EDSP 432

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Which of the following has not been adequately provided for families participating in welfare reform? A) child care B) housing C) health care D) all of these

D) all of these

Print media for learning is declining but children's books do not follow that rule. Identify the situation least likely to add positive feelings about children's books. A) child books show the picture/verbal label connection B) children grow emotionally when they experience pleasure from stories read to them C) children's books can reveal learnings about time, place and objects D) books can be used during time out and assignment times

D) books can be used during time out and assignment times

Which of the following is false? A) children of divorce can show anger and sadness B) children of divorce will find the removal of marriage models in their lives C) children of divorce will suffer academic failure D) children of divorce will suffer economically

A) Children of divorce can show anger and sadness

In a peer group, young children are least likely to A) learn about negotiating skills B) learn about their age group social roles C) learn how to succeed in classroom math D) learn the neighborhood customs

C) learn how to succeed in classroom math

According to Bernstein's, what is the language code for a parent whose verbal style is object oriented and who uses simple, direct sentences with concrete meanings? A) closed code B) elaborated code C) lexical code D) restricted code

D) Restricted code

Which of the following is not linked to childhood obesity? A) reduced time for outdoor play B) pet ownership C) media exposure D) kinds of food offered at mealtimes

B) pet ownership

Cultural heritage is important in most families. Which item below would not be counted as a feature of cultural heritage? A) sisters teaching a preschool sibling nursery rhymes B) siblings searching for new popular songs on an iPad C) family purchasing a lamb for their religious holiday D) parents involving children in preparation for cleansing for a family ritual

B) siblings teaching for new popular songs on an iPad

Experiments and investigations of the school's ant farm by students in a contemporary classroom would not likely be endorsed by A) Piaget B) Skinner C) Vygotsky D) Dewey

B) Skinner

Which is statement about children who take medication for behavioral problems is false? A) All children who take medication are eligible for special education services B) Research indicates that children appropriately medicated demonstrate improved classroom performance C) medication is most often recommended for children diagnosed with ADHD D) The long-term effects of medicating children are not well researched

A) All children who take medication are eligible for special education services

Which of the following cannot be a serious barrier to effective parent-teacher communication? A) Allowing parents to share their perspective regarding student learning and difficulties B) Inferring that the teacher is always the expert on school-related matters C) Using only educationally correct terms when explaining students' classroom behavior or learning D) Contacting parents only when there is a behavior problem or a learning issue

A) Allowing parents to share their perspective regarding student learning and difficulties

Which of the following purposes of Back-to-school-night is false? A) Discussing individual children and their needs B) Providing information about curriculum and classroom procedures C) Allowing teachers and parents to get to know each other D) Sharing ways of communicating about children

A) Discussing individual children and their needs

Which of the following procedures is not advisable if students are to be involved in parent-teacher conferences? A) Insisting that students be involved in all aspects of the conference B) Explaining the goal or object of the conference to the student C) Giving students choices on what materials to include at the conference D) Reviewing with class before conferences possible questions they might ask

A) Insisting that students be involved in all aspects of the conference

Which of the following is not considered basic involvement by parents in the child's education? A) Serving as regularly-scheduled volunteers in the classroom B) Attending back to school night C) Talking informally with the teacher by phone or email D) Participating in parent-teacher conferences

A) Serving as regularly-scheduled volunteers in the classroom

Which of the following effective practices when encouraging families to volunteer in the classroom is false? A) stressing that it is essential that all parents become regularly scheduled helpers B) Providing an orientation of volunteers at the beginning of the year C) Suggesting activities that families could do at home to support the class D) Encouraging parents to share their interests and expertise when they are able

A) Stressing that it is essential that all parents become regularly scheduled helpers

Screen media comes in different forms, and the Academy of Pediatrics recommends the typical 2-5 year old not to exceed A) a total of 1-2 hours per day B) a total of 4 hours per day C) about 6 hours per day D) no more than 10 hours per day

A) a total of 1-2 hours per day

The item that has the least success for mentoring sessions is A) child's academic success B) well planned teacher referrals C) developing socially and emotionally D) matching children and mentors with similar interests

A) child's academic success

Which of the following is not considered advocacy, on the parents' part? A) Communicating with the teacher about their child's individual progress B) Serving on the school improvement team C) Running for an office on the local school board D) Taking legal action against a school policy

A) communicating with eh teacher about their child's individual progress

In getting good communication established with community and parents, one high priority for a teacher is A) doing an assessment of one's own communication skill B) making sure the classroom is sparkling and interesting C) getting principal's permission to incite community to school D) interview other teachers to see how they manage work with parents

A) doing an assessment of one's own communication skill

Food preparation and table routines are helpful in a child's development. Which of the following is the least valuable for a child's social and organizational skills? A) enjoying TV with a sibling B) Helping parents with food preparation C) clearing a table after a family meal D) doing measuring for a cake recipe

A) enjoying TV with a sibling

Community schools differ largely from other public schools in that they A) have an array of health and social services on site B) tap into community projects C) have parents assisting in schools D) have after school programs

A) have an array of health and social services on site

Research shows that grandparents often influence a child's home environment by A) providing additional loving support for children with busy families B) interfering with the development of a clear value system C) providing reliable financial support D) being available during holidays, but never interfering with child rearing

A) providing additional loving support for children with busy families

Parents who participate at the decision making level might help a school by A) serving on a committee that hires school staff B) selling tickets for a fund raiser C) helping teachers post artwork in the hallways before an art show D) volunteering to spread a new load of woodchips on the playground

A) serving on a committee that hires school staff

Charter schools are known for unusual experiments. Which of the following is false? A) strong relationships with school families B) Deemphasize parent-school communication C) have no rigid commitment for certified teachers D) that some have very traditional and classic programs

B) Deemphasize parent-school communication

Which one of the following is an appropriate approach to ensure that classroom visits and participation by parents are productive and not distracting for teachers? A) sit the parent behind a 2-way mirror B) Establish guidelines for all visits held during regular class times C) Establish a 10 minute time limit for a parent visit D) Allow parents to enter and leave the classroom whenever they wish

B) Establish guidelines for all visits held during regular class times

Which of the following statements concerning educational field trips is false? A) Field trips can be used to extend and make more meaningful the objectives of a unit of study B) Field trips are an effective approach for communicating to the community at large about the excellence of the school program C) Field trips can be used to teach social skills to children D) Field trips provide motivation for further interests and learning

B) Field trips are an effective approach for communicating to the community at large about the excellence of the school program

In the acronym FAPE, what does the letter "F" stand for? A) fair B) free C) find D) family

B) Free

Preparing for a parent-teacher conference involves planning. Which of the following would be at the bottom of your planning list? A) Decide on a safe, quiet, and comfortable spot where all can sit comfortably. B) Get all criticism of the child out first- to clear the air C) Try to use "we" instead of "you" and the "I" to show "all are in together" on a common objective D) Make sure there is time for parent questions

B) Get all criticism of the child out first- to clear the air

Which of the following purposes of the parent-teacher conference is false? A) Informing parents about their child's progress in school B) Informing parents about the schools way of doing things C) Seeking parental support and involvement D) Discussing curriculum goals with parents

B) Informing parents about the schools way of doing things

When writing notes or email to children's home follow your plan. Which one of the following will be on your priority list? A) Make certain everything is on school stationary B) Let the child know what is in your letter or email to her parents C) Check your written messages out with a senior teacher nearby D) Make sure you give every bit of information not he child

B) Let the child know what is in your letter or email to her parents

Which of the following is true of peer group influence during the course of childhood? A) peer group influence becomes less important as a child ages B) Peer group influence gradually becomes more dominant as the child ages C) Peer group influence remains stable throughout the early years D) Children's peers do not have a lasting influence

B) Peer group influence gradually becomes more dominant as the child ages

What agency oversees the nation's largest voluntary accreditation system for preschools and child care centers? A) The National Association of Resource and Referral Agencies B) The National Association for the Education of Young Children C) The National Association of Family Child Care D) The Children's Defense Fund

B) The National Association for the Education of Young Children

The number of parents and community representatives working at the decision making level in a collaborative venture would be A) close to 100% B) a small percentage C) determined by the school board D) as many as possible within budget restrictions

B) a small percentage

People working with collaborative programs must have ways to determine how well their goals are being met. This process is known as A) communication B) assessment C) planning D) collaboration

B) assessment

One objective that Comer's School Development Program does not focus on is A) modifying social and psychological climate in schools B) getting better equipment and restoring facilities C) getting shared responsibility among parents and staff D) improving student's basic skills

B) getting better equipment and restoring facilities

Most often low income families tend to use which of the following for child care needs? A) center-based programs B) in-home child care C) school developed child care D) volunteer programs

B) in-home child care

The most important purpose of a brief phone call or an email to parents during the first week of school is for a teacher to A) inform parents of important school policies B) lay the foundation for an effective working relationship C) nip any behavior problems in the bud D) establish the teacher's authority

B) lay the foundation for an effective working relationship

Reggio Emilia's basic precepts A) have stayed the same over the years B) maintain the children are active participants in their own learning C) are behaviorist in orientation D) have not been successfully implemented in U.S. schools

B) maintain the children are active participants in their own learning

The transformative approach to parent education is based on the belief that A) parents learn best from lectures and discussion led by teachers and other experts B) parents and teachers have complementary skills and can learn from each other C) parents can transform their children's behavior by applying researched-based ideas D) parent led discussion groups are most effective

B) parents and teachers have complementary skills and can learn from each other

All children must acquire an ability to manage their own behavior in order to function in society. Which of the following techniques is not successful in helping children learn to control their behavior? A) parents allow children to perform tasks they are capable of performing B) parents demonstrate that adults may behave one way but child should behave differently C) expectations and responsibilities change according to children's ages and skill levels D) parents allow children to learn about the consequences of their actions

B) parents demonstrate that adults may behave one way but child should behave differently

Under the provisions of the Lanham Act during World War II, many communities were able to A) Provide after-school programs to enrich children's lives B) provide child-care resources and referrals for mothers working in factories C) provide in-home child care for newborns D) provide opportunities for children to communicate with a deployed parent

B) provide child-care resources and referrals for mothers working in factories

The big element in Comer's School Development idea that is not featured in others is A) collaboration B) social and emotional health objectives C) team operations in helping children D) communication network

B) social and emotional health objectives

Which of the following would be the best support for a child's social networking? A) The family relocating every year B) the network that her parents have established C) heavy financial support for academics D) New roadways in the community

B) the network that her parents have established

Which of the following is the most appropriate reason for establishing a parent center within a school? A) to provide a location for conducting parent-teacher conferences B) to give parents a sense of belonging so they feel more comfortable attending meetings and classes C) to provide a place for parents in the school where they will not distract students D) to enable all parents to participate in parent education sessions offered by the school

B) to give parents a sense of belonging so they feel more comfortable attending meetings and classes

What is the difference between a licensed child care center and an accredited one? A) there is no difference. These terms mean the same thing. B) Accreditation ensures that minimum standards are met while licensing goes beyond the minimum. C) Accredited centers are considered higher in quality than the merely licensed. D) A licensed center is guaranteed to meet the higher indicators of quality care

C) Accredited centers are considered higher in quality than the merely licensed.

Two leaders in the field of building collaborations among schools, families, and communities are A) Piaget & Montessori B) Brazelton & Sears C) Comer & Epstein D) McKinney and Vento

C) Comer & Epstein

What is the most important process element in child care? A) Amount of parent involvement B) Quality of outdoor equipment C) Relationship between caregiver and child D) Adult-child ratio

C) Relationship between caregiver and child

Reggio Emilia students have unique qualities. One very prominent commitment is A) community helpers must have certification B) children must learn other languages C) children are active participants in their own learning D) all anecdotes are saved and guarded for privacy

C) children are active participants in their own learning

One of the major issues which limits a family access to community resources in rural areas is A) poverty B) lack of interest by officials C) transportation issues D) family embarrassment

C) transportation issues

Which of the following would we not do in starting a partnership program? A) get a community-wide team B) do an orientation for interested people C) make sure the administration gets to vote on continuing D) do an evaluation of the progress after one year

C) make sure the administration gets to vote on continuing

Partnership programs start in many ways. The least logical is A) one could grow from a few small teacher startups B) a community visionary began a partnership by bringing in motivational speakers C) one superintendent developed a complete plan on partnership and published it for the first day of school D) an active PTA started sending teachers and parents to nearby towns to observe their home-school-community partnerships

C) one superintendent developed a complete plan on partnership and published it for the first day of school

What is the most prevalent form of after-school care for elementary age children? A) center based care B) family child care C) parent or self-care D) in-home child care

C) parent or self-care

Which is not a structural element of a child environment? A) square footage requirements B) adult-child ratio C) Parent-caregiver relationships D) Amount of initial and continuing staff training

C) parent-caregiver relationships

Recent research on the effects of quality child care fails to show A) children's social and emotional wellbeing are considered by high-quality care B) children's cognitive and language development are inhibited by high-quality care C) quality child care has a detrimental effect on the school achievement of low income children D) most families have access to a wide variety of high-quality care options

C) quality child care has a detrimental effect on the school achievement of low income children

The most important consideration for teachers when approaching diverse families is A) to be available at all times B) to be understanding C) to treat all families with dignity and respect D) to find out as much as possible about the family

C) to treat all families with dignity and respect

We have many concerns about quality of child care in the U.S. Which of the following is not a top concern? A) safety issues in child care centers and home care programs B) mediocre quality of child care programs C) transportation arrangements for in-home child care D) the child care tax credit for low income parents

C) transportation arrangements for in-home child care

Which of the following statements about peer groups is true? A) Have no effect on child learning before they enter school B) Influence child's achievement more than parents do C) Are a negative influence on children's learning D) Are a strong influence as children learn to negotiate and compromise

D) Are a strong influence as children learn to negotiate and compromise

Which of the following could not be considered effective ways of increasing the involvement of fathers in the education of their children? A) Make sure you define "father" broadly B) Develop an initiative to increase father involvement led by a male teacher C) Schedule events when most fathers can attend D) Invite fathers explicitly to participate in school maintenance

D) Invite fathers explicitly to participate in school maintenance

Which of the following is not true? A) Peer group rejection influences a child's behaviors B) Peer groups bring about problem solving skills C) Peers compare views about each other's family customs D) Peer influence starts to decrease by middle school

D) Peer influence starts to decrease by middle school

Which of the following would not be considered an essential part of a before-and-after school program for school-aged children? A) opportunities for free play both indoors and out B) nutritious breakfast and snacks C) time to complete homework D) a highly structured schedule of activities for children to follow

D) a highly structure schedule of activities for children to follow

Evidence from studies on collaboration among schools, families and communities shows that A) children had improved grades B) children had better attendance C) children had better social skills and behaviors D) all of these

D) all of these

In associative levels of involvement one can normally see the following situations A) parents attending PTA meetings B) parents and community volunteers publishing the school newsletter C) a feather lining up volunteer mentors for his child's school D) all of these

D) all of these

Parents and community members make for a richer curriculum in schools. Identify the features that volunteer programs do require A) an orientation and training plan for all volunteers B) have volunteers walk through the process of working at school C) grandparents can and do serve nicely in schools D) all of these

D) all of these

Parents seeking child care arrangements are very often dismayed over A) costs of child care B) distances to travel for care C) times that programs are closed D) all of these

D) all of these

Children have different ways of knowing about the world- first learned in their homes. Teachers help children adjust to the school's way of knowing when they present material and activities A) in the school structured way of knowing B) in the parent's way of knowing C) by clear academic and behavioral standards D) by presenting lessons using a variety of modalities

D) by presenting lessons using a variety of modalities

Which of the following statements concerning community influence is true? A) learning from a collection of recyclables is minimal B) social agencies are not able to reach all families in a community C) Commercial enterprises are only concerned with educating adults D) children's use of the community can depend on how safe the neighborhood is

D) children's use of the community can depend on how safe the neighborhood is

Which of the following statements is false? A) higher income families tend to choose child-care centers B) center based child care has increased rapidly in the past 30 years C) some low-income parents have difficulty affording adequate child care D) geographic location of child care is often not an important factor for families

D) geographic location of child care is often not an important factor for families

Which of the following successful home visits should not allow teachers to do? A) Deepen their understanding of the child B) Discuss with parents ways to better meet their child's needs C) Check out children's homes for appropriate toys and materials D) Instruct parents on appropriate parenting practices

D) instruct parents on appropriate parenting practices

Charter schools. Which of the following is a true statement? A) receives authorization from national authorities B) have stricter admission requirements than regular public schools C) adhere to an academic curriculum D) must conform to the learning outcomes the school has petitioned for

D) must conform to the learning outcomes the school has petitioned for

Which of the following statements concerning family-school-community partnerships is false? A) collaborations among partnerships typically entail several levels of involvement for the persons included B) Certain conditions enhance the growth of partnerships C) partnerships are more effective when bureaucratic resistance to change if neutralized D) partnerships succeed better when we do not challenge the community

D) partnerships succeed better when we do not challenge the community

Children are involved in some conferences with good results. Which of the following would not be wise to focus on? A) Children rarely have anything valuable to contribute to a conference focused on her/him B) Children do have a view of their strengths and weaknesses C) Children are knowledgeable about successes and failures that adults do not realize

A) Children rarely have anything valuable to contribute to a conference focused on her/ him

If you prefer a teaching style that emphasizes child readiness for participation in tasks, your basic tenet for child learning is closer to A) Nativist view B) Behaviorist view C) Interactionist view D) Social-cultural context view

A) Nativist view

Social network sites are used frequently in collaborative schools. Which of the following is the best reason to use this? A) Quick way to give information on upcoming events or showing results of a school project B) Showing humorous things about our school C) A way to bring disinterested community people into your school D) Saves a lot of paper

A) Quick way to give information on upcoming events or howling results of a school project

In doing a family survey you are going to be careful not to alarm or make parents defensive. The item that could trigger resentment is likely to e which of the following? A) Who lives in your home? B) What language do you speak at home? C) What are the best ways to contact you? D) Who do you enjoy talking with here at our school?

A) Who lives in your home?

Parents who are strict and who expect their children to obey specific rules without argument are classified by Baumrind as A) authoritarian B) authoritative C) domineering D) permissive

A) authoritarian

The nature-nurture debate concentrates on A) beliefs about inherited characteristics as opposed to the effects of environment B) extensive study of nature as opposed to study of the classics C) evidence that nature and nurture mean the same thing D) the effects of research in agriculture

A) beliefs about inherited characteristics as opposed to the effects of environment

The most serious negative effect of bullying in schools and communities is A) long-term effect on a bullied child's physical and mental health B) long-term effect on good community sports programs C) increased demand for adult supervision D) more control on social media sites

A) long-term effect on a bullied child's physical and mental health

Which of the following conditions is least likely to be present in a homeless family? A) scheduled health checkups for children B) Erratic income and cash flow problems C) substandard housing D) Frequent moves

A) scheduled health checkups for children

Those children with disabilities who are generally most successful when included in classrooms with typical-developing peers have A) strong social skills B) highly involved parents C) well-trained teachers D) appropriate medication

A) strong social skills

The legislation that protects the educational rights of homeless students is called A) the McKinley-Vento Homeless Assistance Act B) the individuals with disabilities education improvement act C) the free appropriate education act D) the family rights and Privacy Act

A) the McKinley-Vento Homeless Assistance Act

A pediatrician is most likely to raise concerns about a child possibly having a disability when A) the child fails to meet developmental milestones B) the child is very active and unfocused C) the child is having difficulty learning to read D) the child is unable to make friends

A) the child fails to meet developmental milestones

When describing the referral process for a school-age child suspected of having a disability, which is false? A) the child's general education teacher is the only one allowed to make an initial referral B) A referral must be a written document C) There is a 90 day deadline between the referral and the determination of what special education services the child will receive, if that child qualifies

A) the child's general education teacher is the only one allowed to make an initial referral

Which of the following statements regarding changes in family patterns is false? A) the single parent family is becoming a less common family grouping in the U.S. today B) The nuclear family is becoming less predominant today C) Some children live in institutions that serve as family substitutions D) extended families are increasing in number today

A) the single parent family is becoming a less common family grouping in the U.S. today

Digital equipment affects all our 21st century lives, and the element that has changed learning and entertainment most for preschoolers is A) the touch screen B) better TVs C) cell phones D) parents' increased use of technology

A) the touch screen

According to Maslow, which of the following arrangements best represents the order for nurturing practices by parents? A) Economic self-maintenance, health, and prestige B) Physical safety, providing love, promoting esteem C) Providing esteem, providing love, economic self-maintenance D) Providing love, prestige, physical safety

B) Physical safety, providing love, promoting esteem

Many good ways exist to help teacher-parent interaction. Pick the best from below. A) Make sure all communication comes through the school office B) Positing a photo of the 1st grade short in-class play on the parent bulletin board and invite comments C) Make sure you have another adult with you when meeting a parent D) Keep the face to face contact with parents and community members to a minimum. Written records are safer.

B) Positing a photo of the 1st grade short in-class play on the parent bulletin board and invite comments

Which of the following is not true? A) School success come often in affluent communities B) School success is equally divided between rich and poor communities C) The school is typically stretched to ensure success for all students D) Strong parent support can increase children's success

B) School success is equally divided between rich and poor communities

Which of the following is not an accurate statements about the individuals with disabilities education act? A) This law has been effect for over 40 years B) This law ensures that individuals from birth to death have access to and benefit from special education services C) Parents and special educators have been the leaders of the movement to establish this law and those that preceded it D) The 504 plan is not governed by IDEA

B) This law ensures that individuals from birth to death have access to and benefit from special education services

When a parent with children remarries a single adult to produce a stepfamily for the new partner, the new family is termed A) a nuclear family B) a blended family C) an adoptive family D) a sub-family

B) a blended family

A thriving father with two biracial children living together by themselves would best be described as A) a nuclear family B) a single parent family C) a subfamily D) an extended family

B) a single parent family

Participation in a community curriculum is dependent largely on A) sufficient money and fees B) access and distant factors C) education level of teachers D) type of political party in office

B) access and distant factors

Which is not a characteristic of component families? A) value open and ongoing communication B) are affluent and well educated C) show involvement and interest in children's work and activity D) have clearly established standards, values, and expectations

B) are affluent and well educated

New media in the 21st century has definite benefits for young children and some drawbacks. The least helpful quality is A) easy access to films and recordings B) attractiveness of adult games and recordings C) provision to connect with distant relatives and friends D) practicing school subject skills

B) attractiveness of adult games and recordings

Communicating with families that speak a different language cab be challenging. Pick the least successful strategy from below. A) have a translator at all meetings B) avoid personal contacts with other language families and try to get their children to be the "go between" when needed C) have printed materials in the family's language D) have materials, books, displays about the different cultures nearby

B) avoid personal contact with other language families and try to get their children to be the "go between" when needed

Which of the following would not be described as a community influence for a young child? A) a street fair in Tucson, AZ B) Backyard birthday party that parents had for 7 year old Stevie C) The meeting of birdwatchers that 6 year old Alma's family attended D) The little league game that 7 year old Stevie has become interested in

B) backyard birthday party that parents had for 7 year old Stevie

Full inclusion refers to A) children with disabilities who are placed in self-contained special education classes B) children with disabilities who spend the majority of their in school time in general education classes C) children with disabilities who are mainstreamed for lunch, recess, and special classes such as music and physical education D) typically developing children who are placed in special education classes as peers

B) children with disabilities who spend the majority of their in school time in general education classes

Which factor does not account for differences in parenting practices among members of the same ethnic group living in the U.S.? A) parental occupations B) length of time in the U.S. C) income level D) education

B) length of time in the U.S.

The elementary-age child's TV viewing has lessened in recent years due to A) poorer and more confusing programming B) more time devoted to other electronic media C) more parental restrictions D) introduction of the V-chip and other parental control software

B) more time devoted to other electronic media

Regarding legal aspects of homeschooling, which one of the following is true? A) there are federal laws that regulate all homeschooling efforts B) state regulation generally include the issues of attendance and the quality of instruction being offered C) a minority of states have statutes regarding school attendance for homeschoolers D) State laws that regulate homeschooling have not changed much in 50 years

B) state regulation generally include the issues of attendance and the quality of instruction being offered

Which of the following is the best childhood predictor of adult competence in American society? A) intelligence B) strong social skills C) aggressiveness D) well-developed language skills

B) strong social skills

Which of the following social and emotional developments does not deal with children learning? A) attitudes and beliefs B) vocabulary and grammar C) roles, responsibilities and expectations D) acting in accordance with goals and values

B) vocabulary and grammar

Which statement about children in foster care is false? A) the majority of foster children are children of color B) placement in kinship care is common and encouraged C) the majority of foster children are eventually adopted D) families providing foster care receive compenstaion

C) the majority of foster children are eventually adopted

Which of the following statements about media influence is false? A) the entertainment industry exerts great influence on American families, community life and children B) TV viewing is somewhat less in the last decade C) All TV advertising can be considered negative D) TV and computer games tend to reduce the time children have for discussion and interaction with peers and family members

C) All TV advertising can be considered negative

Which of the following statements about peer groups is incorrect? A) Children discover from their peers how to act and fulfill roles B) Sexual understandings and misunderstandings are learned from peers C) All learning from peer groups is positive D) Children learn about their own abilities from their peers

C) All learning from peer groups is positive

Which of the following interaction styles is demonstrated when parents show enthusiasm while helping their child? A) Baumrind's authoritative parent B) Hart & Risley's valence of communications C) Bernstein's person-oriented style D) None of these

C) Baumrind's authoritative parent

Which of the following would not be considered a communities resource for educating the child? A) A pond in the park B) A child and mother viewing facebook C) Child and mother playing games after napping D) Child and mother attending their church community supper

C) Child and mother playing games after napping

Which of the following subgroups in the category of children with special needs are protected by the federal IDEA legislation? A) children who are identified as gifted or talented B) Children who do not speak English C) Children with disabilities D) Children who have health issues

C) Children with disabilities

The least helpful label to use for integrating ethnic cultures in America is A) a mosaic of cultures B) a melting pot of cultures C) cultural pluralism D) a multicultural outlook

C) Cultural pluralism

Many early childhood programs have set up interactive portfolios that are shared and used by parents and teachers. Which of the following will be least helpful? A) Allows storage and sharing of digital photos by parents and teachers B) Used to trace a child's progress on parents' objectives as well as teachers C) Establishes records for security purposes

C) Establishes records for security purposes

A child given blocks to play with in the evening and allowed to "cry it out" when put to bed is likely in a A) Filipino family B) Jamaican family C) European-American family D) Japanese family

C) European-American family

When you find you have communication problems with parents and community associates, which would not be helpful? A) assessing your verbal skills on talking critically B) Examining your problem in receiving feedback from others C) Getting advice from your tough talking principal D) evaluating your body language

C) Getting advice from your tough talking principal

Handbooks for school are valuable. Find the least valuable feature from the attributes listen below. A) Try to develop the Handbook through teacher and parent cooperation. B) List as many particular items as possible when notifying parents of items their children will need at our school C) Listings of religious programs that make materials available for the school D) Encouragement to have parents communicate with teachers by exchanging a particular notebook send back and forth with questions and notices

C) Listings of religious programs that make materials available for the school

We find that children's self-perceptions are influenced most heavily by A) their distant relatives B) their church activities C) their peers D) their grandparents

C) their peers

What is the difference between early intervention for infants and toddlers and the services that a school aged child with a disability would receive? A) Services for infants and toddlers are only provided in the home B) Services for school-aged children are only provided at school C) Services for infants and toddlers are more family-centered while those for older children are more school-centered D) Infants and toddler services are guided by an IEP while school-age services are guided by an IFSP

C) Services for infants and toddlers are more family-centered while those for older children are more school-centered

Which of the following is not an accurate statement about assistive technology? A) assistive technology is used to increase, maintain, or improve functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities B) Assistive technology includes both high-tech and low-tech devices C) The cochlear implant device which can restore hearing to children has been overwhelmingly embraced by the deaf and hearing communities D) The use of assistive technology is not an actual IEP goal

C) The cochlear implant device which can restore hearing to children has been overwhelmingly embraced by the deaf and hearing communities

Recent brain research suggests that the greatest factor determining children's intellectual development is A) environment and heredity equally B) heredity almost exclusively C) an interactive process relying on genetics, environment and a child's responses D) environmental factors almost exclusively

C) an interactive process relying on genetics, environment and a child's responses

Bulletin Boards are an old and established feature for most early childhood programs. Which of the following features would be least valuable for visiting grandparents? A) Bulletin board with displays done by parents on the local historical society B) Board showing safe and unsafe toys C) Decorative board with colorful pictures D) Board showing children's artwork

C) decorative board with colorful pictures

Social-cultural theorists such as Vygotsky and Bronfenbrenner maintain that A) environment is the major element when considering development of a child B) development of a child is promoted by biology and the environment C) development is influenced in a reciprocal manner by both biology and environment D) genetic and biological factors depend on certain historical contexts

C) development is influenced in a reciprocal manner by both biology and environment

The nurturing family provides many things for a young child. Which of the following would be the most valuable support for the child's overall growth? A) intellectual stimulation B) travel and entertainment experiences C) emotional and social support D) carefully selected reading materials

C) emotional and social support

Which of the following is not a category of listening identified by Hunnsaker & Alessandra? A) non-listener B) active listening C) indifferent listener D) evaluative listener

C) indifferent listener

Communication strategies will probably not include which of the following? A) writing skills B) speaking skills C) library investigations D) listening skills

C) library investigations

Families of children with school-identified disabilities A) have fewer responsibilities when it comes to educating their child B) often had access to adequate pre-natal care C) need more access to and communication with teachers D) are affected by lack of health care and poverty

C) need more access to and communication with teachers

The term "underclass" is used to describe individuals and families who are A) unskilled working people B) affluent and hardworking people C) people locked in a cycle of poverty D) minorities and/or immigrants

C) people locked in a cycle of poverty

Parent teachers conferences are a successful way to discuss a child's progress in school. What is the least valuable strategy to focus on? A) Make sure it is a mutual exchange of ideas, reactions, and plans B) Encourage parents to initiate the conference and decide on agenda C) Plan to include as many people as possible in the conferences D) Plan to ensure all parties show respect for others' ideas and suggestions

C) plan to include as many people as possible in the conference

Why is it important for early childhood professionals to understand a child's home? A) home visits are a necessary part of being a dominant force in education B) understanding the home will help preschool teachers include more homework C) promoting healthy growth requires an integrated educational model D) As communities become less diverse, it is easier to predict the values and the experiences of each child's home life

C) promoting healthy growth requires an integrated educational model

Which is not a core ideal of U.S. overarching culture? A) equality B) individualism C) respect for the wisdom of the elderly D) opportunity for social mobility

C) respect for the wisdom of the elderly

Research shows when teachers have low expectations of selected students, they A) make more eye contact with the child B) call on the students often C) reward the students for less vigorous responses D) seat them towards the back of the room

C) reward the students for less rigorous responses

The earliest federal legislation protecting individuals with disabilities was aimed at A) infants and toddlers B) preschool children age 3-5 years old C) school-age children D) young adults

C) school-age children

Which of the following statements is false? A) military deployment can change the way a family functions B) "Doubling up" often creates subfamilies C) single parent families are equally common in all ethnic groups D) Federal guidelines encourage social service agencies to seek kinship care for children needing foster care

C) single parent families are equally common in all ethnic groups

Which of the following is not necessarily a positive influence on use of space in a child's life? A) space influences intellectual growth B) space influences problem solving C) space influences privacy D) space influences creative growth

C) space influences privacy

Which of the following would not be considered a community social setting for a child's education? A) The area's social action storefront B) The digital world C) The child's parents D) The child's extended family in the next town

C) the child's parents

Which of the following is not a feature of children described as English Language Learners? A) they benefit from immersion programs in school B) they need linguistic assistance in school C) they are less capable than majority culture peers D) they often need additional help in math and reading

C) they are less capable than majority culture peers

Communicating with children sets up patterns that can affect a child for years. Which of the following is likely not a helpful strategy? A) writing an introductory note or letter to a new child in your room B) Letting a child know you are interested in her feelings C) When working with one child on a game or project, allow him to lead or ask questions as often as possible D) Assign the child to a "time out' spot whenever he/she becomes angry or upset

D) Assign the child to a "time out" spot whoever he/she becomes angry or upset

If you had good home-school communication, which of the following would you avoid? A) using weekly communication folders B) school takes the first step to start or renew relationships C) have a face to face meeting with parents at least once a year D) send out as many folders, schedules, and event plans as possible at the start of the year

D) send out as many folders, schedules, and event plans as possible at the start of the year

Which is not a requirement for a child to be eligible for services under the early intervention program for infants and toddlers with disabilities? A) child is experiencing delays in cognitive, physical, communication, social or emotional or adaptive development B) child has received a diagnosis of developmental delay as measured by appropriate diagnostic instruments C) child has a diagnosed medical condition with a high probability of developmental delay D) Child's disability was identified at birth

D) Child's disability was identified at birth

Select the incorrect statement below. A) Service agencies provide learning opportunities for children B) Social networks affect children's learning in a community C) Some community learning is planned by community organizations D) Children always take advantage of the learning opportunities offered by their community

D) Children always take advantage of the learning opportunities offered by their community

Which of the following statements about changing family gender roles in recent years is false? A) mothers and fathers are both providing equal support for the family B) Gender-related expectations are less rigid in many homes C) Fathers have increased their share of chores and child care D) Cultural differences about gender-roles have largely disappeared

D) Cultural differences about gender-roles have largely disappeared

Which of the following would most likely be a feature in an outdoor classroom? A) An iphone B) Designs that children construct C) Spelling bees and word games D) Gauges for measuring weather conditions

D) Gauges for measuring weather conditions

When communicating with homes, we try to be helpful and effective. Which of the following is least effective? A) Make sure your 1st message home is positive B) Try to put collaborative language in to make it a "we're in this together" message C) Be consistent and timely in your forwarding questions and responses D) Make sure the office has a complete record of your communications

D) Make sure the office has a complete record of your communications

Which of the following is most likely not to be true? A) community conditions can result in very different skills for children B) Community concerns have an effect on children's learning C) Some communities enjoy better resources than others D) Most communities are well connected with their surrounding schools

D) Most communities are well connected with their surrounding schools

Children may receive conflicting messages about aggressive play and other issues due to A) media influence B) parental differences of opinion C) peers D) all of these

D) all of these

Expanded multicultural education in American schools is justified because A) minority groups are expanding in the U.S. B) majority culture is enhanced by promotion of multicultural education C) parent and community support emerges when multicultural programs develop D) all of these

D) all of these

Parental involvement in education has increased in recent years due to A) the PTA B) the development of Head Start programs C) the work of advocates and professional organizations D) all of these

D) all of these

The increased diversity of our U.S. population has stimulated A) immigration acts in our Congress B) civil rights legislation C) multicultural studies D) all of these

D) all of these

What accommodations do schools frequently make for children who have been identified as being gifted and talented? A) Enriched curriculum content B) accelerated pace of instruction C) increased opportunities for creative and critical thinking D) all of these

D) all of these

Which of the following is the least likely to influence a 4 year old in her pre-reading? A) mother of the child B) grandmother of the child C) older brother D) Church official who visits often

D) church official who visits often

Children in military families face special challenges due to moves. Which of the following would be less stressful? A) loss of friends when moving B) dealing with a new school C) Rebuilding social networks D) Exposure to different culture and geography

D) exposure to different culture and geography

Which of the following does not extend literacy when considering child literacy development? A) older sister plays pat-a-cake with her toddler brother B) grandfather reads Goodnight Moon to his 4 year old grandson C) Mother limits internet access during school week D) father and daughter attend a neighborhood event at the local school

D) father and daughter attend a neighborhood event at the local school

All families raising children with disabilities A) go through a grief cycle B) feel resentment and stress C) need respite from their responsibilities D) have individual ways of coping

D) have individual ways of coping

Code switching is a technique children learn to use that A) involves the learning of several languages B) shows they learn the vocabulary and language patterns of their parents' native languages C) helps them cope with the language patterns of different stories read to them D) helps children deal with different venues when they observe different adults using varying verbal and nonverbal cues

D) helps children deal with different venues when they observe different adults using varying verbal and nonverbal cues

Early kindergartens and child-care were established in order to A) provide enrichment programs for all young children B) educate American children about different cultures C) provide nurturance for children whose mothers worked D) influence immigrant families to rear children according to mainline society beliefs

D) influence immigrant families to rear children according to mainline society beliefs

If you have Muslim, Roman Catholic, Protestant and Jewish children in your classroom, the best way to promote your curriculum is to A) ignore all references to religion B) maintain a completely secular attitude C) celebrate all religious holidays enthusiastically D) invite families to explain their special holiday food and religious observance

D) invite families to explain their special holiday foods and religious observance

The most accurate information on national trends in the lives of children is A) blogs about education B) articles posted on social media C) documentaries D) publications from the U.S. census

D) publications from the U.S. Census

Which of the following is not a positive media habit for parents? A) watch video programming with your child B) discuss media with your child C) place TV in a central spot, so you know what is viewed D) use video programs to distract a child who is crying

D) use video programs to distract a child who is crying

The effect of the home, school, and community settings on young children is A) about equal for all 3 settings B) quite minimal for all 3 settings C) determined by family economic status D) determined by the age of the child

D)determined by the age of the child

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