EDCI 2030 ch. 7

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education necessary for religious instruction. should include vocational training. need for free compulsory education.


the 60s:______-provided funds to assist non-english-speaking students who were dropping out of high school at the rate of 70%.

bilingual education act of 1968.

education serves religious and political establishments. elementary education for all. secondary education for leaders. emphasis on literacy.


the 60s:____- banning federal aid to schools that continued to practice segregation.

civil rights act of 1964.

20th century: basic principles. _____ is life, no just preparation for life. _____ should be directly related to the interest of the child. learning through problem solving should be emphasized more than rote ______ of subject matter. the role of the teacher is to _____ learning more so than to direct it. _____ among students should be emphasized more than competition. _____ should be practiced to encourage the free interplay of ideas that leads to growth.

education. learning. memorization. facilitate. cooperation. democracy.

21st century knowledge of skills: Partnership for 21st Century Skills. The goal of teachers and schools should be to provide _______ that reflect this complexity as we equip students to live productively and positively.

educational experiences.

the 60s:______-provided additional money for schools serving low-income populations.

elementary and secondary education act of 1965.

20th century: junior high and middle school: bridged the gap between _____ and _____. ______ shifted from 8 grades to 5 or 6, remaining become minor high. _____-called for recognition of the unique developmental qualities of young adolescents and use of developmental appropriateness in the school, in both curriculum and instruction.

elementary. high schools. elementary schools. Middle school.

Teachers of colonial america- no __________ of teacher preparation in the 17th century. many teachers were _______ who taught in exchange for a passage to the new world. many participated in the __________-towns required teachers to live with the families of their students for 1 week at a time.

formal system. indentured servants. custom of board 'round.

the 50s: Ralph Tyler- 4 commonsense curriculum developments. 1. determining the ____ of the school. 2. selecting ______ useful in attaining the goals. 3. organizing _____ around the experiences. 4. and then deciding how best to _____ the learning.

goals. learning experiences. instruction. evaluate.

19th century education for children with disabilities: Asian american children- ________. children of poor immigrants-______-community centers providing basic needs.

immigration act of 1882. settlement houses.

19 century: ________-developed after secondary and high schools.it means "children's garden." ______-proponent of an activity-based curriculum. first established in 1860.

kindergarten. friedrick froebel.

21st century schools: smart boards, _____, LCD projectors. ___ classrooms.

laptops. virtual.

how are US schools addressing racial and ethnic diversity in the 21st century?

not very well. US schools are more segregated now more than before Brown v. Board of Educations. Language diversity-english as a second language. bilingual education. structured english immersion.

Schools in the middle colonies-diversity of the population led to diversity in the schools. most schools were _____, or _____ and generally ____ in nature. Schools taught a variety of ______, including bookkeeping and navigation.

parochial. private. religious. subjects.

negative feedback from 19 century: ________- free schools meant fewer private school students. _______-they decreased the workforce of children who opted for school instead of jobs. _______-of the apprehensions that an overeducated citizenry might question authority.

private school proponent. business and industry. political leaders.

the 70s:the number of students in ______ decreased. ___ and ____ school numbers grew.

public schools. private. home.

the 80s:_______-federal funding for elementary and secondary education declined by 17%.

ronald regan's presidency.

19th century education for children with disabilities and minorities: 1. Children with disabilities- education was available but ______ from other children until 1975. ______-established the first school for the deaf. _____-established the first school for the blind.

separate. Thomas Gallaudet. Samuel Howe.

Schools in the southern colonies- opportunities for education were based almost solely on ________. ________ and ______ either attended private or were taught at home. _______ received no formal education. ______ generally were not concerned with making education available to everyone.

social class. Plantation owners children. wealthy children. slave children. southern colonists.

20th century: John Dewey's primary focus was the implementation of schooling as a means of ______ and the _________ for americans.

social reform. improvement of life.

the 90s: era of ____. ____ designed to determine whether students had met the standards. focus moved from input (what teacher do) too output (student learning) in the form of assessments based on standards.

standards. test.

the 70s:______-prohibited sexual discrimination in any education program receiving federal funding.

title IX of the education amendment acts of 1975.

19 century American schools:_____- primarily in the north. ______-run by churches. Dame schools and religious schools. Common schools: ______-supported elementary schools for all children were established in response to a variety of economic, social, and political factors.

town schools. charity schools. community.

18th century teachers- teachers contented to be _______ in most of colonial america.


the 60s:_____-enacted, quadrupling the amount of money allocated for vocational education.

vocational act of 1963.

Positive feedback from 19 century:______-avenues for social and economic mobility. _______-an increase in the supply of literate and trained workers. ______-means of controlling crime and social unrest. ________-symobols of civilization and ways to keep literacy and citizenship alive in the wilderness.

working class. business and industry. social groups. people of the frontier.

education should advance scientific inquiry. provide rationale for development of critical thinking skills.


the 50s:_____-bloom's taxonomy of learning objectives.

Benjamin Bloom.

19th century education for children with disabilities: 4. african american children: _____-specifically forbade a school intended to education african americans from other states without permission. ______-prohibited education of slaves. Plessy vs. Ferguson. _____-made efforts to help blacks find ways of living freely. _____-institution for higher education that emphasized industrial skills and teacher prep for black. ______ graduated.

Black law. black codes. Freedmen Bureau. Hampton Institute Brooker T. washington.

the 50s:National Association for the Advancement of Colored People-______ resulted in the desegregation of schools.

Brown v. Board of Education.

19th century education for children with disabilities: 2. Native American Children-________. schools were provided by _____-convert the children to ______. _______-making the children more like white kids. ______ schools failed.

Bureau of indian affairs. missionaries. christianity. assimilation. boarding.

goal of education is to promote the development of reason and morality to enable men to participate in the governing process.


the 70s:________-granted children with disabilities the right to an education that meets their needs.

PL 94-142, Education for all handicapped children act of 1975.

learning must come through the senses. general body of knowledge should be possessed by all. (Paideia)


Early Colonial Schools-_______ were respected women who had learned to read and write and turned their homes into schools. it was the first ___________ school.

Dame schools. American Elementary.

Schools in New England Colonies-______ provided tuition-based instruction in the homes of Dames. _____ were allowed to attend but were taught homemaking skills.

Dame schools. girls.

19 century secondary schools: 1.______: beginning of public high school. boston english high school. 2._______: established that the legislature could tax for support of both common and secondary schools, propelling public high schools into every state.

English Classical School. Kalamazoo case.

need for systematic training of teachers. liberal arts education includes classics.


18th century- american schools: Benjamin Franklin established the _______-choice of classes led to the modern day electives. ______ emerged to prepare men for business and trade. _____ were established to serve the community. ______ wanted to increase production and preserve health: ______ for the More General Diffusion of Knowledge.

Franklin Academy. Private academics. Town schools. Thomas Jefferson. Virginia Bill.

the 90s:_______-goal 2000, promised increased attention on education. asked to raise teacher standards. ____ took on leadership roles in schools and districts. record _____ resulted in teacher shortage. _____ was key among teachers, administrators, and parents.

George H. W. Bush and clinton. teachers. enrollments. collaboration.

Schools in New England Colonies- ______ schools were secondary institutions for boys to learn to read, write, arithmetic, and literature. Its considered the forerunners of modern high shoals and prepared boys for Harvard.

Latin grammar schools.

the 80s: competition with ____ sparked interest in the quality of education. Restructuring efforts included year-round schools, longer school days, longer school years, and more funding for technology.


20th century: _____-established the first laboratory school. _____-students learning in cooperative groups and letting their interests guide what they learned about traditional subjects grew into a major movement with far reaching implications.

John Dewey. Progressive education.

__________-first compulsory education law. although it required all white children to attend school, it did not specify how to get an education. unfunded mandate. Aka _________- education was considered the best way to fight the devil.

Massachusetts Act of 1642. Deluder Satan Act.

20th century: ________-Maria Montessori. Early childhood education.

Montessori Method.

19th century: higher education. Lincoln signed the _____-granted states land and created colleges. ______-further stipulated that no grants would be given to states where college admission was denied because of race unless the state provided separate but equal institutions.

Morrill Act. Second Morrill Act.

the 50s: ______-called for strengthening of science, math, and foreign language programs due to the soviet launch of sputnik. increasing pressure to desegregate.

National Defense Education Act of 1958.

Schools in the middle colonies=_____,_____,______, and _____. Each religious sect was establishing its own brand of schooling=______,____,____,_____, etc.

New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware. Lutheran, Jews, Mennonites, Catholics, etc.

21st century american education: ______-reauthorization of ESEA. called for accountability of schools and school districts to states, and of states to the federal government. students were being promoted without mastering concepts and were graduating without basic literacy skills.

No Child Left Behind Act of 2001.

Education as priority in 18th century: ________- divided federally owned wilderness land into townships and required the building of schools. Education is not directly mentioned in the constitution but in the ________.

Northwest Land Ordinance of 1787. tenth amendment.

Early Colonial Schools- _____ established an early type of schooling. First established for ______ purposes, but also helped secular aspects of society by teaching students (mostly white males) to _____ and ______.

Puritans. religious. read. write.

18th century- american schools: _______ established a school for elementary students including african americans, girls, and native americans. ______- american spelling book, referred to as "schoolmaster of the republic," saw education of women as an absolute necessity. Several ____ were created.

Quakers. Noah Webster. colleges.

the 50s: _____-proposed the data concerning the needs of the learner, the needs of society, and the needs of the subject area should all be considered in the process of developing curricula. learning should have both specific ____ and appropriate ______.

Ralph Tyler. objectives. assessments.

19 century teacher preparation: 1. ________-first institution of higher learning for women in the US. New York, 1821, by Emma Willard. 2. _______-puclicly-funded institutions dedicated exclusively to preparing teachers. founded by ______. 3. very little training was available concerning how to tach students with ______. 4. _______- instrumental in making teacher preparation a priority in normal schools.

Troy Female Seminary. Normal schools emerged. Horace Mann. special needs. Catherine Beecher and Horace Mann.

Schools in the southern colonies= ____,____,____, and the _____. _____ and _____ diversity led to a variety of schools.

Virginia, Maryland, Georgia, and the Carolinas. Religious, Geographical.

20th century: influential african american leaders. ______-believed that blacks should pursue higher education to become leaders in politics and education. ______-influential in both education and politics.

W.E.B. du bois. Mary McLeod Bethune.

the 80s:___________-1983. criticized the state of education in US

a nation at risk: the imperative for educational reform.

19th century education for children with disabilities: 3. Mexican american children: targets of efforts at ______. teachers generally tried to ______ them by insisting they learn English and give up some of their customs.

assimilation. americanize.

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