Govt 2305 Final

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_____ is a process in which the popular support for and relative strength of the political parties shift, and the parties are reestablished with different coalitions of supporters.


Which of the following duties is performed by the president as the nation's chief diplomat?

Recognizing and interacting with foreign governments

According to Article II, Section 1, of the Constitution, to become the president of the United States, a person must:

have been a resident of the United States for a minimum of fourteen years.

Political parties use newspaper articles, debates, and television announcements to present their views about important political issues. These activities:

help citizens learn about the issues, form opinions, and consider proposed solutions.

Which of the following is true of the old media in the twentieth century?

Radio did not displace print media in the early twentieth century.

Identify a perk associated with the presidency of the United States.

The president enjoys the use of the White House.

Which of the following statements is true of the concept of political socialization?

The process of political socialization is mostly informal.

In the context of public opinion and voting, women on average are more likely than men to _____.

have a stronger commitment to the liberal value of community.

The concept of _________ is related to agenda setting.


Which of the following is a similarity between opinion leaders and peer groups?

Both can influence an individual's views.

_________ is so widely accepted in the United States that the press would probably endorse it under any form of media ownership.


Which of the following duties is performed by the president of the United States as head of state?

Decorating war heroes

SAQ: Discuss lobbying as a direct method of influencing government policy.

Due to the fact that lobbying has proven to significantly impact policymaking, interest groups use direct techniques such as lobbying to further implement their passage, defeat or contents to legislation.

SAQ: In the context of racial and ethnic minorities, discuss the voting behaviors of Hispanic and Asian Americans.

Even as these citizens assimilate to American culture, they remain more likely to vote Democrat than Republicans

The _____ guarantees the right of the people "to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

First Amendment

_____ in his Farewell Address said that the "spirit of party . . . agitates the community with ill-founded jealousies and false alarms, kindles the animosity of one part against another, foments occasionally riot and insurrection."

George Washington

Identify a true statement about the apportionment of House seats.

House seats are reapportioned every ten years.

Which of the following statements is true of an executive order?

It has the force of law.

Which of the following statements is true of traditional journalism?

It is becoming a smaller part of today's news culture.

Which of the following statements is true of the generation that came of age during the Vietnam War?

It is skeptical of American interventionism in foreign affairs.

SAQ: Explain the concept of reverse discrimination.

It is when there is discrimination against those who have no minority status; for example against whites.

SAQ: Differentiate between the political ideologies of judicial activism and judicial restraint.

Judicial restraints assume that courts should defer to the decisions of the legislative and executive branches. Judicial activists believe that courts should actively use their powers to check the branches to ensure they do not exceed authority.

SAQ: Summarize the Constitution's principles of limited government and federalism.

Limited government obtains strict limits and ensures that is serves the public rather than private interests. Federalism allows for the government powers to be shared by the national government and the states.

Which of the following statements is true of online advertising revenue?

Most of the online advertising revenue goes to aggregators.

Which of the following statements is true about media?

Radio, television, and print media remain important to American politics and government.

SAQ: Discuss why people join political parties and explain the reasons for a person choosing one party over another.

Some people join and choose one party over the other because they would like to engage with likeminded people, promote a set of ideals and principles, and materialistic incentives. Th

The presiding officer in the House of Representatives is the:

Speaker of the House.

Which of the following is a downside of incumbency advantages?

Suppression of voter turnout

SAQ: Why is talk radio sometimes characterized as the Wild West of the media?

Talk show hosts do not attempt to hide their political biases, they exaggerate them for effect.

Which of the following is true of tax breaks for special interest?

Tax breaks for a special interest can be easier to obtain than subsidies.

Which of the following is an example of a public-interest group?

The American Civil Liberties Union

Which of the following is an example of a professional interest group?

The American Political Science Association

Which of the following is an example of an ideological interest group?

The Club for Growth

Identify a true statement about the Speaker of the House.

The Speaker can interpret the outcome of most of the votes taken.

SAQ: Discuss the laws that were passed to protect whistleblowers.

The Whistleblower Protection Act of 1989 was passed to encourage federal employees to report government wrongdoing and authorizes OSC to investigate complaints.

Which of the following is true of political parties?

The concept of political parties is undefined in the U.S. Constitution.

SAQ: Explain the functions of the electoral college in U.S. presidential elections.

The electoral college is chosen by voters in the proper state to represent the people's votes during presidential elections, this also influence who is chosen as VP.

In the context of public opinions, which of the following statements is true of the media?

The media tend to wield the most influence over the views of persons who have not yet formed opinions about various political issues or candidates.

Which of the following statements demonstrates the belief that compromise with the other party in the legislature is a form of betrayal?

The minority party should not attempt to improve legislation proposed by the majority.

SAQ: Explain the roles of a president as commander in chief and head of state in the U.S.

The president has authority to sign legislations into law or veto bills created by Congress, however Congress is allowed to override through two-thirds vote. As commander in chief the president is responsible of taking charge when caring for the United States when dealing with the military. As head of state, the president is responsible for representing the country, an example for this would be him making the first pitch at a baseball game and partaking in symbolic events.

Which of the following statements is true of a treaty?

The president has the sole power to negotiate and sign a treaty with another country.

Which of the following statements is true of the functions of political parties?

They act as the major institutions through which the executive and legislative branches cooperate with each other.

Which of the following is true of interest group representatives or lobbyists?

They are frequently asked to testify before congressional committees on the effect or potential effect of particular legislation.

Which of the following is true of interest groups?

They pursue their goals in every branch of government.

Which of the following functions of political parties helps simplify voting choices for the electorate?

They take the larger number of people who want to run for office and narrow the field.

Which of the following statements is true of trade organizations?

They usually support policies that benefit specific industries.

Which of the following is the most accurate way of gauging overall public opinion between elections?

Through public opinion polls

Identify a true statement about media trends among today's youth.

Today's youth have abandoned cable TV service altogether in favor of online streaming.

To be a member of the House of Representatives, a person must:

be at least twenty-five years of age.

A _____ refers to a Congress consisting of two chambers.

bicameral legislature

Tipping can happen due to:

changes in education levels and occupations.

As _____, the president of the United States enforces laws and federal court decisions, along with treaties approved by the United States.

chief executive

In the context of American political parties, the party in government helps to organize the government's agenda by:

coaxing and convincing its own party members in office to vote for its policies.

The pastor of Mariah's church openly condemns government policies and portrays the government as irreligious and morally threatening. Mariah comes from a family with strong religious beliefs. In the context of political socialization, she is most likely to identify herself as a(n) _____.


The growing detachment of voters from both major political parties is known as _____.


Opponents of racial gerrymandering argue that race-based districting is unconstitutional because it violates the _____ clause.

equal protection

The U.S. Constitution requires that senators be elected:

every six years by popular vote.

As chief executive, the president of the United States has the power to:

grant reprieves, pardons, and amnesties.

Typically, liberals and some moderates vote for Democrats, and conservatives vote for Republicans. This exemplifies the effect of _____ on voting behavior.


In addition to the powers explicitly granted by the U.S. Constitution, the president also has _____ that are necessary to carry out the specific responsibilities of the president as set forth in the Constitution.

inherent powers

Some Americans consider _____ to be a natural consequence of democracy that play an important role in the American system of government.

interest groups

A single-member district:

is where voters elect one member from their district to the House of Representatives and to their state legislature.

The president's power to grant a pardon serves as a check on _____.

judicial power

In Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, the Court ruled that political action committees could accept unlimited contributions for _____.

making independent expenditures

Leadership and organization in both chambers of Congress are based on:

membership in the two major political parties.

Between elections, candidates depend on active party members to:

organize fund-raisers.

For established voters, _____, a standing allegiance to a political party, is one of the most important and lasting predictors of how a person will vote.

party identification

A(n) _____ can be defined as a group of individuals who organize to win elections, operate the government, and determine policy.

political party

The term _________ refers to communication channels such as newspapers and magazines.

print media

Indirect techniques of influencing government policy can be particularly effective because:

public officials are often more impressed by contacts from voters than from lobbyists.

The Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995:

required lobbyists to report their clients.

A _________ is a recorded comment, lasting for only a few seconds, that captures a thought or a perspective and has an immediate impact on viewers or listeners.

sound bite

By default, the lines of the congressional districts are drawn by the _____.

state legislatures

The National Rifle Association is an example of a(n) _____.

statutory corporation

The freedom to form interest groups and to lobby the government is protected by _____.

the Bill of Rights

Lobbying is best defined as:

the direct attempts by individuals or organizations to influence administrative decisions of government.

Podcasting can be defined as:

the distribution of audio or video files to personal computers or mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets.

The United States has a two-party system which means that:

the two major parties—the Democrats and the Republicans—dominate national politics.

Party identifiers are:

those people who identify themselves as being members of a political party.

Opinion leaders are:

well-known people who are able to influence others.

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