Embargo Act of 1807

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1803- war between Britian (England) and France U.S.- claimed neutrality and traded with both nations — Both France and Britain tried to stop US from trading with other side by seizing ships — British Impressed U.S. sailors and firced them to serve on British ships needed to fight the French • — U.S. upset but tried to remain neutral because U.S. nay no match to British navy


Jefferson persuaded Congress to pass Embargo Act- Forbid Americans to import and export goods • Hoped to hurt Britain and France by cutting off trade and protect American shapes from attack


• Hurt U.S. trade — dropped imports (tea, sugar) — unemployment (merchants, sailors, dock workers, farmers) • Merchants protested • New England merchants smuggled goods A• Jefferson- used federal troops and navy to enforce law • 1809- Jefferson replaces Act with Nonintercourse Act- trade with all EXCEPT Britain and France

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