eLearning Final

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Select all the advantages of eLearning for Learners

-Can learn while commuting to and from work -Learn at their own pace -Learn in small chunks -Learn on demand

Select all that apply What does in house development require?

-careful identification of goals -a detailed budget -a clear outline of resources needed -realistic expectations

Fill in the blank When working with vendors and cultivating relationships, always remember the ____________rule, treat the vendor as you would want to be treated


What form of eLearning memory stimulant is: repeating key facts at intervals to increase the likelihood of people remembering them?

Encourage repetition

What does the E in the ADDIE model stand for?


___________ is the delivery of information from teacher to student


Blended learning is not as cost effective and time efficient as traditional classrooms.


Computer-based training originated in 1999


In house developed learning products are best if you have very few intended learners and little proprietary information.


Learners prefer to learn at a pace specified by the instructor. When the instructor controls the pace there is generally less stress for the learners.


True or False? Almost all organizations are confident that their staff can access clear information on the learning available to them.


True or False? There are not many authoring tools available that allow you to create learning experiences on your own


True or false An instructional designer or knowledge about instructional design is not recommented when creating in-house elearning


True or false? According to the "Buy Versus Build" flowchart, if there are going to be more than 500 users, it is recommended that a company purchase its eLearning Off-the-Shelf.


True or false? Alpha testing is generally the last stage of your testing process.


True or false? Blended learning should be restricted to just the formal elements of the learning.


True or false? Buying the right authoring tool will overcome lack of talent in development and design.


True or false? Informal learning is always lead by an instructor in a classroom.


True or false? Memory is like a library of video recordings stored sequentially in one place in our brains.


True or false? The 70:20:10 Model recommends that 10% of learning initiatives in an organization should be informal learning, while 90% being formal learning.


True or false? The concept of blended learning is to utilize as many cool technology tools available to create learning solutions.


True or false? The first stage of developing any learning intervention is design.


True or false? The way that we form, store, access and forget memories is fairly simple.


True or false? In each company, the stakeholder has to be the boss of that particular company.


You should assume you know what device your audience is using.


mLearning is just about taking courses on a smartphone.


mLearning is like eLearning except it is designed for mobile devices.


What is necessary to focus on usability/design for mLearning?

Help the learners with navigation. Let the learners know where they are in the application. Provide information on how learners can get to other information or capabilities. Make things available for the learner, hide what may not be needed initially and provide it to them on demand.

_________ are one of the major tools used to engage learners, communicate content, convey instruction and promote active learning.


What is the foundation of knowledge?


What factors would you consider when buying an eLearning product?

Multimedia Intended audience Language Time factor

An Open Question requires more than a "yes" or "no" as a response.


Because eLearning works with computers and networks there is a need for some people with specialist technical skills


Blended learning is when traditional instructor-led training is supplemented with other electronic formats.


Self study eLearning is twice as fast as the classroom at achieving the same level of learning


The core capabilities of connectivity, computation and user interface are the foundations to provide the 4Cs of mobile: content, compute, communicate and capture.


The key differentiator between formal and informal learning is, however, where the locus of control lies.


The principal synchronous elearning tool is web conferencing which can be used to conduct live meetings, training sessions, breifings or presentations via the internet


The term 'eLearning' was first coined in a seminar by a company currently called SkillSoft


True or False good elearning is about design, not software


True or False? It is important to mix media when trying to make multiple people understand a topic.


True or false? One of the best ways of encouraging repetition is through a fun, game-like experience.


True or false? The amount of knowledge we need to recall from memory for our jobs is decreasing.


True or false? A tangible benefit of eLearning would be in the form of a measurable improvement.


True or false? Identifying the needs, performance outcomes, and the target audience are applicable to all methods (build in house, buy off the shelf, outsource) of creating eLearning


True or false? Line managers are considered stakeholders that influence elearning success


eLearning is when we use computers and the networks to which these are linked to in some way support the learning process


How many organizations are confident that their staff can access clear information on the learning available to them?

Two out of five

In game-based learning, if their _________ level is high, they do this without thinking. This is one of the reasons I believe game-based learning.


When considering the four steps of development for mLearning which step includes the mobile-specific parts including the usability, the impact, and the user experience?


Images are the most essential instructional tool in the online classroom environment.


True or False In house developed learning products are best if you have very few intended learners and little proprietary information


True or false When outsourcing eLearning systems goals and expected outcomes should be flexible and change durning the process


You should try to grab everyone's attention on the second slide of your presentation.


What is the best thing to do when you are beginning to implement eLearning initatives

get educated

In 2013 the number one driving force for investing in learning technologies was _____________?

increase learning access and flexibility

The most commpn professional model used for eLearning production is based upon a structured_______/_______ approach.

incremental, phased

__________ learning happens naturally and continuously everyday, whether intentional or accidental


Select which common eLearning education and eLearning strategy is a teacher/trainer center approach carefully crafted to ensure that learning outcomes are achieved?


In a synchronous classroom students

meet at the same time

CBT (computer based training) is delievered by computer and is a _________ lesson for an individual learner


Which of the following is not a characteristics of informal learning?

structured experience

What is the most effective sequences in aiding retention?

study, test, test, test

What are the two types of communications that can be used in an online class?

synchronous, asynchronous

Developing in-house eLearning does not require?

negotiation of terms

One of the best ways to learn how to project your voice and make it interesting is to listen to a

radio broadcaster

True or false The top reason for investing in eLearning is to increase learning access and flexibility


What are the advantages of eLearning for learners

-Can learn while commuting to and from work -Learn at their own pace -Learn in small chunks -Learn on demand

Select the advantages a company can gain by initiating eLearning as a method for staff development

-Economies of scale -Large numbers of employees can be trained at the same time -twice as fast as classroom at achieving the same level of learning

Select all the ways eLearning can be used

-Instruction -exploration -exposition -guided discovery

Select the advantages of eLearning

-Learners like learning in small chunks -Learners like learning at their own pace -Learning can be on demand

What positions has a great influence on success in the eLearning process?

All of the above (learners, the IT department, trainers)

What will you need in order to build an effective course using an eLearning-authoring tool?

An understanding of Instructional Design Competence in working with photos and graphics. Skill in recording/capturing and editing audio, video, and photos.

A trusted approach to designing a blended learning course is given in Clive Shepherds book The Blended Learning Cookbook. What is the first stage in his design?

Analyze the learning requirement

Which of the following is not a form of an online learning resource?

Text Messaging

What do the letters in GEARR stand for?

Gather, Expand, Apply, Reflect, and Review

When life and work are so busy, it is rare that you will reach everyone with just one communication. "Use a combination of tools to communicate with your staff." For example you could which of the following (select all that apply)

-Peer testimonies -Interviews -Poster campaigns

What are some promotional tools for trainers?

-Sales force -public relations -advertising

Choose all the advantages of creating asynchronous learning

-Self pacing -Freedom over when you learn -Freedom over how you study material

What is the mapping process?

1- Identify the business or organizational objective that you are trying to achieve. 2- Identify all the real world actions that people need to take to achieve the organizational goal. 3- Design ways for people to practice these real world actions in as realistic a way as possible 4- Identify the minimum information that people need if they are to complete these practice activities. 5- Identify what you'll need people to hold in their heads and call to mind instantly—what they need to know, and what they just need an awareness of, so they can find it when they need it.

Arrange the statements into the correct sequence of kirkpatrick's levels of evaluation

1- reaction/did the learners like the training 2- evidence of learning/did the learners learn the content 3- behavior or skills transfer/did learners use the information on the job 4- business impact or results/did training have an impact on targeted outcomes

The term 'elearning' was first coined in what year?


According to one of the authors of the text, approximately how much time do you have to gain the learner's attention in web conference type learning settings before they start multitasking?

20 seconds

That percentage does eLearning decreased both time to competency and cost (by the same percentage) in new employee training?


What percentage does eLearning decreased both time to competency and cost (by the same percentage) in new employee training?


The human brain can only hold somewhere between 3 to 5 pieces of information at a time for less than ___ seconds.


How many layers are in Oscar Berg's Collaboration Pyramid?


Hermann Ebbinghaus conducted experiments and found that people forget ______ of what they learn in the classroom after 30 days.


People forget __% of what they learn in the classroom after __ days and that the majority of forgetting occurs in the first few hours.

90, 30

What is the most common and well known model or methodology for the eLearning creation process?


What is the most common model used in eLearning production?

ADDIE model

William Horton's model divides learning activities into which three classifications?

Absorb, Do, Connect

What is the top section of Osberg Berg's collaboration pyramid?


Which of the following are considered best practices to speaking effectively in an online classroom?

Be positive and use humor. Vary your intonations. Use a conversational tone. Don't overload the learners with instruction.

Of the 4C's of mobile capabilities which is defined as the only unique characteristic to mobile?


What is not a step ADDIE?


Of the five levels of evaluation levels of eLearning which level evaluates the time and monies afforded?

Level 5- Return on Investment (ROI) Results

Match the model with the description.

Incremental Method: Follows a linear step-by-step route through a series of activities to reach a formal deliverable. Interactive approach: Favors smaller, frequent cycles of production that generate early results but withthe expectation that these will be constantly refined and added to. Phased apprach: Allows you to have more structure to your project with defined deliverables but with the option to work on some activities in parallel, as well as have planned additional cycles of production that add functionality and further content beyond the date of initial delivery.

What are characteristics of informal learning?

Learning is created by peers and experts. Learning is unstructured.

What does formal learning involve?

Learning through classes Educational events Learning face-to-face

Which mLearning principle keeps the focus on finding the amount of help that's least intrusive and provides the one thing to get learners past their barrier?

Lease assistance principle

Match the evaluation levels with the correct definition.

Level 1- Reaction Level 2- Evidence of Learning Level 3- Behavior or skills transfer Level 4- Business impact or results Level 5- ROI results

Match the roles to the job descriptions.

Programmer: Builds functionality that cannot be created using standard tools. Advises on any technical issues that can affect successful delivery such as LMS tracking (for example, SCORM) and the specific IT environment of the target audience. Project Manager: Coordinates all production activities and communications with stakeholders. Tester: Systematic checking of all documentation, scripts, storyboards, prototypes and working versions to ensure that content is accurate and functionality works as intended. Interactive Designer: Designs usable, navigable interactions that deliver the learning content treatment.

Match the job titles with the job descriptions.

Project Manager Coordinates all production and communicates with stakeholders, provides regular progress reporting against the plan. Interactive designer Designs usable, navigable interactions that deliver the learning content treatment. Author Implements the approved detailed storyboard, using supplied graphics and any other media assets in an eLearning development tool. Learning designer Ensures learning objectives are clear and designs a content treatment that is instructionally sound. Graphic Designer Designs the visual treatment and overall look and feel and navigation as well as production of individual content images and animations. Programmer Builds the functionality that cannot be created using standard tools. Advises on any technical issues that can affect successful delivery.

Who coordinates all production activities and communicates with stakeholders, and provides regular progress reporting against plan (time and budget)?

Project manager

Which of the following is not a form or strategy eLearning can be conveyed?


Match the usual suspects with the description of what you SHOULD do.

Putting too much information in Cut the content to the bone, than cut it some more -- less is best. Focusing on the wrong information Focus on skills that will improve performance and help achieve organizational goals. One-off learning Avoid training that has no follow up, no reinforcement, and no help to put learning into practice. _Quick and easy design Take time to design a solution, not just churn out another eLearning course.

Which of the following is not an important characteristic or usage for utilizing your voice effectively?

Read a script so you don't forget anything.

What is the first stage of developing any learning intervention?


Studies by Endel Tulving, Jeff Karpicke and Henry Roediger have shown that repeated __________ during the learning process is effective in aiding retention.

Self testing

What statement best describes the iterative approach to building instruction?

Smaller, frequent cycles of production that generate early results but will be constantly refined and added to.

______________ engagement help top performers focus on alignment of organizations need and returning value back to an organization


Top L&D professionals provide valuable back to the organization through proactive _____________-, not through technology platforms and tools.

Stakeholder engagement

What is not considered a constraint when preparing for your eLearning project?


How can you help people retain knowledge and put their learning into practice?

Teach the bare minimum Encourage repetition Teach the bare minimum Encourage repetition Think about it Use mnemonics Get emotional Test the information learned

What questions should you answer when preparing for an eLearning project?

Who's doing what? What are your constraints? How does it break down? What are you building and why? What happens after you deliver the eLearning module? How are you communicating? What tools and systems are you using?

Order the steps in Clive Shepherd's three step approach.

__1__ Analyze the learning requirements __2__ Design a learning strategy. __3__ Select a mix of learning resources.

Place the five stages of workplace learning from Jay Cross's model in order.

__1__ Classroom Training __2__ eLearning __3__ Blended eLearning __4__ Social Learning __5__ Collaborative Working/Learning

What are is the Action Mapping process?

__1__ Identify the business or organizational objective that you are trying to achieve. __2__ Identify all the real world actions that people need to take to achieve the organizational goal. __3__ Design ways for people to practice real world actions in as realistic a way as possible. __4__ Identify the minimum information that people need if they are to complete practice activities.

Which of the following forms can eLearning take place?

all of the above (self-study lessons, virtual classrooms, simulations and virtual worlds)

What are three ways a company can acquire eLearning?

build in house re- purpose existing training buy off the shelf training outsource with a vendor

What does in house development require?

careful identification of goals a clear outline of resources needed realistic expectations

eLearning is when we use _________ and the _______ to which these are linked to in some way to support the learning process

computers, networks

What are the 4 C's of mobile computing?

content, compute, communicate, capture

Henry Roediger's "retrieval practice" relates to an approach to ___________


Sans serif fonts are recommended for on-screen text.


The book states that a device is considered a "mobile learning device" if they are likely to be with an individual all the time.


True or false? the top driver for investing in learning technologies is increasing learning access and flexibility


When talking to your audience, you should be positive with your voice and often use humor to relax your audience. However, you should also maintain balance between humor and your formal presentation.


The eLearning development process: Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of _______ software.


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