Electrician Test Full

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28. An overcurrent protection device must have a minimum rating of ____ amps for a 1.5 HP, single phase, alternating current motor, operating on 115 V, if the motor is marked with a temperature rise of 50 degrees C 1) 15 2) 20 3) 25 4) 30


16. An installation using RMC shall not have more than the equivalent of ____ quarter bends (360 degrees total) between pull points for conduit bodies and boxes 1) Four 2) Three 3) Two 4) One


17. Rigid nonmetallic raceway type PVC with a larger size than metric designator 155 (trade size ____) shall NOT be used. 1) 6 inches 2) 5 inches 3) 4 inches 4) 3 inches


24. If a conduit is 1 inch Electrical Metallic Tubing, it must have a minimum bend radius of at least how many inches when bent with a one shot or full shoe bender. 1) 5-¾ inches 2) 4 inches 3) 7-¼ inches 4) 8-¼ inches


26. According to the NEC, which of the following is considered a standard ampere rating for fuses and fixed-trip inverse time circuit breakers? 1) 110 amperes 2) 120 amperes 3) 130 amperes 4) 140 amperes


33. What is the required minimum branch circuit rating to serve FOUR, 125V/20A, 1 HP, GFCI receptacles for kitchen countertop in a residence? 1) 20 amperes 2) 25 amperes 3) 30 amperes 4) 35 amperes


38. The NEC details the provisions for temporary installations of electric power and lighting. This article states that all 15 and 20 ampere nonlocking-type receptacles in wet locations be listed and so identified as which of the following? 1) Weather-resistant type 2) Weatherproof type 3) Water repellant type 4) Rain resistant type


10. The rating of a cord-and-plug appliance used on a 15 or 20 ampere branch circuit that has two or more outlets must not exceed how many amps? 1) 12 amps 2) 15 amps 3) 16 amps 4) 18 amps


14. All of the following wiring methods are permitted in a ceiling space used as a return-air plenum except 1) AC 2) EMT (or PVC) 3) IMC 4) MI cable


23. EMT run between termination points shall be securely fastened within ____ feet of each outlet box, junction box, device box, conduit body, or other tubing termination. 1) 4 2) 3 3) 2 4) 1


30. Given: Three 240-volt loads of a 15,000-VA fixed electric space heater, a 720-VA blower motor, and a 6,000-VA air conditioning unit are served from a 240-volt, single phase feeder. The minimum conductor ampacity for this feeder is ____ amperes. 1) 66 2) 82 3) 91 4) 97


30. What would be the minimum overcurrent protection required to source a 10,000 Watt electric range in a single family home with a 120/240-volt service. 1) 50 amperes 2) 40 amperes 3) 35 amperes 4) 30 amperes


34. The disconnecting means for a 3-phase, 240-volt, 3-HP, wound rotor motor shall be rated at a minimum of ____ amperes. 1) 9.60 2) 11.0 3) 14.4 4) 24.0


41. Luminaires in agricultural buildings that are exposed to water from condensation, building cleansing water, or solution shall be listed as suitable for use in ____ locations. 1) Damp 2) Wet 3) Hazardous 4) Raintight


45. Given: A 20-HP, 230-volt, 3-phase induction-type motor with a nameplate rating of 48 amperes marked with a temperature rise of 50 degrees C. Assuming no special increase in size for starting current is required, the maximum overload protection device rating responsive to motor current is ____ amperes. 1) 54.0 2) 55.2 3) 60.0 4) 62.1


9. In addition to the number of branch circuits required by other sections of the NEC, two or more 20 A small appliances branch circuits shall be provided. However, when calculating the service load requirement using the "Optional Method", how many volt-amperes are added for each circuit? 1) 180 VA 2) 1,500 VA 3) 3,000 VA 4) 4,500 VA


14. What is the maximum number 14 AWG TW conductors permitted in ⅜-in flexible metallic conduit without a fitting inside the 1) 0 2) 2 3) 3 4) 4


31. Unless otherwise permitted by local regulations, armored cable (AC) shall be secured within HOW MANY inches of every box, cabinet, or fitting and at intervals not 4.5 feet where installed on or across framing members? 1) 2 inches 2) 4 inches 3) 6 inches 4) 12 inches


34. According to the NEC; busways shall be securely supported at intervals not exceeding ____ unless the raceway is otherwise designed and marked. 1) 2 feet 2) 3 feet 3) 4 feet 4) 5 feet


35. The arc-fault circuit interrupter shall be provided and installed in a readily accessible location of each dwelling, however, which of the following areas does NOT require arc-fault circuit interrupter protection? 1) Closets 2) Hallways 3) Laundry 4) Bathrooms


39. A bonding jumper that ensures the required electrical conductivity between metal parts is installed on the supply side of a transformer shall be WHAT SIZE, given that the transformer secondary conductors are 1/0 AWG? 1) 1/0 AWG 2) 2 AWG 3) 4 AWG 4) 6 AWG


12. The cut ends of electrical metallic tubing (EMT) are required to be: I. Reamed II. threaded 1) I only 2) II only 3) Both I and II 4) Neither I nor II


42. A unit switch with a marked "OFF" position that is a part of an appliance and disconnects all ____ conductors shall be permitted as the disconnecting means, where other means of disconnect for the occupancy exist including the service or branch circuit disconnects. 1) Un-grounded 2) Grounding 3) Branch 4) Neutral


47. A 3-phase, 240-volt delta system is balanced with a 15-kVA load per phase. What is the line current in amperes? (45,000 VA total load) 1) 108.2 2) 120.4 3) 144.3 4) 249.3


52. According to the NEC, electric vehicle supply equipment cable shall NOT be which of the following cable types? 1) EVP 2) EVJ 3) EVJE 4) EVJT


1. Given: Conductor size is 14 AWG; conductor material is copper (use K=12.9) the length of the circuit conductors one way from the source to the load is 100ft. Current flow is 10 amperes; and circuit voltage is 120 single phase. Determine the voltage drop caused by the circuit conductors. 1) 3.1 2) 3.6 3) 5.1 4) 6.3


11. In all occupancies, the minimum load for each outlet for general-use receptacles and outlets not used for general illumination shall not be less than that calculated in Section 220.14 of the NEC, therefore, if appliances may be used simultaneously, each ____ or fraction thereof shall be considered as an outlet of not less than 180 volt-amperes. 1) 12 feet 2) 6 feet 3) 2 feet 4) 1 foot


46. The wiring to one family dwelling a pool pump motor must comply with Section 680 of the NEC. When enclosed in a cable assembly outer sheath, the grounding conductor shall be permitted to be which of the following? 1) Permanently marked as to identify as the ground conductor 2) Temporarily marked as the grounding conductor 3) White or natural gray 4) Bare or covered


48) On a single-phase, 120/240 volt grounded service, if the load on one phase is 21,666.6 VA with no load on the other phase, the current in the grounded conductor is ____ amperes. 1) 26 2) 46 3) 90 4) 180


13. A 15-minute rated, 115 V, 2 HP, 3 phase squirrel-cage motor is to be used for intermittent duty. The minimum allowable ampacity of the branch-circuit conductors serving the motor is ____. 1) 11.6 amps 2) 13.6 amps 3) 16.0 amps 4) 20.4 amps


4. Direct buried cable that is installed under an open field vacant property must have a minimum cover depth of ____ inches when the system is 0-600 volts? 1) 24 2) 18 3) 12 4) 4


5. An unbroken length of RMC or IMC shall be permitted to support a luminaire in a billboard sign in lieu of a box if which following condition is met: 1) The luminaire may be installed 8 feet above grade if the billboard is unqualified person accessible 2) The length of conduit exceeds 4 feet from the last point of conduit support 3) The luminaire is 15 inches in any direction from single conduit entry 4) The total supported weight on single conduit exceeds 20 pounds


53. Given: A conduit containing three current-carrying conductors of 500 kcmil copper with 75-degree C insulation is installed 2 in. above the roof and exposed to sunlight with a beginning ambient temperature of 86 degrees F. What is the allowable capacity of the 500 kcmil conductors? 1) 289 2) 312 3) 380 4) 635


56. Conductors that supply a single motor used in a continuous duty application shall have an ampacity of not less than ____ percent of the motor's full-load current rating. 1) 125% 2) 150% 3) 175% 4) 200%


6. Each copper equipment grounding conductor shall be sized on the basis of the ampere rating of the overcurrent device protecting the circuit conductors in the raceway, therefore, what would be required given the circuit is protected by 250 kcmil raceway conductors fed from 2,000-ampere circuit breaker? 1) 250 Kcmil 2) 4/0 AWG 3) 3/0 AWG 4) 2 AWG


1. Circuit breakers that switch on and off vertically are required by the NEC to: I. Be closed (ON) when in the up position II. Clearly indicate when they are off or on 1) I only 2) II only 3) Both I and II 4) Neither I nor II


10. If used to connect equipment where flexibility is necessary after installation, the combined length for the ¾ inch flexible metal conduit will require additional support if the raceway exceeds HOW MANY feet between the listed terminals of the conduit or raceway? 1) 5 feet 2) 4 feet 3) 3 feet 4) 2 feet


19. Flexible metal conduit shall be supported by an approved means at intervals NOT exceeding ____ ft. 1) 1 2) 3 3) 4.5 4) 6


29. In a healthcare facilities patient bed location, each patient bed location shall be supplied by at least two branch circuits, and the branch circuit serving patient bed locations ____. 1) Should be arc-fault circuit-interrupter protected 2) Shall not be required 3) Shall not be part of a multiwire branch circuit 4) Must have isolated equipment grounded conductors


32. Any connections or splices in an underground installation shall be approved for such locations, and the NEC defines an underground installation, such that the interior surface of enclosures or raceways that are installed underground are considered a ____. 1) Dry location 2) Approved location 3) Wet location 4) Concealed location


36. For a solidly grounded wye electric service between 150V and 1000V, and a 1000A service disconnect, the ground fault protection system shall operate at a maximum setting of how many amperes? 1) 3,000 amperes 2) 2,000 amperes 3) 1,200 amperes 4) 1,000 amperes


11. Is a disconnecting means required for a structure that is an accessory building to a single family dwelling? 1) No 2) Yes, and it shall be on the exterior 3) Yes, and it shall be on the interior 4) Yes, and it is permitted to be on the interior or exterior of the structure


12. Given: On a 480/240-volt step-down transformer, the primary current is 200 amperes. The approximate secondary current is ____ amperes. 1) 100 2) 200 3) 300 4) 400


18. What would be the required size of the system bonding jumper, given a panel is fed by a 4/0 AWG ungrounded conductors from a 75 kW transformer? 1) 3/0 AWG 2) 2/0 AWG 3) 1/0 AWG 4) 2 AWG


66. Spaces about electrical equipment and the entrance to and egress from working space are regulated. Therefore, where equipment rated 800 A or more that contains overcurrent devices, switching devices, or control devices is installed and there is a personnel door(s) intended for entrance to and egress from the working space less than 25 feet from the nearest edge of the working space, the door(s) shall be ____. 1) Lockable from the outside 2) Fire rated for three hours minimum 3) Openable in the direction of ingress 4) Equipped with listed panic hardware


25. Edison base plug fuses are permitted only for 1) New work 2) Replacement 3) Motor circuits 4) Lighting circuits


24. For a service consisting of a set of two paralleled 350-kcmil copper service entrance conductors, the minimum size aluminum grounding electrode conductor permitted from the metallic water service to the service panel is ____ AWG. 1) 1/0 2) 2/0 3) 3/0 4) 4/0


16. What is the secondary current of a single phase, step-up transformer if the primary voltage is 120 volts, the secondary voltage is 600 volts, and the primary current is 10 amperes? (Assume no transformer impedance) 1) 2 amperes 2) 5 amperes 3) 10 amperes 4) 50 amperes


17. Service entrance conductors shall be installed in accordance with the NEC, which does NOT permit the use of which of the following conductors for a service entrance? 1) NM cable 2) MC cable 3) IGS cable 4) Open wiring on insulation


21. According to the NEC, what would be the required minimum trade size equipment bonding jumper, given a circuit has an overcurrent protective device rated at 40 amperes. 1) 10 AWG 2) 8 AWG 3) 6 AWG 4) 4 AWG


23. According to the NEC, which of the following is considered a standard ampere rating for fuses and fixed-trip inverse time circuit breakers? 1) 110 amperes 2) 120 amperes 3) 130 amperes 4) 140 amperes


33. For a 15-ampere AC general-use snap switch which serves as the controller for a stationary 2-HP, 240-volt motor, the maximum motor full-load current permitted is ____ amperes. 1) 10 2) 12 3) 15 4) 20


54. The cross-sectional area of 10 copper conductors is 0.836 sq-in. The 10 conductors are contained in an 18-in run of RMC between cabinets. The minimum size RMC required for the 10 conductors is ____ inches? 1) 1 2) 1-¼ 3) 1-½ 4) 2


55. The line current for a 208/120-volt, 3-phase, wye system, if each phase is balanced with a 2,500 VA load and the total load is 7,500 VA, is ____ amperes. 1) 12.01 2) 20.82 3) 36.05 4) 40.00


6. What would be the minimum size of an equipment grounding conductor for a panelboard protected by a 30 amp fuse? 1) 12 AWG 2) 10 AWG 3) 8 AWG 4) 6 AWG


40. Shore power for marinas and boatyards shall be provided by single receptacles that are locking and grounding type, mounted at least 12 inches above the deck surface, and rated at not less than ____ amperes. 1) 50 2) 40 3) 30 4) 20


43. The ampacity of Types NM, NMC, and NMS cable shall be determined in accordance with 310.15. The ampacity shall be in accordance with the ____ degrees C conductor temperature rating. 1) 80 2) 70 3) 60 4) 50


15. The maximum allowable length of a cord for a dishwasher is 1) 18 inches 2) 2 feet 3) 3 feet 4) 4 feet


50. Given: A circuit has a source voltage of 120 volts, and a resistive load of 12 Ohms, how much current will be drawn from the power source? 1) 11.2 amps 2) 11.0 amps 3) 10.2 amps 4) 10.0 amps


61. Isolated ground receptacles that incorporate an isolated grounding conductor connection intended for the reduction of electrical noise or electromagnetic interference, as permitted in NEC 250.146(D), shall be clearly identified by an ____ located on the front or face of the receptacle being installed. 1) Brown triangle 2) Green triangle 3) Blue triangle 4) Orange triangle


32. Given: A 25-unit mobile home park has a single-phase 120/240-volt service. The calculated load for each mobile home is 15,000 VA. This mobile home park must have a service of at least ____ amperes. 1) 350 2) 400 3) 1,600 4) 1,700


7. According to the NEC, which enclosure type letter would be required if the installation was a motor controller installed outdoors, that was subject to bad weather such as heavy rain and snow? 1) Type 1 2) Type 3 3) Type 4 4) Type 6


15. Given: A 3-phase, squirrel-cage resistor-starting Design-B, 460-volt, 50-HP motor has a nameplate full-load ampere rating of 59 amperes. The overcurrent-protection device is a non-time-delay fuse. The maximum branch-circuit overcurrent (short-circuit and ground-fault) protection permitted is ____ amperes. 1) 125 2) 180 3) 200 4) 225


5. A 115 volt circuit has a load of 1,840 watts, how many amperes of current will flow? 1) 8 2) 12 3) 16 4) 24


8. Appliance outlets for specific appliances in dwelling units shall be installed within ____ ft from the location of the appliance. 1) 2 2) 4 3) 6 4) 8


3. The maximum size IMC allowed is ____. 1) 1-½ 2) 2 3) 3 4) 4


19. What is the minimum ampacity permitted for the branch-circuit conductors serving a 3-HP, 3-phase, induction-type, 230-volt continuous duty motor? 1) 8.0 2) 9.6 3) 12.0 4) 15.2


2. A two-wire dc system supplying 240 volts from a photovoltaic system shall 1) Be grounded 2) Be monitored 3) NOT be permitted 4) Be ground fault protected


13. A single ground electrode is used. The resistance is greater than 25 ohms, What, if anything, is required? 1) Add additional electrodes until resistance is lower than 25 ohms 2) Add one additional electrode 3) Nothing is required 4) Pour salt water around the electrode


18. What is the allowable ampacity of 6 AWG THW aluminum conductors when installed as open wiring on insulators? 1) 50 amperes 2) 75 amperes 3) 85 amperes 4) 100 amperes


20. Energized equipment operating at 120 volts nominal voltage to ground, with exposed live parts on one side and a tile wall on the other side of the working space, is Condition ____. 1) 1 2) 2 3) 3 4) 4


20. For permanently connected appliances rated over 300 volt-amperes, the branch-circuit switch or circuit breaker shall be permitted to serve as the disconnecting means where the switch or circuit breaker is within sight from the appliance or is capable of being locked ____. 1) In a closed position 2) In the open position 3) Neutral location 4) Fixed direction


21. A 3-phase, 440-volt delta system is balanced with a 25-kVA load per phase. What is the line current in amperes? (75,000 VA total load) 1) 56.8 2) 98.5 3) 144.8 4) 170.5


22. In general, what is the minimum burial depth in inches for rigid metal conduit when covered by two inches of concrete or equivalent? 1) 4 2) 6 3) 18 4) 24


27. Where equipment grounding conductors are used in parallel in multiple metallic raceways, they shall be sized in accordance with what NEC table? 1) 250.66 2) 250.122 3) 310.4 4) 310.15(B)(16)


28. Given: Transformer is 150 kVA, transformer existing load is 220 amperes per phase; and voltage is 208Y/120, 3 phase. What approximate additional single phase load per phase may be added to the transformer? 1) 180 amperes 2) 196 amperes 3) 416 amperes 4) 501 amperes


60. Given: An induction-type motor has the following nameplate information FLA rating of 54 amperes, temperature rise of 50 degrees C. This motor requires no special increase in the size of the overload-protection device for starting current. What is the maximum overload-protection device rating in amperes, responsive to motor current, for this motor? 1) 54 2) 62.1 3) 57.5 4) 81


63. What would be the correct minimum size of the equipment grounding conductor for a circuit protected with dual element fuses, given; -Load of 2 HP single-phase motor -Source voltage of 120 volts 1) 12 AWG 2) 10 AWG 3) 8 AWG 4) 6 AWG


65. A place of assembly that is fire rated, and can seat more than 100 people, must be wired with which of the following wiring methods? 1) ENT 2) Metal raceway 3) N.M. cable 4) Rigid non-metallic secured to the walls


2. Each service drop, set of overhead service conductors, set of underground service conductors, or service lateral shall supply how many sets of service entrance conductors. 1) 3 2) 2 3) 1 4) None


22. Clearance of open conductors (such as a 240 volt Sign Service) shall be HOW MANY feet over public streets, alleys, roads, parking areas subject to traffic, driveways and other land traversed by vehicles, such as cultivated, grazing, forest, orchard, or over railroad tracks? 1) 24 feet 2) 20 feet 3) 18 feet 4) 15 feet


26. A motor that is continuous duty (operates no stop for 3 or more hours), shall be connected using a minimum size ____ Type SO cord, given the motor is a 2 HP, 208 V, 3-phase motor 1) #18 AWG 2) #14 AWG 3) #16 AWG 4) #12 AWG


37. A 3-phase system serves three separate 1,800VA lighting loads (one on each phase) and a 3-phase, 208V, 7,206VA motor load. What is the line current, in amperes? 1) 15 2) 20 3) 35 4) 43


44. What is the minimum feeder load for 200 feet of multi-outlet strip with appliances used simultaneously? 1) 18,000 VA 2) 24,000 VA 3) 36,000 VA 4) 45,000 VA


51. How many additional cubic inches must be allowed for two clamps in a junction box, given that the wire sizes in the box are 10 AWG, 8 AWG, and 6 AWG? 1) 2 2) 4 3) 5 4) 10


57. For a hermetic refrigerant-motor compressor with a rated load current of 20 amperes, where the branch-circuit protection specified is sufficient for the starting current, the maximum permitted rating for the branch-circuit protective device is ____ amperes. 1) 25 2) 30 3) 35 4) 45


58. Underground service conductors shall have sufficient ampacity to carry the current for the load as calculated in accordance with Article 220 of the NEC, and shall have adequate mechanical strength. Therefore, what is the minimum trade size required for copper underground service conductors? 1) 12 AWG 2) 10 AWG 3) 8 AWG 4) 2 AWG


59. Given: A branch circuit serves a 10-HP, 208-volt, 3-phase squirrel-cage Design-B motor. What is the maximum permitted operational setting of an adjustable inverse-time breaker protecting this branch circuit? (Assume no exceptions are applicable) 1) 30.8 amperes 2) 35.7 amperes 3) 77.0 amperes 4) 92.4 amperes


62. Given: A 3-phase system has a line current of 150 amperes and a line voltage of 208 volts. Determine the total volt-ampere load for the above. 1) 18,000 2) 31,200 3) 54,040 4) 93,600


9. What type of jumper is required for a generator of a separately derived system, either at the generator, or at the first disconnecting means or overcurrent device? 1) Equipment bonding jumper 2) Service bonding jumper 3) System bonding jumper 4) Main bonding jumper


25. Equipment that requires a single phase 240-volt circuit shall be protected by a ____, with identified handle ties, shall be permitted as the protection for each undergrounded conductor of multiwire branch circuits that serve only single-phase line-to-neutral loads. 1) GFCI 2) 3 pole breaker 3) 2 pole breaker 4) AFCI breaker


27. A fuse or an overcurrent trip unit of a circuit breaker shall be connected in series with each ____. 1) Secondary conductors that exceed 10 feet 2) Tap conductors 3) Secondary conductors at the transformer 4) Ungrounded conductor


29. Given that a conductor with without outer covering, and is #14 AWG type RHW, what is the area in square inches? 1) 0.0145 square inches 2) 0.0437 square inches 3) 0.1041 square inches 4) 0.0293 square inches


3. Where corrosion protection is necessary and the RMC conduit is threaded in the field, the threads shall be coated with ____ material compound 1) A grounding 2) A moisture resistant 3) A non-conductive, corrosion-resistant 4) An approved, electrically conductive, and corrosion-resistant


31. Disregarding exceptions, the maximum distance permitted for seven current-carrying cables to be bundled without requiring the ampacity of the conductors to be derated is ____ in 1) 4 2) 6 3) 12 4) 24


4. For a direct burial feeder to a well pump located 50 ft from a dwelling, which of the following wiring methods is permitted? 1) NM cable 2) AC cable 3) TC cable 4) UF cable


49. A bonding jumper not smaller than what trade size copper or equivalent shall be connected between the communications grounding electrode and power grounding electrode system at the building or structure served where separate electrodes are used. 1) 2 AWG 2) 3 AWG 3) 4 AWG 4) 6 AWG


64. In general a single receptacle installed on an individual branch circuit must ____. 1) Be used only in commercial or industrial applications 2) Be of the locking and ground type 3) Have an ampere rating at least equal to that of the total load being served 4) Have an ampere rating of at least equal to that of the branch circuit


7. Locations under: streets, highways, roads, alleys, driveways, and parking lots require a minimum burial depth for PVC of at least ____. 1) 6 inches 2) 12 inches 3) 18 inches 4) 24 inches


8. What is the minimum number of 45-degree bends permitted between junction boxes used for pull-points in a section of EMT without fittings? 1) 4 2) 5 3) 6 4) 8


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