting, then forces herself to throw it all up is:

purging-type bulimia nervosa.

People with alexithymia are NOT readily able to:

put descriptive labels on what they are feeling.

What is the MOST common outcome for individuals with anorexia nervosa?


Which of the following psychological problems is LEAST likely to be associated with anorexia nervosa?


The levels of ______ are low in many people with depression and in eating disorders.


For which of the following individuals is recovery from anorexia MOST likely?

someone who is a teenager rather than a young adult

The treatment that has been the MOST popular for restoring weight among anorexic persons is:

supportive nursing care and a high-calorie diet.

Anorectic patients receive a gradually increasing diet over the course of several weeks, encouragement, education, and reassurance that they will not become obese. The form of therapy they are receiving is:

supportive nursing care.


suppresses appetite.

What is the first type of food usually eliminated from the diet of the developing restricting-type anorexic person?


Almost two-thirds of women athletes engage in self-destructive ways of controlling their weight. Which of the following is MOST common?

taking diet pills

Regarding emotions, the pattern common in bulimia from prebinge, through binge, to postbinge is BEST described in sequence as:

tension, powerlessness, shame.

Support for the idea that mood disorders set the stage for eating disorders comes from evidence that shows:

that close relatives of people with eating disorders have a high rate of mood disorders.

One difference between the eating disorders and other disorders is:

the recovered person often misses his or her symptoms.

Serotonin levels are low in those with eating disorders and in those with obsessive-compulsive disorder and depression. This means that:

there is a relationship, but no evidence of causation.

"Biggest Loser" contestants, if they are like the majority of obese people, are MOST likely:

to not display binge eating disorder.

According to cognitive theorists, the underlying distortion in eating disorders is related to:

too much concern with eating, shape, and weight.

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