EDFI 4080 Final

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What is banking education A. Deposit" knowledge into students, who are thought to be empty receptacles B. Teaching students how to deposit and withdraw money from a bank C. Notion based on a student's background knowledge can be enormously significant in their learning D. refers to the strategies, techniques, and approaches used by teachers in their classrooms

"Deposit" knowledge into students, who are thought to be empty receptacles

What programs are schools serving economically deprived and culturally marginalized students cutting from student's education? A. Spanish B. Culinary C. Arts D. Texting


What is the definition of Social Justice? A. The justice system. B. The justice League of America. C. As a philosophy, an approach, and actions that embody treating all people with fairness, respect, dignity, and generosity. D. All of the Above

As a philosophy, an approach, and actions that embody treating all people with fairness, respect, dignity, and generosity.

Which answer is not a characteristic of the model of going from a monoculture education to a multicultural education? A. Respect B. Assimilation C. Acceptance D. Affirmation


Color muteness refers to: A. Seeing everyone as equal regardless of race. B. Avoiding topics of race to avoid uneasiness. C. Having a particular favoritism to one race. D. Being knowledgeable of all races

Avoiding topics of race to avoid uneasiness.

What is the lack of congruence between home and school cultures? A. Deficit discontinuities B. Miscommunication C. Cultural discontinuities D. Ineffective communication

Cultural discontinuities

What are the two common traits, as described by Chris Zurawsky, exhibited in successful schools for most students of color? A. Minimal Curriculum, Strong Social Support B. Demanding Curriculum, Strong Social Support C. Demanding Curriculum, Minimal Social Support D. Minimal Curriculum, Minimal Social Support

Demanding Curriculum, Strong Social Support

The four key terms that are outlined in our book that explain the goals of multicultural education are the following EXCEPT: A. Social Justice B. Deficit Theories C. "Achievement Gap" D. Differences Amongst Us

Differences Amongst Us

Racism is defined as. A. Becoming attached to someone B. Challenging someone to a race C. Belief in one god D. Discrimination directed against someone

Discrimination directed against someone

Kenneth Zeichner found common characteristics of effective teachers in urban schools. One of these common characteristics is: A. A belief that their students are capable learners B. A belief that the curriculum needs to be effective C. A belief that parents have the biggest effect on students D. A belief that a lack of communication amongst teachers and students is important

A belief that their students are capable learners

Which of these would be an example of Institutional Discrimination? A. A server who doesn't take a table because of the costumer's family dynamic. B. A school offers more funding for male athletics than female athletics. C. A teacher giving pink chalk to a female student. D. A child who is bullied because of his/her ethnicity on a field trip by others.

A school offers more funding for male athletics than female athletics

This term is used to describe discrimination based on disability: A. Ageism B. Ableism C. Sexism D. Racism


How would an educator's time be best spent in approaching the issue of discrimination? A. Addressing effects of racism B. Ignoring discrimination and focusing on content standards C. Determining the intent or lack of intent in discriminatory actions D. Posting a sign in the classroom that says, "Don't discriminate"

Addressing effects of racism

Multicultural education is inclusive. Which of the following is a characteristic that makes multicultural education inclusive? A. Ethnicity B. Ability C. Social Class D. All of the above

All of the above

Name a key component of Critical Race Theory (CRT): A. Racism is part and parcel of our everyday lives and not an aberration B. Race is a social construct, not a biological one C. People of color have a unique voice and unique experiences that can communicate the reality of people of color in a way that White people cannot D. All of the above

All of the above

Culture is? A. An unchanging set of values. B. Someone's ethnicity and where they grew up. C. What society considers as normal. D. An ever changing set of factors who make us who we are.

An ever changing set of factors who make us who we are.

When two languages are used for instruction, for example history is taught in English and science is taught in French for all of the students in the school, the program model for teaching English Language Learners is called A. two-way bilingual education. B. transitional bilingual education. C. sink or swim method. D. structured English immersion.

two-way bilingual education

131. In America what do schools generally try to do with ELL learners in regards to their native language and learning English? A. Focus on their native language and hope they learn English B. Focus on English only and try to have them "forget" their native language C. Teach them both languages in hopes they can become fluent in both D. All of the above

Focus on English only and try to have them "forget" their native language

What was the case called that had to do with Chinese American Students receiving help in English? A. Brown vs. Board B. Lau vs. Nichols C. Tinker vs. Des Moines D. Hazelwood vs. Kuhlmeier

Lau vs. Nichols

Which of the following is incorrect? A. Multicultural education is antiracist education B. Multicultural education is complex education C. Multicultural education is important for all students D. Multicultural education is pervasive

Multicultural education is complex education

Which of the follow is not true? A. Multicultural education is a process. B. Multicultural education is only for ethnic groups. C. Multicultural education is basic. D. Multicultural education is anti-racist.

Multicultural education is only for ethnic groups

Along with higher standards, this law required that each state have annual testing in both math and reading. The law is: A. Individuals with Disabilities Education Act B. No Child Left Behind C. Common Core Standards D. Title 1

No Child Left Behind

Which of the following promotes equity in schools? A. Tracking B. Retention C. Standardized testing D. None of the above

None of the above

What is a monoculture education? A. Education with many cultural aspects included and discussed B. Only discussing one perspective on culture in the classroom C. Discussing two cultures and comparing and contrasting them D. Looking at how topics relate to religions

Only discussing one perspective on culture in the classroom

Which of the following is NOT an outcome of Critical Pedagogy use in the classroom? A. Values diversity, reflection, and action B. Students are empowered both individually and collectively C. Promotes student success through color blindness D. Encourages critical thinking

Promotes student success through color blindness

Teachers should use literature to emphasize that there is not one "normal" way to experience family. So teachers should: A. Show diversity but not include controversial topics such as LGBT B. Show that some diversity is normal C. Show that diversity is normal D. Exclude everyone that is not like them

Show that diversity is normal

According to the text, a philosophy, an approach, and actions that embody treating all people with fairness, respect, dignity, and generosity is called _______. A. Social Justice B. Equal education C. Academic achievement D. Differentiated instruction

Social Justice

What is a philosophy, an approach, and action that embody treating all people with fairness, respect, dignity, and generosity? A. Social Justice B. Equity C. Achievement Gap D. Equitable Education

Social Justice

Which of the following does the definition, "Begins with the standards and draws the "big ideas" from them for further design and implementation" belong to? A. Standards-Conscious Curriculum B. Multicultural Education C. School-Level Policies D. Standards-Driven Curriculum

Standards-Driven Curriculum

149. The term __________ was coined by Angela Valenzuela, which is a process that divested students of the social and cultural resources they brought to their education, making them vulnerable for academic failure. A. Additive Schooling B. Subtractive Schooling C. Critical Care D. Underachievement

Subtractive Schooling

What is Anti-racism education? A. Support children's different cultures by teaching different cultures and giving them tools to stop racism. B. Just celebrating MLK day and other days like that C. Both A and C D. Not teaching students at all.

Support children's different cultures by teaching different cultures and giving them tools to stop racism.

It is common that more children are receiving a more biased education due to A. Teachers are lazy. B. Teachers do not want to teach subjects that they are not familiar with. C. Teachers do not want to teach their students on subjects that they disagree with. D. Teachers do not care about curriculum.

Teachers do not want to teach subjects that they are not familiar with.

Which U.S. President said the following: "we have room for but one language here, and that is the English language; for we intend to see that the crucible turns our people out as Americans, of American nationality and not as dwellers in a polyglot boarding house?" A. Richard Nixon B. Ronald Reagan C. Theodore Roosevelt D. George W.H. Bush

Theodore Roosevelt

Which of the following is not a model for teaching English language learners found in our book? A. Structured English Immersion B. Developmental or Maintenance Bilingual Education C. Transitional Bilingual Education D. Three-Way Bilingual Education

Three-Way Bilingual Education

What does bilingual mean? A. To be able to speak two languages B. To be able to speak in tongues C. To be able to speak to animals D. To be able to speak to everyone

To be able to speak two languages

This means to bear with or endure a part of someone's cultural identifity A. Tolerance B. Acceptance C. Respect D. Critique


Which one of these is NOT a major aspect of sociopolitical aspects? A. Race B. Sexual Orientation C. Religion D. Where you live

Where you live

Extracurricular activities are beneficial to students in many ways, including a sense of A. safety. B. popularity. C. belonging. D. superiority.


Which term describes when students resist acquiring and demonstrating the culture and cognitive styles identified with the dominant group? A. oppositional culture B. cultural inversion C. folk theory D. oppositional behavior

cultural inversion

What is an underlying problem with implementing a monoculture education? A. acknowledges diversity B. excludes many people and perspectives C. allows ethnicity and cultural perspectives D. promotes inclusiveness

excludes many people and perspectives

What is the best way to approach someone with a different culture? A. avoid them B. bully them C. get to know them D. none of the above

get to know them

Multicultural education is pervasive because it is A. taught during one time of day. B. part of all aspects of learning. C. inclusive of all students. D. not colorblind.

part of all aspects of learning.

This program is least likely to get cut from a school curriculum. A. Art B. Science C. Physical Education D. Music


What does Louise Derman-Sparks mean when calling children pre-prejudice? A. They may ask questions that may be seen as naïve about society's oppressions or they may be ventriloquizing social epithets without understanding the meaning behind the words. B. They are born and raised by their family to be prejudice. C. Where they are raised taught them to be this. D. none of the above.

none of the above

Strategies, techniques, and approaches used by teachers in their classrooms is called A. ability grouping. B. pedagogy. C. curriculum. D. retention.


Which term deals with an act against another group of people? A. Prejudice B. Racism C. Discrimination D. Achievement Gap


What best describes "the circumstances in which some students, primarily those from racially, culturally, and linguistically marginalized and low-income families, achieve less than other students"? A. social justice B. achievement gap C. deficit theory D. school-level policies

achievement gap

What is the definition of Subtractive Schooling? A. Schooling that does not meet the needs of education for all students. B. Schooling that is biased and does not include minority students in education. C. A process that divested students of the social and cultural resources they brought to their education, making them vulnerable for academic failure. D. All of the above

A process that divested students of the social and cultural resources they brought to their education, making them vulnerable for academic failure.

Which answers displays how self-fulfilling prophecy is defined within the book? A. Students perform in ways that the teachers expect, students performance is based on both overt and covert messages from teachers about students worth, intelligence, and capability. B. A students personal identity of themselves and which they determine their self-worth C. The way in which the teacher assesses a student and then determines their worth and academic potential. D. Students judgments of other students measuring their self-worth and academic achievement which draws the conclusion is the student being observed categorized a successful learner or not.

A students personal identity of themselves and which they determine their self-worth

A "warm demander" can be defined as: A. A teacher that is affectionate and loving, while they have low expectations and demands of their students B. A teacher that is affectionate and loving, while they have high expectations and demands of their students C. A teacher that shows no compassion towards their students D. A teacher that demands their classroom be kept at a warm temperature

A teacher that is affectionate and loving, while they have high expectations and demands of their students

What does homegrown teacher mean according to our text? A. A teacher raised in a homeschool setting B. A teacher that lives in and can relate to the culture they teach in C. A teacher whose very good at growing plants both inside and out of the classroom D. A teacher that went to the same school they teach at

A teacher that lives in and can relate to the culture they teach in

Which of the follow is NOT the circumstances in which some students, primarily those from racial, culturally, and linguistically marginalized and low-income families, achieve less than other students? A. Achievement Gap B. Academic Gap C. Resource Gap D. Opportunity Gap

Academic Gap

Which of the following is NOT another way to say "achievement gap"? A. Resource Gap B. Expectations Gap C. Accomplishment Gap D. Opportunity Gap

Accomplishment Gap

Unequal access to resources, socioeconomic factors, misunderstanding about different cultures, and low expectations are only a handful of examples for this well proven phenomenon. A. Achievement Gap B. Multiculturalism C. Social Justice D. Inclusivity

Achievement Gap

Additive bilingualism can be defined as: A. The ability to add in two languages B. Subtracting an existing language C. Adding a new language to the existing language D. Both b & c are correct

Adding a new language to the existing language

Which is the best example of self-segregation? A. African-American children sitting at a lunch table with other children of their race B. A special education wing of a school C. Giving less funding to lower income schools D. Students of many different cultures working together on an in class assignment together

African-American children sitting at a lunch table with other children of their race

21. What are the differences between the two words equality and equity? Why is it that both of these terms are an important part of education? A. Equity is the process and Equity is the result. They both are important because they both equal education and educational equity are fundamental to multicultural education. B. Equity means that all students must be given the real possibility of an equality of outcomes. A high-quality education is impossible without a focus on equity. C. Equality is the state of being equal and Equity is the fairness or justice in the way people are treated. To provide equal education you need to give every student the same thing and an equitable education provides students with what they need to achieve equality. D. All above

All above

Which of the following is a goal of multicultural education? A. Tackles inequality and gives access to equal education B. All students have increased levels of achievement C. Students receive apprenticeship opportunities D. All of the above

All of the above

Which out of school activities are helpful for students beyond academics? A. Sports B. The arts C. Hobbies D. All of the Above

All of the above

Which of the following scenarios fits best into Nieto and Bode's expanded definition of family? A. A family headed by two gay males and their adopted son B. A family of four children raised by their aunt and her boyfriend C. A middle-class family headed by two lesbians D. All of the above, for the expanded definition of family requires all examples of family to be accepted

All of the above, for the expanded definition of family requires all examples of family to be accepted

Multicultural Education is for.... A. Only White Students B. Only students different from the majority C. All students regardless of race, social class, sexual orientation or other differences D. Only African American Students

All students regardless of race, social class, sexual orientation or other differences

Which of these is NOT an example of an enduring understanding: A. Knowledge about historical events can help us understand current social conditions. B. War, genocide, and forced migration deeply influence people's lives for many generations. C. Recovering, preserving, and renewing cultural identity is an ongoing process of education, artistic expression, and cultural exchange. D. All students will understand the history of Cambodia and its relationship to the United States.

All students will understand the history of Cambodia and its relationship to the United States.

What is the best way to incorporate multicultural education into your classroom? A. Food days in class B. Celebrating black history month C. Having an annual diversity dinner D. Always including multicultural education in your curriculum everyday

Always including multicultural education in your curriculum everyday

Which of the following is not an out-of-school factor that significantly impacts students listed in the book. A. Neighborhood Characteristics. B. Family relations and family stress. C. Inadequate Medical, dental, and vision care. D. Amount of space the student has to perform school work.

Amount of space the student has to perform school work.

What is social justice? A. A part of the law that protects teachers from being unlawfully sued. B. An approach that involves the equal treatment of all students. C. The way we treat minorities in society today. D. The difference between students, and what they can and cannot achieve.

An approach that involves the equal treatment of all students.

According to Nieto and Bode, which of the following is not a component of racism? A. Racism is a social construct—it is not a biological one B. Someone who finds the power to carry out his or her prejudices C. An institutional system describing how everyone benefits since it is inclusive D. The assumptions made about specific groups being superior to all different groups

An institutional system describing how everyone benefits since it is inclusive

How does the economic and social reproduction theories affect the school achievements? A. "Economic and social reproduction theories help explain how academic failure and success are not unintended outcomes but rather are logical results of differentiated schooling." B. "They also help move the complete burden of failure from students, their families, and communities to the society at large, and they provide a macro analytic, or societal, understanding of schooling." C. Both A and B D. It takes psychological and cultural issues into thought.

Both A and B

There are 5 tasks illustrated in the reading for understanding socio political context. Which of the following is an example listed. A. Clarify goals and key terms of multicultural education B. Study the traditional demographic "mosaic" of our nation (ignore our current) C. Believe and incorporate myths about immigration and difference D. Ignore political struggles of legislation in public education

Clarify goals and key terms of multicultural education

When a teacher chooses to look at every student the same way regardless of ethnicity, this is an example of what? A. Color blindness B. Color muteness C. Racism D. Equality

Color blindness

What is not a condition for poor relationships between student achievement and conditions of school buildings? A. Colorful posters B. Inadequate or too much heating C. Class size D. Poor lighting

Colorful posters

The normal decision to retain a child is made by: A. Teacher B. Parents C. Administration D. Combination of the three

Combination of the three

Which one of these terms increase the dropout rate amongst students? A. Tracking B. Pedagogy C. Retention D. Curriculum


A process of which people are deprived of their own culture and then conditioned into embracing other cultural values is called _____? A. cultural deprivation B. The culture of poverty C. Deculturalization D. communism


Which is the MOST politically correct term for students who speak another language in the United States? A. LEP B. ESOL C. ELL D. ABC


Which of the following ISN'T multicultural education? A. Antiracist B. Easy C. Pervasive D. Basic Education


What is the layman's term for the African-American Vernacular? A. Urban Linguistics B. Creole C. Tectonics D. Ebonics


What does ELL stand for? A. Everyone Loves Llamas B. Limited Learning C. English Language Learners D. English Language Linguistic

English Language Learners

The word equal education can be used interchangeably with the word, A. Equitable education B. social justice C. productive education D. achievement

Equitable education

The feeling of belonging is important for adolescents and in participating in extracurricular activities. According to the content of Chapter 8, young adolescents receive most satisfaction of belonging, in their daily activities, in relation to their ___________? A. Ethnic Group B. Class Ranking (Academically Speaking). C. Cognitive Abilities D. Physical Abilities

Ethnic Group

Which of these ethnic groups of students are least affected by the manifestation by racism and discrimination? A. African American B. American Indian C. European D. Indian


Which has a high correlation? A. Retention in Kindergarten and student success B. Extracurricular activities and student success C. Tracking and student success D. Standardized testing and student success

Extracurricular activities and student success

Which of the following does not influence culture? A. Geographic location B. Facial Characteristics (big nose, dark skin, etc) C. Values D. Religion

Facial Characteristics

True or False: Only white children need to learn about multicultural education. A. False because all children should learn about multicultural education, no matter what their race is. B. True because they are most likely to grow up to be racist. C. True because most schools are made up of white children. D. False because no one really needs multicultural education to be successful in society.

False because all children should learn about multicultural education, no matter what their race is.

Which term correctly fills in the black to the following definition? "According to Ogbu, most voluntary minorities have a "________ ____________" of school success: They see the United States as a land of opportunity where one gets ahead through education and hard work" (Nieto & Bode, 2012). A. Folk Theory B. Oppositional Behavior C. Cultural Inversion D. American Dream

Folk Theory

137. Which of the following is an Out of School Factor that could negatively impact student learning? A. Acting white B. Food insecurity C. Culture D. Physical classroom environment

Food insecurity

What President signed the No Child Left Behind Law? A. George W. Bush B. Bill Clinton C. Obama D. H. W. Bush

George W. Bush

What is one way to improve social skills and show your students that you care about them being in your classroom? A. Ignore students who raise their hands B. Greet them as they come in for class C. Encourage a silent classroom environment D. Encourage students to keep journals

Greet them as they come in for class

Which of the following is NOT one of the four components of Social Justice? A. Provide students with materials to reach their full potential. B. Enforcing the strengths and talents of the students. C. Create a positive and engaging learning environment. D. Have students keep track of their own progress.

Have students keep track of their own progress.

Which is an example of pre-prejudice when introducing students to diversity? A. Having a diversity class offered to seniors in high school to talk about families B. Having each child draw a picture of their mom and dad in class and present it C. Reading a book to young children that introduces them to an LGBT family setting D. Explaining in middle school why stereotypes can sometimes be true

Having each child draw a picture of their mom and dad in class and present it

What is the term for when the teacher communicates convincingly that she likes it when students ask questions and that she loves to help them when they are confused or making mistakes? A. High Help B. High Perfectionism C. Achievement D. Cultural Capital

High Help

Which of the following is a benefit from tracking systems in schools, according to Nieto and Bode? A. Helps to end discrimination of students based on race. B. Helps to move more students out of special education. C. Promotes unity of students of all abilities. D. High achieving students perform better in their honors classes.

High achieving students perform better in their honors classes.

Cultural discontinuities are the lack of congruence between home and school cultures. Cultural-specific educational accommodations can pinpoint: A. How discontinuities between schools and students may lead to negative academic outcome. B. How students learn based off of their culture. C. How discontinuities between schools and students may lead to positive academic outcome. D. How the culture of the students' homes can affect the culture of their classrooms

How discontinuities between schools and students may lead to negative academic outcome

Institutional discrimination generally refers to A. How people are used B. How people act towards other people C. How one's life is affected by their co-workers D. How people are excluded/deprived from certain rights

How people are excluded/deprived from certain rights

The TERM that is met with three distinct education implications are 1. Acknowledging the difference that children bring to school, 2. Admitting the possibility that student's identities may influence how they experience school and 3. Accepting differences also means making provisions for them? A. Separate but Equal B. Hybridity C. Equal is not the same D. Nutrisweet is not Equal


Which is NOT a characteristic of multicultural education: A. Is critical pedagogy B. Antiracist education C. Immediate D. Important for all students


Why is it important as teacher to value and embrace cultural differences? A. To prevent deculturalization and cultural deprivation from occurring. B. In order for one to better accommodate individual learning differences, communication styles and language. C. To teach according to the main majority's cultural standard to teach minorities how to become successful after school. D. In order to understand when a student of a different culture is acting inappropriately.

In order for one to better accommodate individual learning differences, communication styles and language.

Which of the following is false about discrimination? A. Individual discrimination is when one person acts on their discriminatory views, but it does not truly affect those who they discriminate against. B. Institutional discrimination is when a person has the power to discriminate and create rules or laws that hinder the people they are discriminating against. C. Individual discrimination and institutional discrimination are the same. D. Discrimination and racism are the similar.

Individual discrimination and institutional discrimination are the same.

What is the difference between Individual and Institutional discrimination? A. Individual means only one person is discriminated against, institutional means and institution is discriminated against B. Individual means that someone discriminates against a group of people but lacks the power to really change the peoples' lives, Institutional means that someone uses their power to dramatically affect the lives of those that they are discriminating against C. Individual means that one person is doing the discriminating, Institutional means that more than one person is doing the discrimination D. Individual means the same thing as Institutional discrimination

Individual means that someone discriminates against a group of people but lacks the power to really change the peoples' lives, Institutional means that someone uses their power to dramatically affect the lives of those that they are discriminating against

151. Carlos Cortés' theory of societal curriculum includes which of the following: A. Influences from mass media B. Gender-role expectations C. Anti-immigrant hysteria D. All of the above

Influences from mass media

What is "societal curriculum"? A. Curriculum which concentrates on critical thinking that will be useful for future citizenship in society B. Interactions between teachers and students in an out-of-school context C. The belief that society should be the primary source of education for students. D. Influences of society such as mass media, gender-role expectations, anti-immigrant hysteria, and rampant violence

Influences of society such as mass media, gender-role expectations, anti-immigrant hysteria, and rampant violence

The systematic use of economic and political power in institutions that leads to detrimental policies and practices does far greater damage A. Individual racism B. Self-Fulfilling Prophecy C. Institutional discrimination D. Prejudice

Institutional discrimination

What is the definition of Bilingual Education? A. Having two languages taught in one classroom. B. Involves the use of two languages of instruction at some point in a student's school career. C. Having an interpreter in the classroom for the student who is bilingual. D. Having students learning a different language in another classroom.

Involves the use of two languages of instruction at some point in a student's school career.

Multicultural education A. Should not be taught to white students. B. Is teaching how to get everyone to speak the same. C. Is the teaching of one reality and is biased toward the dominant group. D. Is Inclusive because it is about all people and for all the people

Is Inclusive because it is about all people and for all the people

What does prejudice mean in terms of discrimination? A. Is the thoughts and feelings of a group of people on an individual person. B. Is the thoughts and beliefs of an individual on entire groups of people. C. Is the discrimination based off of the ethnicity of a group of people. D. Is not liking someone because they are tall.

Is the thoughts and beliefs of an individual on entire groups of people.

What is a major problem with monocultural curriculums? A. Allows students to see the complexity of the world and makes them active members of society. B. It makes students passive and not caring about history and their peers' culture. C. It allows for students to see the facts and truth about history and gives them room to interpret the facts. D. It is presented as static and fat giving student only one way of seeing the world

It is presented as static and fat giving student only one way of seeing the world

Why is it important to include white students in multicultural education? A. It promotes their cultural awareness B. It is not fair to not include them C. White students are under privileged D. White students do not want to learn multicultural education

It promotes their cultural awareness

Which of the following is the best example of Resistance Theory? A. John does well in school because he is not afraid his peers will ostracize him for it. B. John chooses to do poorly in school for fear of bullying even though he understands the material. C. John drops out of school and joins a gang. D. John persuades other students to perform well in school and graduates with honors.

John drops out of school and joins a gang.

Which answer below is NOT one of the five significant tasks of understanding the sociopolitical context? A. Clarifying the goals and key terms of multicultural education B. Dissolving myths about immigration and difference C. Judging a student based on their background D. Examining the political struggles of legislation and policy in public education

Judging a student based on their background

What is social justice? A. Justice that is applied in a social context B. Actions that embody treating all people with fairness. C. An action that displays someone's social communication ability D. When someone is punished for committing social crimes.

Justice that is applied in a social context

Student involvement in activities outside academics helps promote all of the following Except A. Critical thinking skills B. Lack of interest in school subjects C. Sense of belonging D. Shield against peer pressure

Lack of interest in school subjects

Which court case initiated by Chinese students affirmed the belief that the same educational resources for all students (such as the same instructions in the same language) does not mean that all students will equally be set up for success? A. Home v. Flores B. Lau v. Nichols C. Brown v. The Board of Education D. Plyer v. Doe

Lau v. Nichols

Cultural differences in learning may be apparent in which three areas? A. Speech, writing and learning B. Learning styles, Communication styles and thought process C. Learning styles, Language differences and Communication styles D. Math, Science and Reading

Learning styles, Language differences and Communication styles

Which of the following is NOT a theme that emerged in the research about the connections between school-life and prison-life? A. Failure to provide appropriate behavioral intervention [in schools] may be contributing to delinquency among students with disabilities B. Following removal from school, many students experience enormous difficulties in reentering C. Effective interventions and programs that reduce risk and enhance protective factors for youth and risk and for delinquency do exist. D. Many schools have a zero tolerance policy that kick students out of school unnecessarily

Many schools have a zero tolerance policy that kick students out of school unnecessarily

The NCLB required every state to have an annual testing program for which two subjects? A. Science and Math B. Math and Reading C. Reading and Social Studies D. Science and Social Studies

Math and Reading

Pedagogy Means A. Method and practice of teaching B. what's best for the students C. How smart a student is D. None of the above

Method and practice of teaching

What stereotype is used when it falsely perpetuates the assumptions that all Asian and Asian American students do well in school? A. Model-decontextualization B. Model-majority C. Model-opposition D. Model-minority


In order to become a multicultural teacher, one must first be a(n)_________________. A. Multicultural Student B. Bilingual Speaker C. Polyglot D. Multicultural Person

Multicultural Person

What is the basic educational curriculum that all students receive, that has been in existence for a long period of time? A. Multicultural education B. Basic education C. General education D. Canon

Multicultural education

The term that best defines this phrase is, "It is an ongoing and dynamic because no one ever stops becoming a multicultural person and knowledge is never complete". A. Multicultural education is education for social justice B. Multicultural education is a process C. Multicultural education is pervasive D. Multicultural education is important for all students

Multicultural education is a process

Who is multicultural education meant for? A. Multicultural education is, by definition, inclusive. Because it is about all people, it is also for all people, regardless of their ethnicity, ability, social class, language, sexual orientation, religion, gender, race, or other difference. There for it's meant for everyone. B. Multicultural education is for students who has historically been neglected. C. Multicultural education is for students who are of color, because of what their ancestors been through. D. Multicultural education is meant for everyone because it involves relationships with all people no matter what their difference are.

Multicultural education is, by definition, inclusive. Because it is about all people, it is also for all people, regardless of their ethnicity, ability, social class, language, sexual orientation, religion, gender, race, or other difference. There for it's meant for everyone.

What is the definition of discrimination? A. Negative or destructive behaviors that can result in denying some groups life's necessities as well as the privileges, rights, and opportunities enjoyed by other groups B. Not liking a person C. Dissing a criminal D. A lasting hatred against those of different race

Negative or destructive behaviors that can result in denying some groups life's necessities as well as the privileges, rights, and opportunities enjoyed by other groups

No educational philosophy or program is worthwhile unless it focuses on the following three primary goals." Which answer below is NOT one of the three goals? A. Tackling inequality and promoting access to an equal education B. Raising the achievement of all students and providing them with an equitable and high-quality education C. Providing students with an apprenticeship in the opportunity to become critical and productive members of a democratic system D. Not allowing students to work with one another in their native language, and avoiding any acceptance of another's native cultural background

Not allowing students to work with one another in their native language, and avoiding any acceptance of another's native cultural background

What is the correct example of discrimination? A. Not allowing whites to attend a sporting event because of their race B. Saying a gay man is less important than a straight man C. Assuming Asians are all smart D. Choosing an African American to lead a dance class without asking about their experience

Not allowing whites to attend a sporting event because of their race

Which is NOT an example of a way to become a multicultural person? A. Learn More B. Observe Students in Their Homes C. Confront Our Own Racism and Biases D. Learn to See Reality from a Variety of Perspectives

Observe Students in Their Homes

Which of the following do not relate to the physical structure of the classroom? A. Architecture B. Classroom Resources C. Cleanliness and Order D. Pedagogy


All of these are examples of Cultural Capital EXCEPT: A. Intelligence B. Money C. Physical Appearance D. Education

Physical Appearance

In what ways has institutional discrimination stayed in the school? A. Recess B. Policies and Practices C. Lesson Plans D. All of the above

Policies and Practices

Even though White students may feel uncomfortable discussing the topic of racism, broaching this discussion can actually be a ______________ pedagogical approach to help students think about their position in society and their responsibilities to combat racism and other biases: A. Negative B. Ineffective C. Either-or D. Positive


Which of the following contributes to a positive identity and learning? A. Reminding students that culture is important and everyone has their own unique cultural hybridity. B. Letting students know that culture is not important, we should all be colorblind. C. low self-esteem in our students. D. Blurring the lines of reality to keep our students safe from the outside world.

Reminding students that culture is important and everyone has their own unique cultural hybridity.

Critical pedagogy is characterized by A. Resultant action. B. Transfer of knowledge. C. Being a relatively new pedagogical tool. D. passive learning.

Resultant action.

"The practice of holding students back a grade" is the definition for which following term? A. Retention B. Tracking C. Pedagogy D. Disciplinary Policies


Who designed the controversial framework for understanding poverty? A. Ruby Payne B. Patty Bode C. Felix Boateng D. Sonia Nieto

Ruby Payne

Which of the following is not one way educators can make multicultural education pervasive? A. Schools putting on a "Multicultural Day" in which students eat food, do crafts, and read stories from different cultures. B. Desegregating the racially and class self-segregated student body. C. Put an end to progress tracking of students. D. Encourage students to think more critically on issues of social justice.

Schools putting on a "Multicultural Day" in which students eat food, do crafts, and read stories from different cultures.

The influences of the general society on the education of the students within the school and district are called: A. Symbolic violence B. Life lessons C. Societal curriculum D. Multicultural navigators

Societal curriculum

According to Joseph D'Amico, the two major causes of the achievement gap are: A. Gender and cognitive level B. Sociocultural and school-related factors C. Gender and school-related factors D. Cognitive level and sociocultural factors

Sociocultural and school-related factors

According to the text, intelligence is A. Being smart and getting good grades in all classes and subjects B. Having a brian, oh I mean a brain C. Something that one cultivates, studies hard to attain, and eventually achieves D. Gaining accountability and passing the high-stakes standardized tests

Something that one cultivates, studies hard to attain, and eventually achieves

According to Christine Sleeter, what are the two types of curriculum? A. Standards-aimed and standards-achieved B. Standards-driven and standards-conscious C. Multicultural curriculum and multilingual curriculum D. Federal curriculum and state curriculum

Standards-driven and standards-conscious

What is the term for when students are placed in a separate classroom where they learn all their content in English until they are proficient enough to be "mainstreamed" to a regular classroom? A. Limited English Proficient (LEP) B. Structured English Immersion C. English Language Learners (ELL) D. Bilingual Education

Structured English Immersion

The problem with the term "achievement gap" is that suggests who alone is responsible for learning? A. Parents B. Teachers C. Students D. Principles


According to Nieto and Bode which is not an indicator that good teaching is taking place? A. Students are involved with issues they perceive as vital B. Students are actively involved in heterogeneous groups C. Students are tested regularly on core curriculum D. Students are involved in planning their education

Students are tested regularly on core curriculum

Pick the following answer that does not happen when good teaching is taken place. A. Students are involved with issues they perceive as vital concerns. B. Students are involved in planning their education. C. Students work independently rather than with one another. D. Students are actively involved in heterogeneous groups.

Students work independently rather than with one another

Which of the following is a problem related to programs for teaching English Language Learners? A. Students are separated from their peers and are usually therefore disconnected. B. Students don't actually learn English in these programs. C. Students' native languages are degraded through these programs. D. Programs are not implemented in most schools and therefore ineffective

Students' native languages are degraded through these programs.

What is wrong with the word achievement gap, according to Nieto and Bode? A. Suggests that students alone are responsible for their learning, as if other factors did not exist B. Suggests that students of different ages could still be on the same learning level. C. Suggests that students are responsible for their learning except for when they are with friends D. Suggests that students should figure out math problems themselves or else they are going to fall behind

Suggests that students alone are responsible for their learning, as if other factors did not exist

Which of the following is NOT a way for teachers to develop multicultural education programs? A. Developing positive relationships with students B. Tacos every 3rd Friday of the month C. Working with students' families D. Support beyond academics

Tacos every 3rd Friday of the month

Which of the following does not classify as a culture-specific accommodation? A. Allowing bilingual dictionaries in the classroom for students struggling with English-only instruction. B. Taking a class trip to a foreign country for a mission trip over spring break. C. Telling students to journal in their vernacular language if they don't feel comfortable. D. Letting students pair up in small groups to converse instead of expecting students to approach their teacher when they have confusion after a lesson.

Taking a class trip to a foreign country for a mission trip over spring break.

Students appreciate all of the following aspects teachers use in lessons except A. A kind disposition through actions B. Showing personal interest C. Providing scaffolding throughout the lesson D. Teaching only through lecture-based instruction

Teaching only through lecture-based instruction

Which of the following is NOT a way in which a teacher and/or school can support students for whom English is not a native language? A. Tell parents that they need to speak to the child only in English so that they may learn the English language faster. B. Allow students to work in same-langiage groups for some cooperative learning activities. C. Ask students who are learning English to teach some of their classmates some words and phrases in their native language. D. Make multilingual word charts in the classroom of commonly use words and phrases like thank you and pencil and ask children to bring in translations from their home language.

Tell parents that they need to speak to the child only in English so that they may learn the English language faster

According to the text, what is the definition of prejudice? A. The attitudes and beliefs of individuals about entire groups of people. B. Negative behavior that results in the denial of one individual or group of people. C. The belief that all members of a group possess characteristics or abilities specific to them makes their group inferior to all other groups. D. Acting upon the stereotypes you believe to be true.

The attitudes and beliefs of individuals about entire groups of people.

97. What is cultural hybridity? A. The fusion of various cultures to form new, distinct, yet stagnant identities B. The fusion of various cultures that have been passed down from generation to generation C. The fusion of various cultures that form new, but not necessarily distinct, identities D. The fusion of various cultures to form new, distinct, and every-changing identities

The fusion of various cultures to form new, distinct, and every-changing identities

What is learning preference? A. One of the multiple intelligences founded by Gardner that you relate to best. B. The culturally appropriate method of learning C. Fixed traits you have acquired based on your culture D. The method of learning that combines different theories, yet may not be the cultural method of choice

The method of learning that combines different theories, yet may not be the cultural method of choice

What is meant by the term "Deculturalization?" A. The process of a group gradually growing to have no culture at all. B. The process of dissecting and analyzing different cultures. C. The process by which people are deprived of their own culture then conditioned into embracing other cultural values. D. The process of removing lactose from milk

The process by which people are deprived of their own culture then conditioned into embracing other cultural values.

How do the authors explain what identifying as an "American" means? A. The result of interactions of old, new, and created cultures. B. Being born in America. C. Being the at least the 3rd generation American. D. Graduating from high school and contributing to society.

The result of interactions of old, new, and created cultures.

Tracking, or setting students upon a systematic plan throughout their education, is often linked with what? A. The spelling of the students last name (alphabetical order) B. The students astrological sign C. The parents rating on the Walker "Parents Annoyance" Scale D. The student's race or social class

The student's race or social class

In characterization of what happens in most schools, Freire contrasted the expected roles of the teacher and the student. Which of the following is not one of them? A. The teacher knows everything, and the students know nothing. B. The teacher disciplines, but the students are not disciplined. C. The teacher teaches, and the students are taught. D. The teacher talks, and the students listen—meekly.

The teacher disciplines, but the students are not disciplined

What does Constructivist teaching mean? A. The teachers do not understand the students nor do they care. B. The teacher understands that previous knowledge and or experiences affect the students learning in class and they develop a deeper meaning for the material. C. The teachers do not understand that outside factors affect the students. D. The teacher's work ethic.

The teacher understands that previous knowledge and or experiences affect the students learning in class and they develop a deeper meaning for the material.

Which of the following is not a theme that Ruben Garza found that describes what student's appreciated about their teachers strategies? A. The teacher was always available to the students B. The teacher showed personal interest in the students' lives C. The teacher provided scaffolding during a teaching episode. D. The teacher was lenient and gave multiple extensions to any student who asked.

The teacher was lenient and gave multiple extensions to any student who asked.

According to our book, why is "bilingual students" an improper term for students being taught English as a second language? A. The term implies they will be taught in both their first language and English B. The term is not specific enough: it does not state that one of the language is English C. The term is an acceptable term for this type of student D. The term implies the students are already fluent in two languages when they might not be

The term implies the students are already fluent in two languages when they might not be

Which of the following is not a school-based policy or practice as mentioned by Nieto and Bode? A. Pedagogy. B. Retaining students that need improvement. C. The use of recess to regain children's attention span. D. The limited role of teachers within the academic setting.

The use of recess to regain children's attention span

What is a learning style defined as? A. Common ways people learn B. The way in which individuals receive and process information C. Difference in natural patterns of learning D. Your personal learning preference

The way in which individuals receive and process information

What is the main difference between individual and institutional racism? A. The wielding of a sword and shield B. The betterment of society C. The authoritarianism of a dictator D. The wielding of power

The wielding of power

Define Affirmation A. Not having support B. To Confirm something C. To learn new material D. To have emotional support

To have emotional support

Why is multicultural education important to all students? A. To not understand other diverse viewpoints. B. To help achieve a good grade in a class. C. To understand others perspectives and learn more about different cultures through the eyes of someone that is more diverse than they are. D. All of the above

To understand others perspectives and learn more about different cultures through the eyes of someone that is more diverse than they are.

What are the four levels of support for pluralism? A. Tolerance, acceptance, respect, and affirmation/solitary/critique B. People, punishment, diversity, pedagogy C. Basic, pervasive, justice, anti-discriminatory D. Process, students, hope, despair

Tolerance, acceptance, respect, and affirmation/solitary/critique

What term refers to "the placement of students into groups that are perceived to be of similar ability within classes, into classroom groups according to perceived abilities and subject areas, or into groups according to specific programs of study at the high school level"? A. Retention B. Performance-based Assessments C. Tracking D. Transformation approach


What is NOT an idea for a teacher to adapt language acquisition? A. Creating a multiliterate print environemtn in the classroom B. Travelling to the country of origin of the multilingual student C. Using literature in students' native languages. D. Learning some key words in students' first language

Travelling to the country of origin of the multilingual student

Which of the following program models involves both English language learners and students whose first language is English to collaborate together to help develop a bilingual education? A. Transitional Bilingual Education B. Two-Way Bilingual Education C. Structured English Immersion D. Developmental Bilingual Education

Two-Way Bilingual Education

Grade level retention is often A. Useful in preparing unready students for the next grade level B. Linked to higher graduation rates due to higher maturity levels C. A practice that is informed by test scores D. Made by teachers who wish to punish children

Useful in preparing unready students for the next grade level

What is the "sink or swim" policiy? A. When a student who does not predominantly know English is thrown into a class and expected to learn it with little to no help. B. When a student is thrown in to a new school and expected to make friends without help. C. When a school only gives a student a book and they are expected to learn without teacher presence. D. When government quits funding a school because it is failing. The school is then expected to find a way to fund itself or shut down.

When a student who does not predominantly know English is thrown into a class and expected to learn it with little to no help.

How can teachers incorporate a multicultural curriculum that is antiracist and antidiscriminatory? A. Teachers who stick with certain types of materials and topics while teaching. B. Teachers who limit and avoid interactions or relationships with students and their families C. When teachers bring up topics about race and culture to discuss and integrate within the content they teach D. When teachers continue to have the same policies about discrimination without ever examining their philosophy

When teachers bring up topics about race and culture to discuss and integrate within the content they teach

"A policy of punishing any infraction of a rule, regardless of accidental mistakes, ignorance, or extenuating circumstances" A. Zero-Tolerance Policy B. School-to-Prison pipeline C. No Child Left Behind D. Civil Rights Act

Zero-Tolerance Policy

Which of the following is a trait of culturally-responsive pedagogy? A. Culture of the classroom is co-constructed and negotiated B. Connections are made with the students and community C. High standards are set for the students D. All of the above

all of the above

Richard Rothstein advocates three approaches to be made in narrowing the achievement gap. Which approach is NOT one of the three? A. promote school improvement efforts that raise the quality of instruction B. implement policies that provide health services and housing to individuals in society C. enforce a more stern classroom environment D. give more attention to outside of school programs

enforce a more stern classroom environment

Within a school, love means that the educators _____________________. A. are highly qualified professionals B. have genuine respect, high expectations and great admiration for their students C. incorporate multicultural education into their lessons D. are compassionate and do not expect students to do more than they can handle

have genuine respect, high expectations and great admiration for their students

School resources and money play a ___________ role in the numbers in involving achievement groups. A. little B. none C. huge D. slight


A school's policy states that no head coverings are allowed. For this reason, a teacher asks a female student to remove her Hijab, a head covering worn by some Muslims in order to maintain modesty. This is an example of A. individual discrimination. B. institutional discrimination. C. racism. D. sexism.

institutional discrimination

Subtractive bilingualism is A. the kind of bilingualism that uses mostly math terms B. taking two languages and deciding which is more dominant C. taking two language and learning both to decide which is better D. the kind of bilingualism that develops at the expense of one's native language

the kind of bilingualism that develops at the expense of one's native language

Self-segregation in schools is _________. A. the separation of an ethnic group from the rest of society by the group itself to maintain its traditions and customs. B. The separation of an ethnic group from the rest of society by a dominant group to maintain the group's ideals and customs. C. The separation of a dominant group by the minority group in order to maintain traditions and customs. D. The segregation of minority groups by other minority groups in order to maintain society's ideals and customs.

the separation of an ethnic group from the rest of society by the group itself to maintain its traditions and customs.

How can cultural capital be acquired? A. through completion of a societal curriculum B. through demonstration of caring C. by being a multicultural navigator D. through exposure to society, social issues and relationships

through exposure to society, social issues and relationships

What was the original use of standardized testing? A. to determine tracks of study for students B. for college admission C. to help define the curriculum taught within schools D. to help identify children who were labeled "mentally retarded"

to help identify children who were labeled "mentally retarded"

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