EDA 321

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SCORE CHAMPS stands for: Structure, Clarity, Opportunities to respond, Redundancy, Explicit instruction, Choices, Assess forms of knowledge, Monitor student learning, Practice, and Success.


Teachers can take steps to prevent most challenging behavior.


The instructional focus of PBIS means that students are taught what to do. This means, in part, that schoolwide rules are actively taught.


Your classroom should look like a place where learning occurs, where learning is important, and where learning is celebrated.










Mr. Couch noticed that one of his students was having trouble following directions during direct teach in his math class. He decided to take baseline data. How much time should he spend taking baseline data?

A) 30 minutes B) 10 observation periods C) 3 to 5 observation periods !! D) immediately

The index card narrative system is

A) A format for developing hypotheses. B) A behavioral checklist. C) A format for teachers to record narrative thoughts about a student's behavior. D) A format for gathering observational data about a student's behaviors. !!

Mr. Graham told his behavior specialist that one of his students was especially rude everyday. The behavior specialist told him that "rude behavior" was too broad a term. She requested an operational definition of the behavior. What did the behavior specialist want from Mr. Graham?

A) A specific request for assistance from the behavior specialist. B) an unambiguous, objective definition of a target behavior !! C) a definition of the student's academic skills. D) none of the above

Functional Behavioral Assessment is based on several assumptions. Which of the following statements is not one of these assumptions?

A) Antecedents affect behavior. B) Parents are the most influential in a student's school behavior. !! C) Sometimes, problem behavior reflects a failure to learn a more appropriate alternative way to behave. D) Behavior serves a purpose.

Which one of the choices below briefly describes concerns regarding the Life Space Interview.

A) Behavior debriefing may reinforce unacceptable behavior. B) Students' may use feelings as an excuse for unacceptable behavior. C) LSI can result in loss of academic learning time. D) all of the above !!

Which of the following are advantages of the index card system?

A) Cards can be sorted into categories - antecedents, consequences, and functions. B) Cards allow for data collection even for problem behaviors that occur infrequently. C) Collecting data on index cards is easy, does not interrupt instruction, and does not require another person to complete the observation. D) All of the above !!

Max was a student in Mr. Gray's class. He worked on a behavior contract that stated that he needed to earn 10 points before he could trade them for time to play a game. However, he learned that even if he acted out and did not earn the 10 points, Mr. Gray would sometimes give in and let him play a game. He had some fun seeing just how far out of line he could get and still get to play. What error did Mr. Gray make?

A) He needs to buy new games. B) Max's time with the games was not contingent upon his behavior. !! C) He should lower the number of points needed to play a game. D) He needs a better relationship with Max.

According to a comprehensive of children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, which one of these statements is true.

A) Medication is the only way to address this disorder. B) Counseling is the best way to work with these children. C) Medication for behavioral control should always be combined with types of behavioral interventions and positive behavior supports. !!! D) none of the above

Which of the following is not included in the philosophy of Project Re-ED.

A) People who work with children and youth who exhibit challenging behaviors must believe that positive change is attainable. B) Some behaviors are caused by genetic disorders and cannot be changed. !! C) A therapeutic relationship between adult caregivers and children who exhibit difficult behaviors is an essential prerequisite for behavioral change. D) Appropriate academic and social expectations, assessment, and programming are critical to a young person's success.

Here are three of the four assumptions of Applied Behavior Analysis: (1) A person's past learning and biological make-up affect current behavior. (2) All voluntary behavior, both appropriate behavior and inappropriate behavior, is governed by the same principles. (3) Behavior is related to the environment in which it occurs. Which of the following completes the four assumptions?

A) Punishment is the most important technique in ABA. B) Behavior serves a purpose. !! C) Some behaviors cannot be changed. D) Biologically-based behaviors cannot be changed.

Ms. Higgins implemented a reinforcement plan with her language arts class. She also implemented several plans for individual students. Behaviors improved for a few days and then student behaviors began to deteriorate. What should Ms. Higgins do now?

A) Stop using the current reinforcement plans and create new ones. B) Suspend the students and start the current reinforcement plans again. C) Follow problem solving steps and examine the plans. !! D) b and c

What is a potential problem with both anecdotal reports and the ABC descriptive analysis?

A) The information is not sufficiently clear for functional assessment purposes. B) Someone other than the teacher or paraprofessional should do the observation. !! C) It takes too much time to complete them. D) All of the above

The advantages of using a reinforcer menu include which of the following?

A) The teacher controls the choices. B) The student can choose and/or rank reinforcers. C) Reinforcer menus are an easy way to determine reinforcer choices. D) all of the above !!

Ms. James wanted her science students to graph their progress on wall charts. How would Ms. James create tests so that her students could use raw data for their graphs?

A) The tests would have to be given at the same time. B) The tests would need to have the same number of test items. !! C) The tests would have to be given individually. D) all of the above

Which of the following is true of data collection periods?

A) They should occur at different times of day each time. B) They should vary in length each time. C) They should occur at the same time of day each time. !! D) none of the above

Which of the following is true about event data?

A) Unrestricted event data may be reported as raw data if the observation period is always the same length. B) Restricted event data should be reported as a percentage. C) Unrestricted event data may be reported as rate. D) all of the above !!

Mr. Mayers needed to know what reinforcer would work for each of his 12 students. He knew that he could observe to obtain information, and he could ask the students what they liked. He asked his mentor teacher for suggestions about reinforcers and was given which of the following suggestions?

A) Use reinforcer sampling B) Use functional assessment data C) Use reinforcement lists posted on the web D) a and b !!

The goal when analyzing data is to identify

A) academic weaknesses. B) peers' behaviors. C) patterns of a student's behavior. !! D) All of the above

A behavioral approach is based on the fundamental assumption that all _______________ behavior is learned as a result of consequences associated with those behaviors.

A) appropriate B) inappropriate C) school D) voluntary !!

Ms. James had a student who would destroy his work almost daily during independent math instruction. She decided to take data for four independent work sessions. In the first two sessions the difficulty of the work would be equal to practicing known skills, and in the second two sessions the difficulty of the work would involve new skills that had been taught that day in direct teach. Ms. James was using functional _____________.

A) assessment B) structure C) analysis !! D) none of the above

Mr. Smith had a student who taunted and made verbal threats to classmates. Mr. Smith decided that he needed to gather data from this student's teachers before developing an intervention to address the behavior. Mr. Smith was preparing to use functional ___________.

A) assessment !! B) structure C) analysis D) none of the above

To avoid post-reinforcement pause, teachers should

A) avoid using reinforcement. B) use continuous schedules of reinforcement. C) use negative reinforcement only. D) use variable schedules of reinforcement. !!

The biophysical model, also called the medical model, is based on the assumption that atypical behavior is the result of:

A) biological make-up B) some type of organic dysfunction inherent in the individual C) genetics D) all of the above !!

The FBA process, especially analyzing data and formulating hypotheses, should be ________________.

A) completed by the school psychologist. B) completed by the parent. C) a team effort !! D) all of the above

Ms. Jameson graphed the data of a replacement behavior for one of her students. The line on the graph moved gradually up, showing that the replacement behavior was occurring more often. Given this information, Ms. Jameson should

A) continue the plan. !! B) stop the plan. C) change the plan. D) take data for a new baseline.

Mr. Brent examined the graph of data for a replacement behavior and noted that the line had moved up for 7 consecutive data periods, but today the graphs took a sharp move downward, away from the goal. What should Mr. Brent do now?

A) continue to monitor the progress of the plan; if the downward movement continues, the intervention may need to be modified. !! B) stop the plan. C) give up. D) none of the above

Students with behavior challenges are students who require _______________.

A) differential management techniques B) more structure C) possibly more individualized instruction D) all of the above !!

CBM uses _______________ recording to monitor key samples of academic performance in reading, writing, and math.

A) duration B) time C) event !! D) latency

John was taking too long to go to the restroom and return to class. What type of data recording system should the teacher use?

A) duration !! B) time sampling C) event D) latency

Graphing is ______________ for teachers and students.

A) easy B) rewarding C) time efficient D) all of the above !!

The ecological model relies upon ecological assessment to gather information about the child's behavior and expectations relative to the child's

A) ecosystems in which the child functions. !! B) classroom. C) home. D) peers.

Many students who receive office referrals and/or detentions are repeat offenders. This means that this type of reactive discipline is

A) effective for these students B) necessary for these students C) not working for these students. !! D) none of the above

Ms. John's reported to her principal that one of her students was never on task. What type of data would she need to collect to best support her statement?

A) event B) time sampling !! C) duration D) latency

The goal line in CBM is the line of

A) expected progress. !! The goal line in CBM is the line of B) the baseline. C) change. D) none of the above

Most teachers and other caregivers continually use ___________ variations of FBA to make decisions about challenging behavior.

A) formal B) informal !! C) occasional D) none of the above

Given the assumption that behavior serves a purpose (function), we ___________ what happens when those behaviors occur to develop hypotheses about the purpose those behaviors might be serving for the student.

A) guess B) ask C) wonder D) evaluate !!

Mr. Brown asked the parents of one of his students to meet with him. He acknowledged their demanding work schedule and agreed to meet with them early before his regular arrival time. He explained to them that their daughter was having some behavior problems in his classroom. He said that he needed their help to better know their daughter. What elements of a good relationship did Mr. Brown use?

A) integrity B) respect C) mutual interest D) all of the above !!

Careless, unsystematic application of positive reinforcement can increase _____________ behaviors as well as desirable behaviors.

A) intelligent B) undesirable !! C) academic D) gross motor

When a student in Ms. Smith's class tantrums, it seems that it takes forever for the tantrum to end. What type of data would result in the information about this behavior?

A) interval B) event C) duration !! D) time sampling

Mr. Reed reinforced one of his students every third time he raised his hand to speak in class. This schedule of reinforcement is called

A) interval B) variable ratio C) fixed ratio !! D) fixed interval

Educators should use functional behavioral assessment because

A) it is required by The Elementary and Secondary Education Act. B) it increases the likelihood that interventions will be effective. C) The Individuals With Disabilities Education Act requires FBA under certain circumstances. D) b and c !!

Which of the following student groups are most affected by the traditional discipline policies?

A) minority students B) male students C) low income students D) all of the above !!

John hates to read. He often disrupts his reading class until he is sent to the office. This is an example of what type of reinforcement?

A) negative !! B) positive C) activity D) token

Ms. Pearl had a history of coming to work late. This year there was a new principal who stood at the front doors each morning with a smile and words of welcome to students and staff. Ms. Pearl began arriving to school on time to greet her principal. The principal was using what behavioral technique?

A) negative reinforcement B) positive reinforcement !! C) activity reinforcement D) reinforcement schedule

Cognitive interventions focus on errors in _____________ that result in unacceptable behavior.

A) parenting B) genetics C) teaching D) thinking !!

Aggressive children from disorderly first grade classes are more likely to ________________ than the average child by sixth grade.

A) perform well academically be retained at least one grade exhibit aggressive behavior !! exhibit socially withdrawn behavior

A student in Ms. Scott's inclusion math class was in danger of failing. What type of data should she use to track his progress?

A) permanent product !! B) duration C) time sampling D) latency

Students who work for tokens or points are being reinforced by what type of reinforcer?

A) primary B) secondary !! C) intrinsic D) none of the above

If Ms. Green's students cleaned up correctly after breakfast, they could earn an extra juice or milk with their breakfast the next morning. The extra juice or milk was what type of reinforcer?

A) primary !! B) secondary C) intrinsic D) token

Colin smiled when he got his history test back. Any grade higher than a "C" made him feel great. The success Colin felt is what type of reinforcement?

A) primary reinforcement B) secondary reinforcement C) intrinsic reinforcement !! D) all of the above

School and classroom strategies that promote positive social behavior and academic growth are:

A) prohibitive B) essential !! C) nonessential D) none of the above

Mr. Graves graphed behavior data for his students and then taught the students to graph their own behavior. In parent conferences he described these graphs to parents by saying that graphs

A) provide a picture of how the behavior is changing over time B) facilitate the decision making process C) are easy for both teacher and students to use D) all of the above !!

Which of the following can reduce the effectiveness of praise?

A) providing descriptive praise B) using a positive tone of voice C) praising every behavior !! D) using a variety of praise statements

Mr. Deshner teaches 5th grade. One of his students sleeps each day at about 10:00 AM. Which model would best help Mr. Deshner identify why this behavior is ongoing?

A) psychodynamic !! B) behavioral C) sociological D) ecological

Ms. Berry's student gradually learned to read. As he grew more confident in his reading skill, Ms. Berry slowly moved from a continuous schedule of reinforcement to an intermittent schedule of reinforcement. What term is used to describe this change of reinforcement schedules?

A) satiation B) thinning !! C) deprivation D) none of the above

Ms. Berry uses a continuous schedule of reinforcement with a student to reinforce an older student who was learning to read. What is a potential problem in using this system?

A) satiation !! B) deprivation C) rapid learning D) all of the above

Problem behavior is usually predictable in terms of

A) the age of the student B) when and where it occurs !! C) academics being taught D) the structure of the classroom

The first step in the FBA process is to gather information from

A) the student's teachers. B) paraprofessionals who work with the student. C) the student's parents. D) all of the above !!

A fixed interval scallop is

A) the tendency of target behaviors to increase just before the end of the interval in a fixed interval schedule of reinforcement. !! B) the tendency for target behaviors to vary wildly in a fixed interval schedule of reinforcement. C) the tendency for target behaviors to spike in the middle of reinforcement intervals in a fixed interval schedule of reinforcement. D) the tendency for target behaviors to spike at the beginning of reinforcement intervals in a fixed interval schedule of reinforcement.

Mary will usually follow a direction, however she does it in her own time. What type of data would help track this behavior?

A) time sampling B) event C) interval D) latency !!

Marketing companies have long used terms such as ______________________ as a promotional tool to convince educators to buy certain products, services or to adapt certain techniques for use in schools.

A) "scientifically - based" B) "research based" C) "proven" D) all of the above !!

Sometimes, events or conditions that are not immediately connected in time and place to the behavior in question may affect the behavior; such conditions are known as ____________________.

A) setting events !! B) teaching events C) coaching events D) unusual events

Mr. Covey is a new teacher to his school this year. He understands the importance of positive, collaborative teacher-parent relationships. He initiated early contact with the parents of his students. As parent conference day approached, he asked a veteran teacher for advice about making parent meetings as productive as possible. Which of the following would be a part of the advice he received?

Take steps to ensure that parents feel welcome in the educational setting Keep the meetings on a strict timetable: no meeting should go longer than scheduled. Use terminology that is understood by everyone rather than jargon. a and c !!

A 2004 survey of teachers regarding discipline problems and policies indicated that minor behavioral infractions continue to be problematic.


Hypotheses should address

appropriate and inappropriate behaviors. conditions under which target behaviors are likely to occur. potential functions of behavior all of the above !!

Which of the following teacher behaviors may interfere with productive relationships with families?

early contact with parents contacting parents only when there is a problem acting authoritative with parents b and c !!

Classrooms that are chaotic are often unclear in terms of what behaviors are expected or allowed; however, this has little to do with unacceptable behavior.


Graphs are a roadblock to communication about behavior.


Reactive measures save instructional time for teachers and administrators.


Restricted event data should be reported as raw data.


Which of the following characteristics are potential dimensions of challenging behaviors?

frequency and intensity type of behavior age appropriateness all of the above !!

Mr. Miller takes his position as a special educator very seriously. He is busy working in his classroom from the beginning till the end of the work day. He rarely goes to the teachers' lounge and has not made friends with his peers. This school year, his principal announced that students in special education would receive services within general education classes. What will Mr. Miller need to do in order to implement this plan?

listen to the ideas of others !! tell his principal that it is not best to teach in this arrangement offer help when asked spend as little time in the teacher's lounge as possible to avoid having to listen to other teachers' complaints about his students

Which of the following is a reactive response?

reprimands detentions exclusions all of the above !!

A behavior intervention plan (BIP) describes strategies that adults in the school setting will implement to increase appropriate behavior and to reduce or eliminate inappropriate behavior.


Antecedents are events that occur before behaviors and that may cue or set the stage for certain behaviors.


BIPs should describe both the challenging behaviors that interfere with a student's success, and desired replacement behaviors.


Cognitive-behavioral interventions are used with the goal of helping the individual better manage his or her own behavior, or to become more independent of external control.


Data collection should always occur during the time of day when the target behavior is most likely to occur.


Failure to learn more adaptive behaviors creates a setting event condition that increases the likelihood that undesired behaviors will occur.


Functional assessment involves five steps: collect data; analyze data; formulate hypotheses; develop interventions; monitor and adjust interventions.


No conversion is needed for duration data.


Once the ABC descriptive analysis forms have been completed, they should be examined for antecedents that consistently trigger problem behaviors, and consequences that may be maintaining those behaviors.


Research is shows that interventions based on functional assessment are more likely to be effective in changing behavior than non - FBA based interventions.


The hypotheses formulated from an FBA serve as a template for developing an intervention plan.


The less time teachers spend on discipline problems, the more time they have to teach.


The little things we say and do have an impact on student behavior.


Under a psychodynamic approach the aim is to help the individual gain insight into internalized feelings and emotions, usually related to issues stemming from early life experiences.


Zero tolerance specifies predetermined consequences for certain serious offenses.


onsequences are events that follow a behavior that determine whether the behavior will be repeated or not.


In a 2004 survey of teachers 85% reported that they felt completely _____________ to deal with student behavior.






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Teachers spend an average of _________of their time on non-instructional activities.

A) 0% - 7% B) 20 %- 25% !! C) 25% - 35% D) 45% - 55%

During independent practice, students should respond at which level of accuracy?

A) 70% B) 80% C) 90% !! D) Depends upon the task

During new learning, each student should respond this many times correctly per minute.

A) 8 - 10 B) 3 - 4 !! C) 7 - 9 D) 1 - 2

Before implementing extinction, you should do which of the following?

A) Ask the student if this intervention would help. B) Ensure that you can control the reinforcers that currently maintain the target behavior. C) Ensure that the student has access to reinforcement for appropriate behaviors. D) b and c only !!

Classrooms that have which of the following characteristics are ripe for a wide range of behavior problems?

A) Classrooms that are crowded. B) Classrooms that have congested spots. C) Classrooms that have furnishings that are not appropriately sized for the students. D) all of the above !!

Teaching students the skill of how to accept negative feedback is an example of which type of learning?

A) Conceptual learning B) Rule learning C) Procedural learning !! D) Factual learning

Counting by 5's is an example of which type of learning?

A) Conceptual learning B) Rule learning C) Procedural learning D) Factual learning !!

Mr. Mitchell uses a prepared program to teach his reading class. He likes this program because it leaves nothing to chance. It incorporates all the elements of effective teaching. What is the type of program Mr. Mitchell is using?

A) Direction Instruction (DI) !! B) Direct teach C) One-to-one instruction D) None of the above

Which of the following statements is true regarding free time as part of the daily schedule?

A) Free time is important for students who exhibit challenging behaviors. B) Free time can be a setting event for challenging behaviors. C) Breaks should be structured to help avoid management problems. D) b and c only !!

Ms. Feldman uses direct teach to teach her students math skills. This means Ms. Feldman uses which of the following steps in her lessons?

A) Gain students' attention and review previously learned material. B) Have students conduct experiments to discover math computation formulas. C) Present information in small steps. D) a and c only !!

Robin wants to teach her young son to do his homework when he gets home from school. He wants to play outside with his friends. She told him that he must spend the first 30 minutes home working on homework, and then he may play outside until dinnertime. What type of reinforcement system is Robin using?

A) Green's Law B) Grandma's Law C) Premack Principle D) b and c !!

Students with learning and behavioral difficulties often exhibit which of the following characteristics?

A) High levels of engagement in and interest in learning. B) Poor use of strategies to facilitate learning. !! C) High levels of behaviors that interfere with learning. D) Internal locus of control.

Which one of the following statements is NOT true according to the relationship between instruction and behavior?

A) Instruction has little to do with levels of problem behavior. !! B) Students influence teachers' behavior; students who exhibit high levels of challenging behaviors may receive less instruction. C) Increasing academic engagement can reduce problem behavior. D) Students with high levels of behavior problems are often exhibit high academic achievement.

Which of the following might be interventions of schoolwide PBIS at the secondary level of prevention?

A) Mentors to meet regularly with identified students. B) Small group instruction in social skills, self-control skills, or anger management skills C) Behavioral contracts D) all of the above !!

When Ben misbehaves during class, Mr. Jacobs takes Ben out into the hall and gives him "a talking to." Nevertheless, Ben's misbehavior continues. Which of the following statements explains this situation?

A) Mr. Jacobs punished Ben's misbehavior. B) Mr. Jacobs may be reinforcing Ben's misbehavior; he is not punishing Ben's misbehavor. !! C) Mr. Jacobs neither punished nor reinforced Ben's misbehavior. D) unable to determine from information provided

Which of the following questions will help you plan for activities in specific areas of your classroom?

A) What materials will need to be stored in this area? B) How will the materials be stored and labeled? C) What materials will students access on their own? D) all of the above !!

Ms. James teaches a self-contained classroom for children who have severe learning and behavior problems. She schedules each minute of her students' time with various learning experiences. Mr. Williams teaches in the same type of classroom with students who are a year or two older than Ms. James' students. However, he allows students several 30 minute minimally supervised breaks during their time in his classroom. Which classroom do you think has a higher chance of acting out behavior?

A) Ms. James B) Mr. Williams !! C) both classrooms D) none of the above

Which of the following practice activities have been shown to be effective for students with disabilities?

A) Peer tutoring and computer assisted instruction !! B) Homework and cooperative learning C) Learning centers and instructional games D) none of the above

Schoolwide PBIS focuses on student performance in all systems of the school. If a problem is identified in a particular area of the school, what happens?

A) Positive, proactive interventions to address the problem are developed. !! B) More effective punishers are identified. C) Teachers or staff are taught to apply punishment procedures earlier in problem behavior patterns. D) all of the above

Happy, content students are more likely to be cooperative. When your class is a place where students want to be, they will be less likely to exhibit inappropriate behavior to escape. To accomplish this type of environment, Ms. Truman used which of the following?

A) She used respectful talk to students, parents, and professional peers. B) She displayed quality student work. C) She adhered to a zero tolerance policy for any off task behavior. D) a and b only !!

Ms. Sands uses worksheet packets for the individual practice section of her teaching plan. What problem(s) might occur when using these materials?

A) Students may receive little teacher interaction. B) Students may view worksheets as busy work. C) Unless carefully chosen, items on the sheets may not address targeted skills. D) all of the above !!

Contingency contracts have advantages as reinforcement systems that include which of the following?

A) The student has input into the system. B) Putting the contract into writing may increase the likelihood of both parties doing the behaviors to which they have committed. C) Contracts are easy to use. D) all of the above !!

A new student was placed in Ms. Preston's resource class. Ms. Preston had very little information about this student. The student exhibited high rates of disruptive behaviors and noncompliance. Ms. Preston didn't believe in using any formal behavior management systems, but she immediately implemented an exclusionary time-out procedure for the new student. Evaluate Ms. Preston's decision to use exclusionary time-out.

A) This was the correct decision. B) Ms. Preston should have first tried less aversive interventions, including reinforcement-based interventions. C) Ms. Preston should have first conducted a functional assessment for this student. D) b and c only !!

Which of the following statements regarding classroom organization is correct?

A) When teachers match the physical arrangement of their classrooms to support instructional and social expectations, student behavior tends to be more appropriate !! B) There is no relationship between classroom organization and student behavior. C) There is no relationship between classroom organization and instruction. D) b and c only

Mr. Price was using differential reinforcement of zero levels of behavior to reduce Sam's severely disruptive behavior during math. On the first day that the intervention was in place, Sam exhibited no disruptive behavior, but he also did no work. What should Mr. Price do?

A) Withhold reinforcement because Sam did not do his work. B) Deliver reinforcement as long as Sam exhibited no disruptive behavior. !! C) Discuss with Sam about the importance of doing his work. D) Send Sam to the office for not doing his work.

Which of the following statements is true regarding zero tolerance policies.

A) Zero tolerance policies have strong research support. B) Zero tolerance policies have not been shown to result in safe and orderly schools. !! C) Zero tolerance policies are effective for improving academic achievement. D) Zero tolerance policies are only effective for young students.

When teaching her students fractions, Ms.Preston tells her students that an easy way to remember which number is the denominator is "denominator is down." Ms Preston is using

A) a conspicuous strategy. !! B) mediated scaffolding. C) priming background knowledge. D) response opportunities.

When Ms. James taught regrouping in multiplication, she let her students use one-digit multiplication and addition charts while they learned this new skill. What technique was Ms. James using?

A) a graphic organizer B) mediated scaffolding !! C) direct teach D) a conspicuous strategy

In the last decade there has been increased criticism of schools for problems with drug and alcohol use among students. Which of the following has also been criticized?

A) a lack of funds B) a lack of discipline !! C) a lack of supervision D) a lack of accountability

Academic learning time is positively correlated with

A) academic achievement. B) positive classroom behavior. C) student learning. D) all of the above !!

John is beginning to learn how to write complete sentences in his special education resource class. In his general education history class, he often acts out when he is asked to write answers in complete sentences. John has not reached what stage of learning as it applies to his writing?

A) acquisition B) proficiency C) maintenance D) generalization !!

When Jacob first learned to add and subtract fractions, it took him a very long time to complete fraction practice activities. However, now he does fraction problems quickly and accurately. Jacob has reached which stage of learning as it applied to fractions?

A) acquisition B) proficiency !! C) maintenance D) generalization

Which of the following terms refers to the time that teachers schedule for instructional activities?

A) available time B) engaged time C) allocated time !! D) academic learning time

The term operational means

A) broadly defined. B) medical terminology. C) specifically defined. !! D) none of the above

Ms. Garcia created a classroom store for her students. She carefully chose items that she knew her students liked. Her students had many chances to earn tokens. When she opened the store for trading, her students ran to the items. Then they pushed each other away from the table, and grabbed items. What had Ms. Garcia forgotten to do?

A) close the store when students act out B) teach the students procedures for using the store !! C) make another plan to substitute for the token economy D) all of the above

To learn to respond to specific stimuli as SDs, students must learn to differentiate between the SDand all other stimuli. These other stimuli are known as

A) complete stimuli B) s - deltas !! C) incomplete stimuli D) differential stimuli

In order to determine the procedures you need for your classroom, you need to

A) consider the learning and behavioral characteristics of your students. B) consider all of the tasks required during the school day. C) list behaviors that will make your classroom a positive learning environment. D) all of the above !!

Mr. James wanted to use a token system in his classroom. He found that when he allowed his students to trade their tokens for items that he had bought, many students did not like what was offered. How could Mr. James solve this problem?

A) develop a reinforcer menu for his students !! B) only allow tokens to be exchanged for items every other week C) allow his students to earn more tokens D) all of the above

Tommy has a problem staying in his seat when he is in Ms. Myers class. Ms. Myers developed a reinforcement plan that allowed Tommy to be reinforced only when he was seated in his chair. What type of reinforcement was Ms. Myers using?

A) differential reinforcement of alternative behavior B) differential reinforcement of incompatible behavior!! C) differential reinforcement of lower levels of behavior D) differential reinforcement of zero levels of behavior

The students in Ms. Price's class have been taught to stop what they are doing and look at her when they see her hand in the air. Ms. Price's hand in the air is called what type of stimulus?

A) discriminative B) complete C) incomplete D) none of the above

When students are engaged in break time activities, the chances of behavior problems are high unless the teacher has:

A) established and taught rules and procedures for break time. !! B) zero tolerance policies for behavior problems during break times. C) one on one supervision of students by adults. D) all of the above

If all students in Mr. Marvin's World History class return their homework Monday - Thursday, the class does not have a homework assignment over the weekend. This is an example of which type of group reinforcement system?

A) independent B) interdependent !! C) dependent D) quasi-dependent

If everyone in Mr. Collins' resource class gets an 90% or higher on their math facts quiz on Friday morning, the class can spend the rest of the period playing math games. This is an example of which type of group reinforcement system?

A) independent B) interdependent !! C) dependent D) quasi-dependent

Harry likes to be the center of attention in Ms. Long's Spanish II class. He makes off-task, funny remarks (in Spanish!), exaggerates his pronunciation, and other silly behaviors that cause his peers to laugh. Despite his behavior, Harry is very good at Spanish. Ms. Long set up a system in which Harry's Spanish class can earn time to play a game to review their Spanish vocabulary for part of the period on Friday, contingent upon Harry having appropriate behavior during class on Monday - Thursday. This is an example of which type of group reinforcement system?

A) independent B) interdependent C) dependent !! D) quasi-dependent

Each student in Ms. Flores' class who is in his or her seat when the bell rings gets a ticket. On Friday, each student can exchange his or her tickets for reinforcers (e.g., extra credit points, reduced homework assignment, work with a friend, a tardy pass). This is an example of which type of group reinforcement system?

A) independent !! B) interdependent C) dependent D) quasi-dependent

Mr. Hardy taught in a school that served many students whose behavior at school was influenced by elements outside of the school. He chaired a committee formed to address this problem. Their focus was on teacher-student relationships. They knew that these relationships would serve as a buffer to many outside influences. Which of the following is an example of an outside influence?

A) individual B) family C) neighborhood D) all of the above !!

Mr. Rizzo teaches American history. When the bell rings at the end of the period, his students get ready to leave the class. They do not get ready to leave until they hear the bell. This response to the bell ringing is called

A) intermittent reinforcement. B) Premack Principal. C) stimulus control. !! D) extrinsic reinforcement.

Mr. Green teaches science. A part of each day's lesson is vocabulary, both review and the introduction of new terms. Each of his students has a small white board. To review previously learned terms, Mr. Green reads a definition, and then students then write the vocabulary word on their board and hold their answers up. Mr. Green is using __________.

A) mediated scaffolding B) a learning center C) response cards !! D) priming background knowledge

Mr. Dale explained the purposes of the learning centers in his classroom to his principal. In his explanation, he said that learning centers provide

A) one or more activities focused on a single content area. B) activities for multiple grade or ability levels. C) hands on activities or activities that have high motivational value. D) all of the above !!

Before school began, Mr. Bright wrote rules and procedures for his classroom. He reviewed the curriculum and developed lesson plans for the first week of school. He created a tentative schedule and class routines. What is the next task that Mr. Bright needs to accomplish before the first day with students?

A) organize the classroom !! B) conference with parents C) plan end-of-chapter quizzes D) plan free-time activities

Sunshine School has a school store. Students may not use money to buy items in the store. They use Spirit Bucks that they earn by following school and classroom rules and procedures. What type of reinforcement system does the Sunshine School use?

A) primary reinforcers B) token economy !! C) differential reinforcement D) all of the above

When it is time to come in from the playground, Ms. Gray blows a loud whistle. Often many of her students continue to play. This is an example of what type of stimulus control?

A) s - delta B) incomplete !! C) complete D) none of the above

Every time Mr. Green rings a small bell at his desk, his students look at him. This is called what type of stimulus control?

A) s - delta B) incomplete C) complete !! D) none of the above

Referring to the student described in question #5, Ms. Preston should have attempted which of the following interventions?

A) seclusionary time-out and response cost B) extinction and response cost C) antecedent interventions and proximity control !! D) all of the above would have been appropriate for Ms. Preston to use

Which tier of schoolwide PBIS is intended for the most students?

A) secondary level B) primary level !! C) tertiary level D) none of the above

At the end of each 30-minute interval, Carlos recorded a happy face if he had followed all of the rules during that 30-minute period. He recorded a sad face if he had not followed the rules, and a neutral face if he had followed the rules some of the time, but not for the entire period. Carlos was using

A) self-monitoring B) self-evaluation !! C) self-instruction D) goal setting

Mr. Todd taught Abby to put a checkmark on her card each time she remembered to raise her hand before speaking. Abby was using

A) self-monitoring !! B) self-evaluation C) self-instruction D) goal setting

In choosing behaviors to reinforce in a differential reinforcement of alternative behaviors system, the alternative behavior should:

A) serve the same function as the inappropriate behavior. B) be just as easy to perform as the inappropriate behavior. C) result in reinforcement that is just as frequent, and intense as the reinforcement that currently exists for the inappropriate behavior. D) all of the above !!

A visitor should be able to ask several randomly selected students about the rules and procedures and receive ___________________________ from each student.

A) smiles B) eye contact C) similar responses !! D) a greeting

Mr. Grant recognizes the importance of structure in his lessons. To provide structure he should

A) state objectives and use graphic organizers. B) provide mediated scaffolding and effective classroom management. C) All of the above !! D) None of the above will enhance structure

Role play is an excellent way to teach rules and procedures to

A) students of all ages. !! B) pre-k students. C) elementary age students. D) secondary age students.

Naveen had many behavior problems at school. He really liked one of his teachers, Ms. Sims. Ms. Sims talked to him about entering into a contract with her regarding his behavior. Which one of the following elements should NOT be addressed in the contract?

A) the behaviors Naveen will perform B) when Naveen will receive reinforcement C) behaviors of other students !! D) how Naveen will be supported in learning desired behaviors

Which of the following would NOT affect how well the Sunshine School's store works?

A) the operational definition of behaviors necessary to earn Spirit Bucks B) the design of the Spirit Buck C) the color of the Spirit Buck D) b and c !!

Organizing the classroom should be one of the last things teachers do in preparation for their students because

A) the room might get disorganized if done too soon. B) the teacher will want students to help determine how the room should be organized. C) the daily schedule, instructional activities, reinforcement activities, and other decisions will affect decisions about organization. !! D) a and b only

Mr. Marks teaches his students to shoot free throws by teaching them how to stand correctly. When they can do that, he teaches them how to hold the ball to prepare for the shot. When they can do those two steps, he teaches them how to shoot the ball. Mr. Marks is using which instructional technique?

A) total task presentation B) forward chaining !! C) backward chaining D) prompted instruction

Mr. Williams teaches sixth grade science. Each morning he stands in the hallway and greats each of his students by name. Which of the three tiers of prevention and supports is Mr. Williams using?

A) universal level supports !! B) targeted level supports C) tertiary level interventions D) a and b

Which of the following should be removed from a classroom as soon as possible?

A) unruly students B) unused furniture, equipment, or supplies !! C) phones D) all of the above

Which of the following factors can reduce the effectiveness of intervention plans.

A) vague definitions of behavior of concern B) incorrect application of the intervention C) failure to evaluate the effectiveness of the plan D) all of the above !!

Ms. Hawkins reinforces her students for each 5 minutes that they read silently. If a student stops reading during the 5 minutes, no reinforcer is earned for that time. This is an example of what schedule of reinforcement?

A) variable response duration schedule B) fixed response duration schedule !! C) alternative response schedule D) none of the above

Mr. Graves used a variety of activities each day. His students never knew what to expect when they came to class. Mr. Graves thought that this way of teaching would keep his students from being bored. When he began to have classroom management problems, a mentor teacher pointed out that his planning lacked an important element. Which of the following would help Mr. Graves?

A) weekly exams B) regular classroom routines !! C) more punishment for his students' misbehaviors D) more homework assignment

Which of the following is true about using extinction?

Behaviors placed on extinction reduce quickly. B) Behaviors placed on extinction often increase in frequency or intensity before they begin to diminish. !! C) Extinction is only appropriate for behaviors that have an escape function. D) Behaviors placed on extinction reduce slowly, but once eliminated, they never reappear.

There is a steady nationwide trend towards a school-wide discipline approach that is positive and proactive. This approach is known as

Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports, PBIS

Reliance on researched based, validated practices is a hallmark of PBIS.


Research has shown that increasing correct academic responses can produce positive effects on classroom behaviors.


Response cost is easy to use, versatile, and may produce long-term changes in behavior.


New teachers are well advised to write detailed lesson plans, even scripts, that include how they will explain skills or concepts, examples they will use for modeling, questions they will ask to assess student learning, expected student responses, and how they will correct student errors.


Rules must always reflect the age and ability levels of your students.


It is not necessary for class rules and procedures to reflect school rules and procedures, as long as teachers can justify their rules.


Most students need repeated exposures to learn instructional material. This redundancy is best achieved by providing students with large packets of worksheets to complete in class or as homework.


Self-management techniques are effective, but only for older students (e.g., students in intermediate grades and higher).


Self-reinforcement is not recommended for use with students with disabilities.


When organizing your classroom, it is unnecessary to consider the activities that will take place in each area.


An example of a weak discriminative stimulus is when a student does not follow a direction.


Any schoolwide PIBS program is a work in progress. PBIS teams must never stop evaluating their PBIS systems and fine-tuning those systems.


Direct teach is an instructional activity that involves the teacher systematically following a series of steps to explicitly teach new skills and concepts.


Each Monday, Ms. Carver has her students record the average grade they hope to achieve for each subject during the week. This is an example of goal setting.


Happy, contented students are more likely to be cooperative. If your class is a place where students want to be, they will be less likely to exhibit inappropriate behavior to escape.


Most businesses and other public facilities take great care to make their environment pleasing and welcoming to the public.


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