Ethics Final

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Is not an external force that supports counselors practice ethically


School Counselor movement began as a result of

Russian launching of Sputnik

Regarding dual relationships between counselors and clients

There is no consensus among professionals as to which dual relationships are acceptable and which are not

Virtue Ethics Asks

Who should I be

The best evaluator in a child custody evaluation is

a counselor who has no previous information about the family

Sacrificing client autonomy to prevent harm and do good

a counselor who is counseling a client planning a violent act and informs family is

a sliding scale in counseling refers to

a fee structure based on the client's family income and family size

The typical counselor who enters into a sexual relationship with a client is

a professional isolated male counselor who is experiencing distress or crisis in his personal life.

confidentiality is not

absolute and counselors must inform clients at the outset that there are limitations to confidentiality

Counseling a client from a different racial, ethnic, or cultural group counselor's remember that

although groups share similar traits or beliefs, each individual is unique and may not be like others from his or her group

child custody evaluations do not have to be

approved by each of the child's parents

It would be ethically permissible for you to consider entering into a bartering arrangement with a prospective client if

bartering is an acceptable practice among other professionals in your community

counseling aims to help clients

be empowered to problem-solve independently

Nature of professional ethics in counseling

because there are few absolute, right answers to ethical practice questions, consultations with lawyers is important.

A significant problem within the counseling profession today

becoming a united and societally recognized profession

With respect to client's privacy counselors should

carefully explain each possible exception to privacy before beginning counseling

Boundaries serve to protect the welfare of clients because

clients are vulnerable in counseling relationship

The nature of privacy and privileged communication

confidentiality is an ethical issue and privileged communication is a legal issue

when uncertain about privileged status requested through a subpoena counselors should

consult an attorney

when faced with issues such as abortion, assisted suicide, interracial marriage, premarital sex, or sexual identity

counselors must examine their own values regarding these issues to ensure they can provide counseling services without allowing own beliefs to interfere

when involuntary clients are required to waive privacy

counselors should carefully explain the limits of client privacy within counseling relationship

Because of emergencies between counseling sessions

counselors should instruct clients to call 24 hour mental health hot line or report to emergency room

graduate degree programs in counseling do not

eliminate from graduate programs students who have emotional issues

The primary purpose of diagnosis is to

facilitate effective treatment

licensure ensures that practitioners are competent to do what their licenses permit them to do


when counseling clients with disabilities counselors should

focus on the clients' strengths rather than limitations

in the event a counselor has a client with a large bill for services that is several months late, the counselor should

forget the bill and take steps in the future to prevent these bills from developing

NOT a step suggested when open a private counseling practice

form a corporation, because it is the only way to protect your personal assets

primary goal of counseling

help clients accomplish wellness

distressed or burnout counselors are referred as

impaired counselors

when a gay or lesbian client has been illegally discriminated against a counselor should

inform the client that perhaps he or she should seek legal advice

malpractice is a type of civil lawsuit that can be filed against a counseling professional for practicing in a manner that leads to

injury to a recipient of their services

when making ethical decision do not

involve the clients family in the process

The only dual relationships that are prohibited by the ACA Code of Ethics are those

involving a sexual relationship between the client and the counselor


is primarily an ethical concept that refers to the counselors obligation to respect the clients privacy.

Counselors Confidentiality Pledge

is the cornerstone on which trust is built in the counseling relationship

privileged communication

is the narrowest to the 3 concepts the others being privacy and confidentiality. Is a legal concept that states that a judge can't order information that has been recognized by law a privileged to be revealed in court

proper maintenance of test security by counselors does not include

letting clients take test home to complete

In order to practice autonomously counselors must

limit themselves to practicing within the areas in which they are competent

A counselor's self-disclosure in a counseling session

may be acceptable if the counselor believes the disclosure will benefit the client.

respect for autonomy and fidelity

moral principles in which confidentiality rests

when a counselor must render a DSM-IV-TR diagnosis before a client may be reimbursed for mental health care services, the counselor

must render the proper diagnosis, whether or not the client will be reimbursed.

breaches of client confidentiality by counselors

occur rarely, and when they do occur usually are inadvertent

the attorney for the other side will minimize the the impact of an expert witness but will not

offer the counselor more money to not testify

Not a standard step toward professionalism

offering services identical to services in similar professions

confidentiality and privileged communication arise from

our societal belief that individuals have a right to privacy

At a fundamental level code of ethics

protect and promote the welfare of the client

privileged communication statues

protect clients from having confidential communication with counselors disclosed in court without permission

Because of a fiduciary relationship with clients counselors must

protect the best interests of their clients and not benefit inappropriately from the counselor-client relationship


refers to the rights of persons to decide what information about themselves will be shared with or withheld from others. The broadest of 3 concepts of privacy, confidentiality, and privileged communication.

a behavior that would constitute insubordination

refusing to carry out a directive of your immediate supervisor that does not violate any laws or company policies


requires members of a profession to sign up with the gov't if they practice the profession in the state, but anyone may sign the registry without a review of credentials

When counseling clients who have been sexually exploited by a previous mental health professional, counselors should

respect the clients decision to take action or not to take action against the offending professional

Friendships with former clients

should be avoided because they could be considered unethical by some

counselors who hug their clients

should be cautious and ensure the client is comfortable with the touching

To be a culturally sensitive counselor, when a client from a different culture offers a counselor a gift, the counselor

should evaluate the meaning the client attaches to the offering of the gift.

Because counselors mostly come from middle class background, they

should remain aware of personal relationships and rapport building while addressing social and economic issues that affect the client

if a counselor were to purposefully make false oral statements that damaged the reputation of another mental health professional, the counselor could be sued for


counselors should understand problems and issues experienced by women except for

tendency to be passive aggressive

It is not ethically permissible to terminate counseling because of

the client experiencing a crisis

when a counselor is asked to disclose privileged information and client can't be located the obligation to assert privilege rests on

the counselor

Most important resource for counselors learning about different racial, cultural, or ethnic groups

their clients

when counselors share confidential information with other professionals they should first get client permission


if you believe your supervisor at your work setting is forcing you to act in what you consider to be an unethical manner, you should

try to work with your supervisor to resolve the problem.

A southeast Asian client refuses to seek police assistance after being a victim of a crime, the counselor should

understand negative feelings client may have toward police due to police oppression in native country

the testimony of expert witnesses

usually supports one side in a legal controversy and damages the position of the other side

practice from a developmental perspective

view problems people encounter a natural and normal

principle ethics asks

what should I do

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