Electronics Test Chapter 15 and more

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In a pure inductive circuit, current lags voltage by ____ degrees


The unit of inductance is the _____


The total current limiting effect is called??


The number of cycles completed in a second is called a


What is the unit for capacitive reactance?


Dividing a circuit's total applied voltage by the total impedance results in the total


In an RLC series circuit, rhe point at which Xl and Xc are equal is called ______


What letter symbolizes the farad?


Frequency is measured in.....


When a magnetic field continually changes magnitude and direction, a voltage is continually being induced in the coil. This voltage is called __ voltage.


Circuits are generally considered to contain ____ when any type of load that contains a coil is used


The square root of the mean of the square of the instantaneous currents is known as the.....

RMS or effective value

The current limiting property of an inductor is called _______


What type of load contains pure resistance?

Resistive load

If a AC waveform is rectified and converted to DC, the resulting waveform is normally not pure. It is called the......

Ripple or pulsating DC

Rotary machines normally produce a waveform called ________ waves


What is the most common of all wave forms?

Sine waves

The ______ effect occurs when AC induces eddy currents into the conductor, which cause the electrons to be repelled toward the outer surface of the conductor.


To help overcome the problem of skin effect in high frequency circuits, conductors with a large amount of _____ must be used

Surface area

Because inductive reactance and capacitive reactance are ______ degrees out of phase with each other, they subtract from each other in an AC circuit


Variable capacitors normally have a dielectric of _____


Each complete wave form of 360 degrees is called a


A term used to indicate the same value as the RMS value is the....

Effective value

What is the basic unit of capacitance


The symbol XL stands for??

Inductive reactance

In a pure capacitive circuit, the current _____ the applied voltage by _______

Leads, 90 degrees

When current rises and falls at the same rate as the voltage and reverses the direction of flow when the voltage reverses polarity, the current is said to be _____ with the voltage.


*A capacitor is constructed by separating two metal conductors known as ______ with an insulating material known as _____

Plate, dielectric

What type of AC waveform features voltage rising rate with respect to time?

Triangle wave

In a DC circuit, the product of volts times the amperes the called the _______ power


Increasing the surface are of the plates will cause the capacitance of a capacitor to _______

Up or increase

What is the unit of measure for the power delivered to the load in a DC circuit?


The symbol for reactance is??


What is the symbol for capacitive reactance


The amplitude of a waveform from.....

Zero to highest value

Square waves are generally produced by electronic devices called _____.


The maximum point of a waveform is called the _____.


What is a device that opposes a change of voltage


Which one can be transformed, AC or DC?


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