EEE 202 midterm 1
A good way to remember Kirchhoff's Voltage Law is:
"What goes up, must come down"
Kirchhoff's Current Law
(KCL): The sum of current entering a node is equal to the sum of current leaving a node, -Or the algebraic sum of all currents entering a node is zero (entering is +, leaving is -)
Kirchhoff's Voltage Law
(KVL): The sum of all the elements and source voltages around a closed path is zero.
If 5A is flowing into a node, and Ix + 3A is flowing out of a node what is the value of Ix?
If the Loop Analysis has 3 unknown variables, how many linear equations are required?
If I have two sub-circuits that I created using Superposition and the output current of circuit 1 is 2mA and the output current of circuit 2 is 1mA, what is the output current of my original circuit?
If the Nodal Analysis has 5 unknown variables, how many linear equations are required?
If I have two sub-circuits that I created using Superposition and the output voltage of circuit 1 is 5V and the output voltage of circuit 2 is 3V, what is the output voltage of my original circuit?
Resistors in Series
Current that flows through one must also flow through the other -> the elements are in series.
Series Resistor Networks
Current that flows through one must also flow through the other -> the elements are in series.
A Dependent Voltage Source will always output the same voltage, regardless of the circuit it is connected to.
An Independent Current Source will always output the same voltage, regardless of the circuit it is connected to.
For circuit analysis, when we replace equivalent resistors for a network of resistors it is because we physically swap the resistors in the lab.
Nodal Analysis uses a system of linear equations to solve for the Branch Currents in the circuit.
Nodal analysis can only be done if the circuit contains current sources only.
SPICE software uses Loop Analysis
The resulting circuit using Norton's Theorem will ALWAYS be a voltage supply in series with 2 resistors.
Two nodes connected that are not ordinarily connected are called an "Open Circuit"
Current Divider Circuits
When a resistor is in series with a short circuit, how do we find the total equivalent resistance?
Ignore the short circuit
Multiple Resistor Current Divider
Ii=Isj(Rparallel/Ri) (current division)
Nodal Analysis is a systematic way of applying which circuit analysis technique?
Loop Analysis is a systematic way of applying which circuit analysis technique?
In Loop Analysis, what is another name for the Loops?
If I do Loop Analysis and find the Current in a branch, how do I find the Voltage?
Ohm's Law
The goal in using Thevenin's Theorem is to reduce a complicated circuit down to:
One voltage supply and a series resistor
To find the Thevenin Resistance, what do I do with Current Supplies?
Open them
What is the correct equation to convert three equal resistors in a Delta configuration into three equal resistors in a Wye configuration?
Which equation is correct for the total equivalent resistance of two resistors in series?
Current supplies connected in parallel can be summed together and represented by one equivalent current supply, even if there are resistors between each supply.
Resistors are in SERIES when they have the same current flowing through them.
Resistors in Parallel with a short, can be neglected.
Resistors in parallel with the short circuit can be neglected when determining the Thevenin Resistance.
Resistors in series with the open circuit can be neglected when determining the open circuit voltage.
Source transformation is a technique where you can substitute an ideal voltage supply in series with any resistor with an ideal current supply in parallel with the same resistor value.
Superposition only works for linear circuits.
The Norton Equivalent of a circuit is simply the source transformation of the Thevenin Equivalent of the same circuit.
The open circuit voltage of a battery and series resistor is equal to the ideal supply voltage
The resulting circuit using Thevenin's Theorem will ALWAYS be a voltage supply in series with 2 resistors.
The short circuit current of a transistor and parallel resistor is equal to the ideal supply current
The unknowns in Nodal Analysis will be mostly Voltages.
The voltages of all points on a single node are the same.
Ohm's Law
The current through a conductor between two points is directly proportional to the potential difference (voltage) across them and inversely proportional to the resistance between them.
Dependent Source
The magnitude is a function of another voltage or current in the circuit
Parallel Resistor Networks
The resistors share the same (distinct) end nodes (the voltage across them is the same) -> the elements are in parallel
Resistors in Parallel
The resistors share the same (distinct) end nodes (the voltage across them is the same) -> the elements are in parallel: Req=(R1R2)/(R1+R2)
Multiple Source/Resistor Networks
The single loop circuit approach works for any single loop circuits with voltage sources and resistors: (sum of voltage sources)/(sum of resistors)=I
Multiple Source/Resistor Networks
The single node pair circuit approach works for any single node pair circuit with current sources and resistors: = (sum of current sources) <-> (sum of resistors)
When solving circuits with Dependent Sources using KVL, the first step is
To treat the dependent sources just like independent sources
Multiple Resistor Voltage Divider
Vi=V(Ri)/(Rj) (voltage division)
Power Convention Passive sign convention
current should enter the positive voltage terminal
Current Controlled Current Source
dependent source
Current Controlled Voltage Source
dependent source
Voltage Controlled Current Source
dependent source
Voltage Controlled Voltage Source
dependent source
Wye/Delta Network Equations
if R1=R2=R3: RD=3RY if Ra=Rb=Rc: RY=(1/3)RD
Electric power
is the rate at which electric energy is transferred by a circuit
positive power (+)
the element dissipates power
negative power (-)
the element supplies power
Voltage Divider Circuits